The edge of pure land

Chapter 392 What a bad woman!

Jose was in a very bad mood, mainly because he had been working day and night recently. He took a Quinjet to the ruins of the city early in the morning to lay out the matrix of the Watcher's Lighthouse.

This ruin is located at the former site of the tourist city of Luxor. After five hundred years of exposure to wind and sun, no trace of the past can be seen. However, there are still many buildings left over from that time that can be used as basic infrastructure. The foundation is used to lay out the alchemical matrix.

Although this place has been shrouded by the fragments of General Yuan Rong's kingdom, the power of divine magic is still needed to build a barrier, otherwise the corruption virus will be annihilated and people will be burned to death.

Of course, there is another very important reason.

That's the group of garbage evolvers at the third site.

"Thank you for your hard work, and we must be treated very seriously during extraordinary times. We still need to stay together for a while and work hard for the safety of this shelter." He Sai bowed to his colleagues. During this period, he was no longer under Wu Xia. Amon is quite dignified in the team of mechanics.


The mechanics dragged their tired bodies and shouted in response.

Everyone is disgraced, like a group of people working on infrastructure construction.

Just when He Sai was thinking about taking his brothers back to have a rest, he heard quarreling in the ruins. The voice seemed to be that of a Korean man, who was shouting bird language.

"Ah Xiba, isn't your Human Watch Army here to protect us? Then go and rescue us quickly! My companion is still trapped in the Land of the Fallen Dragon, and all the trophies of the entire organization are in his hands! Don't you How can our organization continue to operate if we go to the rescue?”

I saw a Korean with dyed blond hair grabbing a very familiar soldier and said arrogantly: "What are you doing standing still? Go and save people!"

The soldier did not take a step back and tried his best to dissuade: "Please calm down. The situation in the Land of the Fallen Dragon is very complicated. Even the human watch army cannot enter. Now please keep your voice down and don't disturb the patient's rest. Our medical care The staff are still trying their best..."


The Korean shook it hard.

I happened to accidentally bump into a young nurse, and her cart flipped over.

The little nurse screamed and hurriedly picked up these precious medicines. After careful inspection, she found that the medicine bottles were not damaged, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, many people in the tent noticed the movement here, but every military doctor here was well-trained. They just frowned and continued to diagnose and treat patients without being disturbed.

The injuries of every patient here cannot be underestimated.

Must be carefully checked.

No one infected with the disease must be left out.

"Don't you have those super evolved people in the Human Watch Army? Let them go! Where is the Holy High Priest? Why don't you go and let her..." The Korean did not apologize at all after bumping into the little nurse, but became even more aggressive. Yelled.

As soon as he yelled, he was hit hard on the forehead by a mechanical arm!


The Korean fell to the ground with a bloody head.

"Fuck you, where do you have the face to ask my sister-in-law to save you?" The mechanical arm behind He Sai opened up and punched him in the face. The punch hit his flesh and was quite bloody.

"Listen to me, no one forced you to come in, you came in for profit. You are not heroes, you are just a group of speculators. The Human Watch Army has an obligation to protect you, but it has no obligation to die for you. If you don't Greedy, you won’t be trapped here. If you listen to the advice and don’t enter the Land of the Fallen Dragon, your companions won’t be trapped either!”

Jose grabbed his collar, looked at his bloody face, and sighed fiercely: "I already have brothers who died because of you, and I don't want to lose more brothers. Now, please be honest with me Shut up, I will kill anyone who dares to disturb the order here."

He paused: "Don't think that everyone here is good-tempered. This means that my Brother Lu is not here... If he were here, your head would have been screwed off!"

With a bang, the Korean guy was thrown into the corner like garbage.

Jose turned around and looked at the sick and injured coldly.

No one dared to look at him.

He Sai was very angry today because he was unhappy.

During the process of building the Watcher's Lighthouse today, one of his mechanics was attacked by a White Walker in the sand. Half of his body was bitten off and he died completely.

He Sai is the team leader and he remembers the names of all his subordinates.

That man's name was Lu Shoucheng, an honest country boy who had just passed the machinist exam three years ago. He also had an elderly father and younger brother in the country, and his family was counting on him.

The result was just gone.

Why, it’s such a bunch of rubbish.

Jose felt very angry. He also learned that the animals, plants and water sources at the third site were corrupted and polluted. The human watchmen who silently dedicated themselves to the world had to frugally save money and even be reluctant to use medicine when they were injured. Extra resources should be spent to save this garbage.


"Don't let me see this happen again."

He Sai knew that only violence could suppress these unruly people: "The safe haven of the Heavenly Man Organization will not take you in. Only the shelter here can allow you to survive. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving only the wounded and sick looking at each other.

But before he took two steps, he was stopped by the soldier.

"He Sai."

The soldier touched his face.

He Sai turned around and said, "Officer An? Why are you like this?"

This soldier was Amber. He couldn't recognize him because of the long exposure to wind and sun and the dirt on his face. His voice also became hoarse and full of exhaustion.

Jose quickly opened a bottle of water for him, but was rejected.

"It's okay. I know resources are in short supply recently. Keep it for yourself. You are more useful than me."

Amber patted him on the shoulder and her tone was as gentle as ever: "It can be seen that he has grown up a lot recently, and he has also learned to be a good person."

He Sai was silent for a moment and shook his head: "Brother Lu is not here, so you have to learn to do something by yourself. This group of people... don't suppress them with violence, they really need to be lawless."

Amber saw that he was a little angry, but she didn't know how to persuade him, because there are always such thorns in this shelter. The Korean guy just now was actually easy to deal with, and there were some others with a little background. , is really difficult to deal with.

"How's the deer?"

He could only change the topic.

"I don't know, Brother Lu is in the base of Tianren Organization."

He Sai shook his head, led him away and said: "I heard from my sister-in-law that he seems to be a little abnormal recently. Maybe he encountered something and was a little stressed. I wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do, so I couldn't. Studying weapons day and night... Now it's better, I don't even have time to study weapons, so I'm here to serve these bastards. "

Amber followed him and suddenly saw a patient in a tent starting to vomit blood. The doctor in charge of first aid was startled and he hurriedly rummaged through his medical kit.

At that moment, a black child reached into the medical kit.

Before Amber could stop him, He Sai went up and kicked him to the ground.

Black children are as slippery as monkeys, turning and running.

"This damn kid."

He Sai complained: "There is no mother to raise you."

Simple bad breath, ultimate enjoyment.

Amber actually feels that some children here are of poor quality, mainly because they have been brought up by adults. Parents want medicines, so they encourage their children to steal them.

But the black children here obviously don’t have parents.

Most likely a member of an evolutionary organization.

In the past two days, He Sai's anger has become more and more intense, and he has a natural prejudice against these evolved people. This is not a good thing in his opinion.

Before Jose could take another two steps, someone pulled at the corner of his clothes.

"There is no food, water, or medicine, so we have to queue up to get it!"

He Sai has long been used to it and never looks back.

When I first arrived in Egypt, I would ask passers-by: "one dollar."

There is a similar situation now

It's just that it's not money, but supplies.

Amber hesitated to speak.

Unexpectedly, the corner of He Sai's clothes was pulled again.

"I told you I don't have anything for you, are you bothered?"

He turned around and shouted.

This time, the little girl behind him was frightened.

It was a little Arab girl. She shrank her neck like a frightened little rabbit and said softly: "I, I'm not..."

He Sai said impatiently: "Don't disturb the order of public officials, do you understand..."

His words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak anymore.

Because the little Arab girl actually took out a pair of boots from behind.

He Sai lowered his head and realized that his boots were worn out and his two bloody toes were exposed. His numerology without attributes destined him not to go very far on the road of evolution in this life, and his physical fitness was also poor. Just a little stronger than ordinary people.

The long hours of work had worn out his boots, but he didn't even notice.

"This kid's name is Afifa, from the Red Rose Organization in Bulgaria. Since the third site was closed, they have provided a lot of intelligence to the military, they have also stored some supplies themselves, and they are here as volunteers." Amber said The side sighed.

He Sai's voice was stuck in his throat, and he was a little at a loss: "Yes, right..."

Afeifa shook her head obediently. She didn't speak Chinese very well, but she just stumbled and said: "Brother's good friend... saved us."

He Sai was stunned for a moment: "Brother Lu?"

Afifa made gestures and said softly: "Brother, can you come with us? Our leader has something to say to you. Are the supplies here starting to be in short supply? We have very important information, but Can’t say that here.”

Amber turned and looked at the young man aside.

He Sai hesitated, looked at this little girl, and moved his lips.

The apology in his eyes became even stronger.

In a tent across the road, Lianhua bandaged the right leg of an elderly veteran and said softly: "Although I lost a leg, the rescue was timely and my life was saved. During this time, you should take a rest." Come on, stop worrying about these things."

It was an elderly Egyptian veteran. He said with a trace of sincere apology: "Sorry, I really caused trouble to you. It's just that my son entered the Land of the Meteor Dragon, and I really couldn't worry about him, so I Come to him..."

The veteran had previously been gathering intelligence on the edge of the penalty area.

"I know."

Lianhua said softly: "Please pay attention to rest."

"You too."

The veteran stuffed a portion of military rations and drinking water into her medical kit.

Lianhua was slightly startled.

"One meal a day is enough for me."

The veteran apologized: "You are the one who needs it."

Lianhua was silent for a second. In fact, she had thought about giving up on the people here not long ago, but now she felt a trace of guilt in her heart. Although most of these evolvers put themselves in danger because of greed. It's a difficult situation, but there are also some very kind people.

This is a game that Omega and the Corrupted Death play with humans.

If we really give up on them, does that mean the gods have won?

Lianhua doesn’t know either.

What she can do is to stabilize the situation at the third site on a strategic level, and then try her best to help the people here as a little nun in the sacrificial hall.

At this moment, Chu He, who had been busy, came over with a pile of documents and whispered: "Teacher, you are here, something happened in Area 2. Ye Zilin and Si Yixian were both We've already rushed over, but we still don't have enough manpower. It would be great if Junior Sister was here, her ability can help us save a lot of resources."

Lianhua raised her clear and cold eyes, glanced at him with a pure white corner of her eyes, and said calmly: "Xiaoxian is helping his brother now. If we don't solve the ultimate problem here, everyone will die. What we are doing now, It’s just trying to stabilize the situation.”

After hearing this, Chu He no longer mentioned the junior sister's matter, but reported: "I have already made a preliminary conclusion about the dark matter infection syndrome. First of all, 99% of the patients and wounded here are It’s already infected. It’s just that some people have a faster onset and some have a slower onset. I don’t know what the specific reason is, but there is this difference.”

He emphasized: "Secondly, this infection can be detected through technical means. However, Dark Matter Infection Syndrome is the method used by the White Walkers to transform into human bodies. Once the transformation is truly completed, we will use technical means to detect it. It can’t be detected.”

Lian Hua narrowed her beautiful eyes: "You mean, if someone completes the transformation without being observed, then we won't be able to tell whether he is a human or a ghost?"

"Theoretically, this is true. The human body only reveals the characteristics of the White Walkers as it slowly grows. For example, Gong Yu, he looked like a normal human before, but it was only after many years that he revealed the characteristics of the White Walkers. A face that is mostly rotten."

Chu Han snorted: "Including Long Ling, the God of Origin, so far she has not shown any characteristics of a god. From the appearance, Long Ling has always been a normal human being. We don't know what the Holy Cult of Akasha used in the first place. The method is locked to the human body, but even their method must require a long period of observation before drawing a conclusion."

After hearing this, Lianhua pondered for a moment, then raised her cold beautiful eyes: "I understand. Just now you said that there was a situation in Area 2. What exactly happened?"

Chu He suddenly looked serious.

"Our people seem to be infected."



At dawn, Lu Fuji took a nap in his attic, finally relieving himself from the fatigue of the whole day and the consumption of the high-intensity operation of the Divine Ember Technique.

During this time, he was really tired.

When he woke up, there was a sweet smell on his lips.

Deja vu.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a small face carved from ice.

Xiaoxian put her green-white finger to his lips.

Her fingertips had already been scratched by her.


Lu Fuji felt the fresh breath washing through his body, and he suddenly felt refreshed: "I told you not to use this ability on me. I keep you by my side as a sister, not a tool. . It’s like I’m a vampire.”

Xiaoxian said seriously: "Brother, I have grown up."

Lu Fuji raised his eyebrows: "Where is the big one?"

Xiaoxian still looks like a stunted girl. Although her diet and daily life have been well taken care of in the past six months, she still looks like a thin paper figure.

"Using this ability now won't cost me anything."

Xiaoxian explained expressionlessly: "And my brother is very tired."

Lu Fuji got up from the bed. When he came back yesterday, he took a shower and fell asleep. At this moment, he was naked, but fortunately the quilt was still tight.

Only then did he remember that he had no change of clothes.

Xiaoxian still handed him a pile of washed clothes expressionlessly.

"Did you wash it?"

Lu Fuji was a little surprised.

Xiaoxian hummed.

Lu Fuji was silent for a second, then raised his hand to rub her hair.

It's like petting a cat at home.

Xiaoxian enjoyed it meekly.

"Turn around."

Lu Buer pointed at the wall.

Xiaoxian turned around with a straight face, listened to the rustling sound of him getting dressed, and said softly: "Brother, there is an old man outside who has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Buer raised his eyebrows, put on his clothes and got out of bed and started to wash up. He was not worried about the bad woman because the dark matter was always by her side.

Real-time feedback on any situation.

But he still planned to go over and see for himself later.

To save that woman from being unhappy.

He knew very well what kind of temper Chen Jing had.

If she keeps using the dark matter body to meet her, she will really think that she is a mistress. Although she doesn't say anything on her lips, she will feel aggrieved in her heart, and then she will gradually develop an inferiority complex.

Of course, Lu Fuji used the dark matter body to save her before because he had no choice. After all, so many elders from the Tianren organization were watching him. Of course he would go there in person if he could.

After all, you can hug her or even kiss her if you go in person.

The beauty of a bad woman is definitely a pleasure.

And Lu Fuji had to admit it.

Now in his heart, both women are equal.

He wanted both and neither wanted to give up.

But this is difficult.

After Lu Fuji finished washing, he picked up the wooden knife and pushed the door open. He saw the white-haired old prophet standing in the corridor. He had obviously been waiting here for a long time.

"Mr. Deer."

The old prophet saluted respectfully.

Lu Buer had been introduced to him by a bad woman before. This old prophet had a very high status in the organization. He came to see him with such a low eyebrow, and it seemed like he had something to ask for.

"What's wrong? Has anyone died due to the epidemic? If you need me to resurrect someone through the Creation Ceremony, then let Master Jiejie or a senior elder come to negotiate terms with me in person. You can't make the decision yet." Lu. Fuji stretched and stood in front of the railing of the corridor, admiring the scenery in the courtyard. On the opposite side, he could see the magnificent scenery of the Nile River, which was pleasing to the eye.

This is a clear humiliation.

Unexpectedly, the old prophet was not angry at all, and said politely: "That's not the case yet. Mr. Lu's damage to the Tree of Life yesterday was not as serious as the last time, but the energy of the Divine Ember is still gradually eating away at and destroying the structure of the Divine Tree. At present, , The Sun God Matrix is ​​shrinking. It is still safe in this haven, but if you go out even one kilometer, you will lose your shelter."

Lu Fuji was unmoved: "What then?"

The old prophet said shamelessly: "We would like to ask you to repair the Tree of Life immediately. After all, once the Sun God Matrix collapses, you and your companions will also be threatened."

Lu Buer snorted, shrugged and said: "I have the Divine Ember Technique to protect my body, so the disease cannot infect me. As for Ai Yue and Yuan Qing, they are sleeping holding the Eye of Horus. I have to say, Heavenly Beings The sacred objects left by the organization are quite useful, don’t you think?”

When he said this, his expression was a little strange.

Because it reminds me of the scene of Ai Yue and Yuan Qing sleeping together.


A little exciting.

"As for Xiaoxian, just stay with me."

Lu Fuji asked: "Who will be in trouble?"

The old prophet hesitated to speak: "Of course it's Miss Chen."

Lu Buer said expressionlessly: "My dark matter body is with her. As long as you can cure her, of course she will be fine. As for the life and death of other people, it has nothing to do with me. You won't really Do you think I have any affection for the Celestial Being Organization?"

He looked at the sculptures of past leaders with dull eyes: "My father's sculpture is still hanging there. The reason why I stay here is, in a sense, for the overall situation. Of course, the most important reason is, Or because of Chen Jing.”

"Yes, yes, we understand."

The old prophet took a deep breath and apologized: "After all, we did not do well in this matter. We did not protect Miss Chen. We apologize to you."

Lu Fuji glanced at him: "Can you represent them?"

The old prophet smiled and said: "This is also what the senior officials meant."

"Which senior executives?"

"The leaders, and the elders."

"Why don't they come?"

The old prophet was speechless for a moment.

Those people are all big shots and seniors.

I came to apologize to you in person, what's going on?

"It seems it still doesn't hurt enough."

Lu Buer commented: "What's the saying? It's not that you know you are wrong, but you are afraid. In fact, I really want to see what kind of monster the gods will become after the corruption virus invades. How about you Go get an infected celestial being and show him to me? "

The old prophet smiled awkwardly but politely: "You really know how to joke."

Lu Fuji looked at him calmly: "I'm not kidding you."

The old prophet is about to collapse. Who the hell is this person?

He could only express some kindness as much as possible: "Calm down, Elder Helmut has been taken away for investigation. We have probably guessed his behavior. Elder Helmut is the backbone of the Heavenly Punishment Sect. , mainly to serve the second elder.”

Lu Fuji thoughtfully said: "Then let the second elder come to apologize."

The old prophet's blood pressure soared.

What a person the second elder is!

"Listen to me first."

The old prophet said patiently: "The reason why Elder Helmut targeted Miss Chen in this way may be because he wanted to pave the way for the descendants of the second elder."

Lu Fuji raised his eyebrows: "Descendants of the second elder?"

Seeing his interest, the old prophet finally saw the glimmer of hope and hurriedly said: "Selena, the third heir in line, the direct descendant of the second senator."

Lu Buer frowned: "The third pick, competing with the first pick is nothing, are you sick?"

As we all know, the third should compete with the second.

Why compete with first place?

"This is like this, because Serena is still dormant. It does not mean that she is not qualified to compete for the first place. The current second pick is Lu Xinzhi."

The old prophet explained.

Lu Fuji thought of the person who looked somewhat similar to himself.

"What does this person have to do with my parents?"

he asked.

The old prophet hesitated for a moment: "The child was picked up by your parents back then. Then...something happened and he died soon. As a last resort, he underwent genetic optimization, which made him look a bit similar to you. It's just that he looked a bit similar to you. For some reason that I am not sure about, I am now loyal to the faction of the Second Elder. This is what I told you secretly, please do not spread it outside."

He added: "Currently, the Tianren Organization attaches great importance to this matter, and the three giants have also held a meeting. The result of handling Helmut will definitely satisfy you. We also guarantee that we will put an end to this kind of thing situation, so that Ms. Chen’s safety can be guaranteed.”

Lu Fuji shrugged: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

The old prophet was stunned.

Lu Fuji said with a smile: "What's the use of painting a cake? Since it is still under investigation, let's check it first. The Tree of Life is not in a hurry to repair it. We will wait until we have the results."

Now after this series of events, he can finally see it.

Omega's followers are not that easy to deal with.

Only by making the situation within the Tianren organization chaotic can we fish in troubled waters.

"Thank you for the information, let's go."

Lu Buer waved his hand, turned and left.

The old prophet was anxious: "Hey! Mr. Deer, Mr. Deer!"

Why is this person like this!



In the intensive care unit, Chen Jing was lying on the bed and sleeping, her long and curled eyelashes trembling slightly like a butterfly that was unable to break out of its cocoon, and her breathing was even and long.

There are no guards in the ward.

The devas responsible for guarding were all standing in a row in the corridor.

Only the Golden God of War was in the ward, like a sculpture of a demon.

After a long time, He opened his cool eyes and made a hoarse voice: "Okay, stop pretending. I knew you were still awake yesterday, and you are still pretending now."

Chen Jing ignored him at all.

Until a series of sounds sounded outside the ward.

"Mr. Deer."

Chen Jing heard the sound of pushing the door, and finally opened her beautiful eyes. The deep eyes were like the lake illuminated by fireworks, and she suddenly had a moving look.

Lu Fuji's journey to the ward was smooth. After all, the tree of life would collapse soon, and no one in heaven would offend him at this time.

He has been guided by heavenly beings along the way, for fear that he might feel unhappy somewhere.

"The main body is here."

Lu Fuji brought some breakfast and put it on the cabinet next to the hospital bed. He said angrily: "I brought you dough sticks, soy milk, and tea eggs. Get up quickly."

"This seems to be the first time you have brought me breakfast." A smile flashed in Chen Jing's charming eyes. Just as he was about to get up, he felt a little uncomfortable and pursed his lower lip.

Lu Buer's heart twitched when he saw it. He quickly held her back with his eyes and his hands, sighed and said: "Forget it, just lie down like this and feed you."

Chen Jing leaned in his arms, her red lips curled up in a proud arc, like a little fox who had stolen a grape: "Who said you were straight before? Aren't you quite good at it?"

Lu Fuji smelled the rose fragrance in the girl's hair, and his right hand holding her back moved unconsciously. Wearing only a thin hospital gown, she was so soft, like a piece of nephrite.

When you rub your right hand, you can even feel the bra strap.

Anyone who often unbuttons his girlfriend knows that this level of intimate contact is the best time, and the other party may not necessarily refuse, and most likely will acquiesce.

After all, even Lianhua is not very resistant to this kind of contact now.

What's more, the more bold Chen Jing.

When Chen Jing noticed his little movement, she just snorted softly, twisted her delicate body in cooperation, found a better angle for him, turned around and stared at his face.


she said coquettishly.

Lu Fuji stuffed half of a fried dough stick into her mouth.

There was a click.

Chen Jing bit off the fried dough stick.

This momentum startled Lu Fuji, and the right hand that slid down to her waist also trembled.

"That's all you have the courage to do?"

Chen Jing hummed: "Do you dare to reach in and touch it?"

"You dare, but it doesn't seem very good to treat a patient like this."

Lu Bu Er said this, but when he saw the girl in his arms looking up at him, her dark red hair was playfully scattered on her forehead, and her vaguely covered eyes seemed to be filled with a layer of confused mist. , you can also see the long and curled eyelashes trembling slightly, and the red lips are crystal clear.

And because the distance was too close, her fair and delicate collarbone was completely exposed to him, and below it was a heart-stopping whiteness.

Chen Jing doesn't mind being in close contact with him.

She likes him anyway.

See what you need to see, and touch what you need to touch.

Kiss whoever needs to be kissed.

Especially, this girl belongs to you.

Completely yours.

In a daze, he thought about the meeting in the villa of Banyue Manor. That time he pressed her under him and used electric current to make her make indescribable sounds...

Lu Fuji felt a little over the top, so he restrained himself and said: "Ahem, after all, you are not like before now. Once your immortal body collapses, you will not be so strong."

"Who would use the word strong to describe a girl?"

Chen Jing rolled her eyes charmingly: "You can't use electricity anymore, right?"

Once again, Lu Fujiu saw through her thoughts and could only change the subject awkwardly: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Are you still eating?"

"I won't eat, I have no appetite."

Chen Jing's fair cheeks flushed.

Even if she wanted to eat, she couldn't.

Because Lu Buer's right hand really lifted her hospital gown, wandered on her delicate and smooth waistline, unconsciously slid up, and faintly touched the restricted area.

In fact, they had many opportunities for close contact during that escape.

But they didn't confirm their relationship at that time.

Now that they have experienced life and death, neither of them wants to leave each other again.

After the reunion by chance, there is no good opportunity to get close.

Now Chen Jing is poisoned and can only lie in the ward, but he has a rare opportunity.


Chen Jing muttered softly.


Lu Buer said with a straight face: "When I was fleeing, who seduced me all the way?"

Chen Jing glared at him: "I didn't see you fall for it."

Lu Buer argued: "You were half dead at the time, who would have the mood. Besides, what was our relationship at the time? I am very principled."

Chen Jing stared into his eyes: "So what are you doing now?"

Lu Buer was silent for a second and hugged her a little tighter.

Although he didn't say anything, the bad woman knew his intentions.

Lu Buer wanted to express only one sentence.

Because now you belong to me.

Chen Jing liked to be controlled by him and surrounded by his breath. She squinted her beautiful eyes with enjoyment. Even though she was constantly invaded by him, her body was only slightly stiff, and she didn't refuse.

The stiffness appeared because it was the first time she was controlled so wantonly by someone.

But this reaction did not mean resistance.

On the contrary, she liked it very much.

"When we first met in Linhai, you were just a soldier."

Chen Jing leaned on his shoulder, and a teasing smile appeared in his deep and quiet eyes: "At that time, I didn't expect that I would be bullied by you like this one day."

"Don't you like being bullied?"

Lu Buer said seriously: "My mother-in-law said so."

In fact, he didn't expect that the bad woman who was famous in the extraordinary world would be so tame in his arms one day, like a little fox that could be kneaded by anyone.

Chen Jing glared at him: "Don't say it."

She didn't really hide her special hobby.

But it was too disrespectful to say it directly.

"You can bully me, but you have to be nice to me."

Chen Jing raised her beautiful eyes and looked at him faintly: "You are busy during this period, I can understand. But after this matter is over, you have to give me some time."

Damn it.

At this time, Lu Buer remembered that he had promised his wife before.

When all this is over, take her to travel near the Red Sea.

Now, both the wife and the lover have the same need.

Lu Buer deeply realized that time was running out.

It seems that time management is indeed a science.

However, at this time, Lu Buer would certainly not refuse, but said: "Okay, it just so happens that I don't plan to let you continue to stay in the Tianren Organization."

Chen Jing didn't mind following him to fly away, but although she had eloped once before, this time was still a little different. She tentatively said: "In fact, the teacher is still very good to me. She was busy all night for my affairs yesterday. Although this confinement trial is very dangerous, if it weren't for getting the information, I wouldn't be forced into a desperate situation."

She suddenly thought of something: "By the way, they didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Lu Buer shrugged: "Now I am their living father."

When facing unreasonable people, the weaker you are, the more you will be bullied.

On the contrary, if you stand up, the other party will be afraid.

The Tianren Organization belongs to this category.

If you can't master the Shenjin technique, you are just a paper tiger after all.

"As long as your body doesn't recover, I won't help them repair the Tree of Life."

Lu Buer said lightly: "This can also be considered a punishment."

Chen Jing's eyes were full of longing. This was the man she liked.

If it were someone else, who could do this?

"As expected of Boss Lu, he is tall and hard."

She said with a wicked sarcasm.

"That's good to know. Get well soon."

Lu Buer also started to act mean: "Then come and serve me in bed."

Chen Jing continued to be sarcastic: "Don't you still have two maids?"

Lu Buer said with a dark face: "That's enough."

"I know, Boss Lu. Lovers can't be jealous."

Chen Jing pretended to be weak: "Then I will get well soon, then wash myself clean, put on JK and black stockings, and handcuff myself to the head of the bed..."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Finally, Lu Buer couldn't hold it anymore: "Walls have ears."

Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him: "Boring."

Lu Buer thought this woman was really mean, and turned to business: "Just now, the old prophet came to me and hoped that I could help restore the Tree of Life and restart the Sun God Matrix. I didn't agree, but I got some words from him. I heard that your position in this organization is a bit unstable. Do you need me to help you kill all other competitors to eliminate future troubles?"

Chen Jing said in surprise: "Aren't you going to take me away?"

Lu Fuji was silent for a second and sighed: "I can't really regard you as my lover, regardless of your wishes, right? You should have your own life, your own life. Although I have thought about taking you Take me away, but I don’t want you to really get out of here. Master Miejie is really nice to you, although I don’t like her. I think she is a snobbery.”

He said helplessly: "But she is really interested in you, and I can see it. Yesterday, when I scolded her like this, she didn't say a word. Medanzo said that her previous temper was no better than that of her original family. Xiao. What's more, Lianhua has her own value, and you should too. What I said about leaving is just to leave temporarily and go back to see my mother-in-law and so on..."

Chen Jing stared at the big boy in silence.

Suddenly I realized that he had really grown up.

He is no longer the young boy from Linhai.

I will consider it for her.

Compromise for her, sacrifice for her.

Although she did not have a legitimate identity for the time being, Chen Jing did feel the feeling of being loved, so she gently raised her head and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I'll listen to you whatever you want."

She breathed softly into his ear, her voice moist and charming: "But what I just said after taking good care of your body is true."

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