The edge of pure land

Chapter 397 Dragon Roar and Thunder

At 1:45 in the morning, the light of the Watcher Lighthouse flickered in the darkness. The repeated interweaving of light and darkness reflected He Sai's pale face.

The girl's face flashed on the projection screen, just like the face of a female ghost when looking in the mirror in the middle of the night. The sudden horror made him sober up a little, just like someone poured a basin of cold water on his head, and the muddled feeling disappeared a little.

He began to wonder if he was too impulsive. He couldn't help rubbing his eyes and staring at the projection screen, and quickly began to enter the code to operate.

As a qualified mechanic, programming is also a required course.

The system is being upgraded.

The girl's face seemed like an illusion.

The muddled feeling came again, and his obsession became heavier and heavier. After confirming that there was no problem, he left the rooftop and returned to the camp.

Within a minute after He Sai left, the projection screen of the Watcher Lighthouse actually lit up again, and the model of the guardian barrier was deconstructed and reorganized, quietly opening a gap.

Next, the entire barrier was quickly stained with a strange black color.

It was like the tide was flooding the beach.

The faint light illuminated the medical tent in the camp. Someone opened his eyes at this moment, swallowed a drop of bright red blood silently, and then propped up his body.

He lay on the stretcher, lowered his head and stroked his body, with a strange smile on his lips: "After so many years, I once again returned to this world as a human being. I really miss it... Although this body is still a little weak."

This is one of the wounded who just entered the camp, a senior officer in the military.

"As long as they can adapt, it's fine."

Another person said behind him: "You have to be careful, humans have mastered the method of identifying human bodies. Not to mention the far, he... has mastered the art of divine embers. Even the protection of the secret blood cannot protect you 100%."

When mentioning that person, a trace of strong fear appeared on the face of the officer, and he comforted himself: "It doesn't matter, now is different from the past, he is still very weak. Besides, we are ancient species with high intelligence, not those brainless idiots."

He paused: "Human The world, we are familiar with it. "

Another person suddenly collapsed into a pile of gravel, crawling along the ground: "Time is running out. Although the kid named He Sai has updated the system, the barrier here has not collapsed. We need to get close to the main body of the Watcher Lighthouse and forcibly inject the corruption virus. "


The officer also suddenly weathered into sand: "I'll go wake up the others."

A gust of wind and sand suddenly blew in the ruins of the camp. The whistling wind seemed to have the outline of the sand and gravel gathering and dispersing under the light, but no one noticed it.

There were vaguely black shadows jumping over the wall, stepping lightly on the rubble all over the ground, and walking towards the building where the Watcher Lighthouse was located, like a mouse holding its tail.

Even though the soldiers of the human watch army were elites, it was difficult for them to detect these sneaky invaders. Their existence seemed to be erased and always subconsciously ignored.

But Yuan Ze in the headquarters realized something was wrong, because he noticed that the kingdom fragments above his head were slowly peeled off by some force, like the sea water receding.

If this continued, the entire shelter would lose the protection of the Burning Heaven Power. He stood up without hesitation and said to the two sleepy old men next to him: "I'll take a look."

He grabbed his military uniform and turned to go out.

This is why he must guard here.

Yuan Ze is an evolver of the ninth realm and also controls the Burning Heaven Bone.

As long as his condition remains intact, even if the barrier collapses completely, he can protect the entire shelter from the invasion of the plague by himself.

Zhou Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his cloudy pupils. He rubbed the ruler in his hand and suddenly asked: "Internal problem, or external invasion?"

Peng Xianzhi played with the empty teacup: "Mostly internal."

Zhou Zhuo nodded slightly: "Where is the celestial being from the safe haven now?"



Lu Buer put his hands in his pockets and walked up the stairs that were about to collapse. This building should have been a high-end resort hotel five hundred years ago, but under the erosion of time, only the jagged staircase skeleton was left, and the hideous steel bars and broken plastic boards could be seen.

Today is a very important day for Long Que.

But he did not guard the door of the operating room.

Of course, he did not look for the human body in the camp, but appeared in this building.

Until he came to the empty rooftop, he found that this angle just happened to be able to see the Watcher Lighthouse standing in the dark, so he untied the tennis bag he carried with him.

The dark wooden sword was unsheathed, with a clear knife light.

It just reflected his expressionless face.

He thrust the Thunderbolt into the concrete floor with his backhand, and the night sky above him shook violently, the wind swept through the dark clouds, lightning tore through the darkness, and thunder rolled and spread.

His military uniform fluttered in the wind, and his red hair fluttered in front of his forehead, revealing his eyes filled with thunder, and the flashing lightning was like holy light, extremely bright.

"How long can you maintain your ultimate state?"

Xia Zhu's voice came from the headset, she sounded like she was chewing gum, her voice was crisp.

"Sixty seconds."

Lu Buer answered accurately.

"What if the dark matter body comes?"

Xia Zhu seemed a little dissatisfied with this data.

"The main body and the dark matter body use the same brain."

Lu Buer said expressionlessly: "Why don't you come?"


Xia Zhu snorted proudly, with the sound of whistling wind in her voice: "In short, your task is to kill all those human bodies. Although they are ancient species with high intelligence, they are nothing to you. In addition, you are the last insurance. Once something goes wrong... immediately use the God Ashes Technique to destroy the system of the Watcher Lighthouse."

"Then what do you do?"

Lu Buer asked with a frown while holding the headset.

"Don't you want to see my strength?"

Xia Zhu seemed to smile: "Tonight I will let you know who is stronger between me and him."

He here refers to only one person.

Corrupted Death God, Gong Yu.

Lu Buer heard the hint from this woman and was really looking forward to it.

But now is not the time to be curious. He raised his hand and rubbed his brow, awakening the god in the depths of his consciousness again. A line of graceful golden pupils lit up, and the world was shattered!

A surging stream of data flashed in his pupils.

The whole world turned into a huge and complex mathematical model in his eyes, with intricate geometric figures and orderly formulas gathered together. In an instant, hundreds of millions of pieces of information were screened out, whistling like a torrent, colliding and smashing each other.

At that moment, he raised his right hand.

The arc at the fingertips jumped, and the sky was furious!

A cluster of lightning fell from the sky, as if it had ignited the night.

It was this fleeting lightning that illuminated the black shadows moving forward in the ruins.

"Something is wrong. Even if we have taken the secret blood, the military's vigilance is too poor. There are many of them who carry the real blood! The Dawn Special Sequence did not appear, and those masters did not appear. Even... he did not appear!" Someone suddenly said.

He shuddered suddenly: "No, he... appeared!"

The man raised his head, and a flash of lightning illuminated his face.

The thunder was coming.

When the weather changed at first, he had already sensed it.

But at that time they were still hoping for the best.

After all, there were still many human bodies that had completed the transformation hidden in the shelter. Some of them were not in a hurry to kill, but were adapting to their new identities and integrating better into the camp.

Those people were the bait thrown to Lu Buer.

"Where is he?"

Someone else asked: "I didn't smell him, did I make a mistake?"

"I didn't smell him either, but I felt the danger. God once said that anyone can be underestimated, but he alone cannot be underestimated. Looking at the entire human history, only he is worthy of being regarded as an opponent by God. Don't forget who he is, he was the only one back then..."

It was as if ghosts gathered together and whispered.

Until someone whispered: "Why is there still fear of him in your genes? He is not the same person as before, and you are no longer the same person as before."

This sentence was like a blast that woke up the human bodies. They forced themselves to suppress their emotions, and like ghosts, they shuttled through the rubble and approached the direction of the Watcher Lighthouse.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After these human bodies completed the transformation, they did not rush to act because the Watcher Lighthouse was shrouded in a powerful holy light barrier, and they could not get close at all.

Fortunately, the little ghost named He Sai had a problem in his heart.

This gave them an opportunity.

At this moment, the human bodies were still 1.7 kilometers away from the Watcher Lighthouse. As long as the corruption virus was implanted into its system, their mission would be completed.

Victory seemed to be within reach.

The human bodies thought they were very powerful, especially after completing the transformation.

Even if Lu Buer took action personally, it was difficult to accurately lock on to each of them.

At this time, they suddenly heard singing.

The singing of a girl.

No, that was not a singing at all.

It was clearly the violent dragon roar that pierced through the night.

The human bodies in the darkness covered their ears in pain.

The eardrums seemed to be shattered, and the dragon roar pierced through the depths of the soul.


The forehead of a human body was pierced, and the thick and fishy blood gushed out from the blood hole in the brain, emitting a nauseating smell.

It was a fleeting lightning, and the sound of thunder broke out in the empty ruins. The sound was like a giant underwater beast awakening with a surging tide of anger, roaring in the silent night.

Someone suddenly turned his head and opened a ray of eyes.

I saw a strong wind sweeping the night, and someone was standing on the ruins of the rooftop.

The right hand was holding the lightning of destruction.

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