The edge of pure land

Chapter 52 Lu Fuji’s Parents

Lu Fuji was very happy at first, because he thought he had helped the little girl find her family, and maybe he could help her win some rights and let her return to her real home.

But now it seems that her family does not welcome her.

I have heard of stray cats and dogs finding ways to travel dozens of kilometers back to their original homes after being abandoned. But this is a world after drastic changes, and it is difficult for adults to survive alone. A helpless little girl can actually escape outside the wall, cross the wasteland, and return to her hometown.

How incredible.

How stubborn this is and how much hardship it requires.

Although Lu Sixian had not known him for a few days, she was willing to build a house for him, wash clothes and cook for him, help keep secrets, bandage his wounds, and teach him a lot of extraordinary knowledge.

Their team's survival to this day depends on that painting.

Otherwise, they may not be able to break out of the siege of the White Walkers.

Moreover, this girl is also cute and silent. She looks like a rag doll.

What's wrong, why is she a witch?

If witches bring misfortune to people, how come Shika Fuji is fine?

On the contrary, after meeting the little girl, his luck has been good.

He suddenly had the urge to kill the old woman in front of him with one shot.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it, it was not necessary.

These primitive people have no education and are so pedantic that they stink.

I can't explain it logically.

Even if he died, he didn't know how he died.


What's more, these primitive people are still useful. At least the frequency that can affect immortality needs to be spit out.

For such feudal elders, one can only raise the little girl well, and then spit in front of them, curse a few words, and then leave.

Of course, Lu Fuji can’t wait until later.

"I think, don't blame the witch for everything. After all, she has been gone for a long time, right? If your tribe has been having bad luck, you should reflect on whether your god doesn't like fools." Lu Bu Er shrugged, his tone was quite harsh.

No one expected Lu Fuji to say such a thing.

Yuan Qing didn't hold back at first and burst into laughter.

I almost lost my grip on the bow and arrow.

None of the comrades thought it was funny, they just felt their thighs were itchy and had to be pinched hard.

Only Kashiwagi really didn't smile.

Because he felt that one day he would be the one being scolded like this.

The remnants of the Rebirth Ministry were stunned for a moment before they realized what they were doing, and they became furious.

However, facing Yuan Qing's flames, they could only grit their teeth and give in.

Gu Tao looked unkind and said coldly: "Do you still have any questions?"

"Last one, why are they chasing you today?"

Lu Fuji asked calmly.

Thinking of this, Gu Tao showed an annoyed look in his eyes and said bitterly: "Because the scourge disappeared, maybe she died on the way to escape. The people of the Corpse Food Cult thought that we had taken her in, so they sent her out again and again. People came to attack us and wanted us to hand her over.”

After Lu Fuji finished asking, he turned around and nodded slightly.

Yuan Qing hummed: "Everyone obeys the order."

The officers and soldiers suddenly became serious and murderous.

"Get it for me."

Yuan Qing said calmly: "No one is allowed to run away!"

The expressions of the survivors of the Ministry of Purity changed drastically.

Especially Gu Ta, who said angrily: "You have betrayed your trust!"

Lu Buer turned his head and glanced at her: "I think I only said that if you answer the questions honestly, I won't kill you. But I didn't say I won't arrest you, right? You know so many secrets, about that An ancient god, I have to make you spit it out."

"Oh, by the way, I won't be the one to judge you next time."

He shrugged: "That guy is much more ruthless than me."



Shengen City, Sacrifice Hall.

The high priest, who symbolizes holiness, sat at the head of the table, looking down indifferently at the quarreling crowd below, as if the hustle and bustle of the world had nothing to do with her, and it was just a group of monkeys playing in front of her.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, it's annoying!"

Archbishop Reiner was the first to jump in: "I admit that the failure of the city-burning cannon is our responsibility! But the problem is, who knows that the wave of white ghosts has mutated? Moreover, there are no evolvers without attributes, it's me Is it the problem? Is it the responsibility of the Noah Agency? Wrong! That’s obviously your responsibility. Your system can’t find such a newcomer, so don’t blame me!”

Qi Xingzhong, who recently received a new apprentice, has also become tougher.

It's like I have my disciple in my hand, and I have the world.

Even if the high priest calls him to account, he is no longer afraid.

Deputy Director-General Mo and his secretary were the first to speak and concluded the defeat: "In short, this is what happened. It is obvious that Director-General Yuan Lie made mistakes in controlling the battlefield and had obvious errors in his prediction of the battle situation. , which can be summed up as being dull and ineffective in doing things. Of course, considering the age of the former General Secretary, it is very normal for him to be unable to do what he wants."

He paused: "I'd be happy to help share the load."

Yuan Lie slammed the table angrily, and the old secretary stepped forward as a substitute.

"You fart!"

The old man spit out the fragrance: "Don't fucking think we don't know. Is this the responsibility of the external battlefield? Heretics have appeared inside the city! Dark matter has been implanted in their bodies and they have almost mutated into white ghosts. How dare you Are you saying that this matter has nothing to do with the external battlefield? If you ask me, this wave of White Walkers is clearly a man-made disaster from the inside out!"

Properly dump the blame.

This places the main responsibility on the Inquisition and the Enforcement Bureau.

The high priest's indifferent gaze fell on the two people sitting opposite each other at the end of the long table.

Director Charles said with a cold face: "Some time ago, the Law Enforcement Bureau received a tip and went to the underground neighborhood to handle the case. However, the Heretic Tribunal overstepped its authority and secretly arrested more than ten corpse-eating cultists. I don't know if it has ulterior motives, or if it's because they wanted to Cover something up.”

Longque was already prepared: "I'm sorry, I found out."

Snap, snap of fingers.

The priests from the sacrificial hall came in carrying a stretcher.

A stench hit his face, making him sick and vomiting.

The high priest showed awe-inspiring eyes, looked deeply at the white-haired young man, then raised his hand and waved lightly, a strange aroma filled the air, covering up the corpse odor.

Everyone can see that this is purely to disgust people.

As the white cloth on the corpse was opened, the dismembered body was exposed to everyone.

An old priest read out the report: "According to the torture and analysis of the Heretic Tribunal, these corpse-eating cultists have implanted dark matter into their bodies, resulting in a certain degree of mutation. And their original identities are all The citizens of this city were working in different positions, but in the end they all ended up in underground neighborhoods because their usage period expired.”

The so-called service life is the limit of a person's labor force.

When you are no longer useful, you will lose your position and be reassigned.

The most typical example is the soldiers who were abandoned on the battlefield.

"According to Mr. Longque's interrogation results, this group of people have all been taught by an organization and have an extreme fear of carrion, the smell of disinfectant water, and a stress reaction to scalpels. Especially when faced with drugs. , can produce extreme emotions.”

The old priest continued: "Therefore, it is inferred that the Corpse Food Cult has penetrated into Shengen City and used methods such as health extension or money bribery to lure these frustrated people to conduct human experiments. They have a complete supply chain and a huge organizational system. There are also very sophisticated equipment. They will use various methods to package themselves and operate in the shadows."

Everyone was horrified.

If this is really the case, then this so-called corpse-eating cult has become a phenomenon.

No one disputes this conclusion.

In Shengen City, and even in the entire Supreme Federation.

You don't have to like Dragon Bird.

You can go against him everywhere.

You can even try to kill him.

But you'd better not question his conclusions.

This is the experience summed up by countless dead people in Shengen City with their lives.

Bloody lessons.

Given the above reports, there are so many clues that can be analyzed just through a bunch of crazy pagans.

This kind of person is really terrible.

"I don't care who they are, as long as I know their purpose."

The high priest's indifferent voice echoed in the temple: "I want them to disappear from the world."

Her voice was no longer ethereal and distant, but became cool and domineering.

It was as if another personality had awakened from her body, showing an extremely strong side.

Everyone's expressions changed.

If the high priest can speak, then this matter is indeed no small matter.

Because this is not a task given by the boss.

Rather, it is simply describing what you must do.

It’s also what must happen next.

If things don't go as the high priest wants.

Then she will use all means to forcefully interfere.

The consequences at that time may be very bad.

For example, it is required that there should be no sick pigs in a pig pen.

If the pig raiser cannot cure the disease of the pig, then the higher authorities will forcefully intervene.

She may not be able to cure sick pigs, but she can make your pig pen free of pigs.

If there are no pigs in the pigsty, there will naturally be no sick pigs.

It's that simple.

After all, the high priest is one of the six people who hold supreme power in the Holy Religion.

The coronation of the divine monarch requires their approval.

They predict the occurrence of disasters, resist the erosion of the ancient gods, help people in the Pure Land drive away plagues, and ensure abundant food harvests every year. When the war is unfavorable, they also expend huge energy to assist the battlefield. They are already close to gods. .

Lianhua is the most famous of the five high priests, because she inherited the most powerful and domineering power, and she was also a pioneer who existed two centuries ago. She once helped mankind fight its way out of the dark age of ignorance. established today's civilization.

Back then, she was just an ordinary little nun, and she could only be responsible for treating diseases and saving people on the battlefield. However, after witnessing the era of the three holy monarchs, she washed away her glory and became successful.

After the Supreme Federation and the Holy Cult of Akasha completely conquered the world, Lianhua was named the Holy High Priest and became the guardian of the future of mankind until today.

Now her way of existence has completely broken away from the human category.

Closer to the gods.

But a person's true self comes from her most glorious years.

Many people know in their hearts that no matter how indifferent the high priest may be on the surface, she must still be the iron-fisted and domineering pioneer in her heart, and she has never changed.

It can be seen from one point.

In every city, there are high priests and city lords who rule together.

One is in charge of the extraordinary, and the other is in charge of the secular.

But in the meetings in Shengen City, the city lord was never present.

Because the high priest is so strong and iron-fisted.

Everyone was under great pressure. If this matter was not resolved, they would bear the wrath of the high priest.

At this moment, a senior military officer suddenly opened the palace door.

Senior executives are used to this.

If there is no emergency, subordinates will not interrupt the meeting.

However, unexpected accidents are nothing new in the Pure Land.

"Report, news from the investigation team outside the wall."

The officer put his hand on his chest and said in a deep voice: "The mission has been exceeded!"

The senior executives looked at each other.

Especially Longque showed an unexpected expression.

"Yes, the mission has been exceeded. The origin and purpose of the Corpse Cult have been basically identified. The team brought back living samples of the White Walkers, as well as the remnants of the Ministry of the Past as evidence."

The officer took out a special pen and pressed a button on it.

The pen projects an image.

Astonishingly, it was Lu Fuji's conversation with the remnants of the Ministry of Rebirth on the snowy field at sunset.

"Currently the team has lost its transportation and is requesting support from the Sacrifice Hall."

The officer said seriously.

The high priest's eyes fell on the young man in the projection, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

She vaguely remembered.

This was the child that Longque asked her to protect.

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

Fifteen thousand words are over today, see you tomorrow!

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