The edge of pure land

Chapter 56: Committing a crime against the odds (first update)

Xicheng Military Base, Officers’ Quarters No. 7.

After a night of electrotherapy, Lu Fuji climbed out of bed with a yawn. The evolver was in a deep state of meditation during the practice of sacred rhythms, which can basically replace sleep.

The environment of the officers' dormitory is very good, just like a well-decorated apartment five hundred years ago. It even has floor heating, so you won't be disturbed after a night of practice.

Cancer pain still occurred regularly every day, forcing him to maintain high-intensity practice every day. He covered his aching head. In fact, after becoming an evolver, his resistance to pain has also increased a lot. It was his previous self. I'm afraid it's already painful enough.

The accumulation of life energy has reached 75%.

The progress of numerology has also leveled off.

"There are still seven numerology chips left. Next, you can try to advance."

He stood up and was shaken all over, with electricity crackling.

Suddenly, Lu Fuji found the girl sleeping on the bed opposite.

Her long black hair had been burnt by the electricity.

Apparently it was caused by his electrotherapy last night.


When Lu Fuji saw this scene, he quickly found a pair of scissors and cut her off.

In this way, she will find that she has short hair when she wakes up.

You won't find that your hair is mushy.

At this moment, Lu Fuji found the papers scattered around her.

That's a painting.

"Did she get sick again last night?"

Lu Buer picked up the paintings and took a look, slightly stunned.

First painting.

Thick blood vessels spread like vines throughout every corner of the streets and alleys, extending deep into the ground. A huge piece of flesh and blood beat like a heart, as if it was about to explode at any time.

This huge piece of flesh and blood is embedded with countless corpse-eating cultists in white!

The second painting.

Smoke of gunpowder enveloped the burning city, and the huge sacred light pillar shattered in the center of the city. There was red blood everywhere. People were soaked in blood and died in pain.

A radiant back was torn into pieces and withered like a lotus.

The third painting.

When the Holy Light Barrier collapsed, the White Walkers swarmed out.

"Hell, this isn't true, is it?"

Lu Fuji turned to look at the sleeping girl: "Can she really predict the future?"

If this is the future, then Shengen City is about to face a devastating disaster.

"Lu Sixian? Lu Sixian?"

Lu Fuji tried to push the girl, but he couldn't push her awake at all.

I tried my breathing and heartbeat, but they were already very weak.

You were fine yesterday, why are you sick again today?

Lu Buer was taken aback and hurriedly took her to the infirmary of the military base. There was a very professional team of chaplains there, who claimed that they could bring you back even if you stepped half-way through the gate of hell.

It's not that their medical skills are so superb.

But in the Pure Land five hundred years from now, there will be too much technology and ruthless work.

After the priest in the medical room saw the little girl's condition, he immediately performed a full-body examination. Their equipment was like two opposing light-transmitting mirrors. As long as the person was placed in it, it would automatically float, and the body data would follow the light. revealed by scanning.

Lu Fuji was not worried about what would happen to the girl.

After all, if she can appear at a military base as a military supply, she must have been inspected many times.

If you have dealt with all that, then this time will be the best.

"There seems to be no problem with her physical condition, but the brain damage is quite serious. Is she suffering from something? This situation is more like a congenital defect, but it has only appeared recently. We will prescribe medicine for her, but in this case I still recommend you to change your family members."

The priest gave him a brain test report and prescribed some medicine that could cure the brain damage.

To be honest, I can't understand this brain test report at all.

Lu Fuji looked at the bottles and jars of medicine, but he was still a little worried.

Because he felt that this was not a simple brain injury.

It's the price paid for the witch's ability.

It may also be the sequelae of previous experiments in captivity.

This time he was stumped. After all, his understanding of extraordinary knowledge was very limited. He just boasted about his awesomeness yesterday, but today he encountered a problem that he couldn't handle. It was really embarrassing.

There is no other way now but to ask others for help.

"Go and ask Longque first..."

Lu Buer, who had been blinded, took the little girl back to the dormitory and settled her down. He put on a serious military officer's uniform and turned around to go out. When passing by the machinery factory of Noah's Agency, he heard a familiar shout.

"Brother Lu, you are back!"

He Sai was dressed in red and looked like a human.

It's just that his hair has turned into an afro, and his face is covered with explosive gunpowder.

"Brother Lu, save me!"

A group of mechanics were chasing behind He Sai, as if they were playing hawk to catch the chicken.

Lu Fuji felt confused when he saw this scene, as if he had traveled back two days.


Too lazy to pay attention to these idiots, Lu Buer turned around and left.

At the entrance of the military base, a beautiful woman in motorcycle clothing was already riding a bicycle waiting for him.

"Can't you just drive to the Inquisition yourself?"

Qiangwei got angry when she saw him: "I have to get up early to pick you up?"

"It is an honor for you to be responsible for transporting a distinguished corporal."

Lu Fuji curled his lips: "Besides, aren't we father and daughter? You have to fulfill your filial piety."

Qiangwei said fiercely: "Bah, they are obviously mother and son."

"Then you should come pick me up."

"You are so shameless."

"Stop talking nonsense and drive."




Today's heresy trial was extremely busy, mainly because they had to interrogate more than thirty remnants of the Ministry of the Past at once. This kind of workload is no joke, and the judges stayed up all night.

It is said that Damon is still in the interrogation room and has not come out.

Qiangwei also pulled away and went out.

No wonder there is so much resentment.

Lu Fujiu passed by the busy judges and walked directly into the office on the top floor.

After not seeing each other for a night, Longque seemed a lot more haggard, and the dark circles under his eyes were getting worse. Bottles of medicine and a cup of cold coffee were scattered on the table.

When he saw someone coming in, he put away the medicine and raised his eyes.


He waved: "Sit down."

Lu Fujihu asked: "Are you okay?"

It has to be said that Longque is more like a patient who is dying soon than him.

I was afraid that he would die suddenly one day if he was not careful.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just a little tired."

Long Que said calmly: "This group of remnants of the Rebirth Department have very tough mouths. If you want to extract all the legends and secrets about the Holy Mountain from their mouths, it will not be solved in a short time."

"The secrets they hide are important."

Lu Fuji reminded: "They also have special methods to deal with the White Walkers."

"I know. In fact, it has already been tried."

Longque replied.

Lu Fuji sincerely admires this guy, he is really efficient.

"It's just that after I got that frequency, I tried to beat it, but I couldn't get the effect they had. Have you heard of it? There is a saying that people who sing out of tune don't actually have a problem with their throats. , but there is something wrong with the ears." Longque tapped the table gently, and the rhythmic sound echoed in the room, from soothing to compact, all in one go.

Lu Fuji sounded familiar, but it was not the same as what he heard at that time.

His dark matter was unresponsive anyway.

"I was once a very famous performer in the Catholic City."

Long Que replied: "So it's not my problem, but their problem. I think it's because the structure of their ears is different, or maybe the brain's understanding ability is slightly different from that of ordinary people. Therefore... only the remnants of the Purana Department Only they can hit that kind of rhythm."

"And this frequency is quite weird. Depending on their individual differences, some people can only knock out one bar, but the patriarch can knock out two to three bars."

He paused: "According to them, the more coherent and sustained the rhythm, the stronger the impact on the White Walkers. If it is only a few bars, it will not be of much use."

Lu Fuji fell silent, this was indeed a problem.

I just don’t know how many frequencies Lu Sixian can knock out.

The so-called witch may have a special talent.

However, the witch is now unconscious.

"What a headache."

Lu Fuji suddenly saw a painting painted behind him.

It was a woman in red, with swaying black hair and a blurred profile.

She stood in the snow, but her eyes seemed to be looking through the painting, giving her a startled glimpse.

The painting technique is a stroke of genius. It can depict the enchantment and charm like a fairy, especially the vague eyes, which is shocking.

"Who is this?"

Lu Fuji asked: "Is this the girl of your dreams?"

Longque glanced at him expressionlessly: "This is the profile I have drawn based on all the clues. The founder of the Corpse Eater Cult, the man who escaped from the Holy Mountain."

Obviously, since he learned that the origin and origin of the Corpse Food Cult was related to the Holy Mountain, he had paid special attention to this matter and sorted out clues overnight to find out the mastermind behind it.

Lu Fuji was shocked: "With just these clues, you can profile this?"

Long Que shook his head: "Profiling is mainly inspired by inspiration and intuition based on the accumulation of a lot of experience. It is indeed logical, but it is incredible to a layman."

Lu Buer took a picture directly in front of him and said seriously: "Don't arrest the leader of the Corpse Cult first, can you please find this beast for me first?"

This is what I see in my memory, the young man in the laboratory.

This person has conducted experiments on witches for a long time, so he must know something.

"Who is this?"

"The senior figures in the Corpse Food Cult are definitely higher than the fallen leader."

"The fallen boss is the one you killed?"

"Yes, this guy is in the city, we need to catch him as soon as possible."

Long Que suddenly folded his hands and put them on the bridge of his nose, staring at him.

"You seem very anxious about this."

He suddenly asked: "Is there any reason?"

This is the disadvantage of playing against smart people.

Lu Fuji sighed, knowing that this guy was very insightful, and said frankly: "Well, there is something wrong with my sister, and this guy may know something. Of course, if you are proficient in medical skills, you can understand If you use this thing, you won’t have to go through so much trouble.”

He took out the little girl's test report.

Longque glanced at him and pushed him back silently.

Lu Fuji shrugged.

"This is clearly not a normal brain injury."

Longque was silent for a moment: "Since it is your secret, I won't ask you. After all, with your character, when you can't handle it or need me, you will confess to me."

Lu Fuji breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lu Sixian is a witch, so it's best to hide her.

Although Long Que seems to be a good person, he still remembers Yuan Qing's instructions.

"The problem is, today is not the day to act."

Longque suddenly said: "The high priest is going to the city center today to hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the sky, so as to communicate with the true nature of the Kabbalah Tree of Life and replenish the lost divine power. During this process, she will be at her weakest stage, and the entire city will be under martial law. It will be to the highest degree.”

He reminded: "Once we act rashly, we may commit crimes against the odds. Don't forget, the people behind Aoki are still watching behind the scenes. Although I guess, they are essentially just trying to do it because of party disputes or fear of taking the blame. The matter of the Corpse Food Cult was suppressed and resolved privately...but I didn’t expect that it would make the Corpse Food Cult grow stronger in the end, making it impossible to end it in the end.”

This speculation is indeed reasonable.

If this is really the case, that group of people will most likely put the blame on them again.

That would be disgusting.

"Can't you do it today?"

Lu Fuji was in a bit of trouble and didn't know if the little girl could hold on.

Long Que glanced at his frown, and suddenly thought of his sister who seemed to have shown a similar expression when he was sick, with a dazed look in her eyes.

"I just said it wasn't appropriate, but I didn't say it wasn't possible."

He said calmly: "Let's go, I will help you find him."

Lu Fuji was surprised: "Are you confident?"

"As long as he's still alive."

Long Que lit a cigarette and puffed away the smoke.

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

I will continue to add more updates today. I don’t know if I can write three or four chapters. It depends on the status.

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