The edge of pure land

Chapter 60 The high priest was so angry that he died (second update)

Ever since Lianhua inherited the position of the Holy High Priest, she has not had physical contact with anyone for many years. What's more, she was tapped on the shoulder by a man. It was obvious that she was regarded as an ordinary little nun who was frightened, but She had no reason to lose her temper.

Because she disguised herself as a little nun.

"Speaking of which, have you seen a corpse-eating cultist walking past here?" Lu Fuji gave a rough description of his appearance. It was obvious that he planned to continue the pursuit. After all, time was running out.

Lianhua raised her white fingers and pointed at a narrow corridor.

"Oh, thank you."

Lu Fuji patted her shoulder for the second time in a short period of time.

Lianhua wanted to speak but stopped.

"Damon, Rose, I need backup!"

Lu Fuji said into the earphone: "Bring someone here immediately, there is..."

Before he finished speaking, his headphones were taken off.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Lu Fuji was taken aback because he didn't see the other party's movements clearly.

Lianhua raised her head, and she could vaguely see a glimmer of light on the cracked dome. As long as there was no violent earthquake in the ground, no gravel would fall down, and only scattered gravel would fall down.

"I can't let anyone know I'm here. I don't trust anyone."

Lianhua thought for a while and said calmly: "The high priest was attacked. It is obvious that many forces are cooperating. And once we, the guards, are discovered by those forces, we will not escape death."

Today's attack was obviously carefully planned. While the high-level combat forces in the city were preparing for the ceremony, the other party detonated a piece of the god's flesh and blood in an attempt to kill her.

Fortunately, she was prepared.

The Holy High Priest represents the security and order of a city. Once something goes wrong, it will cause many systems to stop functioning, and many people in the city will be restless.

Some people will be looking for her, and some will want to kill her in the chaos.

Although those people may not be able to see through her identity.

But it is very likely that they will not even let go of the people around the high priest.

Lu Fuji took a look at her clothes and appearance, and found out that she was from the sacrificial hall.

"Then what should I do, I hide you?"

He pondered for a moment: "I can dig a hole for you!"

Lianhua glanced at him, it was not very honorable to dig into the ground.

What's more, if there is a hole, she won't drill it.

"This place is about to explode."

Lianhua said seriously: "Now in the name of the sacrificial hall, I announce that you have been recruited, soldier. Take me immediately to find the source of the explosion. I will cut it off from the root."

To ensure credibility, she emphasized: "This is an order from the high priest."

"I saved you, but instead of saying thank you, you started bossing me around."

"Um...thank you."

Lu Fuji was a little speechless. He didn't know what to say. He could only confirm: "It's dangerous to prevent the explosion. Are you sure?"

Lianhua said calmly: "This is my obligation. I must ensure that the underground will not explode, otherwise many innocent people will die."

Okay, no reason to refuse.

The current situation is urgent, and in this case they can only choose to cooperate.

Lianhua cooperated with this boy out of trust in him.

With Lu Fuji's hatred towards beasts, it is unlikely that he would surrender to the enemy and rebel.

But Lu Fujian didn't expect this woman at all, he still wanted to act independently.

It's just a nun who stays to take care of the wounded.

"Then can you keep up with my speed?"

Lu Fuji turned around and ran away: "Let's go."

With a series of arcs of electricity, the young man ran wildly.

Lianhua glanced at the remaining survivors and ordered: "Stay where you are and don't move around. Someone will come to rescue you soon. Don't worry."

After saying that, her body surface glowed with holy light, and she quickly chased after him.

Lu Fuji originally thought that the nun could not catch up, but in an instant he heard the sound of wind behind him and the cold body fragrance that hit his face, a bit like the smell of lotus.

Good guy, pretty fast.

He is worthy of serving the high priest.

Lian Hua flew in the dark corridor, her star-like eyes became brighter, her nun uniform undulated in the wind like waves, and the wind blowing against her face was filled with the smell of blood.

On both sides were walls of bloody flesh, ready to explode at any moment.

She felt a long-lost excitement.

"Why do you look so happy?"

Lu Fuji felt a little strange.

"I haven't been out and about for a long time."

Lianhua replied: "Of course I am happy."

Lu Fuji became even more curious: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

He is not afraid of death because he has been on the edge of life and death for too long and has become numb.

Even if he only has one second to live, he still wants to live vigorously.

Lianhua hummed: "I am a member of the Sacrifice Hall. I have seen the distant future and my own death. The probability that I will die here is very, very low."

I didn't expect that the sacrificial hall has such a function.

Lu Buer doesn’t want to see his future at all.

He fears the established and the unchangeable.

"Okay Sister."

He couldn't help but ask: "What's your name?"

Lianhua was silent for a moment: "Snow lotus."

Another oppressive silence followed.

Lu Fujian always stared at her without speaking.

Until Lianhua felt confused: "What's wrong?"

Lu Fuji frowned and asked, "Why didn't you ask me my name?"

Lianhua didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because she knows everything.

She even knew the names of the boy's parents.

"May I have your name?"

"Lu Fujier, rank of corporal."

"Okay, Corporal."

Two corpse-eating cultists appeared at the end of the corner, apparently staying to ambush them.

They held giant axes in both hands, whistling and slashing down!


Shika Fuji raised his right hand and blocked the slashes of the two axes. The hardness of his immortal body had surpassed that of alloy, and he was not afraid of this level of physical attacks at all.

The lightning exploded, and his sharp leg sweep fell like an axe!

The two corpse-eating cultists were hit on the spot and smashed against the wall.

Lu Fuji's hands reached out and locked their throats, squeezing them hard.

The enemies were both killed.

"It's really weird. Who would have thought that there is such a large space underground in the underground block? Who built this?" Lu Buer waved his hand. You can't see the end of this place at a glance, and you don't know what's ahead. There are many more ambushes, and we must be careful.

Lianhua glanced at his right arm and seemed to see something.

But she didn't say anything. Instead, she looked around and said, "Obviously, this place has some history, decades or even a hundred years ago. Someone specially opened this place underground, but it is specifically used for What its purpose is, I don’t know.”

Lu Buer frowned: "I'm new here, so I don't know. How long have you been living here, and you still have a black eye? Isn't this too much?"

He couldn't help but ask: "Does the high priest not even know?"

Lianhua shook his head and explained seriously: "The high priest has only been in this city for three years. Besides, she has a lot of things to do and has no energy to pay attention to other things. And there are weird things in this place, even if she I want to follow it, but I can’t find it.”

"Are you that busy?"

"The cause of death of high priests is often death from overwork."

"It's really not easy for her, she was killed in a bomb..."

"Old man?"

Lian Hua was stunned for a moment, with uncontrollable shame in her eyes.

Her chest rose and fell slightly and she stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay. It's possible that the high priest wasn't killed by the bomb."

"How did you die?"

"Maybe he was pissed to death."

Question marks began to appear in Lu Buer's mind, and he asked: "What the hell, why are you so angry? You are not the high priest, are you?"

Lianhua decisively denied: "No."

"It's reasonable. The high priest shouldn't be as weak as you."


Lianhua waved her hand to signal him to step back, her eyes filled with holy light.

Close your eyes and open them again!

The dark underground tunnel seemed to have changed in her eyes. Countless strange lines lit up on the hard walls, including the exposed fascia and flesh, which also had traces of fine lines that ordinary people could not detect. , at first glance, it looks as thin as spider silk.

Immersed in her vision, she raised her hand to piece together the lines.

A strange pattern gradually took shape in her eyes.

She seemed to understand something, and her eyes suddenly became deep.

Lu Buer saw nothing, not even the holy light in her eyes.

I just felt that this woman was waving her hands as if she was possessed by an evil spirit.

It looks so weird and weird.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lu Fuji pushed her gently.

Lianhua suddenly woke up from the vision and was confused again.

During her vision, she was interrupted!

You kid...

However, seeing his concerned expression, you couldn't lose your temper with him.

"Hidden Asylum."

Lianhua said coldly: "No wonder no one has discovered this underground site. It has existed many years ago and has been protected by concealment. If you had not accidentally set foot here, it would be almost impossible to discover its existence. This is the third One of the powers held by the Holy Sovereign. If I guess correctly...he built this place."

Lu Fuji was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that the remnants of the Rebirth Department had similar protection.

Now he no longer doubted that this woman was talking nonsense.

Lianhua looked at him for a long time and suddenly fell into silence.

"What's wrong?"

"Why don't you ask me who the third generation of the Holy Monarch is?"

What's there to ask?

Lu Buer replied: "Constantine, the one who came out of the Holy Mountain."

Lianhua glanced at him: "He is not a big man, but he knows a lot."

Lu Buer smiled and said: "Mild praise, ridiculous praise."

"Then did you know that he has another name?"

Lianhua turned around and walked into the darkness: "The rebellious king."

Lu Buer raised his eyebrows: "Rebellious king?"

The word seems to be a derogatory term.

"I...the high priest has experienced three generations of sacred monarchs, namely the end of the first generation of sacred monarchs, the period of the second generation of sacred monarchs, and the period of the third generation of sacred monarchs."

Lianhua said lightly: "Only the third generation of the Holy Monarch has the least description, because his existence is a taboo and has been erased by the high-level officials of the Akashic Holy Cult. Even Constantine's creation of the Evolutionary The new system has been covered up.”

Lu Fuji vaguely remembered that his good daughter had taught him about science.

To become a divine monarch, one must have violence that transcends secular and divine authority.

To do this, you naturally have to have something that others don’t have.

The answer is the new system created on the road of evolution.

The first generation of divine monarchs created numerology.

The second generation of the Holy Lord created the spell.

What about the third generation of holy monarchs?

"Now that I see these corpse-eating cultists who have integrated dark matter into their bodies, and the secret shelter in this underground ruins, I know what they want to copy."

Lianhua pointed here: "Constantine conducted research here back then, and the piece of flesh and blood was probably left behind by him. If you don't believe it, there will probably be evidence further down."

Lu Fuji was startled: "What are you studying?"

"White Walkers."

Lianhua's voice was very soft, but her eyes were so deep that people couldn't understand.

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