The edge of pure land

Chapter 62 Thorns and Thunder

On this day, a striking red light flashed over the center of Shengen City, and the piercing siren echoed endlessly: "A high-concentration dark matter gathering has been detected, and a life disaster has formed! Repeat, a high-concentration dark matter gathering has been detected, A life disaster has occurred!"

The mass music played in the classical monastery was like a sea wave. The man was chopping firewood in the yard with an axe. His chopping movements were wide and open, and every blow was like a heavy drum beat.

Until the door of the monastery was pushed open, and the secretary of the city lord's palace walked in with someone.

"Lord City Lord."

William leaned down and saluted, and outside the monastery door were ceremonial cars that braked suddenly.

Without exception, they are all members of the Russell family. Each of them is an evolutionist. They hold different important positions in the city and maintain the operation of the entire city system. They are all glamorous and impressive on weekdays, but at this moment they are all rushing around in panic. Came to this monastery.

"You don't need to tell me that I saw it too."

The city lord stuck the ax on the wooden stake and wiped his sweat: "I haven't seen the ghost magic for many years. As expected, those who pursue the path of the holy monarch are a group of lawless thugs. Just rely on " The "Holy Messiah Contract" cannot restrict him."

"Damn it, this guy actually performed the White Walker magic in front of the public! Can that thing be seen by others? This is the taboo among taboos. He is simply crazy!"

"He has always been this kind of madman. Have you forgotten the tragedy eight years ago? Back then, he was able to kill a lot of people in the city for the sake of his sister and his comrades. But now he doesn't have much time left. Now, what else does he care about?"

"What I'm afraid of is, what if he drags us to death together on the day when he is about to die? If the medicine he uses is stronger, he may not be able to return to the level of a saint."

Obviously, the big shots in the Russell family know this very well.

"You have been locked..."

Long Que said this to them.

The fire burning at the fingertips was also for them to see.

The only person present here was William, who was the secretary of the city lord. He didn't know what happened eight years ago. At that time, he was just a young man studying in the academy.

But he also looked through some files and vaguely knew what happened eight years ago.

Ever since before the Long siblings entered the Holy Mountain, terrible changes had often occurred in that forbidden area, and a large number of soldiers died every year. It was simply a nightmare for the entire Shengen City.

It wasn't until the siblings entered the Holy Mountain that all the disturbances calmed down.

But it also paid a heavy price.

No one knows what happened in the Holy Mountain.

But since Longque came back alive, he started a frantic purge of Shengen City.

Many people were burned to ashes by his wrath.

This includes the powerful Russell family.

In a blink of an eye, eight years passed.

"Let him be."

After a long time, the city lord said calmly: "No matter what grudge this man had with us back then, no one can question his ability. Since he refused to annihilate the underground ruins, there must be his reasons. Just so, even us They didn’t know that there was such a place hidden under the underground block. Since it can be preserved, it can also be studied.”

After thinking about this, the senior executives of the Russell family felt much more comfortable, at least they would not be as angry as before.

But in the end there was still fear.

After all, the threat of the White Walkers is too great.

"For a person like Longque, who has only a short life left, he only shows this kind of strength once, which is one less time. He is indeed an uncontrollable threat, but he is very useful."

The city lord rejected all opinions and concluded: "He still needs to resolve the matter of the Corpse Food Cult."

He withdrew his gaze, turned around and asked, "Leave it to him for the underground ruins. What we need to do is to intervene in military affairs immediately. The wave of White Walkers outside the city... is coming."

The expressions of the senior executives changed slightly.

Yes, something happened to the high priest, and the holy light barrier outside the city also disappeared. It is very likely that the wave of white ghosts will break through from the West City.

It will be a huge disaster.

"Because the Federation and the Church are afraid of the king, our Russell family has been in a very difficult situation in recent years. Even if our power is squeezed repeatedly, we dare not complain at all. Now protecting Shengen City is the only thing we can do well. Only in this way can I prove my loyalty." The city lord sighed quietly.

"If the abnormal movements in the Holy Mountain can be completely suppressed and those ancient secrets are made public, can we be treated fairly by this world, right?"

He murmured to himself: "I don't know if there will be such a day."



In the deepest part of the underground ruins, accompanied by Annan's fanatical call, the holy statue that had been completely eroded by flesh and blood released thick blood, and the terrifying energy fluctuations were like wild waves.

The blood was like mist, even with a terrifying high temperature.

"Hey, run, run away like a lost dog? Isn't the way to survive just here? Why bother with other people? You look like a new Cocoon Breaker at first glance. You haven't figured out the laws of this world yet. This is a huge dark jungle, and the weak only have the fate of being eaten by the strong. As long as you are strong enough, why do you care about the weak?"

Annan staggered up the stone ladder and tried his best to push the secret door.

Even though he was seriously injured, he laughed hoarsely.

His voice was like the whisper of the devil.

But the usual banter was lost.

Because Annan saw an incredible scene.

Lu Fuji ignored him at all. He just stood up with difficulty and staggered towards the location of the icon. The blood mist that hit his face immediately swallowed him up.

"The core of the god's flesh and blood is inside."

Xuelian's voice sounded behind him.

In just an instant, Lu Fuji was scalded by the hot blood, especially the wounds cut by the wind blade before, which had even become scorched.

He looked like a cooked shrimp, all red.

In Lianhua's understanding, except for people who cannot feel pain at all due to pathology, no one is really not afraid of pain. They only have different levels of pain tolerance.

But the scene in front of her was beyond her cognition. Walking in the thick blood mist was more painful than walking barefoot on a ground full of broken glass, and it was more painful than being in a high-temperature furnace. It was more torture than being branded with a branding iron, but he just didn't make a sound.

From his back, you can't even see his fear.

There is only a fierceness that comes from the heart.

This young man was only 18 years old. He didn't know how much suffering he had to endure before he could bear such intense pain and push forward in spite of the pain.

"It's not even close."

Lu Fuji raised his head, revealing his burnt face, smiling mockingly.

Annan, who was about to climb the stone stairs, felt huge ridicule!

There was a boom.

Huge energy rippled, and Lu Fuji was shocked to take a step back, dizzy.

"Don't be afraid, keep moving forward."

She whispered: "I will protect you!"

Lu Fuji didn't know how she was going to protect herself.

Except for He Sai, that silly roe deer, the world has never promised him protection. No matter what desperate situation he faces, the only one he can rely on from beginning to end is himself.

But this time, the holy light shone from his body.

The light was so warm, it seemed to help him isolate the burning blood.

Healing his riddled body.

The cuts from the wind blade and the burns from the blood will be repaired.

He raised his right hand and hit a crack in the icon hard!


The tight flesh and blood was smashed through, and the sharp claws tore outward!


The second punch came down, continuing to expand the hole in the icon.

The third punch, the fourth punch, until the tenth punch.

He finally smashed through the icon, revealing a scarlet blood core embedded in the sticky flesh.

The eleventh punch!


The fist with the electric arc hit the crystal, but it didn't break it!

However, at this moment, the blood core flashed with a burning red light.

About to explode!

It was still a step too late, and Lu Fuji's eyes were covered in burning red light.

His heart seemed to have stopped.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but silence fell.

The dark world was illuminated by a holy glow, and the sound was heard throughout the city.

she says:

“Our Lord is merciful and has mercy on mankind.”

The miracle came, and time seemed to be completely frozen. The blood that filled the underground ruins was shrouded in light, as if it had solidified into countless blood-colored crystals, crystal clear.

Every crystal reflects that holy shadow.

It was a holy and noble woman. Her figure was graceful and majestic. She was bathed in light that penetrated the surface and underground. The whole city felt that sacred pressure.


At this moment, even the flaming bones released by the dragon bird felt tremendous pressure. The six chief priests in front of him knelt down and worshiped on the ground, making devout prayers and shouting the name of God.

All the believers in the city trembled and knelt down at this moment. The mass music in the church echoed their prayers. When the solemn melody reached its climax, endless light swept across the sky and the earth, all coming from That sacred shadow rising from the ground.

"My father is in heaven. May your name be holy, your kingdom be present, and your wishes be fulfilled."

The sound of prayers spread to every corner of the city with the wind.

It also echoed in the hearts of the civilians huddled in the underground ruins.

The light illuminated the faces of Boss Zhang and Officer An. They hugged several teenagers and children tightly in their arms, and they were already prepared to be blown to pieces in the next moment.

Damon and Qiangwei led a group of judges to stand in front of them, but the blood that rushed towards them was frozen at this moment, and the blood-colored prisms all over the sky shone so brightly.

Like stars.

That pressure and those voices enveloped everyone in the city.

But Lu Buer didn't feel it at all.

There was only one voice ringing in his ears.

"Lu Fuji, I know you also master the strange ghost technique, but I will keep it a secret for you. The sacrificial hall will also keep it a secret for you, and the high priest will never let this matter leaked."

Xuelian's eyes reflected the sacred shadow that reached the sky and the earth, and she said softly.

"Give it your all."


The thorns on Lu Fuji's right shoulder blade suddenly swelled up, making a crackling sound. Countless hard thorns flashed with violent arcs of electricity, and azure light shone.

This was his first time to combine the power of numerology and dark matter.

Not only that, a holy glow enveloped him.

It seemed to give him endless power.

Countless thorns, carrying thunder, blasted towards the scarlet blood core!


The icon exploded with a bang, and the scarlet blood core shattered.

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

There may be less food today, I'm a little tired.

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