The edge of pure land

Chapter 66 Some respectable persistence (third update)

When Lu Fuji left the dormitory with the little girl, he was in high spirits: "Put on your hat and scarf, have you fastened the zipper? You are the hope of the entire military department now!"

Lu Sixian followed him, holding the zipper of her snow boots, a little clumsily.

She had never worn such fine clothes in her life, and she was a little unaccustomed to them.

"Brother, you seem to be very happy today."

"Of course, I beat the beast violently today and even disabled one of his hands. Although I couldn't kill him, it was still considered revenge for you. How about it? It's awesome, isn't it?"

"Revenge? Who is it?"

"Annan, do you remember?"

"Can not remember."


For Lu Fuji, this was a very unsatisfactory feeling, because what he expected was that the doll would immediately reveal its starry eyes, and then twist its body and praise his brother for being so awesome.

However, seeing her expressionless expression, there was no hope for her in this life.

But it’s okay to forget it. Why remember it when you’re unhappy?

However, when they walked out of the dormitory building, they saw a strange scene again.

"Brother Lu, save me!"

He Sai was chased by a group of strange species, as if being chased by a giant insect.

This scene made both Lu Fuji and Lu Sixian feel as if they had entered some kind of time loop.

"He Sai, what are you doing?"

Lu Fuji couldn't help but ask.

"Noah's Agency is simply not a place for people to live. Everything they make every day may explode! These crazy people have turned toothbrushes, razors, and even toilets into defensive weapons! I can't stand it even if I'm squatting. Be careful of explosions, is this how people live?"

Jose roared: "And they ask me to digest more than seventy memory chips a day! When I sleep, the mechanical gears are buzzing in my head! I have to improve the city-burning cannon for them every day. Alchemy Matrix, I have to work eighteen hours a day! While I was sleeping, there was a strange guy under the quilt who stuck a memory chip on my forehead!"

But it should be said that although this guy is about to collapse mentally, he seems to be very energetic. Judging from the speed of running away, Noah Agency did not treat him badly.

"He's just like a donkey of the production team."

Lu Buer was shocked: "Come on He Sai!"

Although it is a bit difficult and tiring, it is obvious that this guy has a bright future.

"Brother Lu, you are still not a human! Now they want to arrest me to go to the front line to test new weapons. There are so many damn White Walkers. I'm so scared! Wait, what are you doing? Let me go quickly. I won't do it. I'm not going to be a mechanic anymore!" Before He Sai could finish his words, he was arrested on the spot by a group of Qixingzong and dragged to the frontline battlefield.

Lu Buer and Lu Sixian waved goodbye and had a good trip.

The siren sounded on the front line and almost all the soldiers were mobilized to the front line.

The military base was empty as never before. Only people from the logistics department drove trucks to transport supplies. Large quantities of military rations and weapons and equipment were unloaded and sent to the front line.

Not only that, Lu Fuji also saw many postmen, their bags were full of envelopes, which was completely new in the military base.

"Hello, what is this?"

Lu Fuji stopped a postman and asked.

"Sir, don't you know?"

The postman was also surprised: "These are suicide notes, because the soldiers are going to the front line to fight with the White Walkers. Since the high priest's accident, senior generals came to the city lord's palace and ordered the soldiers to go directly to fight the White Walkers." Fight... The former General Secretary and the others are protesting."

After saying this, the postmen left in a hurry.

They also sealed the suicide notes of the soldiers.

"Soldiers fighting White Walkers at close quarters are really deadly."

Lu Fujian murmured: "Lu Sixian, is this common?"

Lu Sixian said seriously: "According to the knowledge I have learned, it depends on the general's fighting style. It is definitely not worth it for an evolved person to fight a White Walker in close combat, because the life of a White Walker is not valuable, no matter through transformation Whether it is pollution or the way cells reproduce, the life output is far higher than that of humans. This tactic may only be chosen when desperate."

"I see."

After Lu Fuji came to the front line, he finally understood why the White Walkers hadn't invaded yet.

Because of one person.

Yuan Lie.

On the desolate battlefield, Yuan Lie held a heavy giant ax in his hand and stood alone on the dry and cracked ground. After putting on the armor, his old body was as tall as a giant spirit god. He faced the direction of the city gate. , what was burning behind was a raging flame!

It was as if the flames from hell were burning on the earth and seemed to spread to the horizon.

One ride is worth a thousand!

The boss actually created a flame barrier with one person's power.

It replaced the high priest's holy light barrier to resist the tide of ghosts.

But the problem is that the high priest relies on divine power.

Hara Souji is just an evolver, how did he do it?

The soldiers arrayed on the front line didn't know the answer either. They wore heavy armor, held up hard shields and sharp spears, and stared at the old man with awe.

The passionate beating of war drums echoed off the city walls.

This should have been their moment to charge into battle.

But the old man insisted on holding back the battle by himself.

"Is this a way to protest?"

The city lord stood at the top of the city with his arms folded and sighed: "Yuan Lie is really stubborn."

The current situation is that if no one stops the wave of White Walkers, the city will be destroyed.

But Yuan Lie couldn't bear to watch his soldiers die.

So he could only set an example and rush to the front.

"But you are already sixty-five years old, Yuan Lie."

The city lord whispered: "How long can you hold on?"

The senior generals of the Russell family felt a sense of fear when they saw this scene.

It's hard to imagine that such an old man who is nearly seventy years old can still burst out with such amazing power. Even though sweat has seeped out on his cold and stern face, and his body under the armor is trembling slightly, he still holds on to that monstrous force. The flames protested in this way.

Or... it's just buying time.

"Don't forget, the original family is also the Holy Family."

Someone said: "Without the support of holy objects, he could not have done this."

Someone else said: "What's the point of delaying time like this?"

Finally, someone sighed: "But this kind of persistence is also valuable."

Even Deputy Chief Mo was afraid.

I probably understand why I can only be the deputy general manager for the rest of my life.

The mechanics of the Noah Organization have already set up the debugged city-burning cannon on the top of the city. This time, neither the artillery nor the artillery will be disposable.

Because the Noah Agency found a mechanic without attributes.

Archbishop Reiner stood proudly at the top of the city, clamoring to avenge his shame.

And He Sai, who was exhausted as a dog, was held in the middle by the stars, with a look of despair on his face.



Lu Buer originally came to the front line with the step of not recognizing his relatives, but when he saw the old boss standing on the desolate land, he still felt awe in his heart.

Although the world is bullshit, some people just shine.

Some of the persistence will be laughable at some points.

But sometimes, miracles can happen.

"Get out of the way, I'm looking for Major Hara Qing."

Lu Fuji and his little girl walked into the military camp tent, and the guards bowed and saluted.

The atmosphere in the tent was quite depressing. Looking at the figure played on the projector, old secretary Xia Yan had tears in her eyes. She sat on the chair and sighed sadly.

The senior military officers all stood in silence in front of the simulation sand table. A pile of useless research reports were scattered in front of them, and they were eventually burned with a fire in anger.

"The damn Russell family, it's obviously their own problem but they have to pay for it with the lives of their soldiers!"

Yuan Qing gritted her teeth: "If we can't figure it out tomorrow, I'll let them all leave!"

The female major had also lost her former aura and was lying weakly on the table. Her charming face was full of loss and unwillingness, her slender beautiful eyes were lowered and her eyelashes were slightly trembling.

The hair on the top of her head stood up because she was holding back her breath.

There is no other reason.

Her respected uncle is now risking his life on the front lines to hold back the tide of White Walkers.

But they couldn't even find an effective way to deal with the White Walkers.

When my uncle can no longer hold on, the front line will immediately turn into a real meat grinder.

The meeting lasted for twenty minutes, and no one came up with any results.

The officers headed by Kashiwagi were scolded again, and they were suffocating in their hearts at this moment.

"Those White Walkers are invulnerable and their defenses are astonishingly strong."

Yuan Qing muttered: "How can the soldiers fight?"

Someone stretched out his hand to smooth a dull hair on the top of her head, and said with a smile: "This is not simple, just take off the armor on those ghosts, right?"

"How to remove it?"

Yuan Qing wanted to get angry, but when she saw a face with a bright smile, she was slightly startled: "Shika Fuji? I haven't seen you all day. I heard that you went to the underground neighborhood?"

The anger at being touched on the head dissipated instantly.

Everyone followed the sound and frowned slightly.

They remembered that this was the newly promoted corporal.

The owner of Celestial Thunder.

Xia Yan narrowed his cloudy eyes. He knew that this boy had the right to enter and leave the military camp freely. He was currently cooperating with the Heresy Tribunal to investigate the case. He didn't know if anything had been found.

"Corporal, you're late!"

Kashiwagi went up and started to show his face.

Lu Fuji didn't bother to pay attention to him. He directly pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing his legs and resting them on the edge of the table. Such an arrogant move shocked everyone present.

Aren't you afraid of being scolded?

However, neither Xia Yan nor Yuan Qing had any intention of scolding him.

Lu Fuji raised a finger: "You, get out."

Kashiwagi realized that he was referring to himself and became furious.

Generally speaking, there are two possibilities for arrogant people.

The first one is stupid.

The second is to have enough confidence!

The old secretary seemed to have thought of something and ordered: "Kashiwagi, get out!"

There was a sudden silence in the tent.

Kashiwagi's face turned green and white, and finally he waved his hands and left bitterly.

After the eyesore left, Lu Buer smiled and said: "Major Yuan Qing, do you still remember that when we were dealing with the White Walkers on the sunset snowfield, the remnants of the Ministry of the Rebirth once tapped a mysterious frequency? Beating gongs and drums during battle seems stupid, right? But it happened that the Thorn Ghosts we were fighting were affected."

Yuan Qing was stunned and immediately rushed forward.

There was a bang.

Lu Fuji was thrown to the ground by her.

Yuan Qing was riding on him, with a strange look in her beautiful eyes: "Yes, why didn't I think of it? Little guy, you are so smart, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Is this the fucking IQ of a normal person?

Lu Fuji was almost out of breath as she sat there.

Lu Sixian watched this scene silently, expressionless.

"It's useless if I told you earlier. I have to find out that frequency."

Lu Fuji coughed: "It's not too late now."

Secretary Xia Yan's eyes flashed and he said seriously: "What did you say? You said you have a way to restrain the wave of ghosts? What frequency was that? Did you write it down?"

Yuan Qing was also stunned: "Lu Fuji, you won't lie to me, right?"

She sat down on the boy's belly, like a little wild cat that was overwhelmed by surprise.

"Why are you lying to me? That thing is called the Song of Rebirth."

Lu Fujian snorted again: "So I said, let's not play any war drums, it's useless. I want to connect to the military broadcast and see what I can show you."

After speaking, he raised his head and winked at his little girl.

Lu Sixian hummed slightly, but turned her head away and didn't want to talk to him.

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

happy New Year to all!

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