The edge of pure land

Chapter 69: Krypton Life Advancement Method

The logistics department in the frontline camp was very busy. The cooking team had set up a large pot in the tent. The aroma of stew filled the cold wind, and smoke was rising into the night sky.

The chaplains in the medical department were carrying stretchers back and forth, but they were not as busy as expected. They even had time to chat and talk: "Something's wrong. Isn't it true that fighting has started on the front lines? Why are there only so few wounded today?" Although it’s a good thing, it’s not normal.”

A priest who had just returned from the battlefield gasped and said: "Hey, did you hear the music echoing on the battlefield? It is said that a genius found a way to remove the armor from the White Walkers, and the battle was easy to fight in an instant. . I don’t know who is such a genius, but everyone is cheering! The researchers at the White Walker Asylum are stunned and are looking for who came up with the solution.”

"The first battalion on the right wing retreated to replenish energy, and the second battalion followed immediately!"

"There are a large number of White Walkers on the left wing, and we are in urgent need of combat support!"

"The order is withdrawn, Major Hara Qing has arrived on the battlefield!"

Secretary Xia Yan walked through the crowd on crutches and walked towards the military building.

From time to time, he would use a walkie-talkie to direct the battle, and he was obviously very satisfied with the current battle situation.

"Secretary Xia, is it really okay for us to fish like this?" Lu Buer was relieved to see that the battle situation was stable. Everyone was even discussing who the mysterious genius was.

Although there was no result from the discussion, everyone reached an agreement on something.

It couldn’t be Yuan Qing anyway.

But it doesn’t matter. After all, in the workplace, we are used to employees taking credit for their work.

"It doesn't matter. In theory, as an officer, you have to go to the front line to supervise the battle and command. But I have transferred you to the backup force, so you have more time to recharge your batteries. Besides, you are also appointed by the superiors. Yes, the person responsible for investigating the Corpse Cult can legally avoid fighting."

Secretary Xia Yan led him to the door of the military headquarters, scanned his pupils and opened the door: "After all, this is a special period, and our military headquarters also needs someone to keep an eye on the investigation progress of the Corpse Food Cult incident. You are the only candidate, What’s more, we are also very confident about you.”

What he said revealed an attitude.

Now you are one of your own.

"Ok, I see."

Lu Buer thought that now he was considered a non-staff member of the original family.

I just hope that one day I won’t be victimized by Feng Ping.

"Open the secret door and open the forbidden library passage."

After Xia Yan took the young man into the military building, he did not take the elevator. Instead, he pressed a secret box in a blind corner to expose the underground tunnel.

Countless laser beams were placed across the corridor, emitting terrifying heat.

Secretary Xia Yan pulled out a black card and swiped it on the machine beside the corridor, and the laser light disappeared.

"Let's go."

he ordered.

Lu Fuji just followed him. At the end of the corridor was a metal valve that required a special key to open. Behind the door was an elevator guarded by mechanical guards.

It's just that these mechanical guards seem to be dormant.

Then take the elevator to enter the underground, and you need to verify your identity at each floor.

After exiting the elevator, you have to pass through twelve laser nets before you can reach the gate of the Forbidden Library.

After a set of procedures, Lu Buer was about to collapse.

"It's a secret after all, just get used to it."

Xia Yan took out another key and inserted it into the metal door of the taboo library.

As the gates were retracted into the walls on both sides, the true appearance of the forbidden library was revealed.

It's more of a collection than a warehouse.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a portrait hanging in the long and narrow corridor, with each person's birth and death dates and corresponding military ranks marked below.

"Every powerful evolver in the Federation came from the military department. Hanging here are the portraits of the most outstanding people. Whether they are the pope or the deputy pope, or the saints and princes, Even a holy monarch will have to struggle in the military department at first."

Xia Yan introduced: "The ones hanging here are the most powerful evolvers that have appeared in the Federation in the past hundred years. We usually only count one century, or the period when a sacred monarch reigns. Record their glory, and the glory of mankind.”

Lu Fuji looked at the portraits until he came to the end of the corridor.

There are three majestic sculptures placed here.

The image of each person is wearing a steel mask, wearing mighty armor, and holding a sword in both hands.

"These are the three most powerful people in the third generation of the Holy Monarchs. They once pursued the road to coronation together, but only one of them had the last laugh." Xia Yan said with emotion.

Lu Buer discovered the clue.

Because two of the three sculptures are facing the middle one.

The one without a name in the middle is probably the third generation of the holy monarch Constantine.

As for the remaining two sculptures, they are marked with names and positions.

"The ninth holy official of the Akashic Religion, Gong Yu."

Lu Fuji murmured softly: "The ninth chief priest of the Akashic Holy Religion, Metanzo."

"Hush, don't call him by his first name."

Xia Yan whispered: "These two positions are only qualified for the crown prince. The Holy Officer is actually the guardian of the sacrificial hall, responsible for guarding the territory of mankind. And the Archbishop, you also I have contacted one person, Longque. But Longque is not the crown prince, he just acts as the Grand Priest in an unusual way, because that position is vacant."

"Whether it is the Archbishop or the Archbishop, they are responsible for checking and balancing the Holy Monarch. Because only they have relatively close violence. The Pope and the Vice-Pope have nominal positions higher than them, but in fact they are also It exists to check the power of these two people.”

He said quietly: "Do you understand?"

Lu Fuji asked curiously: "Vacant?"

Xia Yan explained: "After the mysterious death of the third generation of the Holy Monarch, great turmoil occurred in the Supreme Federation and the Akashic Holy Cult. Many people died quietly and were buried in the unknown cemetery. Soon after, the former Holy Officer also He died of illness. The former high priest was alone...entered the Holy Mountain and never came back. From that time on, the Holy Mountain was completely classified as a forbidden place."

His voice was low, as if he was telling some terrible secret, and he emphasized: "Don't explore this matter. Anyone who pursues this secret will encounter misfortune!"

"Mysterious death?"

Lu Fuji was stunned. It sounded like a conspiracy theory.

The third generation of holy monarchs prospered in the Holy Mountain, but died mysteriously.

The power structure in the Pure Land was shaken.

The former Holy Officer died of illness, and the previous Grand Priest disappeared in the Holy Mountain.

"Don't you know how the Holy Sovereign died?"

Lu Fuji became interested in this.

According to Snow Lotus, that divine monarch was called the rebellious king.

He must have done something to die mysteriously.

Maybe White Walkers.

It could also be something else.

The corpse-eating cult that has emerged now seems to be studying the legacy he left behind.

"I didn't know where to go!"

Xia Yan stared, and his thoughts about gossip started again: "But I also have some suspicions. The third generation of the sacred monarch should have done something that was enough to shake the foundation of the Pure Land system. Otherwise, it would not be regarded as a taboo, and all related matters would be eliminated. Traces of it. And the Russell family is the loyal dog of that king. Did you know? The canonized Holy Family all live in the City of God."

"Only the Russell family is not qualified to enter the City of God. Why is this? Isn't this just to prevent this group of people from entering the center of power of the Federation? Moreover, every generation of successors of the Russell family, when they are young, They will be sent to the City of God as hostages."

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Think about it for yourself."

Lu Fuji suddenly realized: "No wonder the Russell family is so anxious."

"Yes, if something happens to Shengen City, not only will the Russell family be disqualified from their duties, but those in Tianzhu City will also suspect that they are secretly doing something."

Xia Yan sneered: "For example, they might be quite panicked about the underground ruins discovered today."

After finishing speaking, he waved: "Follow me."

The taboo library is very large and contains countless files.

Xia Yan took him searching for more than half an hour before he found rows of dusty bookshelves. Each shelf was labeled with a number, from one to six.

"These numbers represent the exploration of the Holy Mountain."

The old man said: "Since the disappearance of the Grand Priest, we have conducted a total of six formal explorations and inspections of the Holy Mountain. The one eight years ago was the last one. We lost Long Ling, who was recognized as the number one genius in the Federation, and Her younger brother Longque also changed his temperament greatly because of this."

I saw him searching on the huge bookshelf and found a sealed safe.

Then he pointed his pupils at the detection instrument on the safe: "Unlock!"

Unexpectedly, the safe responded:

"Insufficient permissions, unlocking refused!"

Xia Yan was stunned: "Apply for the authority to use the General Directorate!"

The safe's testing equipment suddenly dimmed.

Xia Yan grabbed the handle of the safe with his bare hands and pulled hard!

With a click, the door of the safe was opened.

Lu Buer was stunned.

It turns out that the so-called authority of the General Secretary is brute force cracking!

Judging from the strength of the old secretary, his rank is not low.

"It's good to get used to it, sometimes it has to be so simple and crude. Applying for the authority of the General Director is just to avoid triggering alarms and self-destruction devices during brute force cracking. After all, these days, unless you set up an alchemy matrix, there is no insurance. Can the cabinet stop the evolver?"

Secretary Xia Yan took out a file and handed it to him: "Here, it's yours. It should contain the memory chip left by Long Ling, as well as the information she left behind during her practice."

Lu Fuji opened the file, and the first thing he saw was a photo.

The white-haired woman was sitting in the wilderness and smiling sweetly. Her smile was pure and charming, so beautiful under the afterglow of the setting sun. Her light blue dress was swaying in the wind.

She looks like the big sister next door.

There is no aura of a strong man at all.

The personal file contains her family background and growth history, as well as her accumulated military exploits and battlefield performance statistics. Her impeccable resume is jaw-dropping.

"What the hell?"

Lu Fuji was stunned.

"You're surprised, aren't you? Even though Long Ling doesn't look aggressive, she has a temper similar to yours, and she also likes to challenge strong people everywhere. Even though Hara Retsu Souji suppressed his rank, he was able to hold on in her hands. One hundred and twenty-seven seconds. Deputy Director Mo was even worse, defeated completely in forty-two seconds. Director Charles tried his best and was killed by her in three seconds, and Longque could last until one hundred and twenty seconds in her hands."

Xia Yan complained: "Back then, Long Ling wanted to use the high priest's divine power to hone herself. After obtaining permission, she faced six priests with divine power, one against six, and it took a total of ninety-seven seconds to speed through. At that time, she was in In the Third Realm of Victory, chasing the White Walkers in the Land of the Afterlife.”

Lu Fuji fell silent.

Both have thunder attributes, so why is there such a big gap?

There is also a memory chip in the file, stored in a metal box.

The moment Lu Fuji opened the box and reached out to touch it, his index finger flicked like an electric shock.

There was a bang.

It was as if thunder was rolling and exploding in his mind.

He saw a white-haired girl standing on the spire of the bell tower, facing a terrifying electric shock falling from the sky, and the entire night was shaking with the sound of rolling thunderstorms!

"Damn it, are you really risking your life?"

He murmured: "Struck by lightning?"

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