The edge of pure land

Chapter 71 Advancement, Glory Realm! (Third update)

When Yuan Lie came back from the battlefield carrying a heavy giant axe, his armor was already dripping with thick blood, and his whole body was covered with lacerations from being hacked, but it did not bring him the slightest weakness or weakness. On the contrary, It made him more energetic and tough like a young man.

At present, the situation on the front line has stabilized, and the vanguard army has withdrawn for supplies.

The reinforcements are currently pushing forward, continuing to advance the front line further.

At present, the wave of White Walkers has been blocked by them for eighteen kilometers.

The results are very significant.

"Boy, how many White Walkers have you killed today?"

"This wound seems to be inflamed. Don't forget to remind the priest to apply anti-inflammatory medicine."

"And you, don't sleep here, you'll catch a terrible cold, get out of here."

Every time a soldier passed by, the old man would pat them on the shoulder.

Make fun of or curse a few words.

Everyone laughed relaxedly and enjoyed the joy after the war.

Every soldier loves this boss from the bottom of their hearts.

Because Boss Si is their true comrade-in-arms, he fights on the front line every time he encounters a large-scale battle, and tries his best to protect every soldier on the front line. Even when he is older, he still insists on doing his best.

This is completely different from those generals who only command blindly from behind but cannot help.

Because of this, the relationship between the former General Secretary and their superiors and subordinates will become closer.

On the other hand, at this moment, the city lord was also in the camp to express condolences to the soldiers, but it looked like a politician came to inspect, which did not have a comforting effect, but made people very nervous.

Although the city lord was dressed very simply and did not have the grace of the Holy Family, he still felt a sense of disobedience standing here because he did not belong on the battlefield.

As for those members of the Russell family, let alone them.

It is said that since the high priest came to Shengen City, the power of the Russell family has been squeezed step by step. They have not appeared in the public eye for a long time. Now it is not clear whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to appear again, but based on the previous Judging from the instructions for the soldiers to fight hand-to-hand with the White Walkers, this gesture of caring for the soldiers seemed a bit pretentious.

Yuan Lie paused and came face to face with the city lord.

"Thank you for your hard work, former Director-General."

The city lord nodded slightly in greeting: "I didn't expect that the Yuan family actually found a way to break the immortality. I can only say that they are indeed the Holy Family that is best at fighting the White Walkers."

The senior executives of the Russell family looked at each other.

Especially Yuna in the crowd looked incredulous.

If the Hara family really had a solution, why did Souji Hara have to persevere for so long?

Or, in just a short amount of time, they really did it?

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense. There must be something fishy in it.


Yuan Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense and walked around them.

The city lord was not angry and said gently: "Now that the war situation has stabilized, please take a rest. The Holy Council will be convened in half an hour. The issue of the Corpse Food Cult cannot be postponed any longer. It must be held within a week. We will eliminate them completely within the next few days.”

He paused: "Otherwise, the wave of White Walkers may be endless."

Yuan Lie waved his hand: "I understand."

The city lord watched him leave, then turned around and ordered after a while: "Go and find out who found the method to crack the immortalization. Anyway... I don't believe it is Yuan Qing."

The senior executives of the Russell family nodded slightly, turned and left.

Yuan Lie was about to walk towards the military tent when he saw his old buddy.

Xia Yan walked to him in a hurry, leaning on a cane.

"what happened?"

Yuan Lie asked in a low voice.

"Lu Fuji is the thunder attribute evolver, the recruit your niece is interested in. During the investigation process, he found the ballad left by the Ministry of the Past, which can break the immortality. But in order to protect himself, he did not intend to If you ask for credit, give it to your niece."

Xia Yan quickly said: "Your niece's sacred right to be crowned is in danger."


Yuan Lie was surprised: "Is there such a good thing? You didn't take other people's things in vain, did you?"

"You don't know how to be a human being, why don't I?"

Xia Yan curled his lips and said: "I have tried my best to win him over, and even secretly took him to the taboo library and stole Long Ling's files. He is a precious evolver with the thunder attribute. If there is hope to reach the level of elementalization, then in the future He must be another super genius. And this super genius was originally trained by my original family, so he is half of my original family!"

Yuan Lie was stunned: "How dignified is this? You obviously took it!"

Xia Yan said indifferently: "How can you, a brainless fool like you, know how to be afraid? I don't care. Anyway, I entered the taboo vault with your authority. It doesn't matter whether I stole it or took it."

"How come you're not dead yet, old guy?"

"Oh, by the way, I even pouted half of the red groundflowers you raised."

"What? What are you doing with my flowers?"

"That kid needs it, but he doesn't know the use."

"You bastard!"


"Why don't you give him your other half too?"

Yuan Lie is brainless, but he is not a pure idiot either.

If Lu Fuji can achieve elementalization, he will be the second dragon feather.

That is a rare talent in the world.

Even their original family had not mastered such violence.

"You old boy, remember to remind my niece to give her more treats."

Yuan Lie used his brain and said in a deep voice: "Newcomers at that age definitely prefer young and beautiful girls to bad old men who are about to be buried. Do you understand?"

He still showed off his wisdom.

"What did you say?"

Xia Yan was furious: "You are about to be buried!"

However, at this moment, there was a faint sound of bells echoing in the city.

The Holy Council is about to begin.

"Do you want to go wash up and go see the high priest like this?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but ask.

"I'm just going so that everyone can know how tragic the battlefield is!"

Yuan Lie looked stunned.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you if you are disliked."

Xia Yan heard that today's high priest was very murderous. After all, he had just experienced an attack.

If she doesn't like anyone at this time, that person will really be in trouble.

With a bang, a terrifying explosion sounded on the metal barrier, dozens of blazing flashes illuminated the sky, and thick smoke rose into the sky, accompanied by the excited screams of the mechanics.

"Bastard! What's going on? Is the enemy attacking?"

"Calm down, it was Noah's sixth-generation city-burning cannon that exploded..."



When night fell, Lu Fuji was already sitting on the rooftop of the dormitory building, silently suffering severe pain, feeling that every cell in his body was boiling and screaming.

It was as if a giant beast was roaring deep inside his skull.

This is the tenth day since he emerged from his cocoon.

It is also the day when his life energy accumulates to 100%.

This speed of promotion is very abnormal. As far as he knows, it has surpassed those direct descendants of the Holy Family. After all, even if there is a large amount of sacred tree marrow, ordinary people still need to meditate for a long time to squeeze the energy in the cells, so high-load practice will make people tired.

Furthermore, depending on each person's understanding of the sacred rhythm, the speed at which cells are squeezed will also be different. Some people will be slower, while others will be extremely fast.

It's just like working out in the gym.

It’s not just about physical talent, it’s also about whether you can endure it.

Most people practice and practice, but they can’t practice anymore.

After all, you always have to let your body rest.

But Lu Fuji's situation was different. Every time he got sick, he was forced to practice.

Simply can not stop.

The cell division speed is like turning on ten times the speed.

His body almost exploded every time.

Moreover, it is the diseased cells that are being squeezed, and it will not cause any damage to the body.

Unfortunately, as his body continues to evolve, his symptoms do not seem to be abating.

Instead, the pain became worse and worse.

But now that he's used to it, it doesn't matter.

"I'll blanch..."

After a long time, he came out of the meditative state. The life energy in his body had rioted to the limit. The last numerology fragment shattered on his forehead, and the arc flashed.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Lu Sixian was hiding in the corridor on the rooftop, sticking half of her head out to look at him.

"What a shit, it hurts like hell."

Lu Buer rolled his eyes in confusion. It was obvious that he had reached the limit within the scope of the origin world, and the progress of numerology had also been achieved simultaneously. At this moment, he was almost unable to control the life energy in his body, as well as the swarming out of his cells. Horrible current.

"But are you sure you want to stay here with me?"

He couldn't help but said: "It may be dangerous later."

Lu Sixian nodded expressionlessly and said seriously: "I want to stay here. If my brother is struck to death by lightning, I can collect your body as soon as possible."

You are such a good sister to me.

Lu Fuji's eyes twitched: "How about I send you back to the orphanage?"

Lu Sixian shook her head: "I won't go."

Although she said this, the boy in her eyes was not shrouded in rich black, nor was it the hazy gray she saw before, but a touch of pure white.

She knew it meant safety.

There was a boom.

It's thundering.

Sure enough, after the explosion of Noah's sixth-generation city-burning cannon, thunderclouds formed in the sky, and the sound of rolling thunderstorms sounded in the sky. It seemed to be quite large.

According to the information left by Long Ling, at this time, as long as the accumulated power in the body is released in one breath at the moment of lightning falling, one can be accurately struck by lightning.

Long Ling's memory chip can help him instantly understand how to advance.

As for whether he will be struck to death by lightning, I don't know.

But the road to invincibility is right in front of him, and Lu Fujian cannot give up.

This is the urinary nature of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This was also the case when he was playing games in the past. If he knew that there was the strongest equipment in the current copy, then he would find ways to skip class and get it in advance.

Who the hell would use inferior ones when you can get the best ones?

It would be better to die spectacularly in Novice Village than to linger on and be beaten at the end.

The skyline in the darkness was shrouded in terrifying dark clouds, and a ray of blazing electric light tore through the night. Accompanied by the terrifying sound of thunder, the entire city was awakened.

It was at this moment that Lu Fuji broke through the shackles.

There was a boom.

A thick bolt of lightning struck down and hit the top of his head!

In just an instant, the memory chip on Lu Buer's forehead shattered, and violent memories washed over his brain like a sea tide. Along with endless blazing lightning and rolling thunder, his body trembled almost instinctively. , unleashing the power of thunder and lightning.

The endless thunder and lightning seemed to converge into a huge electric cage.

The lightning that fell from the sky did not hit his brain, but was pulled by the violent current and merged into his body step by step.

He seemed to be in an endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

The level of life begins to change.

In the overwhelming hallucination, he seemed to see a golden road to the sky, intertwined like tree roots.

Every step leads to the sky.

And he took the second step on this evolutionary path.

The Kabbalah Tree of Life System.

The second boundary layer.

Glory Realm.

Along with the sublimation of his soul and body, his life level finally evolved.

Not only that, the memory of the technique surged in like a flood.

Lu Fuji's brain was in severe pain, and his body was almost on the verge of collapse. The violent arcs emerging from his body burst out with intense blue light, covering his limbs like blazing armor. His fingertips gathered scorching flashes of light, and in the darkness It is uncertain and may explode at any time.

The violent force destroyed all his sanity.

He fell to his knees, roaring in pain, his eyes filled with lightning.

Seeing this scene, Lu Sixian pursed her red lips.

She found a shard of glass from nowhere and cut her finger.

Then he leaned over against the blazing electric light and gently put the blood from his fingertips into his mouth.

After the blood enters the throat, it feels like the sweetest dew in the world.

The violent electric arc in Lu Fuji's body actually became tamed. His consciousness gradually recovered from the endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the severe pain of being shattered into pieces gradually disappeared. done!

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