The edge of pure land

Chapter 76 Taking my sister to investigate the case

Yuan Qing lay on the table suspiciously, looking at the scene in front of her, biting her green-white fingers, trying to think: "You two... what did you just do?"

Xuelian knew that she couldn't guess anything with her brain, so she casually made up a lie and said: "There is currently no one available for the high priest, so this guy can only help. In order to ensure his safety, let me apply divine power to his right hand." Shelter in case of emergency.”

This is still nonsense, because it is impossible to hand over divine power to others.

But most people don't know this.

Lu Fuji secretly thought: "Well, my dark matter was discovered when we were in the underground ruins. Fortunately, the sacrificial hall didn't seem to think that the evolvers who mastered the ghost skills would become a rebellious factor. They are even willing to cover for me, as long as I can do things. So, there should be some kind of cooperative relationship between the Sacrifice Hall and the Heretic Tribunal."

Ever since he learned about the existence of the White Walkers, the dark matter in his body seemed to have an explanation.

Although he knew that his ability did not seem to be a real ghost technique.

But as long as it is exposed, there will be no difference in the eyes of outsiders.

The main problem is that this ability seems to be very feared.

For example, Dragon Bird is regarded as an alien by the world because he masters the art of ghosts. This is the reason why he is not welcomed now. Of course, it is more likely that he did something in this city eight years ago. , resulting in enemies and people who disliked him everywhere.

Lu Buer seems to be in a similar situation now. Neither his style of dealing with nor his personality are very lovable. In addition, there are too many secrets hidden in him, and the existence of strange ghosts. Once exposed, there is a high probability that he will be killed. Falling out with the people in power in this city.

The reason why Longque can survive until now is because he is strong enough.

On the other hand, Deer Fuji is still in the development stage.

"The high priest is pretty good."

Lu Fuji said sincerely.

"Of course."

Xuelian was very satisfied that this brat finally said a human word.

"Thank her for me when I get back."

Lu Buer patted her shoulder and said sternly: "Don't worry, I will definitely help her get rid of the dog thieves of the Corpse Food Cult and avenge her last terrorist attack!"

Xuelian glanced at his paw and suddenly regretted coming here today.

"Now the city lord's palace is leading the investigation into the case of the Corpse Food Cult. The Holy Intelligence does not believe in Longque, but you are currently very clean. You have witnessed the sacrifices of the Corpse Food Cult from the place of death, and have participated in many investigations. Action, they have no reason to deprive you of your investigative rights. And you have good talents, but in most cases, they will only try to win you over."

She opened her red lips lightly and said calmly: "As for the Sacrifice Hall, I won't favor anyone on the surface, but you have to remember who you are doing things for. This is our deal."

Lu Fuji understood.

Xue Lian's sudden visit today turned out to be for this reason.

Whether it's helping him cover up the aura of dark matter or solving certain forces' investigation of his sister, it's all considered as a bargaining chip in the deal, and the purpose is to get him to help investigate the case.

Because the person who cooperated with the Sacrifice Hall before was Longque.

Now that Long Que has been suspended, he can only find another person to support him.

However, suddenly, Lu Fuji suddenly thought of something and frowned: "I was thinking that the military base is not very safe. Can the sacrificial hall take my sister away? I'm worried that there will be others when I'm investigating the case outside. Some thieves with ulterior motives want to take my sister away."

People in military bases cannot be trusted.

Even Yuan Qing sometimes has to go to the battlefield to fight.

You can't disobey your superiors' orders and stay in his dormitory 24 hours a day.

Xuelian shook her head: "It's too obvious to bring someone back from the Sacrifice Hall."

Oh, yes, if you do this, you are playing a bright card.

The corpse-eating cultists even dare to blow up the high priest, but they may also be able to do other things.

"But I can also make the decision and arrange for reliable people to protect you secretly."

Xuelian thought about it for a moment: "If there is a problem, I will inform you at any time."

That's all it can do for now.

"When we go out this time, we must find out the connection between the zombie cultists and Kashiwagi and the mastermind behind him. We must solve this hidden danger, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating..."

Lu Fuji secretly made up his mind.

"You guys take your time, I have something else to do and I'm leaving first."

Before leaving, Xuelian suddenly paused, found paper and pen and wrote down an address: "If you need Longque's help, you can go to this place to find him."

After saying that, she turned and left.

The officiant followed behind, snoring as if sleepwalking.

After the woman left, Yuan Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "Who is this woman? Why does she always give me an...inexplicable sense of oppression?"

"Hey, don't you recognize me?"

Shika Fuji was stunned: "This is the personal bodyguard of the high priest."

"I haven't seen her before. I just think her eyes are very stern."

Yuan Qing muttered: "It seems that she is not very satisfied with my clothes."

Lu Buer looked at her cool outfit and said seriously: "Don't worry about her, just wear it like this from now on! The people in the sacrificial hall may be so pedantic and old-fashioned, as long as I'm satisfied!"

With a bang, there was a heavy slamming of the door outside the dormitory building.

Lu Fuji and Yuan Qing were both startled.

"Did she hear it?"

"Are you listening to the wind? Can you hear this?"

How outrageous.

Yuan Qing rolled her beautiful eyes and suddenly thought of something, and asked expectantly: "Xiaolu, I'm on vacation today. If you go to investigate the case, can you take me with you?"

Lu Buer was taken aback: "Isn't this bad? What should I do if the former General Director and Secretary Xia find out? I remember that the military base has disciplines that prohibit officers and soldiers from going out and messing around."

In fact, he really wanted to take it.

Bringing Yuan Qing with you is equivalent to bringing a fire-breathing dragon.

And it’s still on the third level.

It can be said to be a top baby.

Yuan Qing stared, very excited: "Isn't it okay if I don't tell them? I can disguise myself. How about I pretend to be your sister? doesn't seem appropriate."

She glanced down at her hot figure and murmured: "Maybe my sister can do it too? No, it's weird to bring family members when investigating a case, right? Then I'll pretend to be your secretary!"

"If you have something to do with the secretary, do you have something to do with the secretary?"

Lu Fuji shook his head: "Why don't we just forget it?"

"This is an order, not a request!"

Yuan Qing poked his forehead: "Wait for me, I'll change clothes!"

Lu Bu'er was speechless. He could only turn around and look at the little girl huddled on the bed, and warned: "I have something to go out today. If I have something to do, I'll go see Brother He Sai. Do you understand?"

Lu Sixian was also used to his busyness. She showed no expression from beginning to end. She just took out a folded painting and said softly: "Brother, I had another nightmare last night."

Lu Fuji thought her illness was a forced attack. Seeing that she was in good mental condition today, he was convinced that the medicine had an effect on her, so he took the painting without saying anything more to her.

This painting surprised him because it was very realistic.

And he has seen this scene before.

In front of the holy statue in the underground ruins, the white-clad believers knelt on the ground and shouted silently.

The woman in the red dress led the sacrifice on the altar. In front of her lay two teenagers who were identical to twins, swallowed by thousands of blood vessels, struggling painfully.

Those blood vessels actually extend from the flesh and blood on the ground.

At that time, the flesh and blood in the underground ruins were not deformed, and even maintained immortality.

But as the twins struggled painfully, their bodies were also becoming immortal, and the flesh and blood all over the ruins withered away, gradually turning into shockingly deformed rotten flesh.

The elegant young man in a suit laughed wildly at the scene.

"This is transplanting dark matter. No wonder there is no dark matter in the flesh and blood of those gods!"

Lu Fuji was surprised: "So that's what happened!"



At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Buer took Yuan Qing and left the military base.

Sure enough, as the sacrificial hall said, Lu Buer's investigative rights were not deprived. On the way, he also met some senior officers from the city lord's palace, asking him to provide clues and evidence, and to accept the interrogation from his superiors and cooperate with the investigation. Investigation into the Corpse Cult.

He was prepared and provided some useless evidence to fool him.

As for cooperating with the investigation, he declined due to physical discomfort.

Unexpectedly, the people in the City Lord’s Mansion didn’t force him.

He took the people away very simply.

"Sister, why do I feel like someone is watching us?"

Lu Buer looked left and right while waiting for the military train at the gate of the military base.

"Nonsense, how can the people in the City Lord's Mansion really believe that you don't want to investigate this matter? They must be the spies they sent to keep an eye on you. Once you discover something, they can take credit!" Yuan Qing adjusted her appearance in the dressing mirror. She dressed up as a cool female secretary, with a charming and sharp face decorated with makeup, a black suit that set off her graceful figure, and shiny black leather shoes.

A black top hat hid her face, and only she could see it in the mirror.

"Sister, you are smart, you know this."

Lu Fuji felt that her intelligence seemed to have improved: "Awesome."

"No, you will be able to discover them when you advance to the third realm. Because your five senses will be very sharp by then, and it will be difficult not to discover them."

Yuan Qing pouted: "There are several faces that I have seen in the military headquarters."

Well, that’s it.

Lu Buer thought that she still hadn't lost her character.

The military train at the entrance of the military base runs every half an hour. It is no different from the buses five hundred years ago. It runs all the way to the residential areas within the third ring road.

When passing by the downtown area, you can see advertisements being displayed on a huge projection screen. It is a female officer in a dark green military uniform. The smile on her lips is charming but wild.

A large number of citizens gathered under the projection screen, and the discussion was lively.

Hmm, looks familiar.

"Sister, is that you?"

Lu Fuji couldn't help but said.


Yuan Qing looked up and saw her advertisement, and she covered her face in shame for a moment.

"Why are you on the projection screen?"

"Probably because of the coronation. In the Pure Land, once someone obtains the sacred right to be crowned, it is big news. Five hundred years ago, there was a country called the American Empire, and every presidential election they held attracted much attention... That's it. This means. For these ordinary people, the evolvers pursuing the path of the divine monarch are like a bloody and exciting ladder. The appearance of every strong person will make their blood boil. In comparison, star idols are just Just for fun."

"Like a superhero?"

"Well, because the evolvers who have obtained the power of divine coronation are the most powerful. Some people can prevent the resurgence of the god of waste at the bottom of the nearby Yingzhou Island, and there are also people who can destroy the heretical organization on the distant prison island. Those more powerful saints , will fight head-on with the wild gods. This level is no less than that of you five hundred years ago suddenly seeing Sun Wukong fighting Yang Jian in the sky."

"I see, if I could see Monkey King fighting Yang Jian, or Godzilla fighting King Kong, etc., then I would lose interest in celebrities and idols."

"You are an evolved person. Even though your living conditions may not be as comfortable as ordinary people. But the sacred tree marrow sap and memory chips you are using now can already buy two houses. In the final analysis, you are in an equal relationship. What do you want? They provide protection, they provide you with resources.”

The military train arrived at the station, and the station at the door was an old hospital.

Longque happened to be sitting at the door of the hospital, coughing violently, and was pointed at and scolded by the little nurse.

"I've never seen a patient as troublesome as you!"

The little nurse's face turned red with anger: "If you continue to use those medicines, God can't save you!"

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