The edge of pure land

Chapter 8 Divine Intelligence

This scene happened so suddenly that Lu Fuji almost instinctively stretched out his hand to stop him, and everyone onlookers screamed because once his hand was hit by the iron rod, it would be injured or disabled.

Unexpectedly, the iron rod of the man in black stopped when it was less than a centimeter away from his palm, and the steel face under the hood made a cold and ruthless voice: "High-power human race detected, attack mode is temporarily released, and the target is about to be re-locked. Start looking for enemies..."

Lu Fuji was surprised, this law enforcer turned out to be a robot!

"Brother Lu!"

Jose rushed over and pulled him behind him. Only then did he realize that the law enforcers on both sides of the main road had turned their heads at this moment, and the eye holes of the steel masks lit up with red light.

"Please stop your behavior immediately! Please stop your behavior immediately!"

Boss Zhang hugged his daughter in horror. He felt that there were devils in black clothes and red eyes in all directions. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him and recognized his own flesh and blood. He felt that he was righteous even if the King of Heaven came, so he yelled: " I didn't break the law, I didn't break the law! This is my daughter, you can go for a DNA test, it's obviously..."

At this time, someone from the crowd rushed over and punched him, knocking him to the ground.

"Crazy! This is my daughter now! The daughter assigned to me by the Divine Intelligence!"

It was a strong man with a stubble on his face. He picked up the little girl who was crying in his arms and dragged her back to the roadside like a kitten: "Next time you recognize someone randomly, see if I can handle it!"

The law enforcers were indifferent when they saw this scene, their red mechanical eyes turned, and they endlessly repeated the mechanical voice: "Lawfully protect your own rights and interests, give them recognition!"

They once again stood guard on both sides of the road to separate the onlookers.

The little girl had been taken away by the strong man, and her heart-wrenching cries gradually faded away.

Boss Zhang was beaten to a pulp, and his eyes were filled with stars until he saw his daughter completely disappear from sight. At this moment, his whole body seemed to collapse, and he collapsed completely to the ground.

"Brother Lu, didn't you listen to what that strong man said just now? What kind of divine intelligence assigned the little girl to him as his daughter? In this damn place, the family can still be assigned!"

Jose was also shocked.

"Can this be any more ridiculous? That's obviously Boss Zhang's daughter. I've seen her before at the school gate." Lu Fuji felt extremely ridiculous. He had an impulse to do something, but in front of him I feel powerless against a group of emotionless robots.

"This is a law enacted by the federal government to protect non-independent people. Imagine how a minor who does not have the ability to be independent will survive in the pure land after losing the protection of his family? No one knows when their family will be broken. Cocoon, can we just keep waiting like this? Over time, it will become a burden to the entire federal system."

Aoki said calmly: "Therefore, the Holy Intelligence will give these minors who have lost their families to reorganize their families according to their needs and configuration. Although doing so will also cause some problems, such as the scene you just saw... but at least They can survive. No matter what era, survival is the primary need. Once a person dies, everything ends."

"Once the original family members of the cocoon breakers appear, they will most likely be separated from their existing families, which is also unfair to their current families. Therefore, if the cocoon breakers want to reunite their families, they must obtain a career and judgment. Submit the application in accordance with the process. Otherwise, it will be judged as an illegal act and severely punished for disrupting federal order."

He paused: "This is the law. Order is above everything else, and survival is above emotion."

Aoki explained these as the search and rescue team's science popularization duty.

There were some more extreme situations that he didn't mention.

For example, some people are assigned a very favorable family environment in the Pure Land.

When the original family breaks out of the cocoon, he will directly refuse to acknowledge it...

There are not many such examples.

Everyone was stunned.

I see.

This makes sense.

Although it is still a bit cruel.


"According to this theory, if you work hard to prove yourself in the Pure Land, wouldn't you be able to marry someone else's wife? Well, that's a bit perverted..." Lu Fuji whispered.

Officer An sighed, patted his shoulder, and whispered: "Don't be so impulsive next time. Although it seems that you high-energy species are getting preferential treatment here, no one can guarantee how good the treatment will be. ...As for Lao Zhang, it depends on his fate."

There is indeed no particularly good solution at the moment. It’s good that Boss Zhang was not taken away on suspicion of human trafficking. Probably this kind of thing happens all the time, so he won’t be held accountable.

It's nonsense to say that he recognized his own daughter and was suspected of human trafficking.

The laws here are really weird.

"How pitiful."

Aoki walked past them with his subordinates, especially when he glanced at Lao Zhang who fell to the ground with the corner of his eye, a smile on his lips mocked: "Let's go, remember to take him with you."

Under the suppression of law enforcement, the residents who flocked to look for their relatives quickly dispersed, because according to regulations, they could stay here for ten minutes. Once the time was up, they had to leave, otherwise they would be tried for allegedly obstructing official business. This shows the harsh laws of the Pure Land.

But tomorrow, and every day after that.

They may still come here, waiting and watching day after day.

As for Boss Zhang, after being knocked unconscious by a punch, his brain seemed to have finally woken up. Even when he was helped up, he lowered his head and said nothing, and he no longer cried for his daughter back.

But Lu Fujiu saw that his clenched fist was full of blood.

Lu Fuji could understand the feeling of being powerless.

In other words, it is a feeling of unwillingness.

I had a similar feeling when I knew I wouldn't live long.

"The 583,274th batch of cocoon breakers, welcome to the Pure Land."

After the onlookers dispersed, a cold mechanical sound sounded on the empty main road. Drones were hovering in all directions, and cameras were pointed at each of them.

After entering the city through the main road, the first buildings they saw turned out to be military camps. The soldiers were transporting supplies. Commanders were responsible for command and dispatch. The weapons they were equipped with were generally standard swords and revolvers.

No wonder those residents couldn't stay here for long. It turned out to be a military zone.

Lu Fuji was keenly aware that these soldiers generally looked older, some had bald heads, others had wrinkles on their faces, or were hunched over.

The most exaggerated thing is that there was a soldier who was obviously from the cooking class. He was using crutches to transport ingredients. He fell down after taking only two steps, but he said that he could still do it.

"In the Pure Land, do all the conscripts use old men?"

As a good boy of the 21st century who respects the elderly and loves the young, He Sai expressed shock at this.


Qingmu didn't reply, but his voice became cold: "They are not old people, some are even the same age as you. Don't gloat, maybe one day you will become like them... This is evolution, The price to pay.”

Everyone was surprised, but didn't understand its meaning.

The soldiers showed no reaction to their arrival.

It was as if he saw his original self.

At the end of the military camp is a glorious temple, which looks like the Pantheon of ancient Rome. In front of the temple are priests in white robes. They hold torches high and pray devoutly: "My father is in heaven, may your name be holy. Your country is here, and all your wishes will come true."

The old priest in black opened the door of the palace for them, and the golden light rushed towards them.

The feeling of pilgrimage is like seeing the ancient golden tree in the land of the dead. Enshrined in the hall is a holy and flawless angel. His hands hold a huge golden crystal. The sharp-edged crystal reflects like a mirror. Brilliant light, like the rising sun.

"It's such an honor to see the gods."

The old priest made a sign of the cross on his chest and prayed devoutly.

Aoki also put away his playful attitude for the first time and showed his piety and respect.

"Holy Intelligence?"

Lu Fuji has heard this term more than once. It seems that what is enshrined in this temple is not the so-called angel, but the huge golden crystal, which is the sacred intelligence.

According to Aoki and the others, after arriving in the Pure Land, all Cocoon Breakers must undergo the test of the divine intelligence body before they can determine their talents and duties.

About thirty people were standing in the hall. Their clothes were in tatters, covered with blood and soil, and their expressions showed confusion and hesitation. They were obviously cocoon breakers who had just arrived in the Pure Land.

Lu Fuji's eyes changed slightly, because among these group of cocoon breakers, there were his acquaintances. At least ten of them were classmates in their school. The uniforms of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School were very conspicuous.

There are the top students from Class 4 next door who major in physical education, a beautiful senior who is famous for her piano and ballet, and the top student from Class 7, including several rich second-generation dudes from very wealthy families, and even one who has graduated two years ago. A senior who has entered university.

Unexpectedly, everyone woke up at about the same time, and they all gathered in Shengen City.

He Sai just wanted to say hello, but he stopped him.

"Shh, don't be too loud."

The cocoon-breakers were obviously aware of their arrival. After looking back, there were strange emotions in their eyes, but they all restrained themselves.

Everyone realizes that the laws of the Pure Land are very strict, and they are afraid that they will make some mistakes.

The sacred intelligence body was suspended in mid-air and rotating, and the crystals actually showed complicated and fine lines, like the stripes of nerves or networks, reflecting everyone's face.

Lu Fuji's pupils shrank slightly, because the lines emerging from the divine intelligence were clearly the symbols of Aurora's technology, which made him feel even more confused.

Now in the Pure Land five hundred years later, what role does Aurora Technology play?

Judging from the performance of Aoki and the others, they respect the so-called divine intelligence as much as they respect gods.

“May the great divine intelligence, the collective wisdom of the Tree of Kabbalah, guide us in the way forward.”

The old priest knelt on the ground and stared at the sacred intelligence suspended in mid-air. His pupils turned a strange golden color, and the same complex lines loomed in the depths of his pupils.

His whole body convulsed, as if he had been electrocuted.

However, neither Aoki nor his subordinates, nor the priests present.

All were indifferent to this.

"The collection of wisdom from the Tree of Kabbalah? How does it sound like artificial intelligence?" Lu Fuji was a little confused.

Now it seems that the god believed in by the Akasha Holy Cult is the Kabbalah Tree of Life, but it should not be the ancient tree they saw in the Land of Rebirth.

Because according to Aoki, there is more than one sacred tree.

Maybe there is something like the ontology.

After a long time, the old priest finally stopped convulsing, and his eyes gradually returned to normal. He said in an old voice: "I have received divine enlightenment and sensed God's will."

The old priest turned around and looked at the group of cocoon-breakers in front of him. His eyes fell on the school bully: "Gaoli, you are an imbecile. You bully your classmates in school because you are ignorant and have no skills. As a result, you have no ability." Specialties and strong physical fitness are talents given to you by God. You will shoulder the mission of transporting supplies, and the frontline supplies team can realize your self-worth."

The school bully's face suddenly turned pale because he realized that his value might be the lowest in the Pure Land, and the place he was sent to was the front line.

What does it mean to be on the front line?

Means battlefield!

"No! You obviously accepted my watch, but I don't want to go to the front line, no..."

Just as he was about to fight for himself, the priests nearby forcibly covered his mouth and dragged him away.

This group of pastors may seem gentle, but in fact everyone is physically strong.

It's obviously not the first time I've done this kind of work.

"Anna, you imbecile, music and dance are talents given to you by God. You must continue to move forward on the road of art. The Athena Cabaret can realize your self-worth."

"If you are unable to create self-worth, you will be assigned to an orphanage to learn daily household chores and wait for assignments from your family."

The eyes of the beautiful senior sister changed. Back then, she studied music and dance in order to join the upper class society, but now she was assigned to a song and dance hall and became a singer.

But fortunately, it is much better than the previous one.

"Zhu Li, you are an imbecile. You have been reluctant to work after graduation. Instead, you complained that your parents did not find you a good position, which caused you to waste your talents. Now, except for your healthy body, you have nothing. So you will They will be assigned to a welfare home, where they will learn daily household chores and be assigned to family members according to their needs."

It turns out that this is what the so-called distribution of family members is all about.

As long as people are deemed unable to create value, it will be difficult for them to survive in this world, so they will be assigned to orphanages and assigned to a family according to needs to become new members.

"Zhou Heng, Zhongneng Zhong, fishing is a talent given to you by God. Your talent in this area is very subtle. You will be assigned to a rare fish breeding center to realize your self-worth..."

After hearing this, the person involved's face turned red.

Although this job sounds much better than what he had five hundred years ago, it is a personal insult to him!

"Lin Xiu, Zhong Neng Zhong, civil engineering is a talent given to you by God. You have excellent academic qualifications and knowledge reserves, and your talents in the fields of architecture and construction are very good..."

The old senior's eyes lit up, it was obvious that his value was the highest!

The profession that he despised five hundred years ago has finally turned around in the Pure Land!

However, the old priest’s next words were:

"Xicheng Ashfield can realize your self-worth."


Under the old priest's verdict, the fate of the cocoon breakers was ruthlessly determined. They were assigned to various positions as resources, and they had no right to refuse at all.

Some people maintain their talents but fall into the dust, and some people seem to be mediocre but get the career that others dream of.

"It's your turn."

Aoki turned around and said calmly.

Under the guidance of the priests, everyone prepared to step forward to accept the judgment of fate with uneasiness. Only Lu Buer and He Sai were taken away alone and led to the presence of the divine intelligence.

"Master Father, these two high-energy species are the few good ones in this batch, and they are probably the last batch after winter. There are now 800 permanent high-energy species in the city."

Aoki smiled and said: "Please lead them to understand the sacred rhythm."

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

Thanks to xmukmb boss for being the leader, the boss is awesome! I haven’t saved the article yet, I’ll add more later!

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