The edge of pure land

Chapter 80 Sister, we see too many breasts! (first update)

Lu Fuji hid behind the boxes stacked in the corner of the warehouse, waved and said: "Sister, I wonder if you have ever heard of incidents in the military camp where soldiers' supplies were withheld? Or maybe, supplies on the front line were stolen from time to time. Will there be a shortage?”

Yuan Qing was stunned, biting her fingers and thinking: "Of course, I went to the Logistics Department to settle the account as soon as my mind got hot. As a result, the people of Deputy General Manager Mo were as smart as ghosts, and they fooled me in just a few words. They said The withholding of supplies is just a rumor, and this happened only because there was a problem with the transportation process of the supplies. In this regard, I have no right to ask or investigate."

She pouted her red lips slightly: "Later, I went to find the person involved, but the answer I got was that there was no such thing. I didn't give up, so I went to ask many people, and the only one who was short of supplies also said Compensation has been received from the Logistics Department.”

Lu Fuji understood that this was actually a very typical gangster method.

He bullied men and women on weekdays, but after the superiors came to investigate, he quickly went around to deal with the situation, first eliminating evidence and then appeasing the witnesses to form a consistent confession.

As long as you can save your wealth and life, it doesn't matter if you shed a little more blood.

With the brains of the Yuan family, they definitely can't play with this.

What's more, they are still outsiders.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. This principle is the same in Shengen City.

"According to my guess, a big shot in the military department secretly misappropriated military supplies to support the activities of Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. There may be two reasons."

Lu Buer raised two fingers: "The first one is that big shot who took a fancy to this company's project and wanted to make money or take it for himself. But later he accidentally discovered that they were carrying out heretical activities behind the scenes. So he turned his back. This is why Aoki concealed what happened to us in the Land of the Past, concealed the existence of the corpse-eating cultists, and then killed them."

He paused: "The second situation is that the big shot knew what the Corpse Food Cult was doing, but still secretly supported it. This must be a conspiracy, but the two parties may have turned against each other in the end due to interests and other reasons. It starts with dog eating dog, and the logic holds true.”

This also explains why these two groups of people, even though they are not on the same side, are able to remain consistent on the matter of the witch and unite to secretly target him.

There is a high probability that the big shot in the military department will turn his back first and kill all the corpse-eating cultists, hoping to eliminate as much evidence as possible to prevent the matter from getting worse.

But later, the Corpse Food Cult found a handle on him and came to rebel against Tiangang.

What happened today is the best case. Deputy Chief Mo's adjutant and officials from the Population and Resources Bureau wanted to take away the witch. It was probably a deal forced by the Corpse Cult!

Yuan Qing was stunned for a long time and opened her red lips in surprise.

Lu Fuji was ready for her praise.

However, Yuan Qing shook her head and said, "I don't understand."

Lu Fuji silently wiped his face.

"But there's a problem."

Yuan Qing said suspiciously: "Since they are misappropriating military supplies to support the research of the Corpse Cult, why don't they even change the packaging of the supply boxes?"

good question.

Lu Fuji looked at these boxes and shrugged: "Well, some supply boxes have obviously been repackaged. As for these supply boxes that have not been repackaged... Is there a possibility that the Corpse Food Cult found the military headquarters? What about the delivery route of a big shot and then setting up an ambush to rob them? I think there are smart people in the Corpse Cult. Even if they change the packaging, they can see that these are military supplies."

Yuan Qing suddenly realized.

"This is easy to handle. Military supplies for military bases are generally produced in factories in the third ring road, and then transported to the Materials Bureau. As long as the Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the military base, the Materials Bureau, and the factory are placed in these four places Mark it and draw a range, check to see if anything unusual has happened recently, and I believe you will be able to find clues soon."

Lu Buer waved his hand: "Of course this is not the point. The important thing is that we should expose this matter. It is not enough to just get the evidence and go back to report it. After all, sister, you also know that this thing can be solved in a military court. It’s been a long time talking. But what’s the saying? Fighting corruption requires evidence, counter-terrorism only requires lists, and we have to make this matter bigger.”

Yuan Qing tilted her head: "What do you mean?"

Lu Buer spread his hands and explained: "Isn't Lyman from the City Lord's Mansion here? Since they want to personally solve the problem of the Corpse Food Cult, why not let him come and take a look in person. We just need to find out if there is one here More important clues, and then..."

His eyes became serious: "Charge, kill, do it!"

Yuan Qing's beautiful eyes brightened slightly, she didn't feel sleepy anymore when she mentioned the Yuan Family's Third Company.

"Okay, then just listen to you."

When they were whispering, neither of them closed the communication channel.

Both Longque and Qiangwei have received the message.

"We have found out that the legal person of Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a bankrupt and there is no valuable information. But we found out that the company's shareholding structure has changed many times many years ago, and one of the shareholders happens to be Deputy General Manager Mo's nephew's wife's uncle's second uncle's sister..." Qiangwei was interrupted mid-sentence.

"In short, it has something to do with Deputy Chief Mo."

Longque said calmly: "In addition, there is another piece of useful information. The founder of Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is suspected to have been murdered. I think this may have something to do with that Annan. It is worth noting that several A few months ago, Stellar Biotechnology Co., Ltd. fell into financial crisis again, and they tried to introduce another fund from the outside world."

"But because of the obvious financial problems on their books, the three investors ultimately rejected the investment after some investigation. However, not long after, they encountered car accidents, gas leaks, falling objects from high altitudes and other incidents. In the end, the three investors All the investors compromised and have never appeared in the public eye since. These three investors are Chen Jing, the only daughter of the founder of Chen Group, Raul, the vice chairman of the Morgan consortium, and the director of Qixing Pharmaceutical Long Aaron.”

He said lightly: "The wealth distribution and tax policies in the Pure Land are very different. These companies seem to make a lot of money, but they have to pay huge taxes. They are indeed powerful, but their size is often not considered. Big. If the Corpse Food Cult loses the support of the big shot in the military, then there is nothing wrong with seeking help from these consortiums..."

Lu Fuji thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

Well, the timing is right.

The time when Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. had financial problems was probably the time when the big shot in the military fell out with them, so the following series of events occurred.

"So, where is the beautiful woman that the Law Enforcement Bureau officer mentioned?"

He continued to ask: "That's the boss behind the scenes!"

Yuan Qing was also curious about how beautiful that woman was.

After all, although the middle-aged officers of the Law Enforcement Bureau are stupid, they are still trained. When describing a person, they can use many words to emphasize their characteristics.

But he only used one word, and that was beautiful.

That is to say, it is really beautiful.

"I checked it, but the information is fake at first glance, and there are no photos."

At this moment, footsteps sounded from outside the warehouse.

Lu Fuji was startled and pulled the woman beside him to hide in the corner.

The incident happened suddenly, and Yuan Qing didn't resist. Because the space was too narrow, she could only nestle against his chest, so close that she could feel each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Because she had never been so close to someone, her delicate body became stiff.

Lu Fuji raised a finger to signal her not to speak.

Of course he, a grown man, would not feel embarrassed.

It also feels quite soft, and I can smell the sandalwood scent in the woman's hair.

"Hurry up and move these military supply boxes outside. There are only a dozen or so last ones left. After these things are moved, our stronghold can no longer be used."

"Since I'm going to leave, I'll just leave, so why move the box out?"

"What do you know? This is evidence. Lord Annan has said that there are not smart people in Shengen City. As long as you see these boxes, you can guess who is behind us. When the time comes, they will naturally replace us. Let's deal with those guys."

"Shut up and get to work."

"Yes, sir."

Oh haha!

Lu Buer understood that the clues in the underground ruins were indeed left behind intentionally by that beast in order to lead them to Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

So that they can use their hands to get rid of the big shot in the military department.

However, this group of people did not expect that Lu Buer could directly attack their lair.

This all depends on the dark matter in the palm of the right hand.

At this time, he felt the woman in his arms twist.

Not shy, but entering fighting mode.

They were about to lose cover as boxes of supplies were gradually removed.

With a click, the last box in front of them was moved away.

The man and woman nestled in the corner were finally exposed to the sight of the corpse-eating cultists.

A fallen leader led the believers under his command to look at this scene in shock. Not knowing where these two people came from, they frowned and said, "Are you... having an affair?"

He thought the employees of Stellar Biotechnology were looking for a place to play poker and found this place by accident. But then I thought about it and felt something was wrong. It was impossible for ordinary people to pass through the metal door.

"Enemy attack, take..."

These became the last words he ever said in his life.

Because Yuan Qing suddenly rose up, her white palm pressed on the top of his head.

The scorching heat burned his head, as if melting a ball of coal.

With Yuan Qing's physical fitness and numerology level, it is obvious that she is infinitely close to the fourth realm. With such a close distance, it is more than enough to deal with a second-level little Karami.

After all, the Second Glory Realm also has strengths and weaknesses.

As strong as a deer, a rare celestial type thunder.

The weak ones are like this fallen boss, who has no time to use his numerology.

With the flash of electric light, Lu Fuji also raised his hand and slashed out with a sharp hand knife.

The three corpse-eating cultists were each hit in the throat by his knife. Their cries for help were stuck in their throats, and they were swept to the ground by a sharp whip in the blink of an eye.

Easily kill instantly.

The last corpse-eating cultist was also arrested on the spot, and the fire burned through his heart!

In emergencies, Lu Fuji and Yuan Qing already cooperate very well.

But the fallen boss who should have been instantly killed still burst out with astonishing power at the moment of death. He forcibly reached for the remote control in his pocket and pressed a red button.

The siblings were startled, but did not hear the sirens.

However, in the dark corridor, the darkroom doors on both sides of the wall slowly opened. With the sound of the metal door being lifted, something seemed to crawl out.

It was rustling, but the sound was unusually obvious.

A group of huge Oriental cockroaches crawled out of the dark room, raised their slender tentacles and waved them in the air. Their bloodthirsty eyes locked on the two people in the corner, rubbing their teeth.

At this moment, Lu Fujiu almost died on the spot.

"Sister, I seem to see that I have too many breasts."

he murmured.

Yuan Qing was silent for a moment: "What a coincidence, I also saw that I have too many breasts."

"Sister, come on."

"No, you go first."

“This thing can beautify your skin!”

"I also said this stuff can strengthen yang and nourish kidneys!"

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