The edge of pure land

Chapter 92 Corpse Eater Cultist, Dragon Bird!

The pastor drove his car speeding down the road, the reflectors reflected the light of the fire shooting into the sky, and the sound of the cracking of boulders was like a landslide, which was terrifying.

"Hurry up, we must hide the person they want as soon as possible."

At this time, a soldier stopped hiding: "The deputy director-general can't hold on for long. We must completely control the hostages before those heretics can come to rescue them. We are all grasshoppers on a rope. We have taken too many benefits overtly and covertly over the years. Once the deputy director-general dies, no one can protect us. If he is alive, we still have a way to survive."

After saying all this, they turned their heads and showed a solemn smile.

Obviously, they have made it known.

A mechanic and a little girl are no match for them.

He Sai pretended to be stupid and said: "What are you talking about?"

Lu Sixian had no expression from beginning to end, and her already pale eyes became strange, with a vague ferocity between a god and a beast, which made people shudder.

This look startled both the priest and the soldiers.

Lu Sixian seems to have seen the future clearly.

There was a trace of worry on the small face carved by ice.

"What's wrong?"

He Sai was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the pastor who was driving suddenly screamed.

Because he saw a high-speed moving shadow in the rearview mirror.

"Damn it, there's a ghost!"

The priest almost hit the brakes.

"What the hell?"

The soldier scolded: "Where did this ghost come from?"

There was a faint sound of electric arc exploding, which frightened them!


There was only a muffled sound, and the roof of the car seemed to collapse, leaving two footprints.

Lu Buer resisted the cold wind on the roof of the car and exhaled the turbid air in his chest. The thunder and lightning armor of Sanhua disappeared silently. Next, he would try not to use numerology.

Blizzard did not bring him much damage. After all, he was protected by lightning armor, which greatly improved his attack, defense, and speed.

Even if he was delayed for two minutes, he could forcefully catch up.

At this moment, his face was covered with rotten makeup.

Wearing white clothes, he looked like a heretical corpse-eating cultist.

When he completely allowed the dark matter to roar within his body, he faintly wanted to break through the seal of the holy light, rejecting the sacred disguise and returning to his most primitive posture.

That seal of holy light was forcibly eroding his dark matter.

It's just that Lu Fuji controls the dark matter with his own will, struggling crazily.

Finally, the holy light went out.

There seemed to be a sigh in the air.

Lu Fuji completely merged with the dark matter, and his body became immortal in an instant. He raised his right hand to hold against the collapsed carriage, penetrated it with his sharp claws, and pulled it horizontally and vertically.

The roof of the car was torn open by him.

"Corpse Eater Cultist!"

The priests and soldiers in the carriage were frightened.

José Dou let out a scream of terror.

Only Lu Sixian was calm because she knew who that person was.

"Sata, Abalua! Kuhey, Sararuha!"

Accompanied by a hoarse roar.

Lu Fuji jumped directly into the carriage. The thorns on his right shoulder blade suddenly swelled, and countless sharp thorns spurted out, shooting at the priests and soldiers in front of him like machine guns.

In such a narrow space, the advantages of close combat will be infinitely magnified.

In just a short moment, most of the soldiers and priests were killed or injured.

The surviving soldier shot at his body, and the bullet made a sound like metal collision when it hit his body, leaving shallow craters in vain.

Lu Fuji struggled to swing the wings of thorns and tore half of the carriage apart, including the seats. The bodies of the soldiers were also torn apart, and blood spurted out.


I saw a soldier blocking the attack of Wings of Thorns with his companions, and the backhand fist was filled with hot lava, and it hit him hard on the chest with a fierce momentum!


One punch and nothing happens.

Lu Fuji received the blow with the right half of his chest, and scorching ancient lines appeared on his body. The scalding heat seemed to be absorbed out of thin air without any impact on him.

This is the power gained by Shika Fuji absorbing three evolutionary sequences.

Even without numerology, you can kill these beasts.

"Call Mr. Mo! Call Mr. Mo! The Corpse Cult has rebelled. They have no intention of cooperating with us. These guys sent people to attack us and take away the witch! Come and save us! As long as we control it Witch, we can still..." The priest's voice stopped abruptly.

He and his chair were torn apart by the wings of thorns, and he died as soon as his head tilted.

Lu Fujiu would wait for him to finish saying this before killing him.

The rescue vehicle was out of control. Lu Buer sat in the driver's seat and regained control of the steering wheel. Only then did he realize that he had never learned a driver's license five hundred years ago and could not drive at all.

The car swayed from side to side as he drove it and almost rolled over.

However, at this moment, He Sai had the courage to pick up a gun.

I want to end this corpse-eating cultist from behind.

Mainly because this guy is so scary, obviously more dangerous than soldiers and priests.

His hands were shaking.

Lu Sixian looked at this scene expressionlessly and had no intention of stopping it.

At this moment, Lu Fuji smiled in the rearview mirror.

"am I pretty?"

Jose almost fainted from fright.


He suddenly realized why this voice was so familiar!

"Watch out ahead!"

Lu Sixian suddenly reminded.

Lu Fuji suddenly raised his head, and the bright car lights illuminated the darkness ahead. He saw a burly middle-aged man standing in the middle of the road, silently raising his right hand!

This man seemed familiar.

They had met a few hours ago!



Lu Fuji felt as if he had hit a wall with his car.

The world is spinning!

He Sai and Lu Sixian were thrown away and rolled into the nearby grass together.

This is a self-defeating thing. These grasses grow very vigorously, and it will be difficult to find them for a while. As long as they hide in them and don't come out, no one will think that someone is hiding in them.

Dongshan remained motionless after enduring the impact of the rescue vehicle. He stared at the young man in the driver's seat through a layer of glass, frowned and said, "Who are you? Who allowed you to act without authorization?"

Lu Fuji grinned: "For Lord Annan's will."

At this moment, he raised his right hand.

The energy he had just absorbed was released and exploded with high temperature!

With a bang, Dongshan actually absorbed the energy of the explosion. There were burning lines on his body, and then he released it in an instant.


Just in time, the thirty seconds of cooling down passed.

Lu Fuji absorbed this energy again and released it fiercely!

This trick is called card cooling!

This time the explosion directly overturned Dongshan. The middle-aged man was hit hard on the asphalt road. After rolling several times, he crouched down and supported the ground with his hands.

"Report, Annan has betrayed! Report, Annan has betrayed!"

This is not because Dongshan is rash and believes whatever the other party says.

But this corpse-eating cultist has indeed transplanted dark matter.

Has the same ability as him.

Annan is fully responsible for this technology, and there is no possibility of any leakage.

Then the person in front of him can only be trained by Annan.

But this person happened to be on the opposite side of them and wanted to escape with the witch. He obviously had ulterior motives.

Dongshan can only draw one conclusion.

Annan rebelled!

He stood up slowly, and the majestic life fluctuations burst out.

It is the third victory realm.

And his numerology seems to be strong.

Specialization in pure strength.

Lu Fuji also got off the driver's seat, the thorn wings on his right shoulder blade spread out, creating turbulent airflow in the cold wind, and he faced this guy from a distance of ten meters.

At this moment, a long-lost voice sounded in his headphones.

"Lu Fuji, report your situation."

That's the sound of the dragon bird.

Hearing this guy's voice at this time, I felt really safe.

Lu Fujiu faced an evolver from the third world alone, and it was not convenient to use numerology. He didn't know the specific chance of winning, so he instinctively wanted to ask for support: "I did encounter an enemy in trouble. I am now in At the entrance of the military base, can you..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly fell silent.

Longque promised that if there was a problem, he would come to help him.

However, he suddenly thought of something.

In the hospital before, Longque was scolded by the little nurse.

"If you use those medicines again, you will die!"

Those words seemed to echo in his ears.

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment: "It's okay."

He took off his headphones and crushed them with his foot.

"Come on, let me see how strong the third world is."

Today he is going to try it out and see how difficult it is to challenge the level.

Dongshan was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Is it Annan's secret weapon? He can actually cultivate people like you with the will to fight. If it is not necessary, no one will become like this. But I also have what I want. The one who protects me, so... I'm sorry."

He silently put a finger tiger on himself.

The finger tiger is filled with red matrix lines, and the metal is vibrating and roaring.

That's his...soul blade!



Annan fell into deep self-doubt. He sat on a chair in a straightjacket, drooling, and muttered: "It's so weird, why didn't anyone come to save me? Hahaha, don't I?" Have I become an outcast? These people have really given up on me?"

He laughed loudly, then roared hysterically: "Impossible, I am the chief biologist, how can they conduct experiments without me, absolutely impossible! They were just late because of an accident, there is absolutely no way they would give up My lord!"

Since being bitten in the head by the deluded snake, he has become crazier than before.

But there was only one thought in my mind.

Why haven't his companions come to save him yet?

However, Annan never thought of it.

Now in the eyes of the Corpse Eater Cult, he has become a traitor.

Longque also fell into deep self-doubt.

Because he also knew that most people from the Corpse Food Cult would come to save people.

But after waiting for a long time, no one was seen.

"It seems you are useless."

Longque put away the portrait he had sketched out.

Annan revealed a lot of information after his brain was invaded by the Confused Snake.

Many details made him feel slightly familiar.

But a complete stranger.

really weird.

Of course, Longque's biggest gain is that he has mastered the method of entering the Holy Mountain.

According to Annan, there are three ways.

The first is to enter the Holy Mountain through changes in dimensions.

The second is to find the right path through the power of the witch.

The third type is the road of bones.

"The first is purely about luck, the second... no wonder they have to find the witch at any cost. As for the third, what exactly is the Bone Road?" Longque murmured to himself.

It's a pity that Annan doesn't know what the Bone Road is.

"Deer Fuji, please answer when you receive it."

Longque asked casually, but didn't get any response.

"Are you in trouble?"

I hope this kid can hold on until he comes over.

Longque frowned, put a piece of rotten human skin on his face, then put on a white robe, and without hesitation, he stabbed his leg with a needle, and the fluctuations of his life energy surged.

"Rose, Damon, come to the underground prison immediately to keep an eye on the prisoners."

Longque turned around and locked the door of the prison, strode out of the underground prison, his white robes fluttering in the wind, and shouted: "Sata, Abalua! Kuhei, Saraluha!"

Huge flame wings spread out from his back and suddenly shot into the sky.

Overlooking the entire military restricted area!

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