The Eight Desolate Divine Fires Are Awakened At The Beginning, And The School Beauty Cries For Recon

Chapter 15 The Beast Herd Besieged The Candidates, Lin Hao Went To The Meeting Alone

After killing all the old forests in the mountains and all the ferocious beasts inside, Lin Hao took the worried Liu Shun and Su Ling to change the map.

[Beast Points] 3093 points.

Lin Hao's smile was very bright.

"It feels so good to sweep away the ferocious beasts!"

"Damn it! Brother Hao, look at the rankings. We are in the top three!" Liu Shun jumped up in excitement and roared throughout the villages.

"What, top three on the list! Let me see!" Su Ling beamed with excitement.

"Top three, really top three! Brother Hao, you are so awesome!" Su Ling couldn't help but give Lin Hao a big hug.

Lin Hao was fine, but Su Ling turned red after reacting.

Fortunately, Liu Shun shouted: "Brother Hao, I want one too!" and gave Lin Hao a big bear hug, which made Su Ling less embarrassed.

"Brother Hao, I will be yours for the rest of my life!" Brother Hao was so excited, "I never thought that one day I, Liu Shun, would be in the top three!"

"Brother Hao, thank you!"

"Okay, stop being so stupid. Look at your unexperienced look. You are only in the top three in Fucheng. Keep up the good work." Lin Hao looked at the core area of ​​the examination room.

"Okay, I listen to Brother Hao. If Brother Hao tells me to go east, I will go east. If Brother Ang tells me to go west, I will go west!"

The three of them quickened their pace and headed towards the core area.

In the core area of ​​the examination room, there are almost all first-level peak beasts, and there are also a small number of second-level primary beasts.

"Su Ling, did you feel that something was wrong with those ferocious beasts in the mountains just now?" Lin Hao suddenly asked.

Su Ling frowned: "Something's wrong? What's wrong?"

Lin Hao was not sure: "Don't they say that is the lair of the ferocious beasts in the examination room? But I always feel that the ferocious beasts there are too weak... There is no beast king who can suppress the entire audience."

"Brother Hao, are you overthinking it? What kind of beast king can there be in such a small examination room? And I think those ferocious beasts are already terrifying."

"hope so."

On the way to the core area of ​​the examination room, Lin Hao killed many ferocious beasts.

There is only one hour left for the martial arts test.

On the periphery of the core area, there is a rural middle school.

Many candidates were exhausted and gathered on the playground to rest. While talking about Lin Hao's performance, they considered whether to go deeper into the core area.

"Yunfei, I can't kill him anymore, what about you?" Ji Changrong asked with a smile as he sat slumped on the runway.

"I don't have any strength anymore. The first, second, and third points are all gone anyway. It's useless for me to struggle any more. I'd better be humble. If I try to hold on, all my previous efforts will be wasted." Shen Yunfei said weakly.

"You're right. There's still a long way to go. Just try your best. There's no need to go all out."

Zhao Jie, Fan Lang and others were also present, and they were all too tired to talk.

Suddenly, a shocking roar woke up all the exhausted candidates.

The dilapidated playground, full of potholes, began to vibrate, and the cracks began to expand.

All the candidates were frightened, and they felt a strong and terrifying deadly aura.

"It's over, it's the herd... We are all going to die..."

"There are ferocious beasts everywhere. We are surrounded and we can't escape. What should we do? Wuwu..."

Around the middle school, circle after circle, there were fierce beasts, encircling them in a mighty manner, at least there were more than 500 of them.

The first-order peak unicorn wolf, the first-order peak shadow leopard, the first-order peak silver-blooded flying python, the first-order peak Vajra giant ape... One of the peak Vajra apes is half the size of the first-order peak Vajra giant ape. Visual inspection Ten meters tall, it is surprisingly a second-level junior Vajra giant ape!

Many candidates were so frightened that they cried.

Their physical strength has now reached the limit. Even if they want to run, they can't run away. In the blink of an eye, they will be overtaken by ferocious beasts.

Fan Lang was so frightened that he peed: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die... Dad, come and save me..."

Zhao Jie was also trembling with fear. She had tried her best to catch up with Lin Hao's score, and now she was unable to fight anymore.

"No, no, I don't want to die, Lin Hao, Lin Hao, come and save me, I don't want to die, I regret it, come and save me!"

The families of these two people are rich, and the elders in the family are also quite powerful superpowers. As long as they can get into a good university in the martial arts exam, they can also become powerful superpowers through the continuous supply of training resources in the future.

Warriors are not that important to them. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are just a formality.

Who could have imagined that we would encounter such a life and death crisis.

Many people immediately sent out signal flares,

Shen Yunfei and Ji Changrong were still calm and shouted loudly, asking everyone to stop moving and gather together.

"Everyone's physical strength has reached its limit now. There are so many ferocious beasts and it's impossible to escape. Gather together, gather strength, and fight to the death against the ferocious beasts. There is still a glimmer of hope."

"As long as we can hold the beast for a moment, the superpower team responsible for the warriors' security, as well as the military's superpower special forces, should be here soon."

Some people couldn't listen to their opinions and wanted to escape before the vicious beasts surrounded them completely, but they were instantly killed by a shadow leopard.

The other candidates were so scared that they did not dare to run away, and they all gathered together.

The candidates who were afraid of death squeezed into the middle with all their strength. For a moment, the crowd became a mess.

Because they knew that once the ferocious beast rushed over, the people standing on the periphery of the crowd would definitely die first.

If you stand in the middle, you will suffer disaster later, even if it is just a little later, if you survive for a few seconds, you might be able to wait until the superpower team arrives.

"Don't squeeze!" Shen Yunfei yelled when he saw this, but it was of no use.

Shen Yunfei and Ji Changrong looked at each other and fell into despair. It seemed that they could not be counted on.

Many candidates have never been to the wilderness or experienced real fighting. When encountering such a scene, they suddenly lose the will to fight.

The ground was shaking, and the ferocious beast was getting closer and closer. A pair of extremely ferocious beast eyes, with the ferocity of choosing and devouring people, might launch an attack at any time.

"Why aren't the superpower team and special forces here yet?"

"Even if they come at this time, it will be useless. There are too many ferocious beasts... Wuwu..."

"Uh-huh, are we just waiting to die like this?"

The people in the superpower team were a little careless, but they cannot be entirely blamed. First of all, the people in the superpower team were scattered everywhere, and in principle, they would not get too close to the candidates, otherwise the martial arts test would be meaningless.

Secondly, the time for the martial arts test was coming soon, and secondly, because Lin Hao's results were so impressive, the people in the supernatural team paid attention and forgot that they were performing security tasks.

And the most important thing is that during this martial arts test, there were apparently no ferocious beasts near the middle school. They never expected that the second-order Vajra Giant Ape Beast King would be so cunning. When the number of people increased, they appeared and surrounded them.

Of course, they did not expect that so many candidates would be so tired, and then they would collectively relax their vigilance and discuss Lin Hao's results.


More and more candidates are scared to death, and Zhao Jie is no exception. The stench is so strong that they all look like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no intention of fighting.

Although most of them are useless, if they all died, it would be a shocking martial arts accident and even a shame for the human race.

Just when they were all desperate, three people appeared outside the school.

Lin Hao's team of three.

"Herd of beasts!" Su Ling and Liu Shun were immediately frightened.

"This, this, Brother Hao, what should we do? We can't defeat the beasts?" Liu Shun's hair stood on end.

The herd is indeed terrifying.

Su Ling immediately used her smart watch to call for help. Upon seeing this, Liu Shun quickly followed suit.

Lin Hao's eyes shone with excitement.

"Su Ling Liu Shun, you two give me the nutrient solution, then hide, protect yourselves, and wait for rescue!"

"System, please give me more! Chef Ding's chopping skills, please give me more!"

"Consuming 400 ferocious beast points, the chef's chopping skill has been upgraded to the second-level intermediate level!"

An excited sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Lin Hao's mouth. He drank two packets of nutrient solution in a row, brandished his big knife, and attacked the herd of beasts!

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