Jin Chenghui, the principal of Fucheng No. 3 Middle School, was woken up early in the morning.

After learning that he was the vice president of the top-ranked university in the Xia Dynasty, he was so shocked that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he rushed to the school immediately.

He knew that they were here for Lin Hao, and Jin Chenghui did not dare to neglect anything about Lin Hao.

As soon as Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao saw Jin Chenghui, they asked Lin Hao's family address in unison. They were so anxious that they didn't look like the vice president of Daxia's top supernatural university.

Jin Chenghui smiled stone-headed and said: "Two vice-principals, please wait, it's better to wait a moment. Lin Hao just took the martial arts test yesterday and must be tired. Today's children usually go to class early, so it's hard to take the martial arts test It’s over, let Lin Hao sleep a little longer, and let’s call him again at nine o’clock.”

"Principal Jin is right, but we are too impatient." Yun Shengtian smiled and started chatting with Jin Chenghui.

He and Jiang Wanchao kept asking questions about Jin Chenghui and learned everything about Lin Hao's ancestors for eight generations.

Although the three of them were chatting back and forth, they kept looking at the time.

Finally, nine o'clock arrived.

Jin Chenghui stood up and said with a smile: "Two principals, let's go. We should go to Lin Hao's house now and won't disturb him."

Just kidding, Lin Hao is a future ninth-level superpower, how dare Jin Chenghui neglect him.

Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao looked at each other, and Jiang Wanchao said: "Principal Jin, originally we went there and it was nothing, but this time, we brought some treasures. The community where Lin Hao lives is crowded, and there are many things. If it’s inconvenient, let’s ask him to come to school.”

Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao both brought S-level resources. After Lin Hao chooses a school, one of them will use the S-level resources directly for Lin Hao. There will be a big reaction, and it cannot be done in a day or two. , Lin Hao's house will be small at that time, and it will be really inconvenient if the neighbors come to visit again.

Jin Chenghui understood: "Then please wait a few times and I'll drive to pick up Lin Hao."

Lin Hao didn't expect that the principal would drive to pick him up in person.

The two arrived at the school and found that He Lin, Director Jiang and people from the Rong Provincial Education Department were all here.

There was no way, because they didn't know Lin Hao's address and card number.

When they saw Lin Hao, they immediately asked for his card number and paid him a bonus on the spot.

2 million in Fucheng, plus a commercial house of 200 square meters, and 3 million in Rong Province, plus a villa, all with luxurious decoration.

Principal Jin also quickly asked someone to represent the school and give Lin Hao a bonus of 500,000.

After finishing his work, Jin Chenghui quickly took Lin Hao to the office.

Seeing Lin Hao, Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao became anxious and introduced themselves in unison.

"Lin Hao, I am Yun Shengtian, the vice president of Yanjing University of Extraordinary Power."

"Lin Hao, I am Jiang Wanchao, the vice-president of the Magic University of Magic."

Lin Hao was not surprised, just a little surprised. He did not expect that the vice presidents of the two top universities with special powers would come in person.

"Twice as good as the principal." Lin Hao smiled politely.

"Lin Hao, you have broken through the first level!" Yun Shengtian was extremely shocked. "As far as I know, you have only just awakened for a day!"

Others were also shocked.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "I broke through last night."

"As expected of an S-level superpower, the breakthrough speed is very fast." Jiang Wanchao nodded repeatedly.

Then Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao rushed to introduce Lin Hao to the conditions of various universities.

"Forget it, brother Jiang, you should come first." Yun Shengtian was full of confidence, believing that Lin Hao would definitely choose Yanjing University of Special Abilities in the end.

"Then I'm welcome." Jiang Wanchao smiled and looked at Lin Hao, "Lin Hao, as long as you choose the Magic City University of Superpowers, I will personally serve as your tutor."

"In addition, you will be given a single-family villa on campus. The resources in the school's online mall will be sold to you at a 50% discount. This is the highest discount the school can give to students. After all, students should be encouraged to practice more and earn more credits. You must have heard of this to some extent."

Lin Hao nodded.

He knew that all universities with special abilities had to use credits to purchase resources. The credits are mainly obtained by killing ferocious beasts.

In the Ability University, credits are the currency that can be used. Students are used in all aspects, such as eating, or using certain school resources, such as martial arts gyms, training venues, etc.

"The most important thing is that the Magic City Superpower University will give you an S-level resource, including an S-level training method, an S-level body-building method, and an eighth-level junior flame demon tyrannosaurus essence and blood. "

"Cultivation method and body training method, you have to wait until you choose the Magic City University of Superpowers, then go to the school to get it. The essence and blood of the Fire Demon Tyrannosaurus will be given to you as soon as you choose it."

"How about you, choose our Magic City University of Superpowers?" Jiang Wanchao looked at it eagerly, waiting for Lin Hao's answer.

Lin Hao smiled politely and nodded.

Although Jiang Wanchao knew that Lin Hao would have to look at the conditions offered by Yanjing University of Supernatural Power, he was still anxious.

Yun Shengtian smiled: "Brother Jiang, the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers has spent a lot of money this time."

"Brother Yun, don't you feel that way?" Jiang Wanchao said with a faint smile.

Yun Shengtian smiled slightly and turned to Lin Hao: "Brother Jiang has finished speaking, it's my turn."

"The conditions given by Yanjing University of Supernatural Powers are basically the same as those of the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers. However, in addition to me being your tutor myself, you can also ask any of the powerful tutors in the school for advice at any time."

"You might be interested in other skills, after all."

Yanjing University of Extraordinary Skills is really thoughtful.

Jiang Wanchao quickly said: "Our Magic City Superpower University can also do it!"

Yun Shengtian smiled and continued: "In addition, the blood essence and blood of the vicious beast we gave you is the eighth-level intermediate, Purple Flame Demonic Dragon!"

"What! Eighth-level intermediate, purple flame demon dragon! Yun Shengtian, you don't follow martial ethics, you..." Jiang Wanchao jumped in anger.

Yun Shengtian took matters into his own hands: "I never fight a battle I'm not prepared for."


"Lin Hao, let's go to Yanjing University of Supernatural Powers first!" Yun Shengtian was confident.

"Eighth level primary flame demon tyrannosaurus essence and blood, eighth level intermediate purple flame demon dragon essence and blood, eighth level, unimaginably powerful..." Lin Hao was shocked.

The eighth-level ferocious beasts were extremely powerful beings. To get their blood essence, they had to be killed. And the price to be paid to kill the eighth-level ferocious beast is also unimaginable.

It can be seen that it is precious.

"If this were to awaken ordinary powers, there would be no such heaven-defying treatment."

"I finally experienced the treatment I received from a top student in my previous life."

Jiang Wanchao and Yun Shengtian were both nervously waiting for Lin Hao's answer.

"Wait, I haven't said my conditions yet." He Lin, who had been silent, suddenly broke the silence.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at her.

"Why are there still people? Is there any school in Daxia that is more qualified to admit Lin Hao than our university?" Jiang Wanchao and Yun Shengtian thought of this at the same time.

Yun Shengtian was suddenly startled: "Hey, aren't you..."

"Principal Yun, don't worry, wait for me to finish." He Lin quickly interrupted with a smile. Yun Shengtian immediately understood and kept silent, but his eyes showed a look of thinking.

Jiang Wanchao seemed to recognize He Lin, but judging from her expression, he didn't say anything.

He Lin stopped smiling and became serious again: "The resources I represent for the Daxia Superpower Special Operations Headquarters Superpower Squad Division are similar to those of the two universities. However, I don't have the beast essence and blood, but I will give you You brought a fifth-level armor set, including armor, combat boots, sword, tactical backpack, and space ring, with a total price of 900 million."

"Let me state in advance that it's not that we can't provide better armor sets, but the superpower team has always been more focused on actual combat, so we won't protect you too hard, otherwise you will become dependent and have a negative impact on your growth. not good."

Lin Hao smiled: "How did you know that I would be dependent? I am not that kind of person. You should give me a ninth-level armor suit."

He Lin rolled her eyes: "The ninth-level armor suit, you think so."

Yun Shengtian and Jiang Wanchao looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

When they heard about the superpower team branch of Daxia Superpower Special Operations Headquarters, they were dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the conditions given by He Lin were only the fifth-level armor suit.


The three of them were waiting quietly for Lin Hao to make a choice.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Wang Haowen and Liu Hua, the two directors of the admissions office, were more relaxed than ever before and couldn't help but smile at each other.

The two of them have known each other for a long time. They usually do not need to recruit many students in person, and it is even rarer to recruit the same student at the same time, so the two rarely meet.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for many years, when they met this time, they didn't even have a chance to talk.

Lin Hao glanced at the three of them and said, "My idea may be a little special."

"Say it." The three of them said in unison.

"Only children make choices. I want them all."

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