Liang Quan, a sixth-level junior, had just become a general.

Ye Jian is a sixth-level senior, and there are more than 4,500 fourth-level supernatural warriors. With so many supernatural beings, let alone generals, even the God of War cannot escape unscathed.

Only a pervert like Lin Hao, who possesses SS-level healing powers, can do this.

Liang Quan looked at the 4,504 level multi-power warriors and shouted to the sky: "I didn't expect that I, Liang Quan, had been fighting for half my life and finally became a general, but I would die so soon."

"You people actually listened to this boy Ye Jian and ignored military regulations. Even if you can go back alive, what awaits you will be the sanctions of military law!"

More than 4,600 people were stunned for a moment, but quickly returned to normal.

They followed Ye Jian, and this was not the case once or twice. But each time there was no penalty. They have become accustomed to it and become more courageous.

"General Liang, the matter has come to this, just accept your fate. Come on!" Ye Jian's deputy said in a deep voice.

Liang Quan sneered, and the general's momentum exploded: "Accept your fate, when I go out to fight in all directions, you are still wearing crotchless pants. Even if you die, I will kill enough!"

If the more than 4,600 warriors are a pack of wolves, then Liang Quan is a lion.

"Copper skin and iron bones!" Liang Quan's supernatural power exploded, and his skin turned into steel, like a natural robot.



The two sides shouted at each other, the killing scene shook the sky, and they rushed towards each other.


Liang Quan killed one person with one punch, and that person's chest was flattened and his internal organs exploded.

Unfortunately, Liang Quan had already been seriously injured, and each punch was weaker than the last.

After killing more than a dozen people, Liang Quan finally couldn't hold on anymore and was punched away.

With a loud bang, it fell to the ground, its superpowers were exhausted, the copper skin and iron bones all over its body dissipated, countless ribs were broken, blood flowed horizontally, and it didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Thousands of superpowers roared towards Liang Quan like a torrent.

Liang Quan took one last look at the night sky and closed his eyes unwillingly.

But suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly.

The moment he looked up at the sky, he seemed to see a person.

A man who stands tall in the sky and shows off his domineering attitude.


Seeing that Liang Quan was seriously injured and fell to the ground, more than 4,000 people rushed over with a loud killing sound, as if thousands of troops were galloping, and the ground was shaking. The momentum alone could scare people to the core.

But Liang Quan smiled because he knew someone was coming to save him.

"A God of War, even if he can't deal with these four thousand people, is enough to save me..." Liang Quan thought with peace of mind.


Lin Hao, wearing a black light mecha, descended from the sky, as if a god had come to the world.

Just the huge shock wave that hit the ground shook the dozens of people rushing to the front.


There were more people injured by the shock wave, screaming in agony.

"Mecha! This is a mecha that only the God of War is qualified to equip..." Liang Quan struggled to lift himself up from the ground and looked up at Lin Hao, who was wearing a mecha, with an extremely envious look.

God of War, that is Liang Quan’s lifelong goal.

More than four thousand people were stunned, with extremely frightened eyes!

Mecha almost represents the seventh level God of War!

Each of them knew it.

Mechas are the combat resources of various countries. All countries are prohibited from selling them to outsiders. Except for the gods of war who have more than one mecha, in order to protect their descendants, they pass on the mechas or give them to future generations. It is almost impossible for others to own them.

Selling privately will be punished with a felony.

These four thousand people dared to follow Ye Jian through life and death. As long as Ye Jian gave an order, they would dare to break in no matter where they were. But facing a genuine God of War, they immediately showed their instinctive awe and fear.

A god of war is enough to sweep through thousands of armies.

More than four thousand fourth-level superpowers are no match for the God of War.

The seventh level, God of War, is a real step in the combat power of superpowers, a huge leap forward, and an existence that other low-level and mid-level superpowers cannot compare to.

There are many seventh-level superpowers around the world, but in various countries, there are not many strong seventh-level superpowers who can win the title of God of War.

Because the God of War is a glorious title, to obtain it, you must have great military exploits. In addition, character is also a very important assessment criterion.

The God of War has the authority to mobilize a province's special forces in wartime. Once his character is not good enough and there is betrayal, it will be catastrophic.

Because of this, powerful men with supernatural powers who hold the title of God of War are highly supported and respected in all countries.

"I've seen the God of War!"

"I've seen the God of War!"

"I've seen the God of War!"

Shouting like a tsunami and kneeling sounds sounded one after another, and more than 4,000 people immediately knelt down one after another.

Ye Jian's adjutant turned around and glanced at Ye Jian, and also knelt down with a complicated expression: "I have seen the God of War!"

"I've seen the God of War!" Liang Quan also knelt down with difficulty.

"Why don't you kneel down?" Lin Hao asked with murderous intent in his voice, staring at Ye Jian.

The eyes of the black light mecha were as bright as the stars in the night sky, with a murderous aura of conquest, which made Ye Jian tremble.

"In the tent of the Sirius God of War, General Ye Jian, pay your respects to the God of War!" Although Ye Jian was unhappy, he quickly knelt down.

The God of War has the power to kill first and then show off!

Killing him is like killing a chicken. Even if he doesn't deserve to die after investigation, what else can he do if he is killed?

So Ye Jian could only kneel down first.

But Ye Jian was not stupid and specifically mentioned the Sirius God of War.

When Lin Hao saw this, he ignored Ye Jian. In his eyes, Ye Jian was no different from a dead dog.

Lin Hao opened the door of the mecha, walked out, put away the mecha, and walked towards Liang Quan.

"You, you are, Lin Hao! No, no, you are Lin Hao, the God of War!" Liang was so shocked that his whole body shook!

Lin Hao's title of God of War was not disclosed to the public by the Daxia Headquarters, but Liang Quan knew very well that owning a mecha represented the God of War. Besides, he was called by He Lin to protect the Lin Mansion, so he naturally thought of it immediately.

The eighteen-year-old God of War is such an incredible existence!

Liang Quan never imagined that he could have such a terrifying talent as Lin Hao.

Becoming the God of War is Liang Quan's lifelong dream. As long as he can obtain the title of God of War during his lifetime, he can die in peace.

But his lifelong dream was easily realized by an eighteen-year-old boy.

How shocking is this?

Liang Quan knew very well that the title of God of War and the God of War mecha were complementary, and it was impossible for the headquarters to give someone the God of War mecha casually.

But he couldn't see clearly Lin Hao's combat power and level. He just felt that he was very strong, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

"Lin War God, your title of God of War has not been made public. You should put on the God of War mecha..."

"What? Are you worried that I can't defeat these losers?" Lin Hao said calmly.

"I don't dare! Please forgive me, God of War!" Liang Quan quickly kowtowed and apologized. He was startled by Lin Hao's eyes.

That look seemed plain, but it contained an astonishing murderous aura, which made people tremble with fear.

Lin Hao asked with concern: "Get up, are Su Ling and Liu Shun's family members okay?"

"Back to the God of War, they are all in the safe house, not a hair is missing!" Liang Quan did not dare to get up and replied loudly.

"Very good," Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "Get up. You have done a good job in protecting the Lin Mansion. When you see me in the future, there is no need to kneel down and salute."

"Yes, thank you God of War! This subordinate must be so furious that he will not hesitate to do so!" Liang Quan dared to stand up, feeling excited in his heart.

He knew that Lin Hao, God of War, regarded him as one of his own.

But on Ye Jian's side, it was exactly the opposite.

Not only did Ye Jian not believe that Lin Hao was the God of War, but the four thousand people also didn't believe it.

"Haha," Ye Jian stood up with a wild laugh, his eyes full of displeasure, anger and murderous intent, "You are Lin Hao. You not only killed my father, Southeast King, but also my second brother. You deserve death! Now you dare to take a A broken toy mecha pretending to be the Great Xia God of War is a crime worthy of death!"

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