The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 577 Taking into account the overall situation

Chapter 577 Taking into account the overall situation

"Father is the Governor of Dengzhou, holding the Dengzhou Army in his hands. The best way for the prince to get in touch with his father is in-laws, but my father does not have a daughter-in-law. I am just a little concubine. That is to say, a concubine, who can't even qualify as a side concubine, I don't know if I am overly guarded, but when I look at my aunt, I really don't want to be a concubine, even if I marry Yu Tian A farmer, I also just want to be an upright lady, not a concubine." Dong Tingyun said with red eyes, "Besides, the most taboo thing for anyone who holds military power is to form a party prematurely. Prince's Mansion...if my father doesn't form a faction, others will think that my father has a faction!"

The same is a concubine, and I can also see that if the prince wants a concubine from the Dong family... it is for the military power in the hands of the uncle, one racks his brains out of selfishness and wants to step on the Dong family's position, and the other is also selfish but also has the overall situation in mind, so he can't avoid it.

No wonder, grandmother will keep Dong Tingyun by her side.

Such a girl is smart, sensible, and general.

"Just pretend to be sick, why bother to really embarrass yourself." Bai Qingyan pulled Dong Tingyun to sit beside her.

"I don't want to embarrass my father. My father is straightforward and has prejudices against concubine daughters... If I pretend to be sick and my father finds out, I'm afraid I will be punished again." Dong Tingyun lowered her head when she said this, her voice was a little choked .

The concubine of the Dong family is embarrassed, Bai Qingyan knows it.

She patted Dong Tingyun's hand and said, "Grandmother is your grandmother, don't be afraid... Grandmother will protect you."

Dong Tingyun nodded.

"Go and wring your hair dry and get a good night's sleep, don't worry!" Bai Qingyan comforted Dong Tingyun.

Early in the morning of the second day, as soon as the prince got up, he heard that something happened in Dong's residence yesterday.

After the crown prince rinsed his mouth with honey water, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and asked Quan Yu, "What happened to the Dong residence yesterday?"

Quan Yu shook his head: "The slave is incompetent, I didn't find out."

The prince casually threw down the veil and looked at Quan Yu with a light smile: "Dengzhou's Dong's Mansion is always like an iron bucket, and even the emperor can't find out the news, let alone you, if you really let you find out, I will doubt it." Whether it is Dong Qingyue who wants Gu to know, let's set up a meal!"

"Your Highness has learned from the past and learned from the future. I am ashamed that I have not learned even half of it by following His Highness!" Quan Yu waved his hands with a smile and ordered the meal to be set.

The crown prince was going to tour the camp, so Dong Qingyue and Bai Qingyan naturally accompanied each other. On the way, the crown prince seemed to have asked Dong Qingyue a question about Dong Tingzhi unintentionally. Unexpectedly, Dong Qingyue's face changed drastically. Seeing Dong Qingyue's lips pursed, he seemed to be unable to speak, the crown prince More and more interested.

In desperation, he told the crown prince that Mrs. Dong found out that Dong Tingzhi was not his own. There are not many people who have concubine daughters in their families, otherwise...the humble minister would be a big joke all day long."

Seeing that Dong Qingyue's face was blue and purple, he was really out of breath. The crown prince was stunned for a moment, and patted Dong Qingyue's shoulder. Men can understand men best. This concubine gave a cuckold, and she raised a child for nothing, let alone Dong Qingyue. Even if Qingyue was placed in an ordinary family, the man might not be able to bear it.

To say that Dong Qingyue is still kind, if this is the crown prince...that evil breed and that concubine will never see the sun today.

As soon as he thought of this, the prince suddenly remembered the jade pendant that he asked Quan Yu to send out yesterday, and felt embarrassed, and when he planned to go back, he asked Quan Yu and others to keep this matter in their hearts and never mention it.

As soon as the prince arrived in the camp, before he could reward the emperor's soldiers, he received an urgent report from the metropolis that the emperor and Qiu Guiren fell off their horses while riding. The situation was not optimistic. In the dynasty, he and the eldest princess assisted Liang Wang in charge, and recruited the prince to return to the capital as soon as possible.

Hearing this, the prince's face changed drastically, and he was in no mood to reward the soldiers in Dengzhou.

The emperor was seriously injured and comatose, wouldn't Queen Liang Wang take the opportunity to control the government? If he returns after the emperor dies, who can guarantee that the queen and the king of Liang will not take the risk and falsely pass on the imperial decree, making a deposed prince and passing on to others, and the prince who is not in the capital will become a traitor instead.

When Bai Qingyan heard the news, she clenched her fists in shock.

What the Bai family needs now is a stable situation, and it is definitely not for the emperor to have an accident at this time, but... the emperor finally has a clear head, and instead of letting the empress take charge, he invited Mr. Tan Laodi and his grandmother, the eldest princess, to assist Liang Wang, the situation in the capital city should still be stable.

After all, her grandmother's surname is Lin, and she is the eldest princess of the Lin family. The emperor still trusts her grandmother.

The reason why the emperor chose Liang Wang was probably because there was no one to choose except Liang Wang, and he also felt that Liang Wang was weak and easy to control, so he would definitely listen to Old Emperor Tan and the eldest princess.

But in fact, the king of Liang is ambitious, and now he has the assistant of Yuezhang Xianwang to hold the military power.

However, if the queen has already joined forces with King Liang, she must know the true face of King Liang, so she will definitely take precautions and check and balance with King Liang.

However, King Liang has soldiers in his hands, how long can such checks and balances last? If Liang Wang really insisted on rebelling, would it endanger his grandmother's safety?

Bai Qingyan couldn't sit still, and the prince couldn't sit still.

"Your Highness! The chaos in Dadu cannot be delayed. Your Highness needs to return to Dadu immediately to stabilize the overall situation!" Bai Qingyan clasped his fists at the prince, "We will discuss the details on the way, Your Highness should leave immediately! Yan will accompany the prince back to the capital."

"Yes! Princess Zhen Guo is right!" The crown prince paled and nodded, "Quan Yu immediately sent someone back to let the driver set off and wait outside the city, ready to go, and tell Mr. Fang and Mr. Ren and Mr. Qin the news. Let's set off, let them get into Gu's carriage, and discuss with Gu and Princess Zhenguo."

"Your Highness, if you want to go back, you can't go back like this! Your Majesty is in a coma, most of the situation is in chaos. If Your Highness goes back like this, if there is any change in the capital city, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth! At that time, if you want to save your Majesty and His Highness again... no matter which side of the army The name of Madu is inappropriate!" Bai Qingyan looked at Dong Qingyue after finishing speaking, "The Dengzhou army suffered heavy casualties this time, why don't your highness adjust the Anping battalion and return to Dadu with your highness, if there is a change, you won't be too late."

It's not that the prince is ignorant of the importance of military power, he clenched his fists tightly: "But...the Anping camp is not allowed to move without His Majesty's order, so lonely..."

Seeing this, Dong Qingyue clasped his fists at the prince and said: "Princess Zhen Guo said it is true! His Royal Highness the prince is the crown prince of the country. If the prince is unconscious today, the prince can issue orders on behalf of the emperor. General Fu is a can you not obey the prince's order!"

The crown prince nodded after hesitating for a while: "Okay! The convoy will detour around the Anping camp, meet General Fu alone, and lead the troops back to the capital to escort him!"

The prince is also afraid, who let the current son Xin Wang be in the capital city, and there is also a Liang Wang.

The third change, continue to roll around asking for a monthly pass! There are only a few days until the end of the month, and there are only 28 days in this month, little ancestors! Ask for a monthly ticket!

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