Chapter 585 - Blue Wisp

Fu Ruoxi's blood-covered lieutenant clasped his fists at Bai Qingyan: "Princess Zhen Guo, please ask Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince to plead for mercy. Our general... he must be coerced!"

"Yes! The person who delivered the letter..." Fu Ruoxi's upright general pointed at the body of the person who delivered the letter, "Someone must have sent it to threaten our general!"

Bai Qingyan nodded: "General Fu has been loyal to guarding the border for many years. If I was really coerced and forced into helplessness, I would personally plead with the crown prince and His Majesty, but the most urgent task right now is to send the crown prince back to Dadu. Send it back to the capital city will all have merit, and you will be rewarded for your merit at that time, and you can intercede for General Fu!"

When Bai Qingyan said this, several generals under Fu Ruoxi's command nodded and clasped their fists in agreement.

Lieutenant General Fu Ruoxi and Fu Ruoxi once went to the northern border together, fought with Bai Qingyan, and admired this beautiful and proud Zhenguo princess... from the bottom of my heart.

What's more, Princess Zhenguo is a descendant of the Bai family, and the great victory in the southern and northern borders was all due to Princess Zhenguo, which made the soldiers of the Anping camp pay more respect to Bai Qingyan.

Half of the troops in the Anping camp were dispatched. Before departure, Bai Qingyan called Lu Ping, who was staying in the Anping camp, to the side, and whispered: "This time, because of Fu Ruoxi's public assassination of the prince, most of the Anping camp are in important positions. All the generals will be taken away by the crown prince, you tell uncle...let him take control of the remaining half of the troops in the Anping Camp."

Lupine nodded: "Don't worry, big girl!"


A drizzle just fell at night, and the blue bricks and green tiles were washed shiny.

It was just dawn, and even the earliest merchants hadn't opened yet, the plaques of yellow houses were hung in the city, and the lanterns at the front entrances of wealthy families with black lacquer and gold nails were still not extinguished.

The sound of hoofbeats of dozens of horses came galloping along the long street, and they reined in and stopped in front of the gate of Huang's house.

Zhang Yan, who had been waiting at the gate of Huang's house, heard the movement and opened the door of the mansion...

I saw Xiao Rongyan, who was wearing a moon-white straight suit and a black cloak, holding the rein with one hand and the black gold whip in the other, jumped off the horse, covered in dust and dust.

Zhang Yan rushed forward, and as soon as he approached... Xiao Rongyan smelled the bitter medicine on Zhang Yan's body.

Xiao Rongyan threw the black gold horsewhip in his hand to Zhang Yan, stepped up the steps quickly, and hurried towards the Huangfu, asking, "How is Xie Xun?"

"As soon as Princess Mingcheng's body was sent away, General Xie fell ill. He had a persistent high fever. He spent more time sleeping and less time waking up." Zhang Yan's voice was full of worry, "It's not that General Xie doesn't take medicine. Even if you eat it, you spit it out."

Xiao Rongyan gritted his back molars, his sharp facial features tensed, and said: "Spit up and continue to decoct the medicine, continue to feed! Until he can drink a bowl of medicine, take me to see him!"

Zhang Yan responded, and quickly led the way, passing through the walls and verandas, the Danying promenade, and stepped into the relatively remote and elegant courtyard full of golden osmanthus.

The golden osmanthus is in full bloom, rich and fragrant, and the bluestone ground is covered with the night rain, and there is no time to clean it up in the future.

Zhang Yan stepped forward and pushed open the partition, then stepped aside sideways.

The carved partition door suddenly opened, and the cold damp wind entered the room, and the candles dimmed and brightened again.

Xiao Rongyan lifted the hem of his clothes and stepped into the room, seeing the thin and pale Xie Xun turning his head stiffly.

Seeing that it was Xiao Rongyan who came, Xie Xun's throat rolled, he lifted the brocade quilt and supported the edge of the bed, and knelt down on one knee to salute, his lips pursed but he didn't know whether it was because of guilt or sadness, he didn't call out for a long time.

Zhang Yan closed the door with a wink, and stood under the verandah to guard.

Xiao Rongyan stared at Xie Xun who was only wearing his middle coat with deep eyes, pulled off the tie of the cloak, put the cloak aside casually, and watched Xie Xun sit down beside the black lacquered Eight Immortals table, with a dignified and restrained look on his eyes: " With Mingcheng gone, will you collapse?"

Xie Xun lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes turned red, his breathing became heavy and rapid, he gritted his teeth tightly and remained silent.

The flickering candlelight reflected Xiao Rongyan's sharp side face. He took out the purse that Mingcheng had left for Xie Xun from his sleeve, and stroked the embroidery on it with his fingers: "Mingcheng and your childhood sweetheart have vowed each other forever, and your love is deep and righteous. It can be sad or sad, but don't fall down!"

Xiao Rongyan put the purse on the table of the Eight Immortals: "It doesn't matter if you are are Xie Xun, I thought you are all the blood-blooded children of my Dayan! Xie Xun, tell me... Did I misjudge you?"

"Why did Mingcheng die, you don't know? Whether she lives or dies, she is worthy of her mother country! How dare you call Xie Xun worthy of the Great Swallow?!" Xiao Rongyan's voice was sonorous and powerful, "At that time, Da The country of Yan is weak and the people are poor, with frequent internal turmoil and foreign aggression, you kneel in front of the emperor with tears in your eyes, saying that if the emperor dares to believe you, I will give you soldiers, horses, food and money, and within three years you will build an attacking army for Dayan. The armored elite who conquered all battles! Dayan was almost in danger of destroying the country at that time. The emperor's brother sold the treasures left by his ancestors, ordered the royal family to eat one meal a day, saved food money to raise food money for recruits, and bought war horses, knives, halberds, Heavy shield! The whole country of Great Yan... from the emperor to the officials and the common people, donated their property one after another! Put your hope on the recruits, and hope that the recruits can revitalize the country! Even the snowstorm and famine will not short you Xie Xun of a grain of grain, now ...My big swallow can scare Beibei's titans, you are the only one, Xie Xun, you put down the pick, hide here and feel sorry for yourself!"

Xie Xun hunched over his thin body, his eyes were closed with tears streaming down his face.

It is not that Xie Xun does not know how difficult it is for Dayan to walk this way. At that time... he was young, but he had a heart to serve the country. I was afraid that His Majesty would not believe him. before.

These years, he was able to concentrate on training recruits because Emperor Yan and the Ninth Prince tried their best to support him with food and money, allowing him to concentrate on training without any worries.

"When Dayan was handed over to our generation, it was a mess. Dayan's royal family and loyal officials worked together for more than ten years to get to where it is today. There is a slight difference... Today Dayan's situation is in jeopardy. Dayan It’s like walking on thin ice so far!” Xiao Rongyan supported the Eight Immortals table and stood up, and let out a long breath, “Xie Xun... The reason why Mingcheng abandoned you and went to marry you is because our Dayan is not strong enough! If you really feel sorry for Ming Cheng, stand up, take your sword, and go back to Beirong! Hold Beirong firmly in the palm of your hand, so that the people of Beirong will not dare to say any words of peace!"

Xie Xun's face turned pale, he raised his head and looked at Xiao Rongyan, seeing Xiao Rongyan's cold profile, he choked up and called out: "My lord..."

Xiao Rongyan pointed at the table of the Eight Immortals, the purse left by Princess Mingcheng to Xie Xun, and looked at Xie Xun with sharp and gloomy pupils, and said sharply and deeply: "When I, King Yan, dominate or dominate the world! There is no need for me, Miss Dayan, to make peace in exchange for the peace of the mother country!"

The second bird! Continue to roll around asking for a monthly pass! It's the end of the month... stamping little ancestors! For your explosion!

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