The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2198: really wrong

   Chapter 2198 is really wrong

   Gu Yundong thought for a moment, then glanced at the names on the list again, paused, and said, "Then please."

  Ge shi gave her two more glances, "Then over there in the Marquis of Huaiyin..."

   "I'll tell my aunt."

   Ge Shi nodded, "Okay, if there is no problem with the list, I will post it."

   Gu Yundong read it again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he returned the list to Ge Shi.

  The opening of the new Ming Court store was settled like this.

   There is no need to publicize this time. Their customer base has been fixed. Anyone who has been to Xinming Pavilion knows that Xinming Pavilion is going to open a branch, and it has been repaired a few months ago.

   Gu Yundong and Ge Shi settled down on specific matters again. When he wanted to confirm the process again, an Ning voice suddenly came from his ear, "Mother, brother is awake."

  Gu Yundong and Ge Shi turned their heads to look at the same time, and they really saw that Chi Chi had opened his eyes and rolled his eyes. He probably didn't see Gu Yundong, his mouth was deflated, his eyebrows drooped down, and he looked like he was about to cry.

  Gu Yundong hurriedly walked over and picked him up, "Our little one woke up late? Are you hungry?"

   She touched the little guy's diaper, which was already wet.

   Gu Yundong hurriedly carried her behind the screen to change diapers, while Ge Shi took her daughter and waited outside.

   At the same time, the atmosphere of Shao Qingyuan and Qin Wenzheng in the study was a little dignified.

   The more clearly Shao Qingyuan explained the events of the past two days, the more serious Qin Wenzheng's expression became.

   He stood up and looked at the bamboo outside the window before speaking for a long time.

"King Lu has been walking too fast in less than a year, and his steps are very big, something is wrong." Although the emperor explained it to him, but with the perfect solution of one thing after another , his reputation is getting higher and higher, and the power in his hands is getting heavier and heavier.

   I didn't think anything of it before, after all, Qin Wenzheng himself was in the same situation when he returned to the capital.

   But if it is combined with Shao Qingyuan's guess, then things become wrong.

   Qin Wenzheng got along with King Lu, and they even worked together on errands. King Lu's performance was quite satisfactory. At that time, many decisions were made by him, and King Lu was the one who executed it.

   At that time, Qin Wenzheng also felt that King Lu's execution was strong and people were easy to get along with.

   But there are some things that don’t feel like you don’t think about it in a certain way. Once you start to think about it, it becomes… very weird.

"So King Lu has gathered around him a lot of colleagues who are close to him in such a short period of time." Shao Qingyuan said, "It's just a little strange, since King Lu has been quiet for so many years, why did he suddenly resurface last year? Are you planning to go back to the court?"

   "Perhaps, something happened that made him have to enter the court at this time."

   Shao Qingyuan thought for a moment and nodded.

   However, neither of them expected that Qin Wenzheng would reveal the truth in one sentence. And what happened happened to be related to Shao Qingyuan and his wife.

Qin Wenzheng exhaled a long breath, "But this matter is just our guess at the moment, there is no evidence, even if the analysis is given to the emperor, the emperor may not believe it. I will investigate secretly, if there is really something wrong, there can also be a precaution."

   As for the emperor, he could only vaguely remind him.

   If you talk too much, you might be tempted to sow discord.

   After all, King Lu's performance in front of the emperor has always been appropriate.

   (end of this chapter)

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