The old man was born in a strange way, but the old man was born in a strange way.

In the original work, Xiaozhi had a unique bonded Greninja, which not only had a handsome appearance but also had its own BGM. Although it was a pity that it lost to the Hydro-Spray in the end, it still proved that bond evolution was feasible.

However, it is not necessarily possible to bond Charizard. As the biological son of Lao Ren, Charizard has two forms, x and y. If it is to be bonded, whether it will evolve into x or y or have other forms is still unknown.

Long Yeyan stared at Charmander and fell into deep thought. In his imagination, X-Spray must appear in his team.

But according to the tasks issued by the system, most of the elves with dragon attributes are mainly melee. If Long Yeyan's future team is all dragon-attributed elves, lacking certain long-range output capabilities, then Y spray can also be considered.

However, it is still too early. Long Yeyan gently picked up the little dragon again, and the final decision still lies with it. Seeing the little dragon looking at him blankly, Long Yeyan suddenly remembered that there was another item in his backpack.

"The system takes out the qualification enhancement liquid."

"Ding, it has been extracted."

A test tube suddenly appeared in Long Yeyan's hand, which looked like a long cup for drinking beverages, with some green liquid in it. Long Yeyan handed the test tube in his hand to the little dragon.

"The liquid in it can improve your strength, little dragon, take it quickly." Long Yeyan smiled gently.


The little dragon replied, took the qualification enhancement liquid, habitually tested whether the liquid in it could be taken, but out of trust in Long Yeyan, the little dragon raised his head and took all the qualification enhancement liquid.

Aoaoao tastes good, peach fruit flavor.

Watching the little fire dragon smacking his lips, Long Yeyan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ding, the little fire dragon's information is as follows

Name: Little Fire Dragon

Level: 22

Attribute: Fire

Exclusive carry: Raging Flame Dragon Armor

Carry: Top-grade charcoal

Qualification: High Champion (87-89)

Features: Fierce Fire, Power of the Sun

Gender: Male

Skills: Metal Claws, Jet Flame...

Note: This is a little fire dragon with extremely high talent, but it is extremely difficult to evolve. After taking the qualification enhancement liquid, the little fire dragon has taken a step further on the road to becoming stronger."

Sure enough, the qualification enhancement liquid has improved the little fire dragon's first-level qualification without any side effects.

"Ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling..."

Long Yeyan wanted to say something to the little fire dragon who was still unsatisfied, but suddenly a rapid alarm sounded from his mobile phone. Long Yeyan took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He was a little stunned. It was a video call from his father Long Yuhao.

After becoming the king of heaven, his father's daily schedule was like a comet. He had to travel all over the country in one day. He rarely had free time to video chat with him. The last time he video chatted with him was nearly two months ago. Even after Long Yeyan awakened the power of the dragon, he didn't send any messages.

Long Yeyan also understood that his father was busy with work every day. Even his mother was busy like a top every day, promoting gorgeous competitions all over the world. The family could only get together during the Chinese New Year or when there was something important in the Long family.

When Long Yeyan was a child, he could be said to be lonely, but fortunately he had his tribesmen and a group of friends of the same age. Long Yeyan was also more cheerful like in his previous life, but he was very cold to outsiders.

"Hey, what's wrong, father." Long Yeyan's expression returned to calmness and he connected the video.

What he saw was a handsome man who was seven points similar to him. The man's eyes were like stars, and his dark red hair was casually scattered on his forehead. He looked more like a mature Long Yeyan. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, looking at Long Yeyan, without speaking.

This is his father, Long Yuhao, the Dragon King of North China, who is rehearsing for the Champion Challenge and preparing to be promoted to the champion of North China.

"Ah, did Xiao Yeyan miss me?" Just when Long Yeyan was curious about why his father didn't speak, the camera of the mobile phone seemed to be taken away by someone else.

A woman who looked like a fairy appeared on the screen, with bright eyes and fair skin, like an 18-year-old girl, and her long white and blue hair showed the gentleness and dignity of the woman's temperament.

"Ah? Mom?" Long Yeyan stood up from the sofa at once, and the frightened little fire dragon also jumped off him.

The woman opposite was his mother, the proud daughter of the ancient Shui family, the founder and promoter of the gorgeous competition, Shui Hanli.

"How did you get together?" Long Yeyan looked at

The two people on the other side of the screen couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, your father will have the championship rehearsal in a few days, and I will come back from abroad. I also applied for a few days of vacation, and now I am on vacation in Hawaii with your father." Shui Hanli smiled gently.

"Ah? Well, so you two are traveling in Hawaii now without telling me?" Long Yeyan's forehead was filled with black lines.

"Your mother and I came here directly for work, not for vacation." Long Yuhao took the phone and said to Long Yeyan on the other side.

"Of course, traveling at public expense is also considered work." Shui Hanli said excitedly on the side.

His parents are like this. Although his father has a steady personality, he is very fond of his mother.

As for his mother, she has been treated like a princess since she was a child. Even if she is busy with work and flies all over the world, her personality is still like a little girl.

"We called you on video this time because we have something to tell you." Long Yuhao obviously didn't want to say more on this topic, so he changed the subject.

"What happened?" Long Yeyan was puzzled.

"I heard from your grandfather that you awakened the top dragon power, right?" Long Yuhao said.

"Yes, if it is indeed the top dragon power as grandpa said." Long Yeyan thought it was right. They all said that I have the top dragon power, so I won't tell others that I have the holy dragon power.

"Very good, you are worthy of being my son. The strange phenomenon that appeared in the secret realm of the dragon clan on the day you awakened should be caused by you." Long Yuhao said.

"Strange phenomenon?" Long Yeyan was even more puzzled.

"Yes, you may not know that on the day you awakened the top dragon power, not only did strange phenomena occur frequently in the sky in the secret realm, but even the sky of the imperial capital outside the secret realm was dyed purple.

The entire imperial capital was curious about what happened. Even your information was in the hands of high-level officials in various places three hours after the strange phenomenon appeared. Even I was questioned by the alliance headquarters.

You have not come out of the secret realm, but you are already so famous. Even my influence has expanded a lot because of you." Long Yuhao suddenly felt that the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead.

"This? With the strength of the Long family, they should be able to prevent these news from spreading. Will these news spread out and have any impact on me, father?" Long Yeyan frowned.

"Strictly speaking, this matter will undoubtedly have a certain degree of impact on you, but overall, the benefits still far outweigh the disadvantages.

In fact, the alliance has long been wary of our Long family.

And now, with your rapid rise, many older people in the alliance are deeply anxious. It is foreseeable that they are very likely to instruct their younger generation members to deliberately set obstacles for you at some key points to restrain your progress." Long Yuhao said lightly.

"Is that all? What's there to be afraid of! Come on, no matter who comes to stop me, I can't retreat a single step!" Long Yeyan said solemnly.

"Haha, that's great, you are worthy of being my son! I said these words to you with the intention of testing you.

As the new generation of dragon son, you are destined to shoulder the responsibility of the Long family. At the same time, the Long family will be your solid backing and give you full support.

In the alliance, if any old guy who doesn't know how to live or die dares to harm you, it won't be me who will do it. At that time, your grandfather will probably show up from the secret realm without hesitation.

Moreover, the reason why we didn't cut off your information dissemination channels is that we hope that you can better appreciate the true face of the world after entering the world.

In addition, doing so can also make a name for you in advance, which is a treatment that even I didn't enjoy back then!" Long Yuhao changed his seriousness and praised Long Yeyan with great joy.

"Okay, okay, it's my turn to talk to Xiaoyan." Shui Hanli, who had been waiting for a long time, took the phone from Long Yuhao.

"Xiaoyan, can you let me see your initial elf?" Shui Hanli asked with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Long Yeyan turned his phone over and pointed it at the Charmander who was hugging his legs on the ground. It was the first time that Charmander saw a square box with a human face, and he looked at Shui Hanli curiously on the other side of the phone.

"It's this kid. When you were little, you said you would definitely choose a Charmander as your initial elf, so your father and I have prepared a gift for you. It's almost here." Shui Hanli said with a smile, as if it was just as expected.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong" a ringtone sounded outside the door.

"A gift?" Long Yeyan walked to the door with his phone and Charmander behind him.

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