After hanging up the phone with his parents, Long Yeyan was secretly looking forward to his birthday three months later.

Then he approached the little dragon carefully, carefully looked at its cute appearance, and gently stroked its scales with his hands to feel its body temperature.

Then, Long Yeyan found a tape measure and carefully measured the size of the little dragon. While measuring, he whispered: "Head circumference, body length, waist circumference..." Every data was carefully recorded by him.

After measuring the size, Long Yeyan immediately called the family. He described the size of the little dragon in detail to the other party and asked for a custom iron bed that fully fits the body of the little dragon.

Considering that Charmander may spit out flames, wooden beds are easily burned, so it is safer to choose iron ones.

Not only that, he also specially customized several sets of matching fire elf mattresses to ensure that Charmander can rest comfortably.

In addition, Long Yeyan also attaches great importance to Charmander's training. He specifically asked to transform the garden outside the house into a professional training ground, and customized several sandbags and tennis machines.

In order to allow Charmander to get better exercise, these sandbags are even made of the highest quality hard steel materials.

At the same time, he also asked to renovate all the indoor training grounds, and all training equipment should be tailored according to the characteristics of Charmander.

He also instructed the family's trainers to make special top-level dragon fire attribute energy blocks, and also specifically instructed that there must be masseurs and beauticians to relax Charmander's muscles and manage his hair scales on a daily basis.

After making all these arrangements, Long Yeyan nodded with satisfaction. He knew that only by providing the best living environment and training conditions could Charmander thrive and become his most capable partner.

Watching Charmander jumping happily beside him, Long Yeyan felt a strong sense of responsibility in his heart. He vowed to take good care of Charmander and spend every good time with it.

After accompanying Charmander to understand the various layouts of the house, Long Yeyan brought Ai Guanshi to the cultivation room. It was called a cultivation room, but it was actually just a small room in the house.

It was just full of facilities for cultivating elves and elf eggs.

It was not only equipped with advanced equipment such as energy block making machines, tree fruit purification machines, elf egg cultivation machines, nutrient solution supplementers, but also a large number of e-books on elf cultivation and tools such as elf observation dishes.

The two lively electric dogs downstairs, the magic wall dolls who were busy cleaning the house, and the shy nonsense tree, all hatched in this place. Moreover, the first human these elves saw was Long Yeyan.

However, now, there is only one elf egg lying there quietly. There is no doubt that this is the elf egg of the champion-level baby dragon.

Long Yeyan slowly approached the elf egg, carefully observed the delivery of nutrient solution and various indicators of the elf egg, and confirmed that everything was normal. Then, he raised his right hand and gently pressed it on the glass surface of the elf egg incubator.

In an instant, a stream of purple light energy flowed from his palm to the elf egg. This powerful dragon power, as if it has endless vitality and strength, is trying to penetrate into the elf egg.

Long Yeyan knew that at the egg stage, anything could change. Even the innate trait of talent can be improved under the impact of dragon power.

However, the baby dragon in this elf egg itself has extremely high talent, so what Long Yeyan did was just to slightly adjust the energy flow in the elf egg and remove some impurities.

After completing the simple energy transmission, Long Yeyan walked out of the room with confidence. But what he didn't notice was that at the moment he left, the precious dragon elf egg behind him actually shook slightly.

As if feeling Long Yeyan's love and expectation, this little guy responded to his master's care in his own unique way. Perhaps, in the near future, when this elf egg breaks out of its shell, it will bring unexpected surprises to Long Yeyan!

After returning to the house and washing up briefly, Long Yeyan was about to go downstairs to train with the little fire dragon for a while. However, when he had just walked down half of the stairs, he heard an excited and extremely loud shout from outside.

"Brother Yan! I got the spirit!

It works! Come and see it! "

The only guy who can call Long Yeyan like this and behave so impulsively is Long Jinlei. Long Yeyan shook his head helplessly and continued to walk downstairs.

He came to the living room and saw the little fire dragon happily teasing the nonsense tree, while the godfather Ao standing beside him had a happy light in his eyes. Long Yeyan couldn't help but sigh again: No one here is worry-free!

Finally, he turned to the little fire dragon and said: "Okay, little guy, come with me to meet my friends. "

After saying that, Long Yeyan took Charmander out of the house.

Before Long Yeyan walked out of the yard, he saw from afar Long Jinlei's huge body, which was as big as a small mountain, dancing and jumping up and down excitedly.

When Long Yeyan appeared, Long Jinlei immediately stood still as if he had seen his parents, looking at Long Yeyan eagerly.

"Hehe, Jin Xiaopang, what makes you so excited? Look at your joyful look, I'm afraid you can't wait to jump into my yard!" Long Yeyan saw Long Jinlei standing there with a silly face, and couldn't help but feel funny.

"Hehehe... How dare I, Brother Yan. You know, I finally got the Pokémon I dreamed of! No matter how I begged the old man before, he just refused to give me one. Now, I can be regarded as a real Pokémon trainer! "Long Jinlei scratched his head and grinned with joy.

"I can make you so happy, let me see your Pokémon!" Long Yeyan said without hesitation.

"Okay, Brother Yan." When Long Jinlei heard this, he couldn't wait to take out the Poké Ball in his hand, and he took out two shrunken Poké Balls.

Long Jinlei enlarged the two shrunken Poké Balls, which were also purple Poké Balls specially made by the Long family.

There were two "clicks" and "clicks" like a machine turned on, and two lights flashed. The two little guys who came out of the Poké Balls flashed with dazzling white light, and then revealed their true figures.

One was a bald turtle with a blue body and a large turtle shell on its back, but it was wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

The other one was It is a baby dragon with scales of different sizes on its body, a huge heart-shaped scale on its head, and a gray-black body.

"Ding, Squirtle's information is as follows

Name: Squirtle

Level: 7

Attribute: Water

Qualification: Late Heavenly King

Feature: Torrent

Gender: Male

Skills: Impact, Tail Shaking, Water Gun, Shell Retraction, White Mist, Life Drop

Note: This turtle Pokémon was born not long ago, but has excellent talents. If it can be given enough training and cultivation, it may grow into a powerful existence in the future. ”

“Ding, Heartscale’s information is as follows

Name: Heartscale

Level: 27

Attribute: Dragon

Qualification: Champion Intermediate

Feature: Bulletproof

Gender: Male

Skills: Impact, Stare, Hold, Dragon Tail, Scary Face, Headbutt, Self-motivation, Scream, Slam, Dragon Tail, Tile Break, Bodybuilding, Dragon Claw, Reverse Scale, Double Return, Inspiration Punch

Remarks: This dragon Pokémon has extraordinary talent and potential. Its personality is extremely competitive and keen on fighting. It can be said to be a natural warrior. As long as it can maintain a diligent and unremitting attitude, it will definitely be among the strong in the future and occupy an important place among them. ”

“Well, it’s quite outstanding! Both of these Pokémon have high talents. Especially this Heartscale, the one you have been begging your father for before, right? "Long Yeyan took a look at the attribute panels of the two Pokémon.

This Heart Scale Pokémon was originally prepared by the second uncle for Long Jinlei. It has inherited the True Qi Fist and the Reverse Scale used by the Skill Machine. It seems that the second uncle has put a lot of thought into it.

As for this Squirtle, it surprised Long Yeyan a little. It is very rare to have such a high-talented Water Pokémon in the Dragon Realm, but judging from the race of Squirtle, this Squirtle should be selected from the Blastoise family in the Dragon Cave.

"Hehe, that's right, this Heart Scale Pokémon is the boss of the group of Heart Scale Pokémon, and this Squirtle was also selected by my father from the Dragon Cave. "Long Jinlei said with a silly smile.

Sure enough, this Squirtle's talent is impossible to appear in the breeding area, so it can only be the offspring of the elves tempered by dragon blood from the dragon cave.

The dragon cave is hidden deep in the dragon family, and it is home to an unusually large number of dragon tribes. These dragon tribes reproduce and thrive in the dragon cave, shouldering the sacred mission of guarding the dragon secret realm.

Dragon Pokémon are divided into four types by the dragon family. The first is the first attribute or the only dragon Pokémon, such as Hackintosh, Dragonite, Double Axe War Dragon, and Biting Land Shark.

The second is

It is a sub-dragon Pokémon with a second attribute of dragon, such as Alola Coconut Tree, Thorn Dragon, Desert Dragon, Three-Headed Dragon, Exploding Tortoise, and Old Man Dragon.

The third category is Pokémon with dragon attributes after Mega evolution and dragon Pokémon with dragon egg groups in the egg group, such as Charizard, Lizard King, Arbok, Gyarados, Milotic and other Pokémon of other attributes. (Personally, I feel that this group is more like dragon)

The last type is a dragon Pokémon with dragon blood in the body, which can learn dragon moves by itself or use the skill machine, such as Blastoise and Tutai.

However, if we look at it from a strict definition, only true dragon and sub-dragon Pokémon can be truly called dragon Pokémon, and the other two types of Pokémon are more like accessories.

These four types of dragon Pokémon are widely distributed in the dragon cave, and each has its own tribe. Among them, the formation of the Blastoise tribe can be traced back many years ago. At that time, a senior of the Long family passed away, and his main battle spirit, Blastoise, was placed in the dragon cave because of the thin dragon blood flowing in its body. Since then, the Blastoises have established their own tribe here.

It did not surprise Long Yeyan that Long Jinlei's Squirtle was selected from the dragon blood to become his spirit.

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