After returning home, Long Yeyan and Charmeleon lay on two recliners, watching Buzz Bat and Baby Dragon train.

Buzz Bat, who had just hugged Charmeleon with tears in his eyes, saw Charmeleon lying there with anger in his eyes. He said that we should work hard together to train, but you lie down in front of me.

So Buzz Bat trained harder, vowing to become the strongest in the team and beat the hateful Charmeleon.

He also wanted to lie there and enjoy himself (`Δ´)!

And Long Yeyan looked at his hands and thought, is my luck so bad?

Just now, Long Yeyan entered the system space and drew a lottery. The lottery ticket was a hidden task given after Charmander evolved, [The first evolution of the elf].

The reward was a lottery ticket. Long Yeyan successfully drew the prop area on the lottery page and got the prop [Top Master Belt].

He didn't have a fighting elf now, so this master belt was tasteless to him and a pity to throw away, so he put it in the system space.

For the props obtained in the previous lottery, they were all very suitable and matched, but this master belt was really useless. Long Yeyan kept thinking about the use of this master belt.

In the end, he really couldn't think of it, so he cast his eyes into the distance, as if... my birthday is coming soon.


The spring and autumn and the sun and the moon are fleeting, and I don't know when it is now.

Three days passed so simply. Time was so fast in the training with the elves. Today is Long Yeyan's birthday after going through a year and four seasons.

The sky was pale, the air was filled with morning dew, and the early-rising birds were foraging in the sky.

Long Yeyan also did a simple morning run as usual, only bringing the fire dinosaur and the buzzing bat. The baby dragon's legs were too short, so he usually only ran on the treadmill. He was still eating breakfast at home.

Walking home, Long Yeyan was taking the two little ones to stretch and expand their chests after running.

Before he walked out of the yard, Long Yeyan felt two familiar and powerful auras in the villa at home.

Long Yeyan frowned slightly, then thought of today's day, relaxed his frown, and walked slowly towards home again.

Entering the double-push door on the first floor, there were indeed two pairs of shoes lying quietly in the shoe rack, a pair of black cowhide shoes, and a pair of white silk satin big-toed shoes. The two pairs of shoes constantly reflected the atmosphere of luxury, and the texture of the cowhide and the silkiness of the white silk showed that the identity of the assistant was extraordinary.

Long Yeyan was sure in his heart immediately, and walked quickly towards the hall. The fire dinosaur behind him sniffed hard, and there were two different smells in the air.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw two figures, one tall and one short, chatting and laughing around the Godfather Mastiff and the Ai Guanshi.

One of them was wearing a suit with dark blue and magenta, and his red and black hair showed his noble temperament, and the pressure of a powerful person was also revealed.

One of them had white and blue hair and a gentle temperament, which made the whole person more beautiful.

The two were Long Yeyan's parents, Long Yuhao, the current champion of North China, and Shui Hanli, the daughter of the Shui family.

"Dad? Mom?" Long Yeyan shouted and walked quickly.

The two who heard the shouting also turned their heads slightly, not surprised. Long Yuhao had already sensed that his son was back, and Shui Hanli had known about his son's morning exercise for a long time.

"Well, not bad, the power in the body is very strong." The handsome young man looked at Long Yeyan and said.

"You've grown a lot taller, Xiaoyan." The gentle mother smiled faintly, and the whole person looked like an 18-year-old girl.

"Yes, it's been a long time, Mom and Dad." Long Yeyan said.

"Why did you come back so early? You have time to come back in the afternoon." Long Yeyan sat next to his parents and asked.

"Your mother and I came back overnight. We just arrived at the secret realm this morning. After I dealt with the affairs of the champion, I took a week off and handed over all the things to my subordinates." Long Yuhao took a sip of the black tea handed over by Ai Guanshi.

"We both want to see Xiaoyan earlier." Shui Hanli looked at Long Yeyan, who was already much taller than herself, and nodded with satisfaction.

"So, you haven't eaten yet, Ai Guanshi will also prepare it later." Long Yeyan had already eaten breakfast, but it was only a little after 7 o'clock, and he didn't know whether his parents had eaten breakfast.

"Well, it's okay. We just came out from your grandfather, entrusted the elves, and came directly to you." Long Yuhao said.

He is very satisfied with his son now. His talent is the same as that of his ancestor 500 years ago. He is also very hardworking. You know, he was forced by his father to get up at 8 o'clock at that time.

Long Yuhao's mouth curled up, but it was hidden behind the teacup.

Ai~ Then I'll go cook.

Ai Guanshi got up, patted himself and walked to the kitchen.

"Has this child evolved? He looks very reliable." Shui Hanli looked at the Fire Dinosaur.

"Well, this child is very hardworking." Long Yeyan also looked at the Fire Dinosaur. There was also a buzzing bat landing on the sofa next to him, and the baby dragon was lying on the ground.

The size of the baby dragon is now comparable to that of a pig. Long Yeyan jokingly called it a baby pig. Not only is the size larger than that of an ordinary baby dragon, but the belly can touch the ground like the four legs.

But this is only the case in the morning. If you keep a close eye on the baby dragon, you will find that it is losing weight at a speed that can be barely captured by the naked eye. The iron stomach that absorbs 100% of energy is working all the time.

As for the morning, after eating the sandy rock and the steel gem, the baby dragon continued to eat nearly two weeks of dragon and steel energy cubes, plus two potted plants, four bowls, a quarter of a marble floor, and a thorny fruit hidden by the mastiff godfather.

Now there is a little excess energy, but it is being digested at a very fast speed. By noon, it will become a slender baby dragon again, but the next meal at noon will be the baby pig.

"Hey, your baby dragon is a little... uh, fat." Long Yuhao saw the baby pig at Long Yeyan's feet and was a little stunned. He had a baby dragon with him since he was very young, so it can be said that he has an incomparable understanding of the baby dragon population.

However, he has never seen a baby dragon that is as fat as a ball.

"This child was entrusted to me by my grandfather. He ate a little bit more this morning." Long Yeyan could only tell his parents that he ate a little too much.

"Haha, it seems that you have raised this child very well {(☆|☆)}" Shui Hanli also laughed in surprise.


Recently, there are scores and exams, and I am taking the first subject, so I have not updated for a few days. If there is less work recently, I will slowly post two more pictures.

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