The two of them were so cute.

"This, a different-colored Yaya?" Long Yeyan said in surprise.

"Yes, this is a different-colored elf. I didn't tell you because I wanted to give you a surprise on your birthday." Long Yuhao said to himself behind Long Yeyan.

Long Yeyan squatted on the ground at this time, reaching out to Yaya who was trying to walk towards him, and used the power of dragon to communicate with Yaya.

Yaya also slowly approached Long Yeyan until she stopped in front of his knees.

"Little guy, are you willing to be my elf?" Long Yeyan asked, looking at the different-colored Yaya.

The closer he got to Yaya, the more Long Yeyan could see the different colors on Yaya's body, and the big pink eyes were full of curiosity and vigilance.

Hearing Long Yeyan's question, Yaya was slightly stunned and looked at her mother. When she saw her mother's encouraging and approving eyes, Yaya made her own decision and turned her head to Long Yeyan.

She saw an opportunity to become stronger in Long Yeyan, and then looked at Long Yeyan for a few seconds before nodding seriously.

Yaya~I do

Long Yeyan aimed the Poké Ball in his hand at Yaya, and Yaya hit her head on the button in the center of the Poké Ball. This Poké Ball, which had already captured Yaya, successfully captured Yaya for the first time in Long Yeyan's hands.

Long Yeyan was not surprised by Yaya's choice. He felt a determination to become stronger in the eyes of this heterochromatic Yaya. Maybe just like him, Yaya also wanted to surpass his parents.

What he didn't expect was that the birthday gift his father prepared for him was actually a Yaya, and a heterochromatic Yaya. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe this Yaya already belonged to him under the influence of the Shining Amulet.

After releasing Yaya, Long Yeyan had a brief exchange with Yaya. The Double Axe War Dragon and Long Yuhao also wanted them to develop feelings for each other, and they kept silent behind each other.

It was actually nothing for Long Yeyan to subdue a Yaya. In his estimation, he would definitely subdue a Double Axe War Dragon in the future, but the time was brought forward.

Now in Long Yeyan's hands, there are four elves, Charmeleon, Buzzing Bat, Baby Dragon, and Yaya, and most of them are in an unevolved state. For Long Yeyan, he can't subdue elves now. Four elves have already filled his schedule. Another elf may burden his training plan.

The current four elves can improve their strength normally and quickly under the support of the family and Long Yeyan's planning. Charmeleon has just evolved and is still in the stage of adapting to its own abilities. It does not need too much training now.

The level of Buzzing Bat is about to reach the conditions for evolution. Now for Buzzing Bat, it is to consolidate its strength, lay a solid foundation, and continuously absorb the energy of the dragon and flying systems.

In addition to normal training according to the family's training manual for the Flying Dragon, Baby Dragon's plan also requires continuous food intake. The iron stomach that can absorb 100% of energy must be fully utilized.

The absorption of a large amount of steel energy has already shown initial results in Baby Dragon. The bones on the head of Baby Dragon have now been melted into steel, and even the head hammer can be used as an iron head.

As for the newly captured Yaya, he can be trained according to his father's double-axe war dragon.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Long Yeyan stood up and said to Double Axe War Dragon: "Auntie Shuangfu, this child is very good, I will train his talent well."

Double Axe~

Double Axe War Dragon looked at Long Yeyan seriously. For this child who had grown up since childhood, it knew very well what kind of person Long Yeyan was. It was relieved to entrust its child to him.

Seeing that the Double Axe War Dragon had let go, Long Yuhao walked to Long Yeyan and said, "You know Xiaoyan very well. He will not waste this child's talent."

The Double Axe War Dragon nodded, reluctantly looked at his child, roared softly, and walked into the cave. Its trainer promised it that its child would be trained in the most perfect way. It believed in its trainer and Long Yeyan.

Ya Ya watched her mother turn her back to it and walk into the cave. It subconsciously wanted to follow its mother, but it stopped when it remembered the meaning of her roar just now.

Long Yeyan looked at Ya Ya, who was struggling with his steps, and smiled and said, "Ya Ya, you should be a man."

Ya Ya~ Ya Ya is a man

Ya Ya seemed to want to prove himself

Like himself, he showed off the muscles on his arms, but his short arms really didn't show any changes.

After talking with Yaya for a few words, Long Yeyan put Yaya back into the Poké Ball and looked at his father.

"Dad, I like this gift very much, thank you."

"Why thank you, as long as you like it, I originally wanted to give this Yaya to you, but when I found out that it was a different color, I wanted it to choose you." Long Yuhao touched his chin and said.

He had already planned for this Yaya, and he was confident that his son would be recognized by Yaya.

After expressing his gratitude to Lord Long Guanjun, the father and son went back the way they came. On the way back, Long Yeyan saw the double-axe war dragon and Yaya, who had not appeared when they came, and the axe tooth dragon in the middle stage.

Perhaps they were also avoiding the father and son.

On the way back to the passage, there were no accidents except for a few round land sharks blocking the way. They even led the father and son by giving them some energy cubes.

These round land sharks were like professional tour guides, leading the father and son back to the entrance of the passage.

When they arrived at their destination, the round land sharks waved their short hands, as if to say goodbye.

There was another sudden dizziness. When Long Yeyan appeared at the entrance of the dragon cave with his feet firmly on the ground, he was even a little dazed.

Just after walking out from under the blue sky and white clouds and returning to the sunset in the real world, he stroked the fourth Poké Ball on his waist and realized that all this was real.

The guards at the door were still standing in their original positions dutifully. Long Yeyan said hello to them as a farewell when he passed by them. These people who selflessly dedicated themselves to the family deserve Long Yeyan's respect.

He turned over and stepped onto his father's Flying Dragon. The father and son completed the mission perfectly. Long Yeyan was very satisfied with this short trip. He looked at his father in front of him, speechless but grateful.

The evening breeze brushed across his cheeks, and the remaining red in the sky gradually dissipated. The father and son arrived at the door of their home before the sunset completely fell.

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