After a night of rest, the three injured ones have recovered from their injuries and are in good spirits.

Only Yaya, who was not able to play, was a little unhappy and complained to Long Yeyan for a long time.

Rotom was going to take some handsome photos of his master, but his introverted and sensitive personality made it not float out of Long Yeyan's pocket.

He took the photos, but only his jawline and nostrils could be seen. The upward shooting method made Long Yeyan shout that this was not him.

After breakfast, Long Yeyan, who was ready to go, left the courtyard with his father.

After a fierce high-altitude flight, Long Yeyan and Long Yuhao landed safely in the deepest part of the family.

This was Long Yeyan's first time to this place, which was surrounded by towering mountains.

There was only one very old-fashioned building, which was built entirely of wood. It looked simple and low-key but not without connotation.

Long Yuhao took Long Yeyan in. The house was bright and transparent, and there was a breeze blowing by his feet.

There were several old people on the sofa on the first floor, talking in a steady voice.

They were Long Yeyan's grandfathers, and the one in the middle was naturally Long Kongwen.

Seeing Long Yeyan and Long Yuhao, Long Kongwen and others were not surprised, and waved their hands to let the two sit down.

After greeting the elders, Long Yeyan and his father sat on one side of the sofa together. As soon as they sat down, Long Yanbin said excitedly.

"You are really popular now, Xiaoyan. After posting your video, my number of fans has increased a lot."

"What?" Long Yeyan was a little confused.

"It's the four games you participated in the trial yesterday. I filmed and edited them and posted them online. The number of likes is more than the number of my fans."

Long Yeyan knew that his fourth grandfather was surfing the Internet, but he didn't expect that Long Yanbin would actually film him and post a video online.

Due to the difference in spatial latitudes between the Dragon Secret Realm and the outside world, only a small part of the outside world's information can be sensed. For example, Long Yeyan can't receive news from the outside world on the Internet in the Dragon Secret Realm, and can't synchronize with the outside world.

The contact with the outside world is also limited to the North China region. For example, Long Yeyan's parents' private calls with Long Yeyan were also from the outside world, and they could be received in the Dragon Secret Realm.

You know, now the Long family often appears in the outside world and is well-known to the outside world. There is Long Yuhao, the champion of the North China region.

Long Feijue, the chairman of the South China Alliance Committee. (Compared to Dama Lanqi)

Long Ziheng, the chief investigator of the South China region.

There is also Long Yeyan's third grandfather, Long Yanbin.

As a champion-level trainer with extraordinary strength and status, Long Yanbin has a huge number of online fans, and the number of fans nationwide has even exceeded one billion.

The number of likes on Long Yeyan's battle video even exceeds the number of Long Yanbin's fans, which makes Long Yeyan puzzled.

"Don't you know that your game yesterday was broadcast live, so it was leaked to the outside world. It can be said that now the trainers of your age in the outside world are all following your example." Long Yanbin said something that made Long Yeyan stunned.

"Yesterday? Full... process? Live... broadcast?" Long Yeyan said word by word.

"Yes, we didn't tell you because we were afraid of putting too much pressure on you. Isn't this good."

"How is this good? If I failed the trial yesterday, the outside world would also know." Long Yeyan rarely curled his lips.

"Hahaha, the ending is good. Look at the comments of people on the Internet about you. You are really popular now."

As he spoke, Long Yanbin took out his mobile phone, fiddled with it a little, and placed the screen in front of Long Yeyan.

"Look at these people's comments, what about the heir of the Dragon family, the next generation champion, the most handsome Charmeleon trainer, eh... there are also people who call you husband, hahahaha, and this, the almighty Fire Dragon, the giant beast that defeated the evil fangs in the flames, hahaha."

"So... my reputation has spread to the outside world before me?"

At this time, Long Yeyan's expression was numb. Although he knew that he would definitely face this kind of thing in the future, he didn't expect it to come so soon, so shameful.

Long Yanbin was still flipping through the comments section with interest.

"Well, you left the secret realm yesterday to surf the Internet?" Long Xuwu, who was separated from him, spoke.

"Of course, I was the first to post a video before the heat came up." Long Yanbin looked righteous.

While speaking, he also found the video he posted.

Long Yeyan glanced at it. Needless to say, it was captured from the live broadcast video.

Add the flame special effects and some music, it really has a passionate taste


Long Yeyan's expression returned to calm. He was not surprised that his reputation appeared in the outside world.

He had been prepared for a long time, but he didn't expect to be prepared a little late. For such things, he was just a little ashamed at first.

Looking at the videos posted by Long Yanbin in the outside world, it was actually not bad. He didn't have to accumulate his reputation in advance.

As Long Yeyan thought about it, he suddenly realized something. Rotom could actually connect to the outside world network, so Rotom should know about these battle videos. Why didn't it say it?

He didn't know that Rotom was threatened and intimidated by Charmeleon yesterday, so he didn't tell him about this matter, and stupidly let Charmeleon watch the video of himself killing people on the battlefield.

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