The sky was full of stars.

The light was rolling and the stars were shining.

When he saw it, there was a vast expanse of white. Long Yeyan's consciousness gradually woke up. When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but be surprised. He felt that he was in a universe full of white.

Standing on the ground of unknown material, it seemed to be suspended in the air, and he couldn't see below.

"Hey WC, what are you doing? Is this still the Dragon Secret Realm?" Long Yeyan was a little confused.

"Ding, host, hello." A familiar and unfamiliar machine voice came to his ears.

"You are, the system, you are awake!"

"Ding, yes, host, the strongest master auxiliary system is at your service."

"Didn't you say that you can come back in six years? It's been 11 years."

It turned out that the system had been in Long Yeyan's body as early as the day he crossed over. After a burst of electronic beeps, the system left a sentence "The world consciousness has not recovered, the energy reserves are insufficient, the system will recover in six years, and look forward to your use." The remaining confused Long Yeyan disappeared.

"Ding, the system did recover five years ago, but it was in an update state at the time, and there was no energy activation, so it has been dormant until now."

"Okay, but, so, the world consciousness has been revived a long time ago?"

"Ding, insufficient authority, unable to query."


Please introduce yourself first," Long Yeyan said.

"Ding, this system is the strongest master assistance system, which will wholeheartedly help trainers reach the top of the world. This system comes with all Pokémon query functions, some item query functions, system backpack, and lottery functions."

"Where is this place?"

"Ding, this is the system's consciousness space, only the host can enter."

"Open the system interface." Long Yeyan said.

Then, in a white world, Long Yeyan only felt that a highly transparent panel appeared in front of him.

"The Strongest Master Assistance System

Host: Long Yeyan

Special Power: Top Dragon Power

Height: 178.7

Weight: 121.4

Pokémon: Not Opened

Backpack: Dragon Blood × 1, Newcomer Gift Pack × 1

The Strongest Pokémon Assistance Master System welcomes you to use it"

Long Yeyan didn't seem so surprised about his top dragon power. After all, he had the talent there, and as a traverser, plus a system, it was normal to have such a talent.

"Well, it's quite detailed, the system opens the backpack." Long Yeyan said.

"Ding, the host just needs to recite it silently in his heart."

The panel rotated, and the personal information became the backpack interface. There were ten grids in it, two of which were already filled with things, and the remaining eight were empty, with a reminder next to them that living things could not enter.

The two things in the grids were one golden liquid that seemed to have a living thing flowing in it, and the other looked very luxurious, with a bag wrapped in golden light.

"The system introduces the functions of these two things."

"Ding, dragon blood is the blood that the host had in his previous life, but it is very diluted, one ten-millionth of this drop of dragon blood. The powerful ability contained in this drop of dragon blood is not even possessed by the elf world. It is recommended that the host use it as soon as possible, which is suitable for Chinese babies to absorb. The novice gift package is provided by the system, and you can get the items the host wants."

"Open the novice gift package."

"Ding, the novice gift package has been used, and you get the number of draws × 1, the elf qualification enhancement liquid × 1, and the bond seed."

"Oh, they are all good things, the system introduces them."

"Ding, the number of draws can be used on the draw page; the elf qualification enhancement liquid can increase the elf's any qualification by one level; the bond seed, the seed that forms a bond with the selected elf, can only be used for your own elf."

"In this case, use dragon blood." Long Yeyan felt that dragon blood was more suitable for him at this stage.

"Ding, successful use."

Just as Long Yeyan was lamenting why there was no effect, he felt a severe pain all over his body, as if someone had drawn blood and broken bones. As the pain in his body occurred, Long Yeyan also changed a little. Gradually, the pain in his body stopped, as if a warm current was injected into his body, slowly strengthening the original body parts.

The dragon blood injected into the body felt like the body was dry, and then a huge amount of energy poured into the body. This feeling was a bit comfortable.

After a long time, the dragon blood transformed the whole body. Long Yeyan lay on the ground, sweating all over, but feeling very happy, "System open the panel."

"Ding, the panel is as follows

Host: Long Yeyan

Special Power: Saint-level Dragon Power

Height: 179.2

Weight: 124.5

Elf: Not enabled

Backpack: Number of draws × 1, Elf Qualification Enhancement Liquid × 1, Seed of Bond × 1

The Strongest Elf Assist Master System welcomes you to use it"

"This, is this the Saint-level Dragon Power?"

"Ding, yes, host, when any special ability breaks through the limitations of the world, it is collectively called the Saint-level."

"More powerful? System, use the lottery ticket."

Then, the scene in sight changed, and a huge roulette appeared, with buttons marked with lottery × 1 and lottery × 10 on the side.

"Ding, use successful."

A few golden lights appeared on the button of lottery × 1, the light jumped, circled to the turntable, merged into the turntable, and the turntable also turned.

The pointer passed through one area after another, and finally stopped, landing in a mysterious foggy area.

"Ding, the host has drawn a special area. It is the first time for a newcomer to draw a lottery. The reward has been upgraded. Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special top-quality item: Shining Amulet, which has been automatically opened."

"Oh, Shining Amulet? The Shining Elf is also very good."

"Ding, reminder, the host is undergoing an awakening ceremony."

"System, is the time here different from the outside world?"

"Ding, when the host enters the consciousness space, the outside world is completely still, but the time is limited."

"In this case, then exit the consciousness space."

"Ding, the host can call the system in his heart outside..."

A sense of weightlessness spread throughout the body, as if falling in the sky, and then, as if consciousness returned to the body, Long Yeyan regained control of himself.

At this time, he was in the center of the training ground, sending his hand to the stone.

Long Yeyan, who already knew his own talent, put his hand on it fiercely. He had already had confidence in his heart.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling golden purple light flashed from the stone. The intensity of the light shot up to the sky, dyeing the originally bright blue sky into purple-blue. Strips of golden patterns also permeated the air, and the rich dragon-type ability set off the entire dragon-type secret realm.

All the people in the venue could not open their eyes. Only the elders such as Long Kongwen on the side looked at the young man in the light with a strong surprise in their eyes.

The ground in the forest began to tremble violently, as if the whole earth was shaking. Countless elves rushed past like a tide, and their emotions were extremely excited. They seemed to be extremely excited and seemed to have been strongly stimulated by something.

In the depths of the vast ocean, various colorful skills were being performed by some powerful elves. These skills shone with dazzling light, making other elves around tremble.

At the same time, an amazing scene appeared in the sky. Countless powerful dragon-type elves took off into the air, spread their huge wings, and rushed towards the direction of the light. Each dragon-type elf exudes a frightening aura, as if it is the most powerful existence in this world.

However, deep underground, there is a mysterious scene hidden. A dark red sphere that looks like it is bitten by a dragon head quietly emerges, and seven faint blue spots flicker on the surface of the sphere. These spots keep flickering, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, and finally gradually disappear.

In the Dragon Clan Ancestral Temple, where the secret treasure is located, in a room as big as a warehouse, on the central wall, a red rectangular stone object has a barely perceptible purple light.

On the left stone pillar, two round stones are placed in parallel, reflecting purple and blue starlight. The two stones tremble violently, shake against each other, and finally stabilize.

On the stone pillar on the right, there was a small black box, with an obsidian color, shaking slightly, and it seemed to be accompanied by an imperceptible ancient roar "Ar... Zeus..., I will... come... back..."


Outside the secret realm, the people of the Long family, who noticed the change in the aperture of the secret realm, surrounded and guarded it.

Above the sky, the green dragon hovering on the sky stone tower opened its eyes.

In another secret realm, on an unknown mountain, two red and blue figures were fighting. When the light that only they could see appeared, both stopped and looked out.


On a privately contracted beach

"Ah~ Vacation is really comfortable!" A handsome young man stretched and said.

"Today is my son's awakening, why don't you care?" Next to him, on the beach chair, a beautiful woman like a fairy asked.

"Haha, that kid never needs our care, and how can his talent be average."

Suddenly, the snoring next to him

The Dragonite suddenly opened its eyes, flapped its huge blood-red wings quickly and floated into the air. Dragonite, who had arrived at some point, also flew into the air, and other elves also took action.

The young man also noticed something strange. The white stone hanging on his neck shook, and a clear voice came, "I feel a little uneasy."

"What's wrong? Where is it?"

"It seems that some powerful dragon elves have revived in the family." The clear voice said.

"Haha, it's okay. It should be that kid Long Yeyan. Today is the awakening day. What's more, our brothers are in the secret realm."

After comforting the elves in the white stone, the young man and his wife looked towards the direction of the secret realm.

"He is destined to be the future glory of the Long family."



Back to the secret realm training ground

In the central venue, the light has gradually dissipated, slowly revealing the figure of Long Yeyan. On one side, Long Kongwen led other tribesmen to surround the stone. Their powerful dragon Pokémon, facing outward, released their own breath to block possible threats from outside.

Long Yuxu, who was standing in front, tightly grasped the black stone on his neck. The stone was shaking violently, as if it was about to escape at any time.

[Novice Trainer (Level 1~10)

Beginner Trainer (Level 11~20)

Intermediate Trainer (Level 21~30)

Advanced Trainer (Level 31~40)

Elite Trainer (Level 41~50)

Experienced Trainer (Level 51~60)

Gym Trainer (Level 61~70)

King Trainer (Level 71~79)

Semi-Champion Trainer (Level 80)

Champion Trainer (Level 81~89)

Semi-Master Trainer (Level 90)

Master Trainer (Level 91~99)

Arzeus (100)]

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