While the young people on the stage were introducing, a man with a stench all over his body broke into the place.

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue..."

The man kept repeating these two words, his eyes glanced at many creatures in confusion.

Suddenly the man jumped in front of a smiling girl holding a tray.

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue..." The man grabbed the woman's shoulder and shook her frantically.

The woman's tray was overturned, and the glass containing the red wine was broken, making a harsh sound.

The man kept calling loudly, but the woman kept smiling like that.

It looks mechanical and numb.

The woman smiled and asked charmingly: "Guest, what do you need?"

Looking at this scene, all the creatures present looked like they were watching the show, staring at the man on the stage.

The young man on the stage frowned and snapped his fingers.

A cloud of black smoke rose behind him.

The figure of a middle-aged man with a lustful face slowly appeared.

"Succubus, what's going on?" the young man asked.

The middle-aged man known as the succubus looked at the middle-aged man with a playful smile on his face.

"This is an infatuated man." Succubus smiled.

"Back when I caught his wife, this guy ran for hundreds of miles with his feet, trying to get her back."

The succubus pouted as she spoke, indicating that the woman was his wife.

"He should have died of exhaustion on the spot, but I was kind enough to save him and give him a job as a janitor."

"Hehe, wouldn't it be a good thing for two couples to work in the same place?"

The succubus' eyes were full of ridicule.

The young man frowned. He knew that the succubus liked to control other creatures with illusion and used them to guard the door.

Just ordinary people, he never asked, but why did this happen today?

Seeing the young man's question, the succubus waved his hand and smiled indifferently: "You know, illusion is not stable, maybe this man has a strong obsession because he misses his wife too much, It’s not necessarily possible to get out of the illusion by yourself.”

"Wipe your shit up for me." The young man said angrily.

The succubus raised her eyebrows: "Yueying, we are a cooperative relationship, I am not your subordinate, please be careful when you speak."

The young man's face darkened.

The succubus looked at the many creatures below, and said with a smile: "Do you know that there is something called love?"

Without waiting for the people below to answer, the succubus said to himself again: "It's really a power that surprises me."

"In this case, I'll be a good person and let you husband and wife recognize each other."

Saying that, the succubus waved her hand, and the empty eyes of the woman hugged by the man suddenly brightened.

The woman looked at the man in front of her and hugged him happily.

"Husband, husband." The woman shouted happily.

Seeing that the woman had recovered, the man's eyes became cloudy instead, and the aura on his body gradually weakened.

He was originally supported by an obsession, but at this moment his wish was fulfilled.

That obsession dissipated, but it has come to the end of life.

"Honey, let's go home, go home..." The man gently stroked the woman's face, and soon lost his breath.

The woman hugged her husband and stood there in a daze, a series of memory fragments exploded in her mind.

The woman trembled uncontrollably, as if recalling something unbearable.

The woman seemed to be going crazy, constantly tearing at the tender skin on her body, as if it was the dirtiest thing in the world.

The tender skin was pulled out by the nails with deep blood marks, dripping with blood.

Two tears of blood ran across the woman's eyes. She picked up a piece of broken glass on the ground with her right hand, and hugged her dead husband with her left hand.

She wiped her neck fiercely with her right hand, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

The woman looked at the succubus with hatred in her eyes.

"Bastard, you will be punished."

These are the last words left by the woman.

Seeing the woman's venomous eyes, the succubus took a step back for no reason.

Then he was extremely annoyed, a practitioner himself was startled by an ordinary person.

"Dad, Mom."

At this moment, a thin figure rushed in here.

The little girl holding the wooden knife looked at the blood on the ground that bloomed like roses, and the two people embracing each other.

She just froze in place, as if she couldn't believe the scene in front of her, her body trembled violently.

At this time, the woman raised her head with a flash of light, and saw the little girl.

Trembling, she removed a hairpin from her hair and handed it to the little girl.

"Mo...mo..., happy birthday..."

The hairpin landed lightly on the ground and flicked a few times.

The little girl collapsed and squatted down, her body twitching non-stop, and she couldn't cry at this moment.

The succubus looked at the little girl, licked his lips and smiled, "It's actually a family, what a destiny!"

But the young man on the stage became vigilant, because on the stairs entering here, those oil paintings hanging on the wall sealed powerful evil spirits inside.

If you don't have a "Heaven and Earth" membership card, you will be attacked by resentful spirits.

How could she, an ordinary little girl, walk through the whole building unharmed and come here.

The little girl's body kept twitching, and a faint red light radiated from her body.

The monstrous resentment exploded here in an instant.

A phantom of an evil spirit formed above the little girl.

The evil spirit roared crazily at all the creatures present.

The succubus watched this scene with great interest: "It's actually a wraith ghost, such an interesting talent."

The young man frowned slightly: "Clean it up and continue the auction."

"Hey, this little girl belongs to me. I heard that this ghostly spirit can go straight to the ancient hell. I don't know if it's true."

The succubus walked towards the little girl with a smile, not paying attention to the phantom of the evil spirit at all.

Suddenly the succubus felt something grabbing his ankle, he frowned and looked down.

It turned out to be the man's hand clasping his ankle.

The succubus didn't understand why he reacted like this when he was obviously a dead person.

The succubus smiled, looked at the man's body and said, "Poor man, you can't protect anyone, your wife, your daughter, haha..."

A pink streamer cut off the man's hand.

Just like that, the succubus held the hand on its foot and grabbed the little girl's hair.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind him, and the eyes of this figure slowly spun like a whirlpool in the sea.

An icy breath that froze everything spread rapidly across the field.

Succubus' eyes widened suddenly, cold sweat instantly drenched his whole body.

He didn't dare to look back, and even held his breath.

"This is retribution." Xiao Chen's indifferent voice came out.

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