Lu Liang was not a fool, how could he not hear the hidden meaning of this Master Yuan?

He frowned and wanted to persuade him:"Zhao Qianwei, Xiao Shao is really amazing, why don't you give it a try?"

"Well, I won't be like you and make fun of my own grandfather!"

Zhao Qianwei was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Lu Liang, and directly issued an order to expel him.

When Lu Liang wanted to speak, he was stopped by Lu Deyuan.


"Well, since you can't persuade me, forget it. Please come here in person, Mr. Xiao."

Lu Deyuan looked at Xiao Jiang with an apologetic look on his face.

He had finally invited him to come, but when he came, he was scolded by him.

He just hoped that Xiao Jiang would not take this matter to heart.

Xiao Jiang just waved his hand and smiled lightly:"It doesn't matter, maybe I will be needed here when the time comes."

Master Yuan, who heard his words, was immediately displeased and said coldly:"How could I need a charlatan like you when I am here?"

Xiao Jiang did not care about his words, but asked Lu Deyuan:"Mr. Lu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Lu Deyuan nodded and said:"Xiao Liang, please send Mr. Xiao off!"

"Yes!" Lu Liang personally sent Xiao Jiang away again.

Zhao Qianwei glanced at him lightly and shook her head:"Knowing that she couldn't pretend anymore, she chose to leave."

Lu Deyuan heard Zhao Qianwei's words, smiled bitterly and shook his head, with a little disappointment, he turned and left.

Qianwei is a good girl in every way, but she is too self-righteous and can't listen to others at all.

When he thought of this, he had already left the manor.

Zhao Qianwei didn't feel that she had done anything wrong. She looked at Master Yuan and smiled lightly:"Master Yuan, next, it depends on you to save my father."

Master Yuan patted his chest confidently and said with a smile:"Miss Zhao, please rest assured, I will definitely cure Mr. Zhao!"

"Then I'll leave it to Master Yuan!"

After a while,

Master Yuan came to the bedside, took the pulse for a while, and then raised his brows slightly.

It lasted for more than ten minutes.

Zhao Qianwei asked with a little concern:"Master Yuan, how is the situation?"

"Mr. Zhao's pulse is stable, so he should be fine. It may be that there are some problems with the feng shui of this manor."

"I have a prescription here. After taking it, you will wake up. As for the Feng Shui problem, it won't be too late for us to deal with it after Mr. Zhao wakes up."

Master Yuan handed a prescription to Zhao Qianwei.

Zhao Qianwei took the prescription and quickly arranged for her men to buy medicinal materials and boil them according to the prescription.

It was boiled from the afternoon to the evening before it was completely finished.

When the medicine soup was brought in, a strong smell of Chinese medicine instantly filled the whole room.

Zhao Qianwei took the soup and began to feed Zhao Yuanlong, who was in a coma, little by little. Master Yuan used acupuncture to help the body absorb the medicinal properties!

About twenty minutes.

Zhao Yuanlong, who was still in a coma, slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly.


"Grandpa, you finally woke up, I was scared to death!" Zhao Qianwei's eyes were slightly red, and she excitedly helped Zhao Yuanlong up.

As she spoke, she pointed to Master Yuan beside her and said,"Grandpa, it was Master Yuan who saved you."

Zhao Yuanlong has lived in Hong Kong Province for many years, so he naturally heard of Master Yuan's name. He thanked him and said,"Thank you, Master Yuan, for saving me. If you need my help in the future, I will definitely help you!"

""Mr. Zhao is too polite. I also received an invitation from Miss Zhao. If you want to thank her, thank her."

Master Yuan gave the credit directly to Zhao Qianwei.

This made Zhao Qianwei and Zhao Yuanlong feel more favorable towards Master Yuan!

"Master Yuan is indeed a master. Not only is he powerful, but he is also a man of noble character. He is unlike the man that Grandpa Lu brought today. He is young, yet he is a charlatan and doesn’t know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is!"

Speaking of Xiao Jiang, Zhao Qianwei’s face was full of disgust, and she couldn’t muster any interest at all.

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanlong frowned slightly and asked,"Old Lu? He’s here, why didn’t I see him?"

"Grandpa Lu, leave with that charlatan. No matter what, he is unwilling to believe us."

Zhao Qianwei shook her head helplessly, thinking that Lu Deyuan was just old, so he was deceived by that charlatan.

Master Yuan smiled faintly:"Grandpa Lu, maybe he was just blinded by that man. When I have time, I will expose that liar!"

"Then there is Master Lao Yuan"

"Hahaha, it's just a piece of cake!" Master Yuan touched his graying beard, and then said:"Mr. Zhao, the feng shui of this place is too bad. I will help you change a few things tomorrow and guarantee that it will become a prosperous place!"

After Zhao Yuanlong and Zhao Qianwei thanked him, Master Yuan left the manor.

The next day, early in the morning.

Master Yuan brought a bunch of small yellow flags and began to plant small flags in various locations of the manor.

After about ten minutes.

All places visible to the naked eye were planted with these yellow flags.

Master Yuan stood at the door of the manor and spoke confidently, spitting out a mouthful of Tu Su wine from time to time!

Zhao Yuanlong and Zhao Qianwei were both on the side, watching this scene quietly.

After a while.

Those yellow flags actually flew up automatically, suspended in the air, and began to rotate continuously.

Halfway through, Master Yuan frowned, and a little cold sweat dripped down his cheeks to the ground.

He seemed to have noticed that something was wrong, but it was already halfway through and he couldn't stop at all.

He could only bite the bullet and continue!

As time passed, the sun rose completely.

Logically, the surrounding temperature should have increased.

However, the temperature of this manor, instead of rising, dropped a lot.

Zhao Qianwei couldn't help shivering, muttering:"Why does it feel like the temperature has dropped a lot, like in a refrigerator?" As she was speaking, she suddenly noticed her grandfather, who had fainted on the ground, his face extremely pale, and his breathing extremely difficult.

"grandfather——"She hurriedly helped her grandfather up and looked at Master Yuan.

However, she found that Master Yuan was half-kneeling on the ground with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. His condition was not very good.


At the same time, Jianyi Kindergarten.

After Xiao Jiang sent Yuyu to the kindergarten, he was about to go home.

"My friend!"

"Mr. He?"

Xiao Jiang turned around and saw He Lu jogging over, and couldn't help asking,"Mr. He, you came here suddenly, is there something going on?"

"No, no, I just want to ask, do you have time? I want to invite you to have a cup of tea and talk about medicine!"

He Lu also saw Xiao Jiang's peerless medical skills and wanted to learn some.

Xiao Jiang didn't have anything to do anyway, so he agreed.

Hearing Xiao Jiang's agreement, He Lu was extremely happy and immediately took him to the Qingnang Medical Clinic.

When the two of them just left, the Lu family began to look for Xiao Jiang on a large scale because of Zhao Yuanlong's matter.

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