Xiao Jiang looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and asked with a smile:"But, your daughter has a facial ulcer?"

"How do you know?"The middle-aged woman was shocked at first, but then she thought, it is no secret that the two skin care products in Jiangling City caused facial ulcers.

And he must have set up a stall here to take this opportunity to sell his products.

"Alas, my daughter had such a bright youth, but because of the use of those two skin care products, her face was ulcerated. She had to stay at home every day and dared not see anyone!"

The middle-aged woman's face was full of heartache. She also took her daughter to various plastic surgery hospitals and other hospitals.

Unfortunately, there was no way to cure it.

Xiao Jiang smiled faintly and said:"You only need to apply my medicine to the ulcerated part for about a minute, and then wipe it off, and it will be completely restored!"

"Is your medicine really that magical?"

"Of course, you can take it home and try a bottle first. If it works, you can come back and buy it. How about that?"

The middle-aged woman nodded slightly and said,"Okay, then I'll give it to my daughter.��!"

After saying that, she picked up a bottle.

Xiao Jiang continued to wait for the next customer to come. Because it was free, it was completely sold out in just one hour.

He put away the billboard, stretched his waist, and smiled faintly:"I should go home to take care of Yuyu, come back tomorrow night!"


On the other side, the middle-aged woman returned home with the medicine, pushed open her daughter's bedroom, looked at the dark room, and turned on the light.

"Daughter, this is what I, your mother, got from a stall owner at the night market. Try it!"

"There is no other way anyway, what if this works!"

The middle-aged woman looked at her daughter in front of her, her eyes full of heartache.

The girl's face was extremely ulcerated, with blood holes everywhere, and her skin was hanging on the muscles, which was extremely horrible and disgusting.

Hearing her mother's words, the girl nodded in despair. Anyway, it has become like this, it doesn't matter if she gives it a try.

A bottle of liquid medicine has a relatively small amount, and it can only be applied to half of the face.

The girl did not feel any stinging, but felt cool and comfortable.

A minute later.

When the middle-aged woman applied the liquid medicine, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she hurriedly reminded:"Daughter, look in the mirror quickly!"

The girl looked puzzled, but when she saw the half of her face in the mirror that had recovered as before, and even had smooth skin before, her eyes were full of surprise.

"Miracle doctor, that person is simply a miracle doctor, I will go buy a few more bottles for you now!"

With that, the middle-aged woman immediately went out.

About twenty minutes later.

The girl looked at her mother coming back, her eyes full of expectations, and asked hurriedly:"Mom, how is it, did you find that miracle doctor?"

"No, I guess he has closed his stall so late. I will take you to find him tomorrow!"


At this time, the girl's eyes were full of hope, no longer as desperate as before!

She suddenly took out her mobile phone and immediately opened a group, which was full of girls with facial ulcers.

She told the sisters in the group about the news of Xiao Jiang, the miracle doctor.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone planned to visit him tomorrow night.


The next day, around 7 or 8 in the evening,

Xiao Jiang had just arrived at the night market when he found that a large group of people had gathered at his stall.

"So many people?"

He walked over and realized that they all came for the liquid medicine.

Xiao Jiang would naturally not sell it for free this time, but sold it at a price of three hundred per bottle.

In just ten minutes, it was sold out, and many people did not buy it.

Xiao Jiang looked at the people who were still rushing to buy, and smiled bitterly:"I will open a store soon, and then you can come and buy it."

Although they felt a little regretful and were very disappointed that they did not buy it today.

However, after hearing these words, they nodded, and their eyes were immediately full of expectations.

If a store was opened, there would definitely be a lot of this liquid medicine, and they would not return empty-handed!

Not long after, they left here one after another.

Xiao Jiang looked at their departing backs and murmured:"The preparations have been almost done, just let Yuan Bei, that guy, find a bigger shop."

At this point, it was actually very clear that he had been laying the groundwork for the next direct-sale store in the past two days.

If he opened a direct-sale store directly, with the extremely bad reputation of [Yuxin Skin Care Co., Ltd.], regardless of whether there would be customers, it would probably be smashed by these guys as soon as it opened.

In a blink of an eye, a few days later.

Xiao Jiang was playing with Yu Yu at home when he suddenly received a call.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, I have found the store you want, and it has been fully decorated. You can just come and take a look."

"I'll be there soon."

"OK, OK, I'll wait for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Jiang picked up Yu Yu and said with a smile:"Yu Yu, Daddy will take you to see Mom, okay?"

""Yeah, yeah, Yuyu hasn't seen her mother for a long time!"

Yuyu smiled happily and couldn't wait to leave.

Xiao Jiang smiled and took Yuyu out of the Xiao family's old yard and headed to [Yuxin Skin Care Co., Ltd.]. About thirty minutes later, the father and daughter entered the company through the back door and went straight to the chairman's office.

""Mom, Yu Yu is here!" As soon as Yu Yu entered the chairman's office, she threw herself into Su Ruxin's arms.

Su Ruxin looked at Yu Yu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, her eyes full of maternal love, and asked with a gentle smile:"Why did you come here suddenly?"

""Yuyu misses her mom, and dad misses her too, so we came here!" Yuyu answered in a baby voice with a silly look on her face.

Upon hearing this, Su Ruxin looked at Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang smiled faintly, and he said bluntly:"Ruxin, I came to you this time to tell you that I plan to open a direct-operated store!"

"Direct-operated store?" Su Ruxin shook her head and said helplessly:"I guess they will destroy it right after it opens."

"What? You don't even believe me?"

Su Ruxin looked at Xiao Jiang's confident look. For some reason, she suddenly felt very relieved, without any tension or anxiety.

"Okay, but you have to be careful."

"Yeah." Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, looked at Yuyu, and said:"Yuyu, you stay here with your mother, and go home with your mother to eat in the evening!"

""Yes!" Yu Yu replied with a serious face, looking very cute.

Xiao Jiang immediately left the chairman's office and retrieved a large number of ready-made [Recovery Essence Liquid] and [Huayao Essence Liquid].

After leaving the company, he went to the direct-operated store prepared by Yuan Bei.

About ten minutes later.

Yuan Bei saw Xiao Jiang coming and immediately stepped forward and arranged for his younger brother to move the goods down and place them one by one on the shelves.

""Mr. Xiao, look here, are you satisfied?"

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