Chapter 83: Cao Cao: Absurd! Who said that the Son of Heaven must be a traitor? I didn’t see that the Son of Heaven praised me as a loyal minister!.

Daqin Time and Space…

“No wonder people in later generations evaluate him as a traitor, when he really thinks that everything in this world is full of calculations in his eyes, and the Han Dynasty really deserves to die in the hands of such people!”

The more wonderful the image of Cao Cao became, the greater the joy in Zulong’s heart. Question…

Is there anything more interesting under the sky than watching the Han Dynasty gradually decay?

Such an unfaithful, filial and unjust person will definitely be able to turn the Han Dynasty upside down, such a good show, wouldn’t he savor it?

Dahan Time and Space…….

“How dare this man be so unfaithful and unfilial, his wolf ambition should really be obvious to the world, are the other princes fools? I don’t know that Cao Thief is their biggest threat! ”

Han Gao ancestor Liu Bang no longer had a trace of joy in his heart at this moment, his hands were tightly clenched on his fists, and his heart was still endless anger, all because he saw his own shadow from this person.

Therefore, he knew better than anyone the terrifying thing about a treacherous person like Cao Cao, and nothing in the world could threaten him.

As for this person’s early Hanchen?

This is a big joke! This person has no benevolence and righteousness in his heart!

In order to seize the world, he is willing to give everything, even if his relatives are cooked in front of his eyes, he still does not change his face, even if his wife and daughter are taken hostage, he is not afraid…

His heart is damned! –The Great Han Dynasty Time and Space…

“Why is there such a meticulous person in the world, if this person dares to appear under the territory of Xuan, he will definitely be killed!”

The Han Wu Emperor Liu Che was furious at this moment, and slapped the case with a fierce slap, killing Ling Ran looking at Cao Cao in the sky.

Compared to the previous version of Cao Cao!

From a Hanchen, because of the gradual expansion of ambition to become a Han thief, this Cao Cao actor, from beginning to endTM played Cao thief.

What a bullshit!

It’s just a stubborn! –Eastern Han Dynasty Jianwu Zhongyuan Space-time…

“This version is really spicy eyes! When his father died, he actually pretended to be sad and joyful, and what kind of Cao clan rice bowl was even more moody. ”

“The output all depends on roaring, what a hero, domineering is not seen at all!”

For the future of the Great Han, the Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu has already accepted his fate, if not, what can he do? At this moment, he frowned and commented on the acting skills of the new version of Cao Cao in the light curtain.

Three words! Spicy eyes!

After what kind of pretense is deep, the eyes of the city government, the bad guys are about to be written on their faces! It’s just embarrassing!

The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty…


“The widow is very sad for his father, and he has been guarding his soul for several days, how did he become like this in the eyes of the people in the future life, what is he playing!”

Cao Cao, who was staring at the sky with a blank expression, suddenly looked at the conversation between himself and Xun Yu in the light curtain, and instantly became angry, and looked angrily at the new actor in the sky.

What acting! It’s a sparse act!

Was everything he did in the eyes of posterity a conspiracy? Does he have no feelings that belong to him at all! Who is born a hero under this day?

“What new three kingdoms, it is simply ridiculous!”

At this moment, Cao Cao only felt that his image was distorted in the eyes of the people of later generations, and he put his hands behind his back and scolded angrily.

And Liu Xie, the emperor of Han Xian who was trembling on the side, laughed heartily, and couldn’t help but secretly scold in his heart: Cao thief, no matter how powerful you are, you are still unfaithful, unfilial and unjust in the eyes of future generations!


At the same time, Liu Bei from the land of Shu Han couldn’t help but sigh and said leisurely with emotion: “Fortunately, we insisted on supporting and saw through Cao Thief’s ambition, if not, the world is in danger!” ”

[Cao Cao was stationed in Yanzhou with his troops, and an edict from Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of Han, was delivered to the princes of the world at this moment]

But see…

Cao Cao, Xun Yu, and Cao Ren gathered in the palace, looking at the contents of the edict of the Son of Heaven, and the faces of the three could not help but rise with a look of shock, and then fell into thought.

“The old department of Dong Zhuo, Li Wei, and Guo Xiao robbed the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven fed on crude anti-carrion meat, and the hundred officials were even more dying”

Xun Yu, who was a supreme strategist, took the lead in speaking, wanting to slowly explain the ins and outs of the matter, but Cao Cao was extremely urgent at the moment, and directly interrupted Xun Yu,

“Pick it up and say!”

“Urgently summon the princes of the world to go to King Qin! After the Son of Heaven arrives, you can…”

Hearing this, Xun Yu’s painting style immediately changed, and a sentence laid down the content of the edict, and then said on the spot that the lord Cao Cao must go to drink and drive, because the Son of Heaven will be in hand at that time, and the big man can be prosperous!

“You can hold the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes! Take control of the world! ”

However, he never thought that before the words were finished, Cao Cao’s eyes suddenly showed a trace of essence, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and opened his five fingers as if the world was under control, and the words showed the color of heroism in his heart.

This kind of speech, Xun Yu and Cao Cao thought in their hearts, the difference between the two was impressive…

Cao Cao was ambitious in his heart, and although he held high the banner of righteousness and shouted for Kuang Fu Han Room, what he actually thought in his mind was to dominate the world and use it for himself!

Go and be the emperor of the ages yourself!

And Xun Yu is a typical scholar so-called, although he is living under Cao Cao at this moment, he really cares about the imperial court, and what he is most concerned about is the safety of the Son of Heaven and the hundred officials.

But at the moment, the two were still in the united front, and after some calculation, they immediately decided to go to Mangtang Mountain to pick up the Son of Heaven, which was much more important than capturing Xuzhou.

At this time, Yuan Shao, who was far away in Jizhou, also received the edict of King Qin from the Son of Heaven, and Yuan Shao attached great importance to this, but he was too indecisive, often swayed by the words of his advisers, and chose to ignore it…

This person can be described as a good hand to play sparsely!

Often you can pick out the wrong option with great precision between the two options! The screen turns…

Cao Cao had already fallen off the army, and he led his elite cavalry all the way to Mangdang Mountain, even if his heart was extremely excited at the moment, but after running for many days, Cao Cao, who was poor and lacked horses, still ordered all the soldiers to rest for a while.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to inquire about the movements of his number one adviser Xun or the other princes, looked sideways, and asked with a hint of nervousness,

“What’s going on in Yuan Shao?”

Xun Yu took a breath, and then immediately replied respectfully,

“Yuan Shao didn’t come to the rescue according to the order!”

“What about Yuan Shu and Liu Biao?”

The biggest opponent was incompetent, Cao Cao suddenly felt full of anger, and continued to ask, and the next second good news once again emerged from Xun Yu’s mouth,

“It is estimated that they will not be able to come to escort them!”

In an instant, all the worries in Cao Cao’s heart were swept away in an instant, and his chest was haunted by excitement, and he couldn’t help but say the truth for a while.

“It seems that the Son of Heaven is none other than me!”

The look is exuberant, domineering…

But Xun Yu was shocked after hearing this, his face was gloomy, and Cao Cao immediately knew that he had lost his gaffe after glancing sideways and explained cleanly, and his tone eased a little.

“It seems that I have to save the car!”

When Xun Yu heard this, his face eased slightly, and when Cao Cao used a silly smile to relieve the embarrassment of the monarchs and the two, Cao Ren had already rushed to the scene with a group of people and horses from afar, shouting loudly, and found the traces of the car of the Son of Heaven.

At this moment, the rut showed that the Son of Heaven had already gone towards Luoyang, and they were afraid that they had passed by! Hearsay…

Cao Cao’s brows immediately frowned, anxious!

Regardless of the fatigue, he immediately turned sideways to look at Cao Ren, and ordered in a grand voice and slightly eagerly,

“Set off immediately and catch up with all your might!”

Ran Xun Yu was distressed and said with a tired and distressed pawn: “Let’s rest for a while before leaving, didn’t the lord just say that we didn’t leave until the third pole?” ”

“It’s already three!”

Cao Cao’s expression was condensed, and he spoke slightly dissatisfied, but Xun Yu obviously did not realize the problem, smiled and looked at the sky, and said,

“Haha, but I don’t see it for less…”

In the next second, Cao Cao converged all calmly, and his low words immediately interrupted the permission, waved his big hand, and spoke domineeringly,

“I said three rods are three rods, you said it’s useless!”


When the words fell, Cao Cao took the lead in turning his horse with both hands and leading the troops to chase towards the east!

This seemingly simple remark completely established Cao Cao’s authority in the army, and at the same time, Xun Yu was named without leaving a trace, you are just a strategist, a strategist under the Cao family’s account, you can’t be the master!

Immediately, Cao Cao chased towards Luoyang with his elite, and at this moment, it was already a scene of ruins and ruins, and Dong Zhuo’s fire turned the magnificent Kyoto into ruins, and as far as the eye could see, it was full of bleak scenery…

At this moment, Liu Xie, the son of the Great Han Tianzi, slowly stepped into Luoyang City, a broken brick brick, with the help of a group of eunuchs and ministers, and walked in the hall full of dust…

What a lost view!

Looking around, it can be vaguely seen that every minister present and even the Son of Heaven are gray-faced, quail-clothed, and sitting on a dark and dusty hall, no longer noble as before.

At this moment, they are completely like beggars, embarrassed!

The Son of Heaven, who was located in the center, only felt trembling at this moment, and his eyes were squatting on the steps with his legs wrapped around him, and his face was desperate, and he only said a word for a long time.

“Thirst, hunger…”

Seeing this, Dong Cheng quickly took out the last piece of dry food from his arms and delivered it to the Son of Heaven, who at this time had already ignored etiquette, picked up the cake and began to swallow it in large gulps.

As a result, because it was too dry, the dry food stuck in the eyes and throat, and suddenly his face turned red and coughed, and he couldn’t stop shouting,

“Water! Water! Water! ”


The only answer to him was the bleak answer,

“Your Majesty, the entire imperial city has been searched, there is no water, even the moat is dry!”

In an instant, the young Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie suddenly frowned, the despair in his eyes became more and more obvious, and the whole person was decadent like a beggar on the side of the road.

Seeing this, Dong Chengxiang hurriedly fought,

“Your Majesty, this time we return to the Eastern Capital, we will definitely be able to revitalize the Great Han!”

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the pale officials immediately radiated, and flattering words followed.

And Liu Xie only smiled bitterly, and didn’t even bother to answer, he was more concerned about whether Li Wei and others were chasing him?

“Your Majesty rest assured, Li Thief has long been left behind by us eight hundred meters!”

Finally, Dong Chengxiang brought a glimmer of good news, and Liu Xie calmed down and continued to nibble on cakes, but suddenly, a little eunuch ran over in a hurry, shouting in horror.

“Emperor Qiyu, a large number of soldiers and horses have appeared in the east of the city, and they are about to enter the emperor…”

As soon as these words came out, the young Son of Heaven hid behind the stone statue like a frightened bird, and the rest of the officials also got up in horror and panicked, and they knew that there was a dead end, and they could only howl and cry in the direction of the sect temple.

“O ancestors! Open your eyes to your descendants! ”

“Above the high ancestor! Just save us! ”

“I’m incompetent! The big han is in danger! ”


Endless cries resounded through heaven and earth!

But suddenly at this moment, another little eunuch ran happily, and as soon as he spoke, it was peerless good news,

“Rescue, rescue, salvation is coming, Emperor!”

Liu Xie, the Son of Heaven, couldn’t help but be stunned, and only reacted after a long time, leaning out to ask reassuringly, which prince came to drink and drive?

“It must be Yuan Shao of Jizhou, Fengzhao came to escort, he is the closest to Luoyang!” Your Majesty! ”

, Dong Chengxiang was excited and began to count nonsense, but as soon as the words fell, a small eunuch rushed to punch his face, shouting loudly, it was Yanzhou who came to help, Shi Cao Cao!

Fortunately, Dong Chengxiang was thick-skinned enough, and as soon as the words changed, he immediately boasted of his Cao Cao,

“Cao Cao came to escort him from thousands of miles away, he must be a loyal courtier, Your Majesty, you can reward him well!”

Liu Xie, the Son of Heaven, also realized at this moment that Cao Cao had become his lifesaver, and immediately stood up and asked Qunchen to change his clothes, and he wanted to keep the last trace of decency in front of Cao Cao!

The decency of the Han royal family!

But it can be seen that soon after Cao Cao and Xun Or slowly entered the hall with a pot of freshly cooked broth, and the moment he saw the Son of Heaven, Cao Cao still scrupulously observed the courtesy of the prince, and knelt three times and bowed nine times to the Son of Heaven.

In an instant, the tears moved by the Son of Heaven flowed, and he shouted,

“O loyal minister in tribulation!”

And in the next second, Cao Cao held the tribute in both hands and presented it to the Son of Heaven one by one…

Liu Xie, the son of heaven who was hungry and cold, smelled the aroma of broth in front of him, where did he still care about the image of the son of heaven, and immediately the broth gobbled up and ate it, I don’t know, at this moment!

The decency of the Han royal family is gone!

But it was seen that after a short rest, Cao Cao brought the Son of Heaven to inspect his troops, and at the same time said in a grand manner,

“Weichen has 500,000 elite soldiers and thousands of generals!”




At the same time, the square array in front of Liu Xie, the Son of Heaven, the soldiers resounded in the sky, and the roar of the mighty life came leisurely, which instantly made Liu Xie, who had long been frightened by the war, actually began to scream directly, retreating back in fear, holding back for a long time, not knowing how to speak.

It was still Dong Chengxiang who mentioned it on the side, only then did he think of rewarding Cao Cao, and immediately opened his mouth and said tremblingly: “Worship you as a great general and marquis of Wuping, from today you will be the pillar of the world!” ”

When Cao Cao heard this, the corners of his mouth smiled, he gave his hand to thank him, and then bluntly stated his plan.

“Your Majesty, the eastern capital Luoyang is already dilapidated at the moment, and Luoyang is too close to the Western Liang thief army, I beg to move the capital to Xuchang and rebuild the imperial court!”

As soon as these words came out, the ministers were shocked, if this is done, won’t the world become a plaything in Cao Cao’s hands?


Cao Cao saw that the atmosphere was not right, his expression remained unchanged and he turned slightly and immediately gave Cao Ren a look, but seeing the sound of “Cymbal”, Cao Ren immediately pulled out the long sword on his waist and raised it above his head.

In an instant, the drums burst out!

The sergeants immediately roared, and the roar like a tsunami of mountains struck madly with a burst of anger, and the faces of many ministers and the Son of Heaven Liu Xie suddenly turned white…

It became clear in an instant that they were just fish on a sticky board, and where there was still the right to choose. The Hanmuro Building will fall!!

[At this point, Cao Cao moved the capital to Xudu, named Jian’an, granted amnesty to the world, and coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes! ] 】

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