
Changsheng paused for a moment and drank

, and then continued to puff up his voice and said loudly: Just imagine, decades later, when you stand in my position, facing your sons, grandsons and other descendants, if you don’t have enough strength, how will they thrive? How will they grow up?

Just like when we were your age, if you didn’t practice well and work hard, you wouldn’t have such a comfortable environment for growth

! You may be bullied from time to time, and from time to time a strong person breaks into your home to threaten your life and bully your parents, brothers, and sisters!

You are destined to become the pillars of the family and support the family!!” Ye

Changsheng became more and more excited the more he spoke, his voice became louder and louder! The

children in the martial arts hall also began to become heavy, and they seemed to perceive the consequences of not cultivating well!

Even the elders sitting on both sides couldn’t help but be moved when they heard it at this moment, and they admired the infectious power of Ye Changsheng’s speech from the bottom of their hearts!!

Ye Changsheng was very satisfied in his heart, raised his voice again, and shouted: “Come, follow me and sing our Ye family’s battle song! Ready, sing!”

“He said what is this pain in the wind and rain, wipe away your tears and don’t

be afraid, at least we still have dreams!! He said what is this pain in the wind and rain, wipe away your tears, don’t ask, why~~”

Suddenly, the sound of thousands of people singing in a chorus resounded throughout the Ye family!

Not only invented the mobilization meeting for the youth in the clan, but also invented the family battle song – he said! It

is precisely because of these two inventions that their Ye family has always stood tall! Every

time the family declines, there can always be one or two extraordinary figures infected by the two major inventions to lead the family to prosperity again!



the communication talisman in Ye Changsheng’s arms flickered a few times.

He immediately bent down and whispered to the old ancestor next to him: “Old ancestor, I’ll take a step first, and I’ll just announce the end when you finish singing!” After

that, he left the scene with the communication charm and returned to his courtyard, and then couldn’t wait to take out the communication charm

! The reason why he was so excited was completely because this communication character was connected to his daughter!

Now wait

for her daughter to worship in the Excalibur Sect and become an important disciple, and then take the opportunity to exchange resources with the hegemon-level forces, accumulate resources, and thus complete the final transformation and become a hegemon-level force

! So he is full of expectations for the information of his daughter Ye Yicheng! The whole family is also full of expectations!


Changsheng took a deep breath and injected the aura into the communication talisman.

Soon, Ye Yicheng’s voice came out!!

“Dad, my daughter has joined the sect, everything is fine, don’t worry!” ”

Joined the sect?

But after listening to it again, he still hadn’t heard whether his daughter had entered the sect master’s door, let alone the testing process!

After thinking about

it, he decided to ask clearly! So he sent a message to his daughter: “Yingcheng, have you worshiped under the sect master of the Excalibur Sect? Is it difficult to enter the entrance test! Dad knows that you will definitely not let your father down! In the future, in the sect, you must get along well with senior brothers and sisters, and another day I will ask people to bring you some spirit weapon elixir and give it to senior brothers and sisters, and build a good relationship!!!”

A moment later, she arrived in the Ethereal Sect and alarmed the cultivator Ye Yicheng!

She picked up the communication talisman a little helplessly, but still listened.

When she heard her father’s inquiries

, she didn’t know how to answer for a while!!!Because she didn’t join the Excalibur Sect at all, but joined the Ethereal Sect!!After

hesitating for a moment, Ye Yicheng finally decided to tell the truth.

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So he messaged.

“Dad, I worshiped under the sect master, and the test is not difficult, because the sect has no test, the

sect master took me in favor of it! Don’t send any pills or anything, there are currently two disciples in the sect, me and senior brother, the older generation of disciples are growing old~~ ”


! The communication message was sent

! When Ye Changsheng heard these answers, the whole person did not react for a while!!

Just two disciples?The

older generation of disciples have grown old?This

horse is the Excalibur Sect? No sect is so outrageous

! Wipe! My daughter will not be deceived

! I have told me thousands of instructions before, don’t trust those people in Excalibur City


Thinking of this, Ye Changsheng was anxious and said excitedly: “Daughter, did you join the Excalibur Sect?

Ye Yicheng: “Dad, it’s not a secret, I joined the Ethereal Sect!”

Ye Changsheng: “…”

At this moment

, Ye Changsheng held the communication talisman and wanted to cry without tears, and he was almost collapsed.

He said excitedly: “How did a sect without any fame trick you back! Daughter, you will give me back immediately! The Excalibur Sect’s disciple acceptance meeting is only a few days, if you miss it, you will have to wait a few years!

“Dad, you, you are not allowed to say that the Ethereal Sect is not good, the master will be unhappy when he hears it! And how can the Ethereal Sect be as unbearable as you say! The Ethereal Sect is a hermit sect in the barren state, because it has just been born, it is normal that you have not heard of it!!!Moreover, this is a fairyland, the cultivation environment is ten thousand times better than that of the Excalibur Sect, my daughter’s cultivation speed here is fast, and the master also gave me the Immortal Scripture cultivation…”

Ye Yicheng told Ye Changsheng all the benefits of the Ethereal Sect!

It is also a sect, the elders are sleeping, it is a fairyland, and it is an immortal scripture

! This is a fool who deceives a child

!!”Yingcheng, I order you to come back to me immediately!!” his voice roared.

Dad, don’t persuade me

, I’ll surprise you after a while!!” Ye Yicheng turned off the communication talisman and started cultivating

! After all, if you keep saying this, no one can convince anyone, and you will never have a head

! When the time comes, he will succeed in cultivation and shine in the secret realm of rules to show him, he will naturally understand, it turns out that the Ethereal Sect is a peerless sect!!

Thinking so, Ye Yicheng entered the cultivation with a smile!!


The other side….

Ye Changsheng, who had not received his daughter’s reply for a long time, was almost angry to death

! The strongest genius in

the family! The hope of the entire Ye family

! So


was deceived into a sect without any reputation!!

However, when the old ancestor learned that Ye Yi did not join the Excalibur Sect, but was deceived by an unknown small sect, he almost didn’t jump up in a hurry!

“What do you say?

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