As time passes!

The thousands of magical powers of the Library Pavilion were gradually integrated by Chen Xuan!

A powerful peerless divine power is also quietly evolving in his body!!

Inside the Ethereal Sect!

As days go by!

The new disciples also broke through one after another!

Its breakthrough speed is comparable to riding a rocket, and the results of cultivation in one day are faster than the results of a year in the outside world!!

And such a fast breakthrough speed not only did no one relax and slack, but became more diligent.

Just because there is a protégé master brother in the sect who has a faster breakthrough – Lin Fan!

Yes, it was Lin Fan!

At the age of more than twenty, he has reached the half-step Heavenly King cultivation! Moreover, with the cultivation of a half-step Heavenly King, he entered the sixth layer of the Ultimate Illusion Tower cultivation!

You must know that the sixth layer can only be entered by the Eighth Heavenly King! And he only took half a step into the Heavenly King, and instantly became a mountain that pressed on everyone’s heads!!

Even the twelve disciples of the inner gate regarded him as a target to look up to!

This also caused many disciples to stay in the Ultimate Illusion Tower all day and refuse to come out, desperately cultivating!

This day!

The sixth floor of the Ultimate Phantom Tower!

An extremely terrifying aura instantly erupted in the Phantom Tower!

For a time, whether it was the disciples who were practicing in the tower or the disciples who were preparing to enter the tower outside the tower, they all raised their heads at this moment, revealing shocked eyes!

Especially Xiao Chen, Han Run, Wu De, and Shen Ping!

Although there are a total of twelve disciples in the inner gate, these four have already become good brother-like existences, basically inseparable, and are called the four outstanding young people of the inner gate by other disciples!

At this time, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but be shocked: “What a terrifying aura!” Could it be that Senior Brother Lin Fan had broken through the Heavenly King?

“Shhh! So fast?

“I’m leaning, that’s too fast! It’s only been a few days, just the king of heaven? Oh, my God! He completely changed my perception of the speed of cultivation!!

“Sure enough, there is no simple disciple! It is said that those senior sisters are also approaching the realm of half-step heavenly kings! Ay! Horror!! The

four of them walked towards the cultivation tower with admiration on their faces!

But at this time!

Elder Liu Cang’s voice suddenly resounded in everyone’s ears!

“The sect costume has arrived, all the disciples and elders have come to the sect square to collect it!!”

As soon as these words came out, the four people in the inner gate were slightly stunned and stopped entering the phantom tower!

“Brothers, the costumes have arrived! Let’s go get it! I heard that the costume is super good this time! It was purchased from the Treasure Pavilion!

“The Treasure Pavilion will definitely not be bad! Let’s go!

“The sect is so good to us! It’s all such a wonderland, and give us procurement resources! Let’s go! Don’t be late!! ”

For a while!

Everyone rushed towards Zongmen Square!

Even the elders and others from the town guard Peach Orchard and the Library Pavilion went!

After all, it was the Great Elder who spoke, and everyone was moved!


Zongmen Square!

Luo Feixuan has arrived!

At this moment, she was already shocked by the sect environment!

Look around in a daze!

Although she had long heard that the Ethereal Sect was a fairyland, she had thought it was blown out before!

But after arriving in person this time, she knew that those rumors were true!

Just a moment after arrival, she faintly felt that she was going to break the late stage of the imperial level and enter the half-saint!

If she hadn’t come to deliver something, she would have wanted to sit down and practice immediately at this moment!!

And since entering the Ethereal Sect, the call in her mind has completely disappeared!

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You must know that the voice in your mind is an existence that even the Holy Pinding Divine Pill has not been able to suppress!

It actually disappeared here!

If you stay here, won’t you worry about the demagoguery of that voice?

This surprised Luo Feixuan!

After all, the voice in her head was really terrifying, and as time went on, her resistance to that voice became weaker and weaker!

Although she had exchanged the Divine Fixing Pill from the Desolate Ancient Family behind the Treasure Pavilion a few days ago, she still couldn’t suppress the voice in her head after eating it!!

This made her almost desperate at the time!

And if you stay here, not only are you not afraid of that voice, but your cultivation speed will definitely be faster, even if you can’t resist the charm of that voice in the future, but the strength is there, it is estimated that nothing will happen!

Therefore, thinking of this, Luo Feixuan’s mind immediately came up with the idea of joining the Ethereal Sect!!

“Elder Luo! I have already looked at the resource without any problems! This is the tail payment! You check it out! At

this time, Liu Cang poured out all the resources in the space ring that Luo Feixuan gave him, and piled them up into several hills! Then he handed over the space ring containing the source liquid!

This time the purchase, he was very satisfied with Luo Feixuan’s performance!

Because at the beginning, he said that the procurement resources were general after all!

And Luo Feixuan contacted him more than once to confirm the details!

That’s why there are such abundant materials today!

For example, sect costumes!

Although many of them did not meet Liu Cang’s requirements, many were just ordinary Lingbao!

But it makes up for it in style and quantity!

A total of ten styles, all of which are refined by the strong, and the last time are all Lingbao-level! The materials used are also invincible, wearing warm winter and cool summer, with its own formation, you can defend and can automatically gather spiritual energy to repair the flesh!

And even if it’s broken, it’s fine!

Because it comes with a patching function!!

In addition, there are many high-grade Horcruxes, Ultimate Horcruxes, and so on!!

Everyone can divide several handfuls!!

Therefore, Liu Cang is very satisfied!

Directly took out the amount of divine source liquid proposed by Luo Feixuan!

Only this time, Luo Feixuan did not answer, but watched Liu Cang’s tone automatically lower, with a fawning look, and said, “Senior!” These source liquid juniors only need half of it!! ”

Huh? Didn’t you set this amount? How is it only half again?

Liu Cang was stunned, but quickly understood the other party’s thoughts, and said lightly: “Is there something to ask for?” However, this bit of Divine Source Liquid is not in my sect’s eyes at all, you don’t have to exchange this for this!” Hearing

this, Luo Feixuan’s heart trembled, knowing that the other party did not want to bargain, and politely refused.

It’s just that she never expected that the other party didn’t even put so much divine source liquid in her eyes, this is dozens of divine source liquid! ! !

Thinking of this, she humbled a little again, pursed her lips, and said humbly: “Senior, the junior does not dare to ask for anything, but the junior wants to ask for an errand in Guizong, even if it is a chore!”

“Errands? Exchange dozens of divine sources for an errand of miscellaneous servants? Hearing

this, Liu Cang was also slightly stunned!

Although the divine source was completely worthless in the eyes of this great emperor, it was a very precious thing in the eyes of other forces!

Just exchange such a precious thing for a choreous errand?


It seems to be normal too!

After all, such a fairyland, he is a rare emperor!

Not to mention the cultivators who are not saints!

Moreover, as a miscellaneous servant in the late royal stage, it is also qualified!!

In addition, there are also many female disciples among the thousands of disciples of the outer gate! The sect is currently full of male elders!

Those female disciples are not good to tell the elders about any secret things! If there was a female handyman with no low strength to assist the elder, it would be much more convenient!

However, he still couldn’t make the decision, so he threw the ring over and said lightly: “I need to ask the sect master about this matter!” The sect master can agree! ”


As soon as these words come out!

Luo Feixuan immediately became excited! He hurriedly bowed and said excitedly: “Yes!” Thank you seniors, thank you so much!

Saying that, she quickly came to the edge of several large piles of resources on the ground, spontaneously began to work, distinguishing the types of resources, and trying to express herself!

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