“Spirit stone? It can also be done with spirit stones, that is, to catch a few female cultivators with low cultivation and train well!

“Groove! If I go to arrest the nuns, I will definitely be destroyed by some righteous people!” I wouldn’t dare!

“Hehe, if you don’t have an attractive background and don’t dare to catch it, then there is no way!”

“Hey! Envy me to death! The

surrounding monks were envious and jealous!

Of course, it’s more confused and frightened! After all, those who can toss their subordinates like this are destined to be very cruel!

So no one dares to show disgust!


The palanquin is fully assembled!

Of the thirty or so women, only eight remained!

Four of them stood on the side of the four long legs, and the other four stood at the windows on either side of the palanquin!

“Grand Prince, please get on the sedan car!”

The female guard by the window bent over and helped to pull the tulle!

Suddenly, the spring light in the palanquin was wanton!

And the eldest prince with a weak body slowly raised his legs and stepped on the body of a woman with a blank face, and boarded the palanquin!

“Great Prince! Which direction are we going? The

female guard approached the window again and asked!

The eldest prince glanced around, and his eyes immediately noticed Murong Yingluo and Shi Ling’er who were far away!

Suddenly, his eyes were slightly startled, and his pupils were infinitely dilated!

Murong Yingluo and Shi Linger’s figures, as well as the posture of twisting behind them, completely fell into his eyes!

“Go… That direction!

He pointed to the two backs that had become very small, and the corners of his mouth gently raised!

“Yes! Get up! The

female guard nodded, and then gave an order!

For a time, the four women carrying the palanquin immediately carried four legs and ran towards Murong Yingluo and Shi Linger!

Although it’s Ben!

But the speed was getting faster and faster, and before he ran far, he left his feet on the ground and flew, and he flew higher and higher!

Take off with them!

More people are noticing their presence.

Some people even recognized the identity of this palanquin at a glance!

“Groove! That’s the palanquin of the imperial three thousand!

“The guards are all women, humanoid palanquins!” It’s really the same as the rumors, the Great Imperial Dynasty, the Great Prince Imperial Palace, the Great Imperial Dynasty, the Great Imperial Dynasty, the Great Imperial Dynas

“The Great Imperial Dynasty? That super dynasty that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years?

“Groove! Or is it really him, he even takes so many women into the secret realm? ”

Goku three thousand? It seems to have heard of it! I just can’t remember it for a while!

“Could it be that he is the top royal madwoman who can’t live without a woman, sleeps there, and once set a royal girl super three thousand?”

“That’s right, it’s him! Don’t look at his pale face, but it is said that he slammed a stroke! As long as it is the women around him, as big as the aunt’s guard, as small as the maidservant, none of them have escaped his demon hands!

“Groove! Awesome! More than three thousand at a time, gee! It’s good to have a background!! It’s hard for me to find a Taoist partner when I step on a horse! ”

It’s just a super dynasty, shouldn’t it be so bullish?”

“I don’t know! Their super dynasty is different from other super powers, they have saints!

“Yes! It is said that this imperial three thousand is a genius of their imperial dynasty, and his reputation is not weaker than that of the Holy Land Holy Son, and even more than that! If he can rise smoothly, he will definitely be elevated to a transcendent force in the future, on an equal footing with those ancient families and ordinary holy places.

“Groove! Awesome!!

“The imperial three thousand seem to have gone in the direction of those two little beauties just now!” He loves women the most in his life, and those two women must be in trouble!

“Go! Go and see how powerful a genius of this level is! ”

I’ll go too!”

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Some bold cultivators took off one after another, and also went in the direction of the imperial three thousand, but they only dared to follow from a distance, and did not dare to approach!


Above the mountains!

Murong Yingluo and Shi Linger had just flown out not far when they noticed the person chasing behind them!

The two glanced back and landed straight on a mountaintop!

And with the landing of the two, the palanquin carried by the four women also landed diagonally!

It’s just that when the second daughter saw that the so-called palanquin was composed of a group of women, her brows wrinkled at the same time, and she suddenly felt disgusted!

Sure enough, they were chased!

I just didn’t expect that the palanquin was composed of women!

What a luxury!

And as the mountain wind blew, those women’s tulle flew, and the Grand Canyon of the High Mountain Cave Mansion was all exposed to the air, it made Murong Yingluo and Shi Linger feel that their eyes were hot and seemed to be polluted!

Although the world is like this, seeing and hearing are completely different things!

But it’s okay for a woman to be a palanquin, it’s not unacceptable!

Because there are some monstrous characters with rights, the quirks are even more outrageous!

It is said that some people raise a lot of nuns to follow them, do nothing, and let each other eat their own phlegm!

Yes, it’s phlegm!

Also known as its name Beauty Bowl!

Beauty glenoid, as the name suggests, is to use beauty as a spittoon!

Say what don’t like to spit, it’s too dirty! I have to spit it into the mouth of a beautiful maid!

This is still in the case of those big people who do not go to the toilet!

In some secular dynasties, the cultivators have a low cultivation realm and cannot open the valley for a long time, and some people raise beauty paper to wipe their asses!

So, the strong are king!

How many people in the Desolate Ancient Continent shouted that they wanted to go against the sky and the sky, but I don’t know how many dragon slayers eventually became evil dragons.


The palanquin landed!

Yu Sanqian slowly stretched out his fingers to pull away the tulle in front of him, and stared directly at Murong Yingluo and Shi Ling’er, all with admiration, as if he was marveling at the wonder of women.

Seeing this, Shi Linger’s brows frowned again, puzzled, “Fourth Senior Sister, what is he chasing us for, we don’t seem to know him!” Although

the two are about the same age, Shi Linger obviously has less knowledge, and she doesn’t understand what happens when a woman is targeted by a man!

So hearing Shi Linger’s inquiry, Murong Yingluo pouted, and instinctively explained: “What else can I do, I must want to solve trigonometric functions!” ”

Trigonometric functions?”

Shi Linger was stunned, obviously confused by this new word.

“What is a trigonometric function?” She asked suspiciously.

And hearing Shi Linger’s inquiry, Murong Yingluo didn’t know how to answer for a while.

However, Shi Linger obviously knew much more than Liu Yue, and would definitely not keep asking, so Murong Yingluo explained to her what trigonometric functions were.

When Shi Linger thoroughly understood the meaning of the trigonometric function, her face suddenly turned red, and her face twisted: “Fourth Senior Sister, how can you say such words, how shameful!” ”

What does it matter!!” Murong Yingluo rolled her eyes!

“That’s also embarrassing~~” Shi Linger pursed her lips, embarrassed to continue this topic!

However, the way the two whispered each other made the imperial three thousand in the palanquin frown, dissatisfied!

He has been watching for a long time, and the other party is not afraid to forget it, but he still ignores him?

How dare you not put him in your eyes like this?

It’s just too much!

Yu Sanqian frowned, and the hand on the armrest was also slightly forced!

The palanquin caught emits a muffled snort!

However, Yu Sanqian did not pay any attention to the feelings of the palanquin, and immediately stared at the second daughter’s voice and said coldly: “Surrender to me, or die!” ”

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