Ethereal Sect!

Two and a half days have passed since the opening of the secret realm!

The disciples’ lives are still as usual, they should practice and cultivate, and they should do things!

After Luo Feixuan resigned from the Treasure Pavilion, she also completely integrated into the life of the sect and worked hard to express herself in front of Chen Xuan!

It’s just that there is too little time to see Chen Xuan, and she can only do her job step by step! But fortunately, she can also enter the Illusion Tower to cultivate and check some of the Library’s magical powers and exercises.

After this time, her cultivation is infinitely close to the realm of saints, and she may become a saint at any time! She also became more fond of the sect, and completely regarded this place as her new home!

At the moment, it’s noon!

Many disciples were on their way to the Phantom Tower to cultivate!

But right at this time!

A sword intent came out from the main peak, instantly soared into the sky, converged into supreme sword intent, and plunged straight into the sky!


All the disciples looked neatly towards the main peak!

They were all shocked by that powerful sword intent!

“Groove! What a strong sword intent! It’s from the main peak!

“This… It won’t be the sect master who has broken through, right?

“It’s not the Sect Master, the scene caused by the Sect Master is not so simple! Forget that big hand last time? This must be Senior Brother Lin Fan’s breakthrough, and it is said that Senior Brother Lin Fan is a sword body!

“The sword intent reaches the sky, completely irresistible, is this the strength of the family lineage? Oh, my God!

For a while, all the disciples were shocked.

But soon, the sword intent was restrained, and heaven and earth returned to calm.

Everyone was about to sigh and leave, when suddenly an aura full of time and space instantly spread from the main peak.


Suddenly, the breath of time and air spread instantly!

A chaotic breath of time and air rushed to the face, making everyone’s vision misaligned!

And the flowers and trees blooming on the main peak are changing visibly under the erosion of this chaotic atmosphere!

Countless flowers and trees quickly changed from lush to sparse, from old to young, from thick to slender!

It seems that everything is degrading!

In a moment, all the flowers and plants of the entire main peak turned into the state of seedlings!

Seeing this scene, everyone instantly gasped!


“Who broke through again?”

“Such a powerful magical power, it can actually manipulate time and make flowers and plants younger!”

“Rub! It must be Senior Sister Yingcheng! In addition to Senior Sister Liu Yue, there are only Senior Brother Lin Fan and Senior Sister Yingcheng left in the inner gate!

“I’m dripping obediently, no wonder it’s so hard to pass on the family!” It turns out that the family is bigger than the other! For

a while, even the twelve people in the inner gate couldn’t help but secretly frightened!

Even Luo Feixuan, who was also on the way to the Phantom Tower, couldn’t help but widen her eyes and couldn’t help but spit out two words: “Demon!” ”

The elders and sect masters are just awesome one by one, after all, they are all old monsters who have been cultivating for many years!

But several apprentices of the sect master are actually more outrageous than the other, how can this make people tense?

This is again endless sword intent to the sky, and the breath of time is chaotic, and how to let people play!

Obviously, everyone was still a rising star or a celestial arrogance in all directions, but under the light of these people, they all became ordinary!

Everyone was helpless, in addition to admiration, only admiration remained!

Seeing that the breath of time on the main peak dissipated, the trees returned to normal, and everyone could only helplessly continue to cultivate.

Especially the twelve people of the inner gate!

Among the twelve of them, except for two who were breaking through the retreat, the rest of them all had fiery eyes, and they were excited to go to the phantom tower, and they all decided that they would never leave the phantom tower until the other two brothers did not break through! !


Cultivate to death!

Be sure to catch up with the footsteps of your protégé, and you must not be pulled too far away!


Above the main peak!

Chen Xuan looked ahead and smiled heartily at the two breaths.

Unexpectedly, these two apprentices also comprehended their own talents at the same time!

One comprehends the invincible sword intent, and the other comprehends the power of time, it is indeed a malleable talent!

Unlike this Liu Yue next to him who was lying on the grass and sleeping!

Although it is an immortal reconstruction, it will only sleep day by day!

Noticing that there were gazes sweeping towards him, Liu Yue on the grass slowly opened his eyes and said suspiciously: “Master, what’s wrong?”

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Chen Xuan: “…” ”

It’s okay! You keep sleeping! Chen Xuan smiled slightly, revealing a kind look!

As a master, he treats all his apprentices equally!

Although Liu Yue will only sleep, it is also because she wants to recover!! So there’s nothing wrong with that!

It’s just a simple look, which really makes people worry that she will be deceived in the future!


Liu Yue nodded, but did not continue to sleep, but pondered for a while, and said seriously: “Master, do you know what it means to be meticulous?” Chen

Xuan: “…” Hearing

this question coldly, Chen Xuan stumbled and almost didn’t fall off the cliff.

He looked at Liu Yue suspiciously, his eyes full of scrutiny.

Liu Yue: Is this enlightened?

Recovered your memory?

Chen Xuan looked at it for a while, but did not find that she had the appearance of memory recovery, so he rolled his eyes and said, “You didn’t understand what I told you, so I went to the library to check it myself when I was idle!” With

that, he turned around and walked towards the Sect Master Hall, leaving Liu Yue lying alone on the grass puzzled!

Although still did not get an answer.

But it’s clear she’s got where she can find out!

So she thought for a while, and then got up and went to the library to find the answer!


In the main peak disciple hall!

Lin Fan and Ye Yicheng opened their eyes at the same time.

Looking at the two junior sisters sitting cross-kneeled in the corner, the two turned around and went to report to the master to prepare to enter the secret realm!

After all, it had been said earlier, and the four of them entered together. The two of them were delayed because of their temporary epiphany, and now they naturally have to report when they wake up, and then go to the secret realm to practice.

However, without waiting for Lin Fan and Ye Yicheng to act, Chen Xuan’s voice sounded in the ears of the two.

“Your two junior sisters have encountered some trouble in the Divine Void Secret Realm, you two go in directly to find them!”


As soon as these words come out!

Lin Fan and Ye Yicheng’s eyes suddenly froze!

The two junior sisters actually encountered trouble in the secret realm?

Who is so bold and dares to cause trouble for his junior sister?

It’s just looking for death!

The two looked at each other, and then immediately clasped their fists in the direction of Chen Xuan’s hall.

“Yes! Master! The apprentice then entered the Divine Void Secret Realm to find Junior Sister! Saying

that, Lin Fan and Ye Yicheng immediately came to Murong Yingluo and Shi Linger and sat cross-kneeled, and then entered the secret realm as soon as possible!!



Outside the Great Emperor’s Palace!

There are more and more monks!

It’s just that many people come to see the liveliness!

Because at this moment, the powerhouses of the major forces have arrived one after another!

Those cultivators with low cultivation are simply unable to compete! I was just curious about what inheritance would appear in the Great Emperor’s palace, so I stopped and stayed!

“Nope! The subsequent formation can’t be broken at all! The Great Emperor Formation is too profound! ”

A holy girl from the Holy Land of the Cloud Sea, standing on the sixth staircase, muttered to herself!

“It’s so hard! I didn’t expect the Great Emperor Formation to be so profound! ”

A divine son from the Holy Land of Light stood proudly on the ninth floor, his brows furrowed!

And seeing that the two powerful geniuses from the Holy Land were both blocked, countless cultivators in the outer gate couldn’t help but sigh!

“I didn’t expect that even the Son of God couldn’t enter!”

“After breaking the formation for two and a half days in a row, the highest only entered the sixth layer! The Great Emperor Formation is really very understandable!

“If only it were in the real world! If the Great Emperor Ruins appear in the real world, the Holy Land of Light will definitely send out extreme weapons to break the formation! It’s just a pity that this is the spiritual world!

Everyone sighed, all feeling that no one could enter before the secret realm was closed!

But at this time!

An exclamation suddenly attracted everyone’s attention.

“Look! The heavy pupils of the Primordial Holy Land are here! ”


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience paid attention and looked up!

Even the Holy Daughter of the Cloud Sea and the Son of Light in the broken formation couldn’t help but turn their heads!

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