The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 6 Chapter 52: If there is no king to pick why not bloom

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At this time, Li Min had two choices. Well, he didn't see it, or he didn't see it clearly. This is in line with his fearless attitude as a nameless kid when he first met the big man. It is basic etiquette not to look at big people, and even the gentleman rule not to peep at beauty.

However, neither of these two choices Li Yan, he answered very seriously: "It looks great."

This word "Extreme" is used very cleverly, full of expressing the real sigh of Li Zhi's heart. And this isn't Li Li's humor. In fact, even if he can't see clearly through the bead curtain, he does think so.

Sheng Ji's position lying on the short step remains unchanged, Li Zhi can only see these, as for the other party's look and eyes have not changed, he can't see clearly.

After waiting a moment, Li Yan heard the charming and majestic voice of the other party sound again, without half undulations and half emotions: "Really?"

"It's really the sun and the moon." Li Huan didn't know what the other party was thinking, but he couldn't admit it at this time.

"If you tell a lie, I will make you a man." Sheng Ji said lightly, and then Li Yan saw the other party beckoned gently, and said in an unspeakable tone: "You come in."

This request hesitated for a moment. As a sane man, he knew very well that no matter what the beautiful woman said on his lips, he must not underestimate the danger of the other party. Importantly, at this time his cultivation had not fully recovered.

He and his body were completed through the sky mirror, and the transfer between them was also through the sky mirror. At this moment, a mirror that looked like a real fantasy floated in the depths of his Dantian. All the repair power is accumulated in the mirror, and he cannot yet move half a minute.

Li Yan clearly felt that only when Xiuwei completed the transfer, he would merge into the sea from the sky mirror, allowing him to really resume his cultivation.

It is precisely because the power of cultivation is in the sky mirror that Xu girl has not noticed the vision along the way. At the moment, in the perception of Saint Ji, Li Zhi is still a mortal body without cultivation.

The hesitation was fleeting, and Li Zheng stepped steadily, moving forward to open the curtain and entered the room. Jomo is leaning closer, and the smell of Zhifenxiang is clearer, but it has not become rich and pungent. It is just clearer, and I do n’t know what kind it is. It has such an effect.

Of course, what's more important is that Li Yan can see clearly what the so-called sage prince in the magic hall looks like.

At first glance, Li Zhi saw the red brocade embroidered with flowing cloud-weaving peony, and those long, slightly curved legs stacked on top of each other were really outrageous.

Instinctively, it is close to one meter in terms of the earth's measurement.

The uncovered area of ​​the Liuhua skirt reveals a large area of ​​white snow in spring and spring, which is dazzling. The legs are slender but not fat, slender and not thin. It is perfect, perfect and thrilling.

"Like, it really looks like." Li Yan heard the voice of the other side, with deep emotions without concealment, with complex feelings in the play, "It's not just like, it's exactly the same. I don't think there is anyone in this world He's so similar, it doesn't even matter. "

Seeing the other person's face, Li Huan could not help but stunned, "It really looks alike."

Saint Ji, who gave birth to a goose egg face instead of an awl face, frowned. Her slightly rich makeup made her peach-like face look more mature, but also added some coercion. "Like what?"

Li Yan said truthfully: "Xiaomin is lucky to have seen Qi King far away."

Saint Ji Zhu's lips were slightly rounded, and a faint whisper, "You've even seen King Qi? It's rare."

Li Xun said that I had not only met King Qi, but also heard this Xun said that he had an elder sister who lived in seclusion and practiced in the mountains. If not, I really think you're Li Maozhen's handsome man dressed as a woman.

Li Min thought again: The magic **** of the magic square must be a person whom Li Maozhen absolutely trusted. If this person is Li Maozhen's sister who has never been born, it is extremely reasonable.

He wasn't surprised that the other party hadn't seen him before, why he was so familiar with him. The portrait is only the lowest-level reference object. Li Maozhen should have a magic weapon with his image left there.

Before waiting for Li Yan to say anything, Saint Ji said, "Come here."

"Come back? Come down again when you come back." Li Li had been slandered from the other person's reluctance, his face still pretending to be a cricket, stepping closer to the bed, standing outside five steps.

The sandalwood in the room was smoky, and the curtains were exuding a scent of aroma. The rooms, which were arranged like boudoirs, gradually filled with a smoky atmosphere.

"Come more." Sheng Ji glanced at Li Yan, "Relax, I won't kill you."

Pretending to be stubborn, Li Yan moved in three more steps, thinking in his heart: Even if you want to kill me, it's not that easy.

It's just that at this distance, Li Zhi can't help but be a little "nervous". This is not really nervous, but the subtle emotions that naturally occur when men and women approach a certain distance from the front.

This is the distance from which even hair can be charmed.

Of course, the premise is that the other party must be a beauty, otherwise it will not be charmed, but frightened.

Li Yan arched, "What did Saint Ji command?"

Sheng Ji's eyes, which are bigger and brighter than Xu, are now covered with a layer of water mist, and Zhu Hong, who can see even the fine lines, twitches gently, saying something that makes Li Yan creepy: "The hour It's not early, come up to sleep. "

Li Yan: "?????"

If he hadn't stayed long enough in this world, he would have blurted out: still this kind of operation?

As soon as Li Min hesitated, Sheng Ji's long and narrow eyebrows were immediately raised and raised, and a little murderous was added to the bottom of her eyes. She used an angry and concealed tone of deepest inferiority: "Did you just tell a lie ?!"

What did we just say?

Li Ye touched the murderous look of Sheng Ji, and almost jumped away without getting stuck. This woman's temperament is really elusive, and she changes her face like turning a book, and can even speak the words "waitress" for a while, and she is so domineering, she will be jealous for a while, as if the next moment will be Li Yan Five horses divided.

At this time Li Xun also reacted. The so-called false word of Saint Ji was that he praised the other party's "beautiful look". Since the other party feels very good-looking, naturally, in the face of Saint Ji's request, it should naturally agree decisively and should not hesitate.

However, what Li Zhi didn't understand is that Sheng Ji looks good. He does have a reason for so-called sleeping, but what is the reason for him to be sleeping?

His current status is a civilian, without status and charisma.

Just because he looks like Li Yan?

Although this sentence feels weird, other than that, Li Zhi really can't think of the second possibility.

Is this the unknown Saint Ji has been secretly in love with himself?

Li Min immediately rejected this conjecture. I haven't even met before, unless I'm a idiot girl, I don't have a crush on myself. Since the other party is in charge of the hallucination sage Ji, naturally it will not be so mentally disabled.

And what is the deep hidden inferiority in the other person's eyes?

What kind of inferiority do you have in such a beautiful country as Tianxiang?

Li Ye didn't have time to think more because Sheng Ji spoke again. At this time, she didn't have so much complex tone in her tone, only pure spleen: "I said just now, if you lie, I will make you impossible. the man!"

Li Yan felt cold, laughed twice, and suppressed his embarrassment. "The words of Xiaomin are from his heart. If there is a half-spoken word, he is willing to be topped by Wulei."

In fact, before coming to this heavy building to meet Sheng Ji, Li Yan had already thought about it. If the other party intentionally asked him to pretend to be himself, then he should inherit it and do his best to cooperate with the other party.

The reason could not be simpler, it is just four words: count the count.

When Li Maozhen finishes training and puts him back in Pinglu, thinking about joining forces with him to carry out military operations, he can easily pit the other side's numerous soldiers and horses, and may even make Li Maozhen falter, even if Li Maozhen is won in one stroke .

This is also in line with Li Zhi's plan that the vassals thought he had already taken the opportunity of Xianyu, taught them some lessons, and then sought more advantages for the world.

Just before seeing Sheng Ji, Li Yan never expected that he would encounter such an awkward situation now. The inconceivable Saint Ji played the card so unreasonably, which made Li Yi a little bit embarrassed.

Is it really necessary to sacrifice self for the great cause of the world?

In all fairness, Li Yan is not the kind of unmotivated guy. He has also seen a lot of novels on the stream when he was on the earth. Whenever he sees those protagonists, they can still sit in consolation when they face the beautiful woman. I feel that it is really inappropriate.

People who have eaten meat do not know that it will be very uncomfortable to not eat meat for a month, and it is almost intolerable.

Besides, Saint-Jean in front of him is so stunner.

The responding party is a beast, and it is not as good as an absolute beast.

If there is something wrong in Li Min's heart, I'm afraid there is only the other person's face ... It's too much like Li Maozhen born.

"So, if Li Maozhen's dress as a woman, it should be the color of the country." Li Ye's thoughts diverged for a while, and then she felt a chill, and the whole person couldn't help shivering.

Under Saint Ji's compelling eyes, Li Min slowly and hardly reached out his hand, reaching out to the most exquisite figure of the opponent's figure.

"It's a beauty, if it's not like Li Maozhen's bird cricket looks so good." Li Pu closed her eyes, tears in her heart. After all, the eldest husband can bend and stretch, and would rather be a senior official, he would never learn Liu Xiahui.

"what are you doing!"

Just when Li Yan's palms could already feel the other person's temperature faintly, he sang loudly.

Li Xun's spirit shook, and he opened his eyes in surprise and wondering at Saint Ji, full of innocence.

Then he saw that the other side's Jiao body had shrunk back a little, and his face was pale, frightened, and he blocked his chest with one hand and stared at him with a look of hatred.

Li Yan: "?????"

I ’m the one who ’s intimidated, okay. You look like a frightened little deer, would you still want me to sue?

What's the matter?

I regret it!

This time, without waiting for Li Yan to think too much, Sheng Ji flew out of the dwarf. People made a move in mid-air with a stroke of purple crimson hairpin, such as a cloud floating over Li Yan's head, and she was covered by a roll .

"You are waiting here!"

Saint Ji dropped this sentence, and went out, leaving in a hurry, almost deserted.

Li Yan stood in place, and the second monk was scratching his head.

"What the **** is going on with this girl?" Li Yan was a little faint.

Saint Ji went out with a flushed face, and her plump **** undulated. After taking two steps to stand on his heels, her eyes were still full of panic. Gradually, her look became difficult to speak, tangled, and even painful.

She shook her head halfway, and her eyes were full of loss, and she murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "It looks like him again, after all, it's not him, isn't it ridiculous that I do this ... "

She was too late to be annoyed by her sudden impulses and ridiculous thoughts, so she wiped the corners of her eyes and wiped off the crystal clear tears.

In the empty splendid pavilion, the sadness and loneliness of her back could not be explained, and she completely lost the majestic spirit of high above normal, just like the peony withered in the wind that no one has appreciated.

Even if it is the national flower sought after by the world, even if it has bloomed extremely beautifully, but it has been silently withered without being appreciated. If the peony can choose, I am afraid that it will never bloom.

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