The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Avenue and future

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The dawn dawn sprinkled the blood-dappled city walls, Li Zhi stood on the head of the city and looked out, boiled all night for the camp, and finally calmed down with the rising smoke after becoming a scorched black ruin.

Teams of General Tang Jun were cleaning the battlefield. The first thing they converged was naturally the same corpse. They were loaded out of the camp and headed to the designated cemetery. The so-called cemetery is nothing but an empty wilderness.

But after this battle, there will be an additional grave hill on the original flat ground.

As for the corpses of the soldiers of Huiyi, they were piled together randomly, and a fire lit the matter. Although the ashes would be buried, there would certainly not be a tomb.

According to Li Zhi's experience, the place where the ashes of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are buried will surely become a particularly fertile land, nourishing the flowers and trees growing there.

This is probably the only invasion of the Uighur fighters that can make a contribution to the rivers and mountains of Datang.

"Yu Linjun's military newspaper said that they successfully hijacked the medicine Ge Luoluo, and there should be no accidents in the ambush." ​​Li Xian, who stood side by side with Li Yan, looked at the movements, but they were not completely silent. Said the battlefield.

Decades of battle in the field, victory and failure have all experienced, even in the face of the current situation, Li Xian's face can not see half-colored, his voice is still calm.

"Although the Xizhou Uighur forces have been huge in recent years, the roots are still the same. After this campaign, Yaoluo Luolu wanted to resist Wang Shibingfeng in the Western Regions, and he was doomed to be a foolish dream. The so-called stealing chicken will not eclipse rice. Xingbing attacked Tang. "

Li Yan chuckled, and there was an undisguised contempt in his eyes. Although his body is now the incarnation of the eye of the emperor, the demeanor is already not much different from the body.

There was also a smile in Li Xian's eyes, that was the smile of the winner.

He said: "Hui Hui has also been glorious, and the forces in Mobei are extraordinary, but that was a long time ago. Yaoluo Luoyi thought that with the help of Mingjiao, he would be able to compete for the world again. It was indeed lifting a stone and hitting his own foot. "

Li Yan didn't want to talk too much about the story of Yaoluo Luoluo, nor was he interested in the dreams and struggles of Huilu. In the final analysis, the winners and losers have been divided at this moment.

He turned to the general situation of the current war and the military arrangements in the future: "Now there are no incurable diseases in the northern border. Although it is more difficult to fight Khitan, the benefits after victory are obvious.

"When Qidan was founded, the big tribes in Mobei were dominated by the grasslands. Now when the Khitan kingdom dies, there is no powerful tribe in the grasslands.

"And as long as the court's strategy is proper, 30 years will be enough for us to manage the grassland and make it the back garden of Datang. Now there are Tiger Guards and Snap Riders temporarily stationed in the hometown of Khitan, and they are not afraid of sporadic nightmare.

"The only thing in the Khitan kingdom that can be called the instability factor is those who are good monks. But I already have a plan to deal with them. It doesn't take long for them to become court minions or bones.

"Wang Jian has defeated the Nanxun army in Shu and defeated the Nanxun king. Now that the army advances into Nanxun, there is no longer any difficulty. It is expected that within two months, Nanxun will become a big Tangzhou county.

"The issue that the court needs to consider is, after the battle of Liangzhou,

It is necessary to march to the Western Regions and restore the four towns of Anxi. I also want to hear your opinion on this issue. "

When Li Yan said these words, Li Xian nodded frequently, and at the end he stretched out his hands and lifted his beard, a look of comfort and joy.

After Li Yan's words were finished, Li Xian did not answer his question immediately, but looked at him and said, "When I was in charge of military affairs, I either settled the rebellion in the Southern Expedition and the North, or rectified the customs and cleaned up the customs, but the rebellion became more peaceful. The more, the more the government ruled the more chaotic, and finally ended like that.

"When you first came into office, the situation you faced was a hundred times worse than mine, but it took you less than ten years to calm down the domestic cholera, let the court reshape the majesty, and make Wang Shi invincible. Taiping, the enemy of the Four Realms, has also been basically eliminated, and Datang is about to reappear the prosperous age ... "

Speaking of which, Li Xian smiled helplessly, both happy and lonely, and didn't know how to go down.

Li Ye can appreciate Li Xian ’s mood, but he still tells the truth: “I ’m different from you. You are trying hard to fill the fire and make painstaking efforts throughout the court. Although you have made great achievements, you ca n’t really solve the problem.

"I took a different approach and watched the chaos in the world, and then used a strong army to calm it down. It seemed a little harder, but once it was successful, it was tantamount to letting the dynasty reborn and build a prosperous world, and it would be no big deal.

"In short, severe medicine is used. The roots of the imperial court are rotten, and it is difficult to innovate from the inside. It is only possible to start from the outside and push it back."

Li Xian listened attentively to this remark, and suddenly bowed his head, "You are right ... On courage and foresight, I am indeed inferior to you. This picturesque country is still young. I It is indeed old ... "

Regarding such feelings, Li Zhi had no choice but to listen. After all, he was not old, could not empathize, and said nothing inappropriate.

So although he didn't quite agree with this idea in his heart, Li Zhi did not directly speak against it.

Li Xian quickly gathered his thoughts, and said positively, "If Yaoluo Luolu was not successfully blocked by Yu Linjun, we naturally cannot venture into the Western Regions. After all, the distance is too long and the supply of food and grain is difficult. Datang has just stabilized internally. It has not been completely eliminated, and after such a war, it should be recuperated for a period of time.

"But since Yaoluo Luolu was ambushed, if his elite army suffered heavy losses, this is the best opportunity for us to recover the Western Regions, and we don't even need too many troops to achieve the goal. There is no reason to let go."

Li Ye nodded when he heard it. This was actually his thoughts. He had concerns and difficulties, and it was a great opportunity. Because of this, Li Xian was required to give him a staff member. Since Li Xian felt that he should be brave and advanced, Li Ye would not Hesitate again.

After talking about the biggest issue that needs to be considered at the moment, the two didn't say much at one time, just watching the soldiers clearing the battlefield quietly.

In the four realms of the Great Tang Dynasty, the fighting has continued throughout the years. Now Khitan and Nanzhao have been resolved. It can only be said that the main problems have been solved, and it is not when Li Zhe can enjoy the blessing.

Although Tubo was defeated long ago, due to various reasons such as climate, topography, and situation, Tang Jun did not enter the grassland, and now he is only in full view and has no room for release. According to Li Min's ideas, he will definitely be stationed in the plateau in the future, but the time has not yet come.

In the Western Regions, Uighur defeated, there was no big opponent in the Western Regions, but it was not easy to come by. The situation is complicated, small country

, Race, and bordering Central Asia. In the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, it is necessary to meet head-on with Central Asian forces. How the situation will develop in the future is still a matter of opinion.

As for the Bohai State and Goguryeo, although it is a small place, it also needs a large army.

Of course, these issues are no longer urgent. As far as the status of Datang is concerned, they have not taken the initiative to invade Datang. Li Yan only needs to let Datang cultivate his energy and then take the initiative to attack.

After the situation of attacking the whole world was solved, the Great Tang alone dominated the East, and the small country of Shiyi could only tremble. How to deal with them and when to deal with them, the initiative was completely in the hands of Li Zhi.

Compared to these, what Li Yan needs to pay attention to is actually domestic.

First of all, we must completely solve the problem of Fanzhen, completely wipe out the existence of Fanzhen from Datang, and then the world can be said to be completely peaceful; secondly, wait for potatoes and corn to be planted on a large scale and become a standing food in the homes of the people; Monk strength and overall national strength.

There is fairyland.

Of course, there is a hidden danger that Li Yan has to face up to.

Suddenly Li Xian suddenly said in a complex tone: "Now the four realms are about to be calmed down, and the great national strength has arrived. After the chaos in the history of peace, Datang, with internal and external troubles, got rid of the danger of the collapse of the dynasty because you were born. The mansion will fall, turning the tide into the downturn, is the most appropriate evaluation of what you have done.

"At this time, you have a lifeless power, a century-long prestige, and the emperor was neglected in government affairs and indulged in pleasure. This time the battle with Khitan, because of this hidden danger, caused the overall situation to collapse, You and me and the Datang Dynasty are only one step away from being overwhelmed ...

"Li Yan, will you sit on that chair?"

When he said these words, he looked out of the city.

After speaking these words, he turned his head and stared directly into Li Yan's eyes, killing his face, and waiting for Li Yan to answer.

Li Ye looked at the busy Wang Shi in the Huili camp, and said nothing.

This question is not only about Li Xian, but it goes up to the civilian and military in the Manchu dynasty and down to the people in the prefectures and counties. If Li Zhi is a serious emperor and a responsible emperor, then this question would not be so big.

But to be fair, without Li Ye, Li Ye would not be so smooth along the way, and it is very likely that when he started, he would end up in ruins.

Li Yan is not the kind, he can shout for the righteousness of the world, and decisively discard the beloved relatives of the gimmicks or hypocrites.

But now that he is standing in this position, he has his own corresponding responsibilities and must also have corresponding responsibilities.

Li Yan turned his head to Li Xian and asked, "What do you think of me?"

Li Xian shook his head: "I don't know. Xuanzong gave his life to me when he was alive. Therefore, loyalty to serve the country is my life's purpose and the meaning of my life. For this country, I can forget my life, but in the face of this choice, I There is no answer. "

Li Yan smiled, and re-focused his eyes outside the city, watching the scene without saying a word.

Compared to being an improper emperor, there are still more important things for Li Zhi to do now, and that is a matter of urgency.

That's something above Xianyu.

Furthermore, there are nine Tiandao Qi machines. Six now appear. Where are the other three?

The so-called avenue is only the avenue of Datang, or is it not limited to the avenue of Dongtu?

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