The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 72: Original Science Comprehension

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The Emperor stopped the attack and did not feel embarrassed, but instead took it for granted: "If you can't withstand this little test and kill you, you shouldn't have any complaints."

He wasn't surprised, and he could still make such a remark, Li Yan had to admire the other's thick skin. Only the other party did have the intention of making a surprise attack. If it were not for his firm mind, it would be miserable at the moment.

Li Xie leaned at Xiandi and said, "Since you appeared at this time, this fight between you and me will be inevitable. In this case, you don't need to talk nonsense, just do it."

Immortal Emperor sees Li Yan pulling his sword, and quickly waves his hand to signal the other party not to be so anxious. He still has something to say, "Although these words just told you, they are intended to disturb your state of mind, but the truth is That's right.

"Li Yan, if you have defeated You, then it must be the Lord of Xianfan. With your present momentum, the fairy Buddha and demon are all under your control. Do n’t you really think about it, take them with you Where is it going? "

Li Yan was unmoved, and said lightly: "After you die, even if it is a flood, what will you do with it?"

The Emperor shook his head and was very disapproved of Li Yan's remarks. He said calmly: "No matter how you say it, you have also been the master of Xian Fan for so many years, and it can be said that it has gone through many storms. Believe it or not, 朕All consciously have been integrated with Shenzhou Xianfan, and they cannot distinguish each other.

"Now that the Kunlun Pass is closed, Shenzhou immortals can't descend into the world, and mortals can't set foot in the immortal realm. But you haven't thought that, outside the domain, far away, can the immortals there not be descended? If they can descend, you If the mortal army meets them, how to distinguish them?

"And if the Kunlun channel is closed, which prevents them from being able to do anything ... then this is the real terrible place!"

No matter how Li Yan confronted the Emperor, he had to think of winning or losing the battle with him, and decided to live and die. He couldn't help thinking about this question raised by the Emperor. It's just different from just now, no matter what Emperor said at this time, his state of mind will not be affected.

The "extraterritorial extraterrestrial" in the mouth of Xiandi is in the mind of Li Zhi, naturally the western part of this continent, and several other continents. According to Li Zhi's inherent memory formed on the earth, he was even able to outline the general outline of the land there.

Coming across, of course, Li Zhi knew that this world was different from the earth. Although the history is surprisingly similar, there is almost no difference, but in addition to the world of cultivation, the area and population are many times the world he is familiar with.

In his spare time, Li Yong also thought about what kind of world here is, and how does it relate to the earth?

Is it a parallel universe?

Does the parallel universe really exist?

According to Li Zhi's memory of the earth, the "Europe" at this time was the dark Middle Ages. The Arab Empire at the border between Central Asia and Africa, or the Persian Empire, were all under the jurisdiction of Muslims. On the other side of the ocean, the situation there was chaotic and primitive, and in Li Zhi's view, it was full of mystery.

But here is not Earth after all.

Returning to the question of the Emperor, if the Persian empires could not descend into the universe because of the closure of the Kunlun Passage, it could only explain one problem: in the so-called ancient times, Kyushu was the collective name of the world, and the eastern soil was the center of the world. People who live there have migrated from here.

In other words, the land of Eastern Tang Dynasty is the birthplace of "human beings".

Therefore, the law of Xianfan changes here to affect the whole world.

In Li Zhi's memory, where the earth people came from has always been an unsolved mystery-of course, if anyone wants to believe

Humans have evolved from monkeys, so it's another matter. Darwin's theory of evolution was originally a hypothesis. The conditions needed for the establishment of the chain of evidence were incomplete and lacked key nodes.

That is, there is no half-human half-ape on the earth.

Humans in all places are complete modern humans, and the gap between civilizations is huge, but the degree of evolution is surprisingly consistent.

So where does "human" come from in this world?

If the origin of "humanity" was not the land of Eastern Tang Dynasty, then after the Kunlun passage was closed, the immortals in other places should be unrestricted. In these years, why haven't any immortals killed the Datang border?

If Dongtu Datang is really the birthplace of "humans" and they are not monkeys, then where did they come from?

The so-called avenue is necessarily the avenue of the whole world. There are nine heavenly air engines, and Li Zhi has only seen six of them. So where are the other three strands of heavenly air engines?

In short, it is not in East China Datang.

This also shows that the avenue is indeed the avenue of the entire world.

The question is back to the original point, just as the Emperor asked Li Yan: Do you really understand the world you live in?

Li Yan exhaled a long breath.

Unconsciously, my position is so high that I need to ask such questions?

Li Yan smiled secretly in his heart. "Recalling that when I first crossed the world, I only wanted to fly into a fairy, and I wanted to live for a long time. After being targeted by Daomen, I could only rise up and fight against Xianting. With the help of Longqi, I have succeeded in practicing Emperor Dao, and now I have gone to the ordinary room and set up Xianyu.

"I thought this was the end of the battle, and everything I wanted to get was in this hand after this battle-if this battle was won, I would have it in my hand-but Now I find out again that the world is much bigger than I thought.

"It turned out that there was no end.

"At least, I still don't see the end.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, what is there outside the sky?"

Although Li Zhi's thoughts were mixed, but not chaotic, he faintly felt what he had grasped, but it was not clear.

For him personally, the end of all problems can be returned to the original point, that is, why is there dragon spirit in his body?

Without this dragon spirit, he is still the body of a mortal man, cannot enter the door of spiritual practice, and he will not have the feat of "reversing the sky" today.

If you have to get to the bottom, Li Ye must also ask a question: Why do you cross?

Is it science, or is it true?

Compared to what is outside the world and what is the origin of the avenue, this question has more practical significance for Li Zhi personally.

Any question is answered.

There must be an answer.

Just see if you can find it.

Everything exists for a reason.

There is no water without a source and no wood without a source.

"Source" and "Wood" must exist, the key is whether you can see and touch them.

Today, Li Zhi is about to live and die with the most overwhelming existence of the East Earth world-Xiandi. His height determines that he must pursue these ordinary people, there is no time to pursue, and there is no answer.

Only then can he go on.

Li Yan looked at the Emperor, "You are the Emperor, and you have been in immortal court for a long time. I would like to ask, in your opinion, what is the world outside the Tang Dynasty and what does it have to do with us?"

This question has been waited for a long time. When Li Yan asked it, it showed that he thought of many things. but

Unfortunately, Xiandi can only shake his head. "I don't know. When I entered the master's court, I had a clear division inside and outside."

Li Xuan suspected: "But ancient times ..."

Xiandi replied: "In the so-called ancient times, everything is just a legend. Pangu and son-in-law are all traceless. Their deeds only exist in word of mouth, but no evidence of their actual existence can be found."

Li Xuan said for a moment, "You don't even know? The Fairy Wars ..."

Emperor Xian said: "The demon tribe enshrines the son-in-law as the ancestor, and Xianting enshrines Hongmen as the ancestor, but no one has ever seen them. Like your Li Tang clan, you say that Li Er is your ancestor. Descendants? But it is also a means of pulling tiger skins as a banner, deceiving awe, trust, and cohesion. "

Li Yan: "..."

He can tell that the words of Emperor Xiandi are not fake, nor are they intended to disturb his state of mind, but in the perception of the other party, this is indeed a fact.

It seems that legends are legends everywhere.

Li Min took a deep breath, "So there is no Taishang Laojun who can breathe into Sanqing at all?"

Xiandi spread his hands. "This is just a story of Daomen's ancestral ancestors, highlighting his own heritage, beautifying his image, and tricking mortals into awe."

Li Min's brow shook a few times, "So the so-called sage realm does not exist at all?"

The Emperor shrugged: "Do you think Feihong Holy Buddha is a sage? Are you a sage? How are you so naive today? The so-called sage is just to give you an impossible goal and let everyone focus on you Cultivation does nothing to provoke wrongdoings and disrupts the rule of your rule.

"Furthermore, He said that He is a saint, and other immortals will be afraid of He, thinking that He is absolutely superior to them, and they will not think about the position of God against him all day long. He is also big in the final analysis. Luo Jinxian, but the strength is indeed better than them. "

Li Yan sneered, "I did see it, you really are not a saint."

The Emperor smiled, and it didn't matter: "That's why I will admit this in front of you. As for other people, I just need to look up at you, and I'm not qualified to tell you the truth."

Immortal Emperor was so frank, Li Zhi had nothing to say for a moment.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Li Zhi and Xiandi will inevitably fight, and they will win the match immediately. They need to see the true chapter under their hands, and there is no need to hide in words-of course, for Xiandi On the premise that Li Kui has withstood his test, without confusion, he was stabbed to death with a sword.

As for the future, the loser died dead, knowing nothing is important, and the winner also has to control Xian Fan, knowing what is right.

Seeing that there was nothing more to say about Li Yan, Xiandi knew clearly that there was really nothing to talk about between the two. The next is the battle between you and me, to decide whether it is Xianfan who changed his master, or business as usual.

Xiandi pulled out his long sword, shook a sword flower with interest, and smiled and said to Li Zhe: "As the Lord of Xian Fan, I should have told you what you have said. Even if this battle dies, I believe that you can also be the next immortal emperor, and continue with Shenzhou Xianfan.

"In any case, the glorious land of Shenzhou cannot be touched by aliens-even in the eyes of Xun, the so-called aliens are, at the beginning, our hands and feet.

"And if you win, you can rest assured that your people will kill you!"

Li Xun nodded, all of which should be in the question.

He pulled out the Lu Gujian, pointed to the Emperor, and his eyes flickered: "Life and death are destined, riches are in heaven, come on!"

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