The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 100: Destroy the country (on)

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Songyue City, the Royal Palace.

Gong Yi points to Shen Chongqian who is kneeling in blood and kneeling in the hall to plead guilty. His teeth tremble and tremble because he moves too hard and wears a magnificent royal robe "water waves."

Gong Yi felt that his chest was like a big stone, and he was spitting in his throat. Many words didn't spit, and his lips were half-squeaked, but he couldn't say a word.

He reacted so much, half anger and half fear.

This is naturally because Pei Xuanqing and Shen Chongqian were unfavorable in battle, and they lost Pyongyang City without saying that the most elite army of 300,000 Goguryeo was also damaged. And Tang Jun's performance in this battle was described by Shen Chongqian as if the devil was born and the heavenly soldiers descended from the world. He even made Gong's chest tight and wanted to spit blood.

"Say! Did you surrender the Tang Dynasty secretly, colluding with Tang Jun, betrayed Pei Xuanqing, and betrayed the generals of the Three Armies?" Gong Yi stepped in front of Shen Chongqian, held him by the neck and lifted it, distorting his features He asked with a sullen expression.

"King ... Why did this happen?" Shen Chongqian Xiu was suppressed, and soon became pale and difficult to breathe.

"If it weren't for this, my King was 300,000 warriors, and he would be defeated by the 100,000 Tang army in half a day? It must be you, you treacherous! Traitor! You betrayed your country!"

Bow-born eyes are scarlet, their eyes seem to disappear, their hair is dancing wildly, and the aura is violently roaring in China, setting off a gust of wind. His man seemed to have fallen into the magic, he poured Shen Chongqian to the ground severely, smashed a large pit, and the dust was flying.

He still did not let go of his hatred, and the action never stopped. Shen Chongqian became a puppet in his hands, and he was thrown into the ground by smashing left and right. The gravel blasted out, and the surrounding **** eunuchs did not suffer from the pond fish's puppets, their blood splashed and they screamed and flew out one after another.

While Gongzu slaughtered Shen Chongqian, he kept screaming like a beast: "You traitor, for the sake of prosperity and wealth, dare to destroy the king's Jiangshan community, and the king will let you die!"

"My King was born in the royal family and has been talented since he was a child. Now he has become a high master. His Majesty is like a cloud, his good ministers are like rain, and Goguryeo has been doomed for nearly ten years. He is destined to become a master of the generation. ! "

The monk in the palace was guarding, and when he heard the movements rushing towards him, he saw that the bow-drows with red eyes and frantic dance were trembling, and they were afraid to move lightly.

As for the first civilian officer of the post-Goguryeo in the opponent's hand, his bones were broken, his flesh was blurred, and he was completely dehumanized, like a freshly cut pork chop, bloody.

In the city of Pyongyang, Shen Chongqian faced the siege of the Tang army, and strove to save the enemies in the life of nine deaths. He ran back to Wangdu for a while to report the frontline military situation, but he ended up like this now, which is really miserable .

I don't know how long, Gongzu finally stopped. He lost the head in his hand—Shen Chongqian had been broken into countless pieces of meat and scattered all over the hall. The blood was splattering like ink, and only one head was still intact.

Now the human head slumped to one side, just with the five senses facing upwards, Qiqiao bleeding, and the expression of horror and panic was still fixed.

Gongzu's anger slightly diminished, but the redness in his eyes did not subside. He bowed his head and walked back and forth in the temple several times. He looked as if he was looking to kill his father and his enemies.

At the end, he snarled outside the door of the palace: "The order, all the kings will gather together, and the king will go on his own expedition, and fight against Li Zhina!"

After the order was issued, Gongzu began to bury his head in the temple again, muttering continuously: "I am the King of Goryeo, I have hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles and mountains! I have a lot of luck in my body. What's wrong with me? "

"I want to unify the three kingdoms, become emperor, and build an unprecedented feat! Also, I want to be alive, be praised by future generations, and enjoy supreme power! How can I lose ?!"

After taking over Pyongyang, the army simply rested, crossed the Datong River and continued to march south. The soldiers headed for Songyue, the capital of Goguryeo.

Although the peninsula site is not large, there are also many cities. Li Zhi only took 100,000 troops, and there was no interest in dispersing troops to capture all prefectures and counties.

The city of Goguryeo that stood in front of the army could not reflect what Li Zhi expected, and either ran away or watched the wind fall.

Of course, there are also two heroic defenders who don't dare to die, donated their lives to the country and tried to stop Tang Jun for a while.

The result is naturally self-evident, the weapons of mass destruction in the army were not used, and only the major monks in the accompanying army could easily destroy the opponent's city defense and fighting spirit.

The territory of the late Goguryeo is also equivalent to a town in the Tang Dynasty. Although the city has a larger population and stronger strength, it can be ignored in the presence of the 100,000 Tang army.

Originally, Li Min expected that before arriving in Songyue, he would no longer encounter strong resistance. Even if he arrived in Songyue, the bow descendants would be defensive, and it would be good to be able to resist surrender.

What he didn't expect was that the army was still fifty miles away from Songyue, and the scolding monk even returned, saying that Gong Yi had taken over 200,000 troops to kill him.

"Within sixty miles between the two armies, there is no Xiongguan Tianmao and Fortress Fortress. Do you still want to have a diplomatic battle with our army?" Zhao Polu was surprised when he heard the scout.

To be honest, Li Ye didn't know what the other party was thinking. More than 200,000 Korean troops have to defend the city, but it is extremely difficult. Now the other party has taken the initiative to come out to meet the army. What is the difference between sending them to death?

Li Yan doesn't think that some people like to die, and he doesn't think that Gong Yi, as the master of a country, would lose his mind to do so. This is unreasonable. The only reasonable explanation is that the other party has other plans and other plans.

"What exactly does Gong Yi intend?" Li Zhi was lost in thought.

The terrain city of Goryeo was in his mind, including the garrison situation and strength of the army in various places, and it was also collected by the Tsing Yi Shumen, which was also in his mind.

At present, the only problem that the army does not solve is to go straight ahead, and there is no division of troops in the left and right prefectures. Could it be said that the bow descendants intend to launch the national residents, swarming on all sides, more ants biting the elephant?

If this is the case, this situation may not occur, but it is absolutely impossible now. The ant colony wants to bite the elephant, how can it be entangled with the elephant, but now there is no one to stop the 100,000 army, whether it is Xiongguan or the enemy, can not prevent the army from directly crushing the past.

Moreover, there are many major monks in the army, who are monitoring the situation on both wings. Li Ye did not hear them report that the Korean army was gathered and attacked in all directions. .

"Or to say, Gongzu still has a surprise soldier that can threaten the food lane behind my army?" Li Ye kept deducing the battle situation, and in the end he could only think of this possibility.

This time the army went on an expedition, from the perspective of the situation of the use of troops, there is a suspicion that the army is alone. In addition, along the way, it only occupied the city on a road and did not clean up its wings. If Korea really hidden a strange soldier in advance, it could indeed sneak in the army's food road.

But this is just a matter of reason, there is no practical possibility at all.

The territory of the latter Goguryeo is less than a thousand miles from the north to the south, and Pyongyang, a major town in the north, is even north of the Datong River, which is equivalent to "outside the solitary suspension."

In this case, it was impossible for the Korean army to attack Pyongyang. Even if they thought that Li Zhi's garrison would remain in Pyongyang, they would not succeed.

As long as Pyongyang City is not lost, no matter where the surprise soldiers that may or may not exist, appear in the rear of the army, the new Pike Pyongyang ’s Langfang Army and the new Langya Army ’s new ride will be bound to be in two days. Killed within.

With the speed and physique of the fierce beast, this strange soldier does not appear. Once it appears, it must be chased down quickly.

Besides, there are also monks guarding the food road along the way.

Therefore, although Tang Jun went alone and did not clean up his flanks, Li Zheng was not worried about what would happen to the rear.

So the question is, what exactly does Gongzu intend to do?

Li Xun thought hard and couldn't think of any support for Gong Dian to turn around.

"Under the order, the monks are dispatched to investigate the flanks and abdomen of the army day and night. If a Korean army appears, they must report in time!" Li Yan did not let the army suspend his journey.

The monks were dispatched to avoid sporadic hunting. Anyway, the territory of Korea was so large, and there were many monks in the army, enough to monitor everywhere.

In the morning two days later, in a low hilly area, the army met the Goryeo army led by Gong Yi.

The two sides lined up each other five miles apart, and then the bow descendants took the initiative to attack, Li Li did not hesitate, and ordered the army to give each other a headache.

The fighting process was poor.

First, the monks from both sides caught a fight in mid-air. Monks from the Tang Dynasty relied on the quantity and realm advantages to quickly defeat the Korean monks and gained air dominance.

Then, with the cooperation of the monk, the infantry struck forward, and the two sides have not met yet. The Tang army ’s powerful bow and crossbow took the lead and fired in several rounds. The Korean army in front of various military formations were in front of them, all dead and wounded. Chaos.

Tang Jun fought for the benefit of the armored soldiers, and took advantage of the onslaught, quickly rushed into the Korean army in various places, under the left and right arches, quickly captured the mountain packs.

The Langfang Army ’s new riding was divided into dozens of units, assaulted from the flanks, cooperated with the infantry soldiers, and divided and surrounded the hills controlled by the Goryeo Army one by one.

The battle lasted only two hours, and the Korean army was already corpse-wrapped and blood was flowing. There is no essential difference between the battle situation and Pyongyang City. It is a one-sided slaughter, and the Korean army cannot even defend it.

Three hours later, the Korean army was completely defeated, and the soldiers lost their helmets and armors and fled.

By this time, the monk still did not find within a radius of 100 miles, there were signs of Korean army and civilians swarming. The monk behind the army reported Li Ye once in an hour, but did not find any Korean soldiers.

After the war until noon, the situation became Tang Jun hunting down Korean soldiers.

Before sunset, Tang Jun won the army, Zhao Polu captured the post of Goryeo Wang Gong.

Looking at the army of soldiers returning to the camp, Li Min touched his chin, but still did not want to understand what it meant when Gong Yi led the army to take the initiative to fight. Seeing Zhao Polu bring the bow descendants back, Li Yan decided to ask in person.

After seeing Gong, Li Ying finally understood why the other party took the initiative to attack.

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