The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 118: We are different from you

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"After all, the magic trebuchet is too large, and the cruisers can only carry ten, which is a bit unsatisfactory. Therefore, the trebuchets are used for attacking. The conventional long-range attack method on the cruiser is the cymbal bed. The envoy came to see. "

When Yang Xingmi saw the appearance of Suyuan Yuanzhen as a bun, the scorn in his heart was deepened, and he did not even want to say "guishi". With a wave of their hands, the soldiers spread the "wooden house" protecting the instrument bed crossbow, revealing a sharp weapon with glittering black ink.

Sugawara-do turned his neck stiffly and saw those magical instrument crossbows that were significantly different from the 床 Guo bed crossbow, and his eyes began to glow with fiery color.

I do n’t know how powerful this weapon is. Can Lao Guo learn?

"Weapon bed crossbow, we call it the" four sons ", because this is a finished product after three improvements. There is no special advantage, the only thing worth mentioning is that it is different from ordinary crossbow, it does not If you need a physical crossbow, you can gather the aura-crossbow itself, so you can continue to run for twelve hours without interruption. "

Speaking, seeing Yuanyuan Dazhen looked earnestly and expectantly, Yang Xingmi chuckled, and motioned to the monk next to him to show the power of the instrument bed crossbow.

Several monks operated at once. With the magic bed crossbow rune array lit up, and the aura gathered by the law formation, a green and blue crossbow with a length of nearly nine feet and a transparent water flashed away in the true eyes of Sugawara. The same goes straight to the sea cliffs 600 miles away.

A burst of gas explosion sounded, and the rubble flew and lime clouds burst, but the movement was much smaller than the spirit stone fireball. When the smoke and dust dissipated, Sugawara's face was more surprised than before.

A melon-sized hole appeared on the cliff. The inside was dark and not bottomed out. Hagiwara quickly released the repair as a breath sensor. Even if he was shocked to find that the hole was as deep as Zhang Yu!

What would happen if the crossbow was hit on a warship? All fortifications will be penetrated! If the hull is not large, it will be shot directly through! It cannot penetrate the city wall, but it can definitely shoot through the female wall and shoot down the arrow tower!

Sugawara's eyes couldn't help but started to flutter.

"This is used to deal with monks in the middle and high levels of practice." Yang Xingmi's voice rang again, with a sense of teasing: "Actually, there are not many fourth sons in Lingnan Marine Division ..."

"How many?" Sugawara asked quickly, realizing his disability, he quickly corrected his face, pretending to look like a scholar, and smiled stiffly: "If this is a secret in the army, General Yang doesn't say anything. . "

This may be related to the next war situation. If there are too many such instruments, would n’t the country ’s air training monks all become targets, how can the army fight? Even defending the city is extremely difficult! What is scary is that this instrument bed crossbow can last twelve hours in a row!

Hagiwara Michi really prays to the **** Aizumi in his heart. This so-called "four sons" must not have too many, it is best to have thirty or fifty crosses!

If not, these weaponry crossbows appear on the battlefield with trebuchets. Even if it is a majestic and sturdy city, how can they withstand the fierce bombardment that lasts for several hours? Facing such a powerful spirit stone fireball and crossbow, can the city head still stand?

The female wall will be completely destroyed soon, and even if the city wall does not collapse, the city head will become flat! The guards of the city will lose their protection. Not to mention, the various fortifications that rely on the female wall will also collapse!

"Sixty planes can only be up to this number. Yang Xingmi also said that there are not many such artifacts in Lingnan Marine Master? Amaterasu God bless!" Sugawara really resisted the urge to look up at the sky, even if the muscles on his face were shaking , Still trying to maintain a smile.

Yang Xingmi turned a blind eye to Sugawara's real compulsion and let the monks reveal the bed crossbow of the sidestrings. "A cruiser, there are twenty and four boys."

Sugawara Road really jumped, and really there were sixty!

When he came, he saw that there were three cruiser-type warships in Yang Xingmi's mouth. The Lingnan Marine Division had three ships of exactly the same shape, all of which were placed in front of the array as the leader.

But immediately, Sugawara was relieved, and secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, there are only sixty, and fortunately."

Before he was completely relieved, he heard Yang Xingmi said, "The Lingnan Marine Division is equipped with four male warships. There are more than two hundred ships. They are all main battleships, but compared to cruisers, the four on the warships The number of boys is much less.

"After all, the four sons had a strong momentum after all, and they needed the stability of the French Array. Ordinary warships could not carry too much. They could only barely load a few French Arrays. They were just fine."

At this point, Sugawara raised his throat sharply, glaring at Yang Xingmi and said, "Are there two or two hundred warships?"

Yang Xingmi nodded.

"Yes, how many?"

Yang Xingmi smiled slightly: "On average, there are four warships."

Sugawara's body shuddered, and his features were deformed because of panic. "Dang, seriously?"

Yang Xingmi was displeased. "Why would a liar be? If you don't believe it, Ben will show you around later."

Sugawara can't stand it anymore, and a strange sound came out of his throat, like a pig crying and mourning. Then his eyes rolled and his body fluttered, and he was about to fall to the ground.

More than 800 magic weapon crossbows! How can this be resisted? How can I stop it? No city can withstand the fierce bombardment of so many weapon beds! The so-called Tianxiongxiongguan is a joke in front of these weapon beds!

Not to mention, there are 30 magic trebuchets!

Sugawara Dojin now finally understands why Tadashi Fujiwara was defeated within a day. How could he be undefeated in the face of such a force without prior recognition and preparation?

To be realistic, even if you are prepared, there will not be much difference in the battle situation. These amazing and large-scale magic weapons cannot be coped with by the Lao Army!

Hagiwara Michi was really supported by the entourage behind him, but did not fall down, anyway, it was to support the two faces. He glanced at the thick-eyed follower on the left, with an urgent look, even with a petition.

The other party ’s true identity is General Guo, and Yuan Yuandao brought him here because he did n’t understand the military very well, so he asked this person to look at him more.

However, Hagiwara did see a face that was more scared than him. The opponent's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Obviously, the strength of the Lingnan Marine Division has completely messed up the other party's position, and also thought that it could not be dealt with at all.

Sugawara's true heart is dripping with blood, and the deep pain in his eyes can no longer be covered.

Yang Xingmi looked strangely at Sugawara. He didn't understand why the old man suddenly fainted. The trebuchet and the weapon bed crossbow didn't say hello to him ... was he frightened? Thinking of this, Yang Xingmi couldn't help but sneer, and became weak. Seeing Wang Shi's arrival, he didn't accept the return of land, what are you waiting for?

Still His Majesty Yingming, this move without a fight, the effect is very good.

With this in mind, Yang Xingmi's face smiled and stunned two points, and he said intimately to Sugawara Dojin: "Since the envoy is here, why not look at it? It is too early now, and I will take you everywhere. Stroll around.

"Although there is no scenery on the sea, the warships of the Lingnan Marine Division can still get hold of it. There will be no end to the friendship of the landlords. You sent Tang to the Tang Dynasty. Do n’t you like to explore, observe, and study everywhere? "

It is natural that Ebara Road will not reject Yang Xingmi's "good intentions."

As the current Minister of Battle of Lao Guo, he can know more about Tang Jun. How can he not let this opportunity go.

Yang Xingmi saw that Yuanyuan Dao really could hold it. He could continue to pay tribute to Wang Shi, hold back his smile, and secretly thought, "Look at how long the old man can hold you. I won't let you kneel today, it's my Yang Xingmi.

The "lucky" Makihara Sugawara, led by Yang Xingmi, visited the magnificent cruiser intact. This maritime beast is twice as tall as the largest warship at the moment, but its volume is just shocking.

When Sugawara Dojin knew that this beast was built with a spirit stone and a wooden frame, and there were all kinds of powerful and powerful formations on it, he couldn't even walk, stretched his neck here. Look, touch the shaking hand, you can't love yourself.

"This kind of warship, even if all the monks in the realm of the state are attacked by surprise, can't quickly destroy it ..." Sugawara thought hopelessly.

His despair journey did not stop.

What he saw next was a variety of strong bows and crossbows. Although their power was not as good as that of magic trebuchets and cymbals, they were definitely better than ordinary bows and arrows many times. Ordinary armors could not defend at all. Small, light and easy to carry, the key is the odd number, according to Yang Xingmi, there must be one in the five-man battle.

Sugawara was really sadly aware that with the slinger and slinger of the weapon, the Lao army could no longer hold the city, and now that the Tang army has so many slings and strong bows, it is impossible for them to conduct field warfare. .

No matter how good the tactics are, as long as you meet Tang Jun, you will be hit.

Later, Sugawara Kaneko noticed a problem, that is, the number of monks in the Tang army was surprisingly more! The real monk will not say it, monks who practice qi are everywhere!

In the later Goguryeo, Pei Xuanqing thought that he was an elite sequel in the war, and the number of monks only accounted for 20%. The situation in Laos was slightly better. Generally, there were 20% monks in the elite, but among the five soldiers in the Tang army, they must There is a practicing monk!

Most of the ordinary armored men are also monks, and the aura of their body shows that they are either warriors or martial arts!

"More than half of the officers and men are monks? How is this possible!" Sugawara looked at General Tang Jun in surprise and was messy on the deck.

Yang Xingmi swaggered, disapprovingly said: "Datang has released the practice method, everyone can practice, and the soldiers in the army naturally benefit first. However, some people do not have the qualification to practice, which has led to the Lingnan Marine Division not being able to achieve full Monk.

"Don't the envoys know? In the Chang'an embargo, there are tens of thousands of elite riders, and each soldier is a monk! Compared with them, the Lingnan Marine Division is still not sharp enough. The gap is huge Ye Ye was also sorrowful, always thinking of ways to improve the quality of the soldiers ... "

Sugawara Dao really pointed to Yang Xingmi, his lips squirmed halfway, and he couldn't even say a word.

If it is before today, when he hears Yang Xingmi's words, he will definitely spit on the other side, saying that the other party doesn't know what to say, is delusional, and is popular.

But now, after personally walking through dozens of warships and seeing the situation of the Lingnan Marine Division in person, Sugawara knows that Yang Xingmi is telling the truth.

This made him frightened, and he could only be frightened.

"In the Tang Dynasty, even the practice of cultivation was fully liberalized, and everyone can practice it?" Sugawara's true voice was hard and every word had to be paused. "Did the Tang Dynasty not be afraid of too many monks in the world, unable to control and let the country Out of order and in total chaos? "

This latter problem is a major reason why the practice of cultivation has not been fully spread.

For rulers and the ruling class, steadiness is better than everything, and national strength is a matter of reconsideration on this basis.

Yang Xingmi leaned obliquely to Sugawara and laughed: "You will think so, just because you are not strong enough, and you know your talents and virtues are not enough to make the Chinese surrender.

"Datang is different from yours. His Majesty's cultivation is invincible to the world, killing 10,000 people like blowing a lamp; His Majesty's talents are more rare than ever, and the world is only between backhands.

"Strength determines your mind and vision. This principle cannot be truly understood by people who grow up in your three-inch land. In the final analysis, your thoughts are still in the era of small nations and widows."

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