The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 123: Three days and five battles

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Sugawara was really slow: "Chin, I was ordered to stop the Tang army, three days and five battles. The first battle was in the Kurosaki Bay. Chen knew the benefits of Tang's weaponry, and did not dare to let the two sides set off and face a hard battle. . So when the other party had just landed some soldiers, the minister led the elite riding team! "

I glanced at him, and seemed to be curious as to how far Tang Jun's weapon crossbow was so strong. In order to avoid being attacked by these weapon crossbow on a large scale, Sugawara Road really didn't even dare to rely on the location and the idea of ​​defense. .

Hagiwara continued, "Don't dare to lean too close, so as not to enter the attack range of the slinger and the slinger of the weapon on the Tang army warship. You can only wait for their soldiers to gather more and fight. As a result ..."

"What happened?" I asked.

Sugawara was really painful: "With a battle array of less than 20,000 soldiers, I was riding a hundred thousand fine horses. I couldn't rush to the front a few times, and I was shot by the strong bow of the sky, causing heavy casualties."

"You haven't entered the attack range of the magic slinger and the magic bed crossbow. How could this be so?"

Sugawara Shinchi sighed, "No, but in a large array of nearly 20,000 infantry soldiers, there are countless magic weapons, far crossbow, angle bow, and arm crossbow! Often a crossbow can connect the cavalry company People wear horses on the ground, our armor is useless, and even a crossbow cannot stop it! "

He opened his mouth wide.

He knew very well what a disaster would be if a cavalry was hit by a crossbow.

Sugawara really wiped his tears and continued: "However, Chen organized three rushing battles, fought three games, and eventually entered the Tang Army infantry battle!"

I closed my eyes and imagined the situation at that time.

The first cavalry charged and was hit by a headache. The front line of teams fell down, and the hissing people were stunned. Many people were nailed to the ground by the crossbow and couldn't move. It was only a short battle that left the cavalry dead and injured thousands. Panicked and forced to retreat.

In the second cavalry charge, the army was psychologically prepared, rushing a longer distance, and approaching the Tang Army formation. However, the arrow rain of the Tang Army fell helplessly, and there was no end. The front soldiers continued to fall, and the corpses of horses and horses severely hindered the cavalry to run, and eventually they could only retreat again.

The third and final battle that day. Prior to this, the cavalry had to clean up the corpses of the same robes on the assault road. The collected corpses were piled up in mountains, more than 10,000, and the blood was so thick that it was almost impossible to breathe.

Sad and indignant, Sugawara Nozomi took charge and rushed to the front with his guards. The monks opened the road in front of them, and the monks joined forces to intercept the arrow rain. These backbones of the army used to be used as a force to determine victory and defeat. Countless shots have been shot before!

In the end, although the cavalry lineup was also shot in an accident, countless lives were lost on the spot, but it finally touched the front of the Tang army.

"However, Tang Jun's formation is a moon formation, the arc formation minimizes the impact of the cavalry, and the outer circle is still heavy with vehicles, and the war horse cannot step on it!"

Sugawara's voice really shivered so much that he was almost speechless. He took a few breaths before he could continue to say, "The minister knows that this formation is a disaster for the cavalry, but the minister must lead the cavalry to rush forward and must stop Tang Jun went ashore! This is the only chance for Chen Jun to stop Tang Jun. If they are allowed to go ashore without too much damage, there is no possibility that they will stop them in the future! "

Speaking of which, Sugawara is really old tears, choking so speechless.

He did not urge, looking at the attic that gradually turned to ashes in the fire.

"The minister took the monks as pioneers, rushed into the army of Tang Jun's infantry, and surrendered with their soldiers! His servants, the soldiers, finally began to kill the enemy. One Tang soldier after another fell on us. Under the sword, regardless of life and death, we did not want to step back, we kept rushing forward ... "

Sugawara Michio tightened the sword in his hand, twisted a face into a bun, and his eyes became horrible. "We killed a lot of Tang Jun, Your Majesty, do you know that it is your most elite soldier, they gave up their lives to prove that I am a qualified emperor soldier!

"But we were still blocked. Not only that, our follow-up cavalry was also besieged by the monk of the Tang Army, and there were countless deaths and injuries! The most horrible thing was that during this period, Tang Jun let Wan Yujing ride off the boat, from left to right. Two wings surround our cavalry! "

"Wan Yujing ride? Surround?" Interjected.

Hagiwara said with a sorrowful smile: "Your Majesty didn't hear me wrong. We were surrounded by eighty-nine thousand cavalry soldiers, and were surrounded by less than twenty thousand fine riders! That was a fine ride made up of monks who practiced qi. Not an ordinary warhorse, but also has the strength of a gas monk!

"Chen hate! Chen fell into the trap of Tang Jun, fell into their trap, Chen thought that it was victory for the Chen to enter the opponent's infantry formation, but did not expect that it was only the beginning of a nightmare! Our former formation was trapped in a quagmire. , Restricted by the Tang Army's spear and crossbow formation, and our midfielder was slaughtered by the Tang Army!

"The minister has heard Yang Xingmi say before that Datang has a fine ride composed entirely of monks. At that time, the minister did not care, because he did not see it on the warship, and thought that such a fine ride did not exist-- Even if it exists, it is not in this Tang army!

"Kechen was wrong, Yang Xingmi's deep-seated thoughts! He showed all the Tang army's combat capabilities to the officials, but the stone slinging machine, the weapon bed crossbow, and various weapons in the army have hidden this one Jingqi did not show up! Chen was totally unprepared, so he took the country's most elite cavalry into the dead place he arranged!

"This Yang Xingmi is definitely not an easy generation ... When he met the minister on the warship, he was so arrogant that he looked down on him everywhere. The minister thought he would underestimate the enemy and make mistakes. By the time the two armies fought, he was so insidious and so vicious! He gave his courtiers from the beginning! "

I bowed my head in silence.

Sugawara Road is still too upright, not good at calculating, if it is Fujiwara Shihei, he may be able to fight with Yang Xing. However, those who have thought, at this time have been frightened by Tang Jun and fled with their clan, without even the courage to face Tang Jun.

He sighed and looked up at the sky, feeling sad and ironic.

One hundred thousand fine horses were strangled in Kurosaki Bay by 20,000 Tang cavalry and 20,000 infantry. It can be seen from Yang Xingmi's tactical arrangement that his purpose is not simply to land, not simply to repel the enemy who blocked him, but to-butcher!

What he wants is to cut all the 100,000 elite riders!

"How much did you get? You didn't say that you killed a lot of Tang Jun, how many were there?" I asked. This question had nothing to do with the war situation, only dignity.

Hagiwara smiled, smiled very happily, and even felt a little proud, as if he had done something extraordinary, he stretched out **** and shook it.

"Two, two ..." He moved his lips and couldn't say the "million" character.

According to Sugawara's true description, it is impossible for Tang Jun to lose 20,000 people.

Sure enough, I listened to Sugawara's truth: "Two thousand! Two thousand Tang army!"

He only felt that all his blood was flowing to his brain. Rao was now ashamed. Hearing this number, looking at the proud look of Sugawara, he wanted to beat the other side to death!

"One hundred thousand for two thousand, fifty people for one!" I bit the cheek, "You are so proud?"

"That's two thousand Tang army! It's the Tang army! It's the Tang army with more than a hundred magic trebuchets, more than eight hundred instrument bed crossbows, and tens of thousands of magic bows!" Sugawara emphasized seriously.

His reaction to the uncle was unexpected, shouldn't he be proud? When he got into the trap, he also faced a cavalry made up entirely of monks. Isn't it enough to kill the two thousand Tang army? How many soldiers died on the road, even Tang Jun did not see it!

Fujiwara Tadashi was the most military-minded person cultivated by the Fujiwara family. He faced Tang Jun with a 200,000 sailor. What happened? Not only did the other party lose three to four thousand people?

Angry and angry, rushed to the crown, stood up, and sent out a wild beast roaring towards Liaoyuan Daozhen: "Aren't the people of the people human? Are the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty all immortal soldiers? Fifty people change one, why ?! Is there a war that is even more outrageous? You still think that the record is outstanding, hey, hey, hey ... "

He "slapped" for a long time, and did not have a text. At this point, is it necessary to investigate the true guilt of Sugawara, and behead him?

Suddenly, Yuanyuan Dao was really silent for a moment, and suddenly he looked at the word one by one: "Of course there are wars more outrageous than this. After the first day and three wars, the ministers fought with Tang Jun for two more days. The strong city and mountains and rivers arranged defenses, and Tang Jun attacked directly.

"The war situation between the two wars is not much different. Tang Junjia did not take the liberty to take over the city. He just opened the magical equipment slinger and the weapon bed crossbow, and poured out the fiery stone fireball and crossbow violently against the city gate.

"Daming Guan persisted for four hours, and the army was smashed by the Tang army. The soldiers killed and wounded countlessly, and then Tang army blasted the city gate and rushed in. At that time, the general Guan Guan only escaped, and trampled on each other without knowing how much he died. In the end, only 80,000 guards and soldiers fled out, and Tang soldiers suffered hundreds of casualties, which is not worth mentioning. "

"The same is true of Linjiang City, the difference is that it only kept three hours.

"The Tang army relied on the magical soldiers to break the city from a long distance and seriously injured our army. Our bow and crossbow had a far worse range than they could only be passively beaten. Later, when we saw us back down the city wall, they actually moved the trebuchet and the strong crossbow forward and used the spirit stone. Fireballs and sky arrows rain covered the city!

"Several times he organized the soldiers out of the city and rushed out of the city. The result was just a replay of the battle in Kurosaki Bay. In Kurosaki Bay, Tang Jun's magic trebuchets and bed crossbow were still on the boat. When they arrived in Linjiang City, they were all set up. in front!

"In the end, as long as we saw our city gates open, they focused on shooting the city gates with a strong bow. Our soldiers died in the city gate holes before they rushed out of the city ..."

"After the battle, the Tang Army ’s soldiers were dispatched, but they only harvested military power and cleaned the battlefield! Nearly 70,000 soldiers in Linjiang City, after the Tang Army entered the city, saw unsuccessful successive surrenders. As a result, the Tang Army did not deliver and the tragedy of the army It's happening again! And this time, Tang Jun's loss is even smaller ... "

With that said, Sugawara finally couldn't talk anymore, bowed his head, and covered his face with sobs.

He doesn't need to go on.

I wonder how the latter situation happened. The news that the Fujiwara family suddenly left Heianjing was informed by the lieutenant general. It spread quickly in a large area. The generals no longer had the fighting spirit and fled the city.

Tang Jun now does not even need to bomb the city. As long as he appears in front of the city, the defenders without generals will collapse. Tang Jun only needs to receive the city.

The invincibility is not enough to describe the strength and smoothness of Tang Jun's offensive right now.

I looked at the sobbing Hagiwara Dojin, speechless for a long time.

The pain in Sugawara's heart is really not humane. It was a shame and shame in the history of war to exchange 100,000 people for the Tang Army with 2,000 people in the first war, but compared with the later battles, it was the highlight of this war.

Such a shameful highlight.

As the main war minister, the "pride" previously revealed by Makihara Sugawara was just an extreme release of sorrow.

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