The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 140: Jagged Wrist

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Out of the Tianji Hall, Li Yan wanted to take a closer look at this starship.

Along the way, except for the smooth curved mirror-like walls on both sides of the large and small passages, that is, the checkpoint door, almost nothing else was seen. When he first came in from the "snake eye", Li Yan thought that position was in the cockpit, the command room, etc. The result was not at all, nothing.

Even if this starship has no creatures, or no creatures need to drive at all, it shouldn't even be ...

Li Yan thought about it, and suddenly felt that it was very scientific that the starship had no cockpit.

Because the starship does not need people to pilot at all, naturally there is no cockpit. Is it necessary for a starship that can cross the level of the void to look through the window with the naked eye? Of course not.

As far as driving is concerned, whether it is sailing or combat driving, the brain is obviously more efficient than humans. The commander of the starship only needs to give various orders to the intelligent brain. Rather than letting a group of people sit in the cockpit to operate, the intelligent brain handles itself obviously without any problems.

Not even a starship needs a commander.

How advanced is the starship that can cross the void, how advanced the technological civilization at that time, and how powerful the brain is!

It is estimated that everyone does not want to work too hard. Most people sit at home to drink tea and enjoy the blessing, just go shopping and play games ...

Not afraid to think further, Li Min shook his head and dispelled many horror thoughts. He just didn't see any creatures in the starship, and thought that the starship was really powerful, and his thinking was a little divergent.

Besides, this starship may be a magic weapon. Is n’t it normal for magic weapon to have magic weapon? For some simple tasks, magic weapon can control magic weapon for monks to complete.

What is the difference between Zhinao and Qiling?

You are me i am you?

Think of it this way, technology and cultivation are really the same goal.

Li Yan also wanted to speak out and try to communicate with Qi Ling. Suddenly in front of his eyes, he was surrounded by the red light wrapped around the body by Ma Lun and sent away from the heavenly hall, and returned to the starship.

"What kind of natural power did you get?" Malun didn't care about what was sent out immediately after he got the natural air power. Instead, he looked at Li Yan with excitement and curiosity.

Just looking at the other person ’s excitement, Li Yan knew that this was a good thing. At least he was quite satisfied. Now he wants to compare with himself. He ca n’t wait to know that his things are better than his own.

"What's so good about being blind?" Li Min glanced at Malun, his expression indifferent, and Meiyu confident, "Do you think your things will be better than mine? Then you are wrong."

Mullen opened his mouth, surprised and surprised, and then he couldn't wait to ask: "How do you know that my things are not as good as you? You say it quickly."

Li Min sighed and patted Mullen's shoulder, "You will never know the answer."


"Because I won't tell you what I got."


Mullen gritted his teeth.

After waiting for him to say anything, the night sky suddenly buzzed. First, the ten suns and nine planets dissipated in the sky, and then the starship snake swelled in a circle of water ripples. The bow slowly retreated into the void. Everyone disappeared under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The darkness covering the starry sky gradually dissipated, and the stars of Haoyue exposed again.

Mullen looked at Xinghai with a sigh, thinking long and long like a poet, but unfortunately he paused for a long time and did not prepare any poetry.

At the end, he bowed and saluted to Li Yan, the nobleman's manners were impeccable, and the words he spoke were still so confident: "This time I met Brother Li, I am very happy, now I want to go back, and when I leave, I still have to A word from Brother Li: When we meet next time, it should be on the battlefield. At that time, I hope that Datang's army will be able to fight more. Otherwise, you will not be able to see my soldiers at all. "

After speaking, I looked at Li Yan with anticipation, "Brother Li,

Do you have a parting message to me? "

Li Yan arched his hand. "Hurry up."

Listening to bragging is definitely not a very pleasant thing.

Mullen's old face turned red with Li Qi. But before leaving, he still laughed a few times, and put on the hero's heroic posture, so he rolled his sleeves and took his follower monk to the east.

The magical opportunity that Li Yan obtained was not an unpredictable ability, but a bow. Although he hadn't tried it yet, he also knew that it was extraordinary.

The vision of the sky disappeared, and the city of Teotihuacan, which was already brightly lit and lively, is now even more prosperous.

Before this group of people worshiped at the top of the starship, but they were afraid of the power of the starship and did not dare to come forward.

Now seeing the feathered serpent gods they admired, not only did they not appear in full, but they lowered their long-awaited divine power, but they disappeared after a while, all panicked, anxious, jumping up and down there, like a group of being A monkey burning his ass.

When Chu Nanhuai greeted Master Li, he said to them, "It's time to do this. Next, we need to strengthen the order you have established over the Indians, including the Maya, and prepare for the arrival of Lingnan sailors. . "

The monks looked at Li Yan's eyes, and became more awesome than before.

In their view, the serpent that suddenly appeared in the air was obviously powerful and overbearing, and the visitor was not good. It may be the **** of the Maya who came to help the city of Teotihuacan. It did n’t take long for Li to show up and let the other party go This strength is already the level of crushing the gods, and it is really terrifying.

As for the identities of Marlen and others, because the monks on both sides did not communicate and did not fight, they were not clear. Although they were curious in their hearts, Li Huan did not say that they did not dare to ask.

"Your Majesty, the basilisk that just appeared are really these indigenous deities?" Chu Nan stepped forward and asked.

Li Ye didn't have an answer to this question either. He had speculated before, but this possibility is very high.

I just do n’t know why. This Starship did n’t help these Mayans when they came back. Instead, they gave the opportunity to themselves—not really. These Mayans did n’t have the ability to get it, only they and Marlen had this. Get strength.

Seriously think about it, if you and Mullen didn't come, this opportunity appears here, but it may indeed be obtained by the Maya. Or maybe the starship is out here. It was meant to give the mayor to the Maya, but it was snatched by himself and Mullen.

If not, as soon as the starship appears, it will directly bombard the Tang Dynasty monks, including Chu Nanhuai.

Li Ye couldn't help thinking, if he and Marlen hadn't gotten the chance, and there was a chance in the body, would the starship still make them unimpeded? Regardless of whether they entered the starship or got the celestial sphere, in fact, both of them started with the power of the celestial.

From this point of view, the power of the natural machine is equivalent to the key, and the door can not be opened by the "own person".

"Tiandao Secret Realm." Li Yan only answered the four words Chu Nanhuai. He didn't figure out the details of the starship himself. Naturally, he couldn't tell Chu Nanhuai clearly. Using these four words to bluff people and solve their doubts was not purposeless.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Your Majesty Congratulations!" When Chu Nanhuai heard these four words, how could she not know that Li Gao had benefited, and her strength had been significantly improved, and she quickly took a group of monks to congratulate him.

Li Xie waved his hand to signal that everyone need not say more, and it is the business to rush to subdue the indigenous people under their feet.

The Indians of Teotihuacan City originally wanted to hold high the banner of resistance and to overthrow the rule of the false **** Su Emei. They originally had this strength. Unfortunately, now Li Zhi came, not only plundering the opportunity that came to this land, but also To suppress their riots, to kill their elite monks, to control all the resources here.

Weakness is the greatest original sin.

After Chu Nanhuai and other people cooperated with Li Zhi's shot, they instantly killed 20 or 30 monks who became the strongest monks. All these aboriginal monks became quiet.

No one dares to step forward.

However, Li Zhi didn't stop, and rushed into the aboriginal group of monks with the Tang Dynasty monks, chopping melon and vegetables, and slaughtered these big monks before they took it away.

Unlike Silla and Laos, this place is too far away from Datang. Datang can't send too many troops to station there, and it is impossible to conduct large-scale immigration at once. This is destined for Datang's control over this place in a short time. It will not be as detailed and powerful as Silla and Laos.

Coupled with the great cultural differences, the people here have no concept of the Tang Dynasty and the worship of the Han and Tang civilizations, so the people here are not so easy to educate and cannot make them become Tang people soon.

The difference between civilizations is the biggest difference.

This is destined that the power of the aboriginal monks must be eliminated, otherwise it is the source of misfortune.

The implementation of iron and blood measures to suppress all turmoil **** is always the best way to stabilize the order in the newly acquired land.

Enlightenment and assimilation are things that must be done after the order is stable.

Without the great monks, the aborigines could no longer threaten the rule of Datang.

The blood and life of the monk also told the aborigines here powerfully that they had a new **** and were too powerful to be offended.


The sky is clear, and the wind is smooth.

Li Yan flew north along the coastal mountains known as the Coast Mountains in his memory, but the trees and trees were all autumn, and the mountains and the mountains were only shining.

The situation in Teotihuacan has been cleaned up for some time. In these days, Li Huan flew around, surveyed the mountains and rivers, and made brief maps for later use.

The northernmost part of the Maya's life was the southern part of Mexico, which Li Zhi remembered, and it was also a place where Indian civilization was very developed. However, for North America, it is not farther north to reach the main area. The large plains to the east of the mainland and the large plateaus to the west are rich in resources, with a pleasant climate and very suitable for living.

But now, it belongs to a group of savages. It is a real wild tribe. It is far behind the Maya, and it is only scattered scattered.

The aborigines of North and South America are called Indians. But in this era, their subjects lived in the middle of the two continents, the narrow strip between the east and the west, and there was only that place, with relatively high civilization. There are few people in the rich and livable Dahe Plain area, which is the main part of the north and south continents.

This is very strange.

Combining the topography of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, Li Min sometimes wondered if the starship of the Mayan ancestors had fallen there, and then they smashed several circular sea pits. However, the ancestors of the Maya who survived, lived there as a matter of course after they came ashore.

Li Zhi's guess is not groundless, after all, Bermuda's Devil Delta is next to it.

If not, how could there be few people, cities and civilizations before the main body of the North and South American continent, the wide and rich river plains?

Hundreds of years later, there was a sacred civilization in South America and southern Mexico. No matter how it looked, the Mayans migrated, and the civilization is also a continuation of Mayan civilization.

The ancient civilizations of mankind are all located in the habitable zone of 30 degrees north latitude, north and south, Egypt's Nile River, Mesopotamia Plain, India's Ganges River, Huaxia Yangtze River and Yellow River. Only the center of gravity of the Mayan civilization lies in the tropical areas south of the Tropic of Cancer.

For the ancients, it was not livable at all, so why go there? After they settled, they didn't do much else, so they studied astronomy, built temples and pyramids.

It was a pity that Li Wei did not get some useful information on the starship before.

"Going further north, you will soon meet the fleet of Lingnan Marine Division." Li Yan fell on a snow-capped mountain and looked north with his hand covering his forehead.

Sailors from the town's eastern capital, sailed all the way northeast, followed the chain of islands in the south of the Bering Sea to the east, and passed the Gulf of Alaska to reach the North American continent.

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