The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 143: Not cold

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Five years of heaven granting, at the turn of the spring and summer, Chu Yan brought his own song to the familiar grassland Gesang again.

A long time ago, Gesang was a young girl who was a shepherd, black and thin. Later, Gesang was the name of a tribe, with thousands of cattle and sheep. Later, Gesang became the name of a prairie state, rich and healthy.

After the camp was set up, Chu Yi was empty, and the first time was to find Zhang Chang'an. When he saw Zhang Changan, the other party was with a group of shepherds to shear a group of sheep in the sunset.

The opponent's skill is skillful. The sheep is like a cotton ball in his hand. A few flips become bald, which is cleaner than being burnt. Obviously, he often does this.

The beautiful shepherd was helping him, and drove the sheep to be sheared, handing them to Zhang Chang'an and taking away the wool. The shepherd girl bent down and opened her arms to drive away the howling sheep. She looked like an old hen, so she could not laugh.

If Zhang Changan wasn't wearing Tang costumes, it would be really difficult for Chu Kun to find him easily in the vast sheep and herdsmen.

Originally going to go straight to Chu Yi, somehow stopped, he suddenly felt that the picture in front of him was very peaceful and peaceful, as if exuding the taste of childhood childhood, which made him unbearable to destroy.

Before the sun goes down, the herdsmen finish the work of quilting wool. The guys laugh at each other. The women sing songs and load the wool to the warehouse. One day's work is done.

After researching how to weave wool, Datang now has a great demand for wool. Datang merchants will come to buy wool in the warehouse.

"If you put on the shepherd's clothes, I guess I won't recognize you. The natural posture when you look at your wool is the same as the ordinary shepherd. I said that in the past two years, you won't really consider yourself a shepherd. Can you learn how to raise a sheep? "

When Zhang Changan welcomed him, Chu Yan laughed and joked.

"I learned how to give birth to sheep." Zhang Changan said angrily, and after punching each other's chest with one another, he laughed. "But to say that my best thing is to roast sheep. Tonight You have a mouthful. "

This is the first time the two have met in the past two years after they separated at Andong Dufu. Although it was very unpleasant in Anton last time, but now, each other obviously ignored the unpleasantness of the old days and still get along.

It's hard to say that the two brothers were all together and met each other with a smile and gracious enmity. The little thing that broke up at that time really didn't make any disagreement between the two brothers.

The growth in the past two years has made Chu Kun more aware of human circumstances, so when facing Zhang Chang'an, there will be no gesture of success; Zhang Chang'an's state of mind has become more peaceful, with a bit of calmness and a calmness This means that there will no longer be any dwarfed inferiority complex.

Before the bonfire under the night, Zhang Changan's roast lamb was eaten quickly. The two drank very fast, and the wine jars were piled up at their feet. Gesang came here and delivered several times of wine, bowed his head and looked very shy, and he did not dare to look at Chu Zhu directly, as if he was a guilty conscience.

"I remember Gesang has always been carefree, what's the matter now?" Chu Yan was drunk and drowsy, sitting on the grass and began to sway, still frowning at Zhang Chang'an, is it because you have already committed adultery? appearance.

Gesang didn't go far, just sitting in front of a group of bonfires, chatting with a group of girls and eating meat. After a while, she always pretended to peek at Zhang Chang'an, her eyes full of concern, fear He drinks too much.

"If you stay here for a long time, maybe we can still drink our wedding wine." When Zhang Changan said this, he was looking at Gesang Yaoyao, smiling warmly and tenderly, as if he had all world.

This gesture saw Chu Yan's fleshy chills, and he gave his thumbs up, "You are a ruthless man, and you really want to marry this shepherd, but my brother and I appreciate your courage and responsibility. To be honest, a few The chief of the tribe is worthy of you. "

The two touched the wine jar, looked up for a while, and Chu Xun drank the wine jar before he died. It was a congratulation to Zhang Changan.

Putting down the altar, Chu Yan was already drunk, and whispered, "When I returned to Changan, I visited the General Shangguan. The other party did not agree or refused. I thought it would work, I didn't expect ... "

Zhang Changan naturally knew what he was talking about and smiled indifferently: "It's also good in the grassland. By the way, when did you meet General Shangguan? Ge

Sangzhou has no history of thorns for almost two years. "

Chu Yan looked at Zhang Chang'an unexpectedly, confused. Don't drive Zhang Changan. There is no history of thorns here, naturally it is his governing party.

However, this is too abnormal. Now that the Tang Dynasty officials are governing Qingming, how can there be a state that has not had a history of two years?

Zhang Changan spread his hands and signaled that he was also very strange and did not know what was going on.

"The last time I went back to Chang'an, it was last fall. I heard that Qian Shilang of the Ministry of Defense was degraded. It was a matter of the winter before last year, and the crime was malfeasance." Chu Yu said here, his mind was a bit unconscious, and he was full of laughter. He said, "If you really married Qian Shilang's daughter and wanted to gain the power of others, that wish would be defeated!"

Zhang Chang'an didn't feel much about this, he wasn't lucky, and he didn't feel that the world was impermanent.

Seeing him so indifferent, Chu Yi pushed him on the shoulder, "You won't really lose your ambitions, and you plan to end here, right? Let me tell you the truth, I am now training in the grasslands-now the court is one hundred thousand new riders , All came to the grassland one after another, to start large-scale drills! What is this? Pre-war training!

"What does this mean? It means that the battle of the Western Regions is about to begin! As early as this autumn, as late as next spring!"

Zhang Changan took a long sip of wine, Mei Yu peacefully, "Take the grassland, make the grassland completely part of the Tang Dynasty, let the herders here live and work in peace and content, can be rich for generations, and is a great contribution."

"But you only care about one prairie state, not the entire prairie, but only a few individual drivers!" Chu Xi hurriedly yelled, "Do you know that, except for the one hundred thousand new riders, there is one in the Changan embargo. The infantry of monk Qi! The configuration of the weapon blades has spread to the speed of manpower! "

Hold Chu Chu, who can't wait to jump up, Zhang Changan said, "Say what to do, I'm a civilian now. If you don't think you have enough wine, I'll ask Gesangduo. Don't stare at me like that come out.

"In life, the most important thing is to have a good job. It is not good to be so good. There are times when you have to hit, and you are not forced from time to time. As long as you live well, even if it is mattress wool, that is of great significance."

Chu Ye jumped up, bloodshot eyes stared at Zhang Chang'an, "Do you know what realm I am now? The Yin Shen real person is so successful, only one step will be able to achieve the Yang Shen real person! I am now a command of the Wolffang Army So if there is a war, you must reward elixir before the war, and you can break through the real world of Yangshen in one stroke! "

Speaking of this, he waved his arms a few times, but failed to show his repairs. He fell asleep when he was drunk at his feet.

Zhang Changan knew that Chu Yan was not really drunk.

Instead, the other party realized that no matter how he wanted Zhang Chang'an to join the army and build his career, Zhang Chang'an is now only a civilian. This is not what Zhang Changan wants to do.

After drinking a bite of wine from the wine jar, another piece of meat on the leg of lamb was eaten. Zhang Chang'an always looked normal and behaved like a monk.

He is still young but has gone through a lot.

When he was a teenager, the Tubo aristocracy was coercive outside the family, and the father and son were discord. Then, after the Hexi War, he drew blood and saw his grandfather carrying a knife. He saw the advent of Wang Shi and his father's sword.

When I arrived in Chang'an, I went to the Institute of Self-cultivation, practiced hard, and had a strong spirit. I cultivated not only talents but also lofty aspirations. Then I attacked the Tang Dynasty, went north to fight, entered the enemy camp, calmed down, and made great achievements. As a civil official, he managed the grassland and grew rapidly, but suffered in the critical period of rising.

When the dynasty conquered Silla, he entered the battlefield as a grain transport officer, and he could only watch the soldiers fought, and before the others made great achievements, he wanted to return to the army but was unavailable, so he turned and left in silence. Back to the barren grasslands, for a long time, they wandered in the troughs and worries.

In the past two years, in fact, the governing party, who was truly alone, matured in the tribulations, self-dissolved in the face of adversity, and once realized, his wisdom advances steadily, and his cultivation in the state of mind is as stable as Mount Tai.

Zhang Changan is confident that he will be indifferent, whether in the unknown or at the peak.


The next day, Chu Yan was training a general and accidentally noticed that some officials galloped to the tribe. Although the pomp was not large, the practice of the officials and accompanying guards was surprisingly high, and they were all real people.

After the business trip, Chu Yan came to Zhang Chang'an, but found that the other party was sitting alone in his room.

Without saying a word, it looks like a statue. Chu Yan felt surprised, stepped forward to ask, Zhang Changan smiled, and passed a transfer order on the table to the other party.

Chu Ye read the decree, his face changed, and he was surprised and happy, "The court wants you to go to the Western Regions? Very good, you can finally leave the grassland to show your fist! But how is the decree of Tsing Yi? Civilian ... Tsing Yi Yemen transferred you to the Western Regions for work? "

Zhang Chang'an looked up at Chu Yan, but there was still no strong and obvious emotion on his face. "The messenger also brought His Majesty's mouth."

"Xia Xiakou ?!" Chu Yan was excited, "What? Can you say?"

Zhang Changan looked at the sunset outside the door, Xu Xu said, "Your Majesty said, if you understand the vulgar dust, it is worthy of fame, and became a Taoist overhaul, then you will marry a wife and have a child, and you will be dull in this life; Thousands of miles away, there is a dangerous place where nine lives are needed, and people need to go. There are groups of brave men who work hard for the country and need people to save. "

Chu froze for a few moments, and then stopped talking, but in the end didn't know what to say, but only worried about his friends.

It is natural to be able to get the words of His Majesty the Emperor, proving that Zhang Changan is in the eyes of His Majesty, which is countless people wanting.

There are so many people in the world who are like Jiang Zhiyun, and they can cultivate their minds and spirits. Maybe they are not like Zhang Changan, but how many people can have that luck and be able to get into the eyes of His Majesty?

However, His Majesty's mouth made it very clear that this trip was to the dangerous territory of the Western Regions, and it was also facing dangerous things. Now the Western Regions have been treacherous, and the three forces of Datang, Hei Khan and Da Shi, There are many battles in the bright and the dark. The monks in Tsing Yi, the Quanzhenguan Temple, and the unreleased monks die almost every day.

Now that the war is about to begin, it is conceivable how terrible these dangerously detailed works, hidden stakes, and military sentiments will become, how terrible it will be. At this time, the errand of Tsing Yi Yimen was facing the danger in danger. The argument is half true.

Chu Xun hesitated for a while, and finally persuaded: "Although it is the nature of my husband to build a career in the battlefield, but this time ..."

He wanted to persuade Zhang Changan, and having said that, he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Chang'an stood up and came to the door, bathed in the sunset Jinhui, and suddenly said, "You said, is the hot blood in my chest cold or not?"

If it was Chu Chang's understanding of Zhang Changan before this meeting, he would naturally answer that the blood of my generation has never cooled, and he also believes that the blood of Zhang Changan will not be cold.

However, after this meeting, Zhang Changan was indifferent everywhere, full of irresolute temperament, just like the retreat in the mountains and secluded, Chu Chu believed that he would not read wrong, Zhang Changan was already in disgrace.

Honor or disgrace is a realm, and many people can't wait for it.

But this often also means that the blood is cold.

Just as Chu Yi was thinking, Zhang Changan suddenly frowned, and suddenly, his robes were swollen, and the spirit of repair was rising like a tide. An air column straight up from his head into the air, in Chu Yan's eyes, it was even better than the setting sun. Be eye-catching.

"Here, this is the real world of Yangshen! You have already reached the real world of Yangshen ?!" Chu Yan looked horrified and even more incredible.

He fought on the battlefield, stroking Silla, and gained many experiences and opportunities. Only then did he upgrade to the complete completion of the Yin God Real Mantra, and Zhang Changan was trapped in the grasslands, unable to move for several years. Yes, it ’s not bad to repair it. How could it be possible to reach the real state of Yangshen?

Zhang Chang'an turned to look at Chu Yan, with an eyebrow propaganda, magnificent, and ten times more vigorous than when he battled Tubo in Hexi and broke Khitan in Huai Rong, "The land of the Western Regions, I'll fix it!"

Chu Yan suddenly woke up.

The friend in front of me has never changed.

Indifferent and peaceful, it is not that the blood is cold, but it is sharp and restrained.

No matter what kind of difficult situation you are facing, no matter what kind of psychological adjustment you are forced to make, to the friends in front of you, these are just a process similar to the steelmaking. As long as there is a chance to see the clouds, his sword will shine again.

Bao Jianfeng emerged from sharpening.

Ordinary sharp sword, which will rust and break if it does not come out for a long time.

But the immediate friend will not.

His sword will only become sharper and sharper.

Because he is Zhang Changan.

Realizing this, Chu Yan was so happy that he almost jumped up like a child.

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