The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 151: The birth of a dog

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His body was covered with blood, his body was covered with blood holes, and the dry Saidianchi was very dry. After being awakened, he heard the words of Surazar, and his body shook violently. Then he struggled, red eyes, and stared at Surazar fiercely.

His throat was low and dull, unlike the voice of a living person, and said sharply, "Sulzar, do you dare to betray the true God, betray the Prophet, and betray the Caliph ?! You have no principle, no bottom line ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was blown into the face by a clean fist. His nosebleeds suddenly, his teeth jumped, and he hit the rest of his words back to his stomach. He was already out of strength, and now he could only paralyze in his chair, panting heavily, and could no longer move.

"Jun Jie is an experienced person, Sai Dianchi, as a noble, you should understand the meaning of this sentence."

He sneered, then looked at Surazar, again with a seductive expression, "If life is gone, then everything is gone. Only when people are alive can they have the opportunity to embrace the light. Do you mean it? , Surazar? "

When Surazar heard these words, he nodded again and again.

These words are undoubtedly persuasive and persuasive.

He waved his hands cleanly, causing people to take Surazar to the side room for questioning.

At this time, of course, he could not let Saidian Chi hear the confession of Surazar, not to protect Surazar, but to prevent Surazar from lying. He also told Saidian Chi to know that the two confessed and set a trap for Datang. .

Only when he didn't know what Sulzar had said, Sai Dianchi thought the other party had said everything and told the truth. If you face his confession later, you will be able to make good use of this mentality and check whether the other party is lying.

"Xian Dianchi, I advise you to be smart. If you say everything to Surazar, you will be useless. What is the useless person's end, you should be very clear." Looking at the Dian Dian faintly Dao, calm and restless, no longer worried about whether he confessed.

Saidian's drooping head was raised hard, his face was tangled, his eyes were painful, and after watching it for a while, he whispered: "I am a priest, a person in charge of affairs, and Surazar is only my assistant. He doesn't know as much as I do. "

He smiled, and laughed so slyly, "This is why you are still alive, isn't it? This is your only value, and it may keep you alive. Of course, it all depends on whether you want to live."

Saidian Chi hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed and grinned, "Sulzar, this shameful guy, has betrayed me. My persistence is meaningless. What else can I do? Just ask what you have to ask. Right. "

"That's right. Why do you say that you're suffering, and you don't have to be guilty if you don't say it earlier?" Dust waved his hands, and prepared the buddies to take pictures and record the confession of Saidian.

Sai Dian shook her head, and resigned helplessly. There was a kind of intention to kill the thief and he was unable to return to the sky, so he could only feel like a thief.

Seeing this here, Li Xuan appeared in the eyes of a joke, to Zhang Chang'an, who was standing next to him, "You said, Sai Dianchi was really forced to help but choose to admit defeat or have no idea?"

Zhang Changan knew that Li Ye was in the test school and raised his spirits: "Although he covered up well, Chen still noticed that when Surazar decided to confess, his eyes flashed with joy, faint. A relief look of relief. "

"What does this mean?" Li Yan asked meaningfully.

"This shows that he can't stand it any longer and has no plans to fight for his life. So he insisted all the time, but he wanted to get another goal and to punish Surazar. Once Surazar couldn't stand the first betrayal, he When forced to submit to us, you can safely say that you were betrayed by Surazar, and you have no choice. "

"What's the use of doing this?" Li Yan asked again.

"There are two uses. First, if this incident is revealed in the future, he will be able to put responsibility on Surazar to minimize his own responsibility. As his status, although it is still unavoidable, but at least Can save lives.

"Second, Chen has been observing Saidian Chi, and then synthesized the words obtained from all aspects, and found that Saidian Chi usually has aristocratic style, high self-esteem, and proud. According to his disposition, I am afraid he is unwilling to accept He couldn't stand the torture, betraying God and the country.

"So he needs a little self-consolation, persuading himself that in fact this matter is not to blame him, and he will be able to live a better life in the future. As long as he handles this kind of person, he can fight seven inches with half the effort and achieve more with less. Effect. "

After listening to Zhang Changan's analysis, Li Yan did not hide his appreciation and praised: "Yes, at a young age, it is rare to have such eyesight and insight."

Zhang Changan said embarrassedly: "In the past few years, the court has been in a difficult situation. In his spare time, he has developed a habit of pondering things in order to disperse his pain and resolve the depression in his chest. Many things that I couldn't figure out before , People who ca n’t understand, calm down, look at it from another angle, and you will gain something. ”

In the face of Li Yan, he did not hide anything.

Li Zheng nodded: "It seems that your cultivation has been greatly improved for the realm, which is also an important reason. The world has the same reason and the same course, and you can learn from each other by comparison, and you can no wonder you can achieve the real world of Yangshen."

After listening to Li Min's remarks, Zhang Changan bowed down and saluted, saying from his heart: "Although he learned a lot when he was in a desperate situation, in the dark, he could not see the hope of the future, but he was inevitably depressed.

"If I hadn't got the news that I could come to the Western Regions, I knew that I was still in His Majesty's eyes and would not be distressed all the time, and the Minister would not be able to burst out in an instant and break through the realm on the spot to achieve the real God of Sun! memorable!"

Li Yan smiled, signaled that he didn't have to be so polite.

Facts have proved that Li Yan's polishing of Zhang Chang'an has achieved far more than expected results. This is because Li Yan has a good grasp of the fire, and it is also because Zhang Changan is indeed qualified, mental, and intelligent.

At present, Zhang Chang'an is the youngest Yangshen real person in Datang. With such mental ability, his future is unlimited.

Datang needs talents like Zhang Chang'an now and in the future.

Two years ago, shortly after Li Hui returned from the Americas, he learned that Malun had let the Crescentism occupy Africa and, like Datang, plundered Africa's various resources. The current eclipse, on the number of monks and strong national strength, is not lost to Datang.

At the same time, Mullen also renewed the covenant with the Europeans, stabilizing the rear.

The center of the Tang Dynasty is too far from the Western and Qihe River basins, and the terrain in the middle is not good. It is not easy for the labor division to expedite the battle and defeat the eclipse neatly. This requires Datang to do everything it can to do the details of the war situation.

The business of the Western Regions business is undoubtedly the most important part besides the frontal battlefield.

"His Majesty, after winning Saidian Chi, we can not only use the list he provided to assassinate and trap monks from the Supervisory Yuan in the eastern part of the Black Khanate, and undermine their actions against these western business houses in one place. We can also use his 'prophet' 'The special noble status of descendants, strive for greater results.' Zhang Changan bowed.

Li Yan had an idea about this already. Since Zhang Changan mentioned it, he let the other party continue to talk about the idea.

"His Majesty, Chen intends to arrange a play for the game Code Red" injury and return ", and then Chen will play as his subordinates and follow him. In this way, at least you can go deep into the west of the Black Khanate. If the situation is good, You can even go directly to Da Shi and contact the high-level of the Supervision Institute and the Great Temple!

"If the ministers can get more and more useful information in the Supervision Institute and the Great Temple, this time the Crescent Church Supervision Institute's picketing and cleaning actions against Western business firms and their development forces, we will have the opportunity to evade and destroy on a large scale. !!

"If the ministers can get their overall layout plan, the Western Region Commercial Bank can win in all respects!"

Li Zheng frowned slightly. "It's difficult, very difficult, and dangerous, very dangerous."

Zhang Changan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is the only way for Western Region Commercial Banks to accumulate many years of layouts and to play their due role in the coming war! If the Western Region Commercial Banks suffered heavy losses, our previous efforts would be tolerated. Without saying, the front battlefield will also be affected!

"There is not only a small force in the Western Food Company. This time, the minister did not work alone, and there are still many forces to help. Although things are difficult and dangerous, they are not without the possibility of success. At least it is worth a try!"

Li Yan no longer spoke, sinking into groaning.

Zhang Changan's idea is actually similar to what he had previously thought.

But letting Zhang Changan take the risk, Li Min hesitated. After all, entering the Black Khan State is different from entering the Great Food Nation.

"Your Majesty, please!" Zhang Changan bowed.

Li Yan looked at him: "You have been 蹉跎 蹉跎 many years in the grassland. At this time, you have the idea to expand your fist, and I understand your mood."

"No, Your Majesty! Chen is not eager to show his fist, but Chen thinks that only in this way is the most beneficial action for the war situation!" Zhang Changan said in his own voice.

Li Yan silently said nothing.

He just said this, temptation.

If Zhang Changan is eager to contribute, he will not agree, because with this mentality, it is inevitable to act impatiently, or even to achieve quick success, which is the most undesirable.

"To do this, Sai Dianchi completely listened to your mercy, and it didn't take a little bit of care to do it. Otherwise, you will never be able to recover."

Li Min said the final question, "He is a proud aristocrat. Even if he yields now, he will be obedient to you in the future, and it will be very difficult to think carefully when you return to the food."

Zhang Changan stood up and said, "There is a way!"

The clean interrogation of Sai Dianchi has been going on.

In this process, it may be out of guilt, or it may be because you look down on your yielding behavior, or you may really be concerned about the country, or maybe because you think you are a noble, you should play a heroic role. Saidian Chi Lie on two key issues.

Unfortunately, the dusty interrogation is very methodical. The combination of known and unknown problems has led to the spotty being spotted by Dust when Li Dianchi was lying.

So, the one who greeted the competition was inhumane torture.

The next time, Dust Chen even asked Nangong to take the first shot, which directly damaged Sai Dian Chi's cultivation as the foundation, leaving him in a state of collapse, and it became very difficult to practice in the future.

"Don't dare to lie, I will not kill you, but I will abandon your cultivation, break your hands and feet, take you to Datang, make you a beggar, and endure endless spitting and torture!" Buchen Say fiercely.

Zhang Chang'an came over and fed a panacea to Sai Dianchi, so that the other side refreshed.

Then he held his opponent's jaw, and looked at Sai Dianchi with his scornful look at the waste. "You have betrayed your faith and country. You are a coward, a jerk. Do you think you still have self-esteem, and glory? Do you think you are still an aristocracy? Those things no longer belong to you, you should never want to own them again in your life!

"Remember, Sai Dianchi, don't look at yourself any more, don't put any more money on your face, no matter how comfort you can find yourself, how many excuses and reasons you can't change the facts-you are now worse than a bereavement dog, just one It ’s just shit.

"If you want to survive, and you want to find Xiuwei, just be my Da Tang's Eagle Dog. Let us be happy, we will reward you with a bowl of rice to eat, and if we are unhappy, we will interrupt your dog legs at any time! "

Said that Sai Dian was shaking with trembling, staring at Zhang Chang'an with humiliation, his face covered with humiliation, and he could not wait to bite Zhang Chang'an's face.

Zhang Changan gave a sneer and threw a slap on the red face of Saidian severely. He slammed the opponent to the ground with a chair.

Zhang Changan stepped on the other's face with one foot, and leaned down and looked at him with contempt: "You are a dog, how can a dog dare to bite its own master? Come, interrupt me with a leg!"

Uncleanly looked at Li Yan, seeing the latter nodded slightly, he smirked, took out a hammer, and despite the panic of Sai Dianchi begged for forgiveness, smashed into Sai Dianchi's calf!

With a click, his calf was twisted into a weird angle like dough, screaming even worse than killing a pig.

Zhang Changan stepped on it hard, constantly crushing the wound on the other's broken leg. "You are just a dog. I am your master. Remember?"

"Remember, remember ..." Sai Dianchi despaired.

"Come, kneel down, call twice, and listen to me."


"Come, completely destroy his foundation, and then break his meridians, so that he can only be a waste in his life!"

"No, don't! I, I serve ..."

"Let you learn dog barking, didn't you hear clearly? Or you don't even know how the dog barks?"

"I, Wang, Wang Wang ..."

"Very well, the photos are clearly recorded." Zhang Changan retracted his feet with satisfaction, and never saw Sai Dianchi, who was crying and lying on the ground like a mud.

To deal with pride, we must completely crush his pride. The more proud he is, the harder it will be to crush him, so the more completely he will collapse.

Beat him down from the clouds and turn into a smelly mud, let him confirm again and again in front of the cruel reality that he is just a poop, not gold that will glow.

Completely defeated his psychological defense, completely ruined his mood building.

In the future, he was just a walking dead and no more soul.

Only the instinct to survive and to avoid harm.

At that time, he really became a dog.

Saidian Chi is now such a dog.

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