The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 156: Big progress and big action

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After a few days, when Saidian Chi and Sudden Nadin combined, how to dig dangers and set traps for the Tang monks came from Shule, Luo Ruosi, Bahana, Tanya Gan, Yi Yi Ke , Baishui City, Fasha, etc., the principal priests of the Supervisory Court of Heihan State's one or twenty cities have successively rushed to Shattered Leaf City.

The Black Khan State is a country established by nomads. There are so many cities, there are less than twenty in total. And because the northern part of the Black Khanate is mostly a desert area, most of the cities are concentrated in the south.

Of course, the principal priest will not come alone. He will be accompanied by a monk, ranging from one to three. There is no more. After all, it is to hold an emergency meeting. After the discussion, you must immediately rush back.

Now that everyone knows about Baersi Khan City, the situation is somewhat tense, and it is not suitable to stay and play in Broken Leaf City.

There was no reason for Sai Dianchi not to participate in the meeting convened by Nadine, so Zhang Chang'an, who was an assistant to Sai Dianchi, should also be present to do errands such as the minutes of the meeting.

The priests and priests of the Black Khan State convened a meeting, wondering whether the Tang Dynasty would come out and act, how to attract them, what traps to arrange, where to set up dangers, how to mobilize monks from all sides, and other issues. In the sky, what they didn't know was that there were a lot of seemingly ordinary foreigners in Broken Leaf City.

These foreigners have their own identity, merchants, mercenaries, shepherds, wanderers, travelling rivers and lakes, and so on.

After the one-day meeting, Saidian left the temple as usual, and went out to find a restaurant to eat and relax. He is an aristocrat, so naturally he will not stay in the temple all day, and he will not eat the internal food of the Inspectorate all the time. He is not short of money and has basic enjoyment specifications everywhere he goes.

In a restaurant of a western business firm, Sai Dianchi and Zhang Chang'an dine in elegant rooms, and there are always folks coming to deliver food and drinks. Musicians and singers performing music are also indispensable.

What people outside will not know is that the folks, musicians, and singers in Yajian are all monks from Datang, and they are also all monks.

"The principal priests of the Inspectorate of the Crescent Church in the cities of the Black Khanate, including their follower images, are here."

Zhang Changan took out the photo album and handed it to Xu Ge dressed as the singer of the Western Region. "These days, they all settle down in the Supervision Institute. About two days later, they will leave each other after the meeting. They are also invited to arrange by Xu Tong Good man, follow them separately when they leave and go back. "

Xu Ge took the photo album, and after looking it over, he was obviously surprised. Perhaps Chang Changan didn't expect to get the information of the main figures of the Heihan Supervision Institute just before he arrived in Broken Leaf City.

The most effective method for the Western Region Commercial Bank to undermine the Supervision Institute's search and arrest operations in the Khan State and the Great Food Countries, and to conduct thorough investigations of the "spite" forces is to directly attack the Supervision Institute.

The assassination of the high-level supervisory institute, especially the priests, is undoubtedly the most useful strategy.

However, due to the special nature of errands, such as the Qingyi Jianmen, such as the Qingmen Yimen, a person with a little status, the identity will be kept secret. The monks who are in charge of the affairs of a city are already princes. If you want to know what they look like, where they settle, and trace their whereabouts, it is undoubtedly more difficult.

But now, the principal priests of the Black Khan State Supervision Institute have arrived in Broken Leaf City, and their facial images have reached the hands of the Western Regions Commercial Bank! Next, as long as monks from the Tang Dynasty follow up when they leave, if they do n’t lose it, they can find their place in each city!

At that time, as long as a few major monks are gathered and the priests of the Supervision Institute are targeted, the dilemma of the Western Region Commercial Bank can be solved!

Even without waiting for them to return to their respective cities, killing them in the middle of the road is a good choice.

The difference is that half-way interception will not allow you to reach other priests in each city, and you will not be able to wipe out all the monks in the Supervision Institute.

If the Inspectorate can be chaotic for a few months, the Western Region Commercial Bank does not even need to defeat them. It only needs to let them in the past few months because the priest-level masters have been successively damaged and cannot perform business properly, which will not threaten the Western Region Commercial Bank in the dark. The layout of the Khanate made those "spysters" forces not to think differently, and the goal was achieved.

Now that the core problems are solved, the next things will be much easier to handle. Xu Ge is very happy.

"More than 500 major monks who have just arrived in the Western Regions are now scattered in the cities of the Black Khan State and can move at any time. A considerable part of them has come to Broken Leaf City, enough to track the principal priests of the Supervision Institute. When the two parties meet, we will Be able to deploy operations together and do it at the same time! "

Xu Ge told Zhang Changan the latest situation.

When she returned to Broken Leaf City, she presided over the operation, because the action was large and it was difficult to coordinate the parties in Guizi.

Sai Dianchi heard this, with a look of horror, and said involuntarily, "There are less than twenty cities in the Black Khan State, and more than five hundred monks scattered them. There are twenty or more people in each city. In each city, the priest-level powers, in addition to commanding the western city and the overall city of broken leaves, and the eastern city of Barthi Khan, are only five or six people ... "

He can now imagine what kind of terror and tragic fate the priests of the Inspectorate in these cities will face later.

"The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength. What we want is a one-shot hit and a hit, and we will definitely not give the crescent moon any chance to respond." Xu Ge looked inscrutable.

She didn't say anything. After more than five hundred monks had performed the assassination mission in the Black Khanate, there was follow-up action. That was when they really needed their full strength. In the operation of the Black Khanate, these great monks just let it go.

"After all these years, the monk strength of Datang is not as good as it used to be. As long as there are not too many leaks, the task of the Black Khanate should not be too much. When the army comes forward, you will see the results of years of hard work of the Western Region Commercial Bank. "

With that said, Xu Ge paused and looked at Zhang Changan, who looked like a Surazar: "The errand of the Black Khanate can come to an end. What arrangements do you have for your next task?

"If it is in accordance with common sense, Sai Dianchi's next move should be to cooperate with the" setting "action of the Supervision Institute, and then return to Baer Sihan City to rebuild the Supervision Institute base."

For Sai Dianchi to continue to the west and return to the big food country, indeed, a good reason is needed.

Zhang Changan had long thought about this. "When Sai Dianchi was assassinated before, he suffered minor injuries and his foundation was broken. No one here can help him repair the damage. Only by returning to the Great Temple can he be completely treated. "

Hearing this, Saidian Chi looked at Zhang Chang'an with some resentment.

He did suffer these injuries, but that was caused when Zhang Chang'an and others tortured him.

Xu Ge frowned and thought, it is not impossible to return to Baghdad for treatment as Sai Dianchi. "But even so, after he returns, he can only get treatment. There is no special reason. Sent back.

"Even if he isn't sent back, he can't go any further. As with the high-level temple, you can't know the details of the domestic food court."

Although Sai Dianchi is a nobleman, his position in the Crescent Church is not particularly high at the moment. He has not made any significant achievements in Baersihan City. Even if he stays behind, he cannot really be promoted and enters the core of the Supervision Institute. Level.

"It's easy, and it's his credit."

Zhang Changan said slowly, "In these days, due to the actions of the Supervisory Committee, the Western Region Commercial Bank suffered a lot of losses, and it looks unpleasant in the state of Hei Khan. It has had other thoughts like the nightfall. Picking a position is not "The stalker" who is firm, heavy, and sufficient is enough to let Saidian catch it. "

When Xu Ge heard this, she couldn't help it.

This plan is indeed feasible without losing the monks of Xiyu Commercial Bank.

Although such people are not easy to find, they are not so difficult.

Xu Ge called for the management of the Western Region of Broken Leaf City and asked him to check if there was such a person in Broken Leaf City. If not, then it depends on which city there is, as long as it is in the direction of the Saidian Chihui event, and then the Saidian Chi will catch it.

The only thing that needs to be studied is how Sai Dianchi discovered that they had contacts with the Tang people and they were bought by the Tang people.

Soon, the management of the Western Regions business in Broken Leaf City thought of candidates.

"This kind of person has Yecheng City, Lu Yanwei, one of the main tribal leaders of the sample grinding department. He was the target of our development because the sample grinding department is in a bad situation in Heihan now. This person is very Resentful.

"After we contacted him, it didn't take much effort for him to establish a connection with us, but this person is extremely greedy, and every time he is useful, he opens his mouth wide. After this time the Supervision Institute launched an operation against us, He made excuses to avoid us. "

Hearing this, both Zhang Changan and Xu Ge nodded.

Sample Mill is an old resident of the Qihe River Basin. It was originally a half-owner here, but since the so-called Onion Lingxi Uighur appeared here and established the Black Khanate with Ge Luolu and other ministries, the status of the Sample Mill is On the decline.

After the teaching of the new moon, I forcibly changed the beliefs of the sample mills, and they have always been arrogant to their tribe. They squeeze their wealth even more softly. Now the sample mills are indeed in a worse condition.

"Then this Lu Yan wedge." Zhang Changan made up his mind.

"How do you plan to make him reasonably discoverable by Saidian Chi?" Xu Ge asked curiously.

Zhang Changan smiled evilly, "Simple."

Seeing Zhang Changan's smile, Sai Dianchi could not help but tremble.

He knew that he had a chore again.


Saidian returned to the temple with a full face in anger. It was not too early but not too late. He roared all the way and kept pointing back and screaming in a certain direction in the city, attracting the monks of the Inspectorate, and wondering what happened.

Suddenly Nadine came out to see Sai Dianchi's look, can not help but startled. The latter had a shaved hair, a **** face on his face, and a nasty and swollen face, which was really miserable. It wasn't just him, Surazar was embarrassed, and it seemed uncomfortable to cover his stomach.

"What happened?" Suddenly Nadine was surprised. The first reaction was to speculate that Saidian Chi was attacked by a monk in the Tang Dynasty? If so, then Saidian Chike is too unlucky, wherever he goes, he is taken care of by the monks of the Tang Dynasty.

Suddenly Nadine wasn't in the mood for gloat, instead he was very heavy.

As the principal priest of the Shattered Leaf City Supervision Institute, if Sai Dianchi was attacked by a monk in the Tang Dynasty in his own city, this would be a bad news for him. If you ca n’t catch the monks in the Tang dynasty, and let out the bad luck for Saidian Chi, the other party will return to the eclipse. I do n’t know how to arrange him in front of the caliph.

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