The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 138: Fighting spirit

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When Li Xu arrived in the city of Hachi, Shalu, he was walking with the main force of the Langfang Army. At this time, Chu Qi and his pioneer, 30,000 Ride, had already cleaned up the army of the Black Khan nation outside the city.

"The cavalrymen of the Black Khanate came out and fought the General for three games, and they were all beaten back by the Generals. At the end of the last time, they would cut off their heavy riding generals. Since then, the Shattered Leaf City Gate has been completely closed, and never again People come out. "

When Chu Yan followed Guanguancheng's return to the military situation, he was not half proud of himself, but only relaxed and deserved. Obviously, for him, although the Spearhead Army was only 30,000, but in battle, it must be able to sweep the Black Khanate Army of Yecheng.

"Here is the capital of the Black Khanate, which gathers the most elite troops of the Black Khanate. The most commendable is the Guard, established by Satuk, with strict discipline, strong fighting force, and many monks. The system follows from The Gulam Guards, which eats so much, are considered Black Soul-style Guram Guards. "

After Chu Zheng retreated, Shangguan Qingcheng said to Li Zheng, "Satuk was a little injured in He hunting city, and has been unable to live in the city since he fled back to Broken Leaf City. Without his order, the former Gulam defender The army did not fight. "

Li Yan looked at Broken Leaf City, his eyes full of emotion. It is not only one of the four towns in Anxi, it has also become the seat of the Anxi Duhufu several times. It was also the heyday of Tang Jun's continuous expansion to the West River Basin. It can be said that Broken Leaf City has witnessed the glorious glory of the Tang Dynasty.

He didn't care too much about the Gulam Guards mentioned by Shangguan Qingcheng. Really speaking about this, the Chang'an bans are equivalent to the Tang's Guards, and the Langfang Army is the Guards in the Guards.

"In addition to the Gulam Guards, there are more than 200,000 troops in the Black Khanate in the city of Broken Leaves, including the tribal leaders of the tribal leaders."

Shangguan Qingcheng Road: "Xiyu Commercial Co., Ltd. made some arrangements in advance, but Broken Leaf City is the capital of the Black Khan State. The crescent religion here is strong. It could have been the leader of the sample-sharing ministry Lu Yanwei, because in the key It's always swaying and has been removed by Zhang Changan's design, so now we don't have much power in the city. "

Li Yan didn't take it for granted, "It should be good to have something inside, but it's not a pity not to have one."

Broken Leaf City really has no internal response. Like the Baersi Khan City, the Wolffang Army fights outside, and the night riots inside, thus quickly robbing the city.

However, in other cities of the Black Khan State, the power of the Western Regions Commercial Bank was stronger than that of the Broken Leaf City. In the first battle of He Hunting City, Nadine rushed to seduce and ambush the monks of the Tang Dynasty, and sent many priests from various cities to set up ambush. Not to mention defeat in He hunting city, the strength of the supervisory institutes in the cities of the Black Khanate was also greatly weakened.

At this time, in the Broken Leaf City, relying on the clues provided by Zhang Changan, the Datang Master Monk, who was watching the principal priest and priest of the Supervision Institute, started operations in various cities.

After a period of follow-up and surveillance, most of the Great Tang monks scattered in the cities have found out the details of the priests in the priests of the city's supervision institute, including their residences, some preferences, and so on.

What Suddenly Nadine didn't know was that when he was so contented in He Licheng that he was going to seduce the Great Tang monk, his priests in the Supervisory Courts of the cities of the Black Khanate had been assaulted one by one.

The difference is that Nadine's operation in Heliu City has failed, but the actions of the Great Tang Masters in each city have basically succeeded. Therefore, to this day, the monitoring institutes in the cities of the Black Khanate are in chaos.

The staff of the Xiyu Commercial Bank hanged the heads of the priests of the Supervision Institute on the city heads to show the public. This caused panic among the supervisory institutes, and also allowed those spies who were previously bought or rebelled by Western business firms, or rebelled, or embarrassed, to clearly understand the power of Datang.

When the monks at the Western Business Office came to the door again, most of them were respectful, not too different from the situation at night.

For this reason, the fruits of years of hard work of the Western Region Commercial Bank were consolidated before the arrival of the Tang army.

It is conceivable that when the Tang army arrived, the fighting in the cities of the Black Khanate would be like a scene.

The spy forces of these black khan nations may not be as powerful as the nightfall, and they can not have such a great effect, but even if they only open a gate for Tang Jun, or create some chaos in the city at the beginning of the battle, cooperate The powerful fighting force of the Tang army is enough to bring the battle to an end soon.

Tang Jun is not all a pure monk army. With this arrangement, the cities quickly changed the banner of the king of the city. Under the general trend, the resistance of the black khanate will be much smaller and the war will end very much Quickly, there will be fewer casualties for General Tang.

In addition, after the Tang army occupied the city, these spy forces took the initiative to care for the people, and the order in various places could be restored immediately. They knew the situation in the cities and provided Tang Jun with more food and wealth. The most important thing is that Tang Jun continues to go west, so there is no need to worry about the changes of the Black Khanate behind him.

Those who are proactive, or half-push, or intimidated into the Tang Army's side of the Black Khan state, will try their best to protect Tang in order to protect their lives.

All of this is the basis for Tang Jun's successful expedition.

Li Xuan looked at the Broken Leaf City Road: "Since ancient times, cavalry was not used to attack the city. It stands to reason that Broken Leaf City should not attack the macarons. But times have changed, and the face of war has always changed. Broken leaves The black khanate soldiers in the city are not yet qualified to use the Wristfangs to wrench their wrists. Prepare, the army will rest today and attack the city tomorrow. "

Shangguan pours his fist: "Let's take the lead!"


In Broken Leaf City, the Black Khanate Khan Orguchak, sitting next to Satuk's bed, looked at the other side with anxiety, "I didn't expect that your injury would be so severe, so many days back from Hehecheng, Not fully recovered.

"Now the 100,000 Tang Army Jingqi has camped outside the city. I can imagine that more Tang Army will come in the future. I need you to cheer up and lead the warriors of Karahan to defend their homeland!"

Saturk looked bleak and couldn't see a little energy. The emphasis in Khan's words is enough to inspire any officer, but it obviously does not work for Saturk.

"Khan, did the messenger you asked for help bring the good news?" Satuk did not respond to Olgucsak's question, but asked it urgently.

Olgucsak frowned slightly. "I have sent a messenger to bring the news of Tang's sudden attack on Karahan to the caliphate. I believe he will respond soon.

"However, Satuk, although Tang Jun is near the city, his strength is not much. Now it is only about 100,000. All are cavalry. We have enough strength to defeat them without waiting for the Caliph's reinforcements. Your guard military……"

Speaking of which, Olgucsak did not continue, but the meaning was already obvious.

The Guards were built by Satuk and are now in the hands of the other party. Without his consent, even Olguchak would not be able to obey him.

Satuk looked bleak: "It's useless, the Guards are not Tang's opponents."

"How is this possible? The Guards are all monks!" Olgucsak lowered his face, apparently thinking that this was Satuk's excuse, "No matter how strong Tang's army can be, the Guards can't stop it? "

"Tang Jun is a practicing monk!" Thinking of He Liecheng, the most stunning and brilliant Jun Yan of the Black Khanate, couldn't help panic and fear, "The Guards can't possibly defeat them!"

"They are all monks who practice qi? They are all 100,000 people?" Orguchak's coldness appeared in his eyes, which seemed to him to be nonsense. During the battle of Chu Yu's army, he had seen 30,000 people. They are all monks who practice qi, which has shocked him. To say that the 100,000 Tang army are monks who practice qi, he absolutely does not believe it.

"To order the Guards to fight, we must defeat the Tang cavalry before the Tang army brigade arrives, so that the Eighteen Sands will be safe and sound!" Olguchak gave a command in a deep voice.

"Khan! You are sending the Guards to death! Believe me, Khan, Tang Jun is far stronger than we thought! Not only are they all practicing monks, but the sharpness of the weapon in the army is beyond ours. Know what! "

Satuk suddenly made it, "Keeping the city waiting for help is the best way to deal with it!"

Olgucsak no longer argued with Satuk, and he turned away with a cold face. "Satuk, not only are you physically injured, but your mind is no longer sober. In this case, the Guards can no longer be under your control. I will temporarily take over the Guards and concentrate all the monks in Karahan to defeat the Tang Army! As for you, take a good rest. "

Looking at the back of Olgucsak, Satuk sank to the bottom with a heart.

He seemed to have seen the scene of the Guards corpse running across the wild, which made him tremble with fear.

In fact, his injury was long gone. The reason why he pretended to be sick was because he knew that with the heart of Olguchak, the opponent would force the Guards to fight. No king will tolerate being dragged into a turtle by 100,000 soldiers, especially when he feels that he has a winning ticket.

Satuk thought he could be dragged in, and the food army came to help. After all, there are many troops in the Black Khanate. As long as the Batu Shadi persists for a period of time, the division of the King of the Kings in each city will come. At that time, even if the Tang army follows up, the situation may be reluctant to stabilize.

But he did not expect that Orguchak would forcibly take command of the approaching guard.

At this moment, he suddenly came to understand, I am afraid that in the other person's heart, he had already had too much influence and could not afford his tail. He had to cut off his wings. Taking away the Guard is undoubtedly the best option.

He couldn't pretend to be ill, which happened to give Olguchak an excuse. After all, the enemy was ahead, and the most elite army could not play without reason to defend their homeland.

At this moment, Saturk was ashamed and stunned: "Khan, you don't know at all, what kind of existence Tang Tang is facing. It is not a trivial, but a group of devil! ... It's over, Hachimanshachi City ... It's over. "

Suddenly, his eyebrows froze, he got up from the bed and gritted his teeth, "Come here, gather up your family's wealth, and be ready to break out!"

He had made up his mind to flee to the west to find the blessings of the great food once the situation was wrong.

After the Battle of He Hunting City, he no longer had the courage to face Tang Jun, because he knew it was just to die. If the Guards were not to be defeated by Tang Jun, he could only escape with his followers.


When Li Zhi saw the city of Broken Leaves, when two hundred or so great monks emerged into the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The majestic figure wearing gold armor at the head of the city looked gaunt. G.

"It seems that we don't have to wait for the siege tomorrow. Today we can occupy this city."

Li Xun turned his head to Shangguan and pointed to the city's Olgucsak. "This is a brave king, but unfortunately, because of limited knowledge, he seems to have a hard time."

He knew something that no one else knew. A few years later, Saturk launched a coup and relied on the Guards in his hand to drive Orguchak out of power. He made the Khan of the Black Khanate and took his country to open up territory to become a generation The lord.

It's a pity that the situation is not the same now. The Guard who made him famous is probably not going to have the opportunity to cross the square.

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