The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 143: Determine whereabouts

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Li Ye knew that the Guard was coming, but he did not know where the Guard was now. In this sense, Mullen, who had the help of the true gods, was a lot ahead of him in terms of information.

After all, the Black Khanate is already the site of the Crescent religion, and the other party has more than half of the convenience of home here. The eyes of Emperor Li's emperor Tao are not far-sighted, especially when the true gods of the crescent religion deliberately suppress them. Before, they could also follow the Western Regions Commercial Bank to enter Barshan Khan, but now they can only synchronize with the army.

But Li Yan also has his way.

At present, there are monks from Western Region Commercial Banks in each city. Because Zhang Changan cooperated with them in a series of actions, Western Region Commercial Banks now have a good situation and strong action in each city. If he tried his best to find out what was going on, how could Mullen's guard conceal his whereabouts?

These situations were fully considered before the army entered the Black Khanate, and they also discussed the corresponding military strategy with Qi King, Shangguan Qingcheng, and others, as well as with the military leaders. So at this point Li Zheng only had to let Zhao Polu and Chen Qinglin know that the Guards had already joined the battle, and the rest need not be said much.

Of course, it's okay to say more. After all, Li Zhi can use the eyes of Emperor Dao to communicate with each other at any time.

Shortly after the capture of Hulun Town, Zhao Polu, who was planning to march to the infantry town, immediately ordered the Tiger Guards who had left the city half after receiving the news from Li Yi, and returned to the city, canceling the plan to attack the infantry town.

Yu Linjun's general Chen Qinglin also thought so. His songs have been out of town for half a day, and after receiving the news, he also withdrew all the plans and sent the elite monks to explore the military situation and try to contact the Western Regions Commercial Bank.

The enemy's sentiment is unknown, and naturally he cannot take the liberty to attack. The first step must be to hold his ground and detect the situation of the other party.


Fairy field.

"This time of the Western Expedition, Xianfan moves together, the crescent religion is extraordinary, and you can't be lazy. If you lose the enemy's defeat, you won't be spared!" On the treasure hall, Li Yan overlooked the immortals and was not angry.

The monks standing in the treasure hall are divided into three groups, which are Daomen fairy, Shimen monk, and monk monk. They all stood hand in hand, with a solemn look, and when they heard what Li Yan said, they all bowed to their promises.

Master Tongtian is now fighting fiercely with Yang Yan. The immortals in his faction are now standing by the Taoist immortals.

It turned out that he was standing on his own hill, but now it seems that he can't stand up to Shimen, Daomen, and the Demon Tribunal by his own strength. In order not to lose his right to speak, he chose to reconcile with Yang Yan and return again. The big embrace of Daomen Fairy Sequence.

Li Yan glanced at the immortals and took their subtle look into the bottom of his eyes. He saw that they were determined, aggressive, and nodded with satisfaction.

After leaving the class, Li Xun and the monks such as Feihong Holy Buddha, Ox Demon King, and Yang Xun came to the Royal Garden for a walk to discuss some strategies and details of the battle.

"Some time ago, because of the supplement of the cultivation resources, the realm of the big guys have returned to their previous levels. Some of the qualifications are good because of the continuous changes in Xianyu, especially the things you have risen against the trend, plus the previous Unprecedented influx of cultivating resources has been greatly touched, my mind has been realized, and the realm has been improved.

"In general, the power of Xianyu is much stronger than before."

Feihong, in a white dress and a white dress, said that he picked Li Xian's long eyebrows full of imagination, very chic praises, and slightly red lips, very charming.

She had lost the quiet, lonely temperament she had before, and Li Yan felt that she had a tendency to move closer to Song Jiao.

Yang Zheng then said: "The monks are thinking about going to war soon. Although the wealth from the Americas is large, the share of Xianyu's income is limited. To be honest, everyone now wants to **** the resources of cultivation of crescentism."

Compared to Feihong, Yang Yan said this very straightforwardly, directly piercing the nature of the war to grab food and money. The world is all for the good, and the country as a collective will is even more so. Without the Silk Road in the Western Regions and the huge benefits brought by the prosperity of commerce and trade, Datang would only enter the desert if it was full.

After hearing the words of Yang Ye, the demon king snorted disappointedly and sighed loudly: "What robs people of resources, we are going to fight to unify the realm of cultivation, to completely eliminate **** wars and deaths between sects and nations, and to the monks, A better living environment for the people makes Datang stronger!

"Only in this way can we bring the monks in the world, set foot in a new world, seek more opportunities, bring back more resources, and finally achieve the purpose of providing more benefits to the people of the world! We are just, not robbers."

Yang Yan was stunned by the Demon King.

However, he was not angry, and he did not argue with the Demon King. Because he is very clear, the keynotes of the previous two paragraphs have been set, and he can say more that he cannot change the fact that the "state" is higher in the ox devil's discourse, and the argument is merely to humiliate himself.

Li Yan ignored them. The battle between the demons and Daomen Xianting lasted for many years. Although they live in harmony at the moment, the battle between them cannot disappear, and the Ox Demon will be disgusted when he seizes the opportunity.

It's just that under the big banner of Li Zhi, their fight can't be troubled.

"This time in the Western Expedition, there must be a big war. It has a bearing on the overall situation of the confrontation between the civilizations of the Tang Dynasty and the Crescent Church. Please also invite Her Majesty ’s grace and let his ministers be pioneers! Fight for success, Your Majesty, please give us this opportunity! "

Yang Xie asked for his fist. He doesn't argue with the Demon King, it doesn't mean he won't argue.

The Bull Demon stared at the bull's eyes as soon as he heard this, "Yang Ye, shut up! Your Majesty monk has always been a pioneer since he fought in Fairyland, and he has been fighting fiercely all the time. The reason for our errands ?! "

Yang Yan obliquely looked at the bull demon Yang and hummed coldly: "Is the overall strength of the Taoist immortals comparable to your demon tribe now? The West Expedition is about the overall situation of the unified cultivation of the true world.

"Wow, I'm so mad! Yang Ye, you jerk, eat a spouse!"

The two guys fought verbally and soon became shirtless.

Li Yan ignored it and smiled. Although the Demon King and Yang Xie fought each other in public, they restrained the people below them very hard. Whoever dared to have trouble with each other must be punished severely.

This resulted in that the Demon King and Yang Yan were often inextricably in the field, while a demon and an immortal were sitting on the sidelines and drinking together. From time to time, they also commented and praised the battle between the Demon King and Yang Yan. Applaud together from time to time.

Of course, when the Bull Demon King and Yang Yan are done fighting, the nymphs will stare at each other. I look different from you, but they stand up by twisting the jugs, and the farts are scattered behind their bosses.

The Feihong Holy Buddha continued to walk with Li Yan, not squinting and not stagnation. He didn't even look at the tears of the Ox Demon King and Yang Yan. There were six clean styles of pure Buddha heart, and everyone's demeanor was instantly highlighted.

"I have discovered something recently." Chief Feihong suddenly said a word without thought, and seemed very cheerful, "The enchantment above our heads is loose!"

Li Yan heard his expression and looked moved.

The real world can fly on the ground, and the immortal realm can go to the sky. According to the theory, Da Luo Jinxian should have the ability to cross the void. But in fact, even the old immortal emperor failed to jump out of the immortal realm and go to a wider world. According to Daomen, it is always within the Three Realms.

The reason is because there is a layer of encirclement that even the big Luo Jinxian cannot break through.

At this level, Feihong discovered after the achievement of the Holy Buddha, and has been exploring, but he does not know what kind of existence it is.

Li Yan also "observed" this layer of invisible, intangible, but real existence. If you approach it, you will stagnate. With his practice, if you go deep into the enchantment, you will not be able to do anything. You can only return.

Li Zhi has actually heard about this realm.

When he was on Earth, he knew that there was a similar "enchantment" on the periphery of the solar system. Once the space probe enters this area, the speed will decay. Voyager 1 faced this dilemma after leaving the heliosphere, that is, it could not really leave the solar system.

Some science fiction writers describe this existence as a protective layer. People inside can't go out, people outside can't even come in, and the protective layer can only be broken from the inside.

This protects the civilization in the stellar galaxy, allowing them to grow and grow smoothly. And when they can break this protective layer from the inside by themselves, they have the ability and qualification to face the vast universe and enter the wider world.

"How loose is it?" Li Min asked.

Feihong shook his head. "It just started to loosen. I have gone in. The distance that I can go deep has not changed, but I feel that it is no longer as stable as before."

Li Yan groaned. He remembered the starship that appeared above Teotihuacan.

He vaguely felt that the opportunity to enter a new world and seek more answers was quietly approaching.

Among the unknowns, the most indispensable must be difficulties and challenges.

To face the challenges of an unknown world outside, Li Yan dare not say that he is sure. If there is an opportunity, then all forces in this world must be aggregated. But if there is no unity in the world of self-cultivation, the grasp will undoubtedly be too small.

"The future will come, after all, all we have to do is go well today."

Li Yan converged and said to the Feihong Holy Buddha: "This is the western expedition of the Immortal Realm. Shimen, Daomen, and the demon tribe are a pioneer to see who can deal with this crescent religion. Advantage."

After all, the practice systems of Shimen, Daomen and Yaozu are different. The monks of all parties have their strengths and shortcomings. At the same time, they can increase their confidence in finding the key points of each other.

Feihong nodded. "It should be."


Forget about the city.

In the past few days, Zhao Polu has received a lot of news from the Western Region Commercial Bank. All signs indicate that a large food aid army is likely to appear in the Infantry Town a hundred miles away.

However, the Western Region Commercial Bank of the Puppet City has not heard any news these days.

"In this way, the infantry town is tightly sealed. If it is an ordinary army, it is impossible for the Western Businessmen to move, which means that the infantry town does have a powerful force."

Zhao Polu thought of this, and he already had the answer in his mind. "In view of the current situation, the garrison garrison is in the infantry town! I don't know how many garrisons are in it, all or part of them? "

After clarifying the enemy ’s position, the next step is to check the opponent ’s actual situation and know how many troops and forces the opponent has, in order to formulate a countermeasure. And because the goal has been set, it is not easy to do this, but it is not particularly difficult.

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