The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 146: Have their own responses

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Li Yan had always had a question before.

When Gao Xianzhi led his army to fight against the Da Shi army outside the city of Luosuo, with the fighting power of the Tang army at that time, why did he not attack the Da Shi army for five consecutive days. At that time, the army of Tang swords in the army, but the world was sharp, no one could match it, not even block it.

Now seeing the situation in front of the city, he had a preliminary answer in his heart. The crescent teaching monks are truly extraordinary. This brave and light-hearted demeanor makes them not resign even if they are seriously injured.

At the time of the restoration of Hexi, Li Zhi had seen the Tubo warriors. Those warriors who lived in the poor waters of the plateau and were desperate to survive, were indeed more fearless of death than the people of the Central Plains Antai land.

But they are still a lot worse than these crescent monks.

The root cause is the difference in faith.

These crescents taught monks, not only with firm faith, but also with enthusiasm. From the moment the crescentism appeared, it was one hand of scripture and one sword, which destined it to expand and fight, which is not comparable to ordinary denominations.

At this point, Shimen and Daomen seem to be too mild and conservative. They have the meaning of being rich and happy. Once a certain place is achieved, it is either internal struggle for power or self-expansion. There is no wild nature of continuous expansion.

This is one of the reasons why Shimen was defeated by the Crescent.

Li Yan looked sharply as the two armies killed in a group.

After the crescent priests broke into the front line of the Tiger Guard, the offensive momentum was much heavier. Although the Tiger Guard formation was broken, there were actually not many casualties, and the soldiers of both sides fell into a melee.

Li Zheng saw Zhao Polu flew to the front, and under the orders of the opponent, the Tiger Guard generals behind the melee quickly organized the formation and pushed the shield back up again. The Tiger Guards in front of the melee did not hesitate, and they fought back into the shield.

The Food Guard wants to follow the Tiger Guards and take the opportunity to break into the shield. This is of course unrealistic. How could Tiger Guards be trained to give them the opportunity to block them out?

As the small arrays stabilized their positions, the shield line of defense was re-established, and the entire Tiger Guard advanced, and restored the posture of the copper wall and iron wall. This made the Great Guardian monks one by one as if they were crazy, and the red-eyed monsters called roars, and the beasts constantly ran into the tiger guard's large shield spear array.

They just paid a heavy price, finally managed to capture the Great Shield formation, and before they let go of their fight, they returned to their previous situation. How can they be willing? Although the crescent priests died bravely, but the death of the same robes would provoke the anger of the soldiers everywhere.

Seeing this, Li Yan said to King Qi: "It seems that Zhao Polu doesn't need us to point him, he's sober."

King Qi did not take it seriously: "If the general of Tang Dynasty is only brave and only knows that he will rush forward without brains, there will be no glorious Tang Dynasty."

Li Yan smiled and nodded.

Seeing Zhao Polu's command, Li Zhi knew that the other party had never thought of immediately attacking the Guardian of the Food Guard, but decided to defend first, using a stable army array to consume the fighting power of the Guardian Guard and The spirit of flesh.

When the opponent is tired, that's when the Tiger Guards fight back, and it's the easiest time to win. This may take three or five days, or ten and a half months, or even longer. However, the effectiveness of the Guardian Guards is worth waiting for this time.

After seeing the opponent's combat capabilities, Zhao Polu was able to quickly and accurately judge the situation of the two sides and make appropriate countermeasures. This is a quality that a general must have. Let Li Yan also be satisfied.

Again, the defensive side naturally has the advantage. As long as the two sides have equal combat capabilities, the offensive side will have to pay a double price in order to obtain the results. Otherwise, it will not be said in the art of war, ten will be surrounded, five will be attacked, and times will be battled.

Without military strength, there is no qualification for offense.

The battle was in full swing.

Although it is not a desert outside the city, it is also a desert area. Even if the monk practicing Qi deliberately controls the spiritual overflow, try not to arouse the smoke and dust. At this time, the front soldiers are tossing and jumping in the sand.

Few people can slash the enemy with a few knives. The monks' armors on both sides are not ordinary. They are defensive. The magic knife and sword are cut on it. They are no different from ordinary swords on iron armor. There is no need to say that there is a shield like the armor-breaker. General Tiger Guard also has a small shield.

Only when the long sword pierces and the long gun pierces, it can penetrate the opponent's body.

The two teams killed the soldiers in front of each other, and they often had to fight hard for a few minutes to get someone to fall. In this case, the exhaustion of energy is extremely large, and even a monk practicing qi can't kill an hour without interruption. Often it is half an hour of hard work, and the same robes on the back will rise up and replace them.

Ordinary warriors battles will become melees later, while monks who practice Qi training will later become battles. Compared with the former, the latter moves more neatly and the command is easier to move.

However, in Li Yan's view, any killing, to the extreme, is still inevitable. But for the Tiger Guard and the Food Guard, this limit is a bit high and difficult to reach.

That's it.

The troops invested by the two sides in the battlefield totaled more than 200,000, but it was the peripheral queues that really fought. In addition to the recklessness of the Guardian's sudden advance into the battle, a large number of monks were damaged, and the follow-up monks died and were injured by hundreds or thousands.

"Now the problem is over the Guardian Guard. If they want to break through the Tiger Guard Shield Spear Formation, they must leap into the formation and pay several times or even ten times the cost of casualties."

Li Ye looked at the battlefield. "But if they don't, they never want to enter the battlefield. They want to shake the Shield Spears forward. It is simply unrealistic. If they don't give up the attack, the Shield Spears will also let They have more casualties than the Tiger Guards. "

King Qi said: "The food garrison attacked aggressively. Presumably the entire army was determined to defeat the Tiger Guard. Now that their offense is frustrated, there is no way to fight the Tiger Guard. The monk's heart will inevitably fall. Unsustainable, the blow to morale will be great.

"At this time, even knowing that the offense will pay a heavy price, in my opinion, the garrison guards can only continue their onslaught. In this way, they have the possibility of winning. Otherwise, they will be defeated and the situation will be exhausted. That's bad. "

Speaking of this, King Qi smiled, "This is also the price they need to pay to attack my Master Tang of the Tang Dynasty without saying a word."

Li Yan said aloud and agreed with King Qi's judgment.

Then he laughed: "After all, this war is about winning or losing. It is better to take the initiative to attack than to wait for others to attack. At least you can take the initiative. In fact, even if the Guardian retreats, there may not be much problem. As long as they can adjust their mentality. "

The Da Shi Guards need to be aware that the Tang army is different from those enemies they encountered before, and change the kind they are accustomed to, depending on the pride of the world as dung. In this way, they will give up the offensive and wait for the Tiger Guard to attack, and the situation will be much better for them.

King Qi understood Li Yi's meaning and frowned slightly: "If so, can the Tiger Guards break through their battle line?"

This problem is critical and deadly.

Li Ye didn't comment.

Regarding Qi Wang's fiery temperament, he did not even question Li Li's behavior of selling off the key.

She also knew very well that she was still not sure.

Da Shi Guard's offensive ability has already been reflected, but its defensive ability has not been revealed much at the moment.

After all, the Tiger Guard has the means to press the bottom of the box, and the Guardian may also have it. These will not be exposed at the beginning of the war. Because once the method of pressing the bottom of the box is used, but no victory is achieved, the victory basically does not belong to itself.

Over the Guards battlefield, Ali was somber and looked silent as he watched the battle queue between the two armies.

In his eyes, the battlefield of the two armies was a two-sided lake, which suddenly squeezed together, setting off boundless waves at the boundary; it was also the turbulent sea water that slammed on the solid reef and splashed into a line of waves.

There is no doubt that the fighting is fierce. With each shot, monks from both sides erupted into a dazzling aura of light, with one shot coming out like a fire, one cut apart like a moon, and a shield separating the two worlds, such as gas explosions and calm waves.

However, the Lake of the Guardian Guard has never been able to annex the Lake of the Tiger Guard, and the huge ocean of the Guardian Guard has never been able to submerge the reefs and can only splash water in vain.

"Deputy commander, if we continue to fight like this, we may not be able to win Tang Jun today!" Said a monk anxiously.

Ali thought for a moment and yelled, "All-out attack, order the monks to pass the Tang Army shield formation! As long as there is a shield formation, no matter how much it costs, it will all jump over! I don't believe that the Tang Army battle formation is really a copper wall and an iron wall. It will not mess!"


After the military order was issued, the crescent priests organized forces again, jumped over the shield array, and entered the Tang army. This time, they improved their fighting methods and were no longer content to jump over a shield formation and enter the front of the Tang army. Each time Tang Jun appeared in the battlefield, they would jump directly and continue to move forward.

In this way, the followers of the Guardian Guards continued to follow up and joined the battlefield. They suffered extremely heavy casualties, and the corpses on the ground gradually increased. The yellow sand in many places was stained with dark brown by blood.

However, more and more Guardian monks joined the ranks of the fighting. The two sides of the fighting spread from the front to the midfield, and the situation suddenly became chaotic.

Ali's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his heart secretly said, "Tang Jun is indeed extraordinary. It is not easy to defeat them, and it has to pay a price, even a great price.

"I have the advantage of 50,000 monks, and I must make the most of it. The price of the jump is affordable. In the face of such a fierce offensive, can the Tang army be really stable? Let me see, the most elite of the Tang Dynasty What kind of means to press the bottom of the box! "

He is very clear that even today's battle, even if the Tang Army formation cannot be completely broken, some results must be obtained, otherwise it will be bad for the morale of the army. If you ca n’t really break through the formation of the Tang army, you must also inspire the last resort of the Tang army, so that you can make targeted arrangements in the future and win the final victory.

Zhao Polu saw that the Guardian of the Food had adopted this kind of extreme warfare. He did not treat monks as humans, and did not take human life seriously. He had to step into the Tiger Guards step by step with the corpse filled, and his eyes were also the same. sink.

He knew that the Guardian Guard could not be allowed to maintain such a fierce offensive, otherwise the Tiger Guard, which was inferior in strength, would not be able to hold its ground even if it could defend it today.

The Tiger Guards fought for victory, not for their insistence.

He looked at Ali from afar, his eyes lingering, and sneered: "Since you want to know how powerful the Tiger Guard is, then I will let you see what it is."

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