The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 206: Great victory (1)

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In all fairness, the Great Fleet fleet is powerful, it has the most warships in China and the West, especially the artifact warships; it also has the most monks in China and the West, especially the 100,000 pro-arms of Monchattaz.

As a sailor general, Monjitaz ’s pro-military forces accounted for a third of the sailors, and his strength was the core of the sailors. This shows his position in the big freshman. It can be said that the reason why the big freshman is now like this, he plays a bigger role than Mullen.

Monchtaz, who accompanied his warship all his life, devoted his life to his fleet. That was his painstaking effort, where he settled, his glory, his destination, and his greatest other than the true god. faith.

Now, in the face of the Lingnan Haishi of Datang, Rao is trying his best to cope with it, and he cannot overcome it. Seeing that he would be completely defeated by the opponent, and then withdrew from the sea. How can this be accepted by Monchtaz, without pain?

Li Yan stared at the battlefield, seeing that the big freshman had gone, there was no wave in his eyes, and he was as quiet as the deep ocean floor. He knows better than anyone. Although the Lingnan Fleet now controls the situation, it still needs a condition to win.

In Huluncheng, in Dumo Shui, Tang Jun had the upper hand, but did not win a hearty victory.

And this is because of the existence of the true God.

At this moment, above the immortal realm, the battle between the Tang Dynasty immortals and the big food immortals is about to begin. The immortal clouds rolled away on both sides, and the lights of immortals, large and small, flickered like stars and giant waves, gathered into a spiritual tide like the sea, hit each other, and erupted a larger aerosol, like a landslide, like the sea Turn and spread somehow.

Above the large army, dark clouds merged, lightning flashed like rain, and gas burst like a waterfall. Two nimble and fierce and overbearing figures flashed and collided in each of them. Each strike caused more lightning and thunder, which was appalling.

Li Yan and Zhenshen fought a sword in Yunlei. The two men, who were evenly matched, had a sharp drop in this attack. Li Xun's body is as stable as Mount Tai, and the true **** can't help but step back one hundred steps. Although he hasn't suffered any trauma, this is indeed the first time he was repelled by Li Xuan.

Perceived the strange color flashing under the eyes of the true god, Li Xuan pulled away and waved his sword to chop off while launching a psychological offensive: "The killing on the sea is very fierce, your believers are in a critical situation, and there are a lot of moments Fight to death, they need your help as a 'god', but you can't seem to give them power? "

Li Yong said that it was Lingnan Fleet that was attacking the Navy, and it was going well. The latter was not only in a comprehensive disadvantage, but it was about to collapse soon.

Earlier in the battles on the city and Du Moshui, although the Tang army was small in number, it relied on its armament advantage to prevail in the battle with the eclipse army. With the power of the soldiers, it had the momentum of defeating the Guards. . Several times at those critical moments, the true God lowered his divine power and helped the guards stabilize their positions.

At the moment, the Great Food Fleet on the sea was suppressed by the Lingnan Fleet and could not lift its head. The defeat was instantaneous. According to the previous practice, this is the time for the true God to work for His followers and help them turn the situation.

Hearing Li Ye's ridicule, Shen Shen's eyes were a little dark, and his complexion couldn't be more beautiful. He did want to help the Great Eater Navy, but Li Yan was fighting against him. The strength of the two was between Bo Zhong, and no one could be distracted, otherwise a catastrophe was on the way.

But without the help of the true god, the Great Food Navy is about to defeat the entire army.

"Why is it so difficult for Li Xun to sacrifice himself? It ’s only a matter of personal cultivation. His Majesty ’s military equipment is still so good. Until now, how should this battle be fought?

? "The true **** did not mess up his mind because of Li Yan's words, but the anger that was cramped in his heart could not be more real.

He knew very well that if he did not help the Eclipse, the Eclipse would fail.

Since the beginning of the war, he has been playing the role of a firefighter. Without him, the eclipse would have collapsed. As the deity of believers, He also has the responsibility to help his own ministry. But how can he save the navy now that he is too busy looking after himself?

The true God quickly abandoned his distractions and focused on fighting against Li Zhi. He knew very well that the eclipse navy could not be saved. Only by defeating or even killing Li Zhi, could he and Crescentism win this war.

As long as Li Zhi is dead, all problems will be solved.

It happened that Li Yan thought so too, so the fighting between the two became more and more fierce. Each shot was a dangerous murderous move. For a time, the thunderstorm in the fairy domain trembled, and the fairy scalp was numb.

But it's not that easy for them to separate.


Unlike the lost soul of Monjitaz, Yang Xingmi, who stood by the knife on the bow of the ship, had a calm face, but stood as loose, exuding a mighty spirit all over his body.

Watching the cruiser formation break through the battle of eclipses with an unrivalled attitude, he knew that the eclipse was over.

When encountering the Great Food Navy, Yang Xingmi thought that his side would win—any general would think about this problem before the battle. That is the desire and pursuit of victory—but he did not expect that Lingnan Haishi would win. So smoothly.

Although in the fierce battle, the flying fish ship also lost a lot, but Yang Xingmi never felt the pressure, and Lingnan Haishi had not yet reached the end of his cards. Defeating 300,000 sailors with one hundred thousand sailors in one fell swoop, this is a great victory.

And Yang Xingmi knows the reason why Lingnan Haishi won.

Compared with the Great Freshwater Division, Lingnan Sea Division does not have many advantages in terms of the number of monks, the fighting spirit of the soldiers, and the individual martial arts. The only thing that prevails is the quality of the warship and the corresponding tactics.

In a nutshell, Lingnan Hai Division won the armament.

All of this, Yang Xingmi knows exactly who contributed it.

He retracted his eyes from the battlefield and looked at the figure like a sword and a fairy on the side. The admiration and admiration in his heart was fiery. He clenched his fists, his tone was strong, and he said sincerely: "Fortunately, thanks to His Majesty's generosity, Lingnan Haishi can have today's appearance, so that he can defeat the enemy so easily, His Majesty, and admiration!"

Li Wei looked at Yang Xingmi's words strangely, he did not expect the other party to have such flattery words at this time. However, Yang Xingmi's praise still made him quite useful, because the result of the war in front of him was indeed the result of years of hard work.

Although the Lingnan Marine Division has only 100,000 soldiers, but the amount of investment is by no means comparable to the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army, even the Langfang Army is far behind. The entire Chang'an embargoed army, the military expenses of three purely trained monks, add up to the Lingnan Hai division.

With such a large investment, naturally there should be different results.

Unlike the rest of the world, Li Zhi knew the importance of the navy and understood what it meant for the dynasty to have an invincible fleet to dominate the ocean. That's why he gave Lingnan Haishi so much support.

The various artillery battleships, as well as the large number of bows and crossbows that match them, especially the artillery bed crossbow, are of invaluable value.

Li Xuan has high hopes for the Datang Navy and has entered an awkward situation in the land war

Ground, when the situation could not be opened, Lingnan Fleet should stand up.

What's more, now that the true **** is diligent in Immortal Realm, unable to help the big freshman, and although Marlen breaks through the battle and is currently being built as the crown lord, he is dragged by Shangguan Qingcheng and Langfang Army and cannot come to the sea.

This created excellent conditions for Lingnan Fleet to win.

"The whole army attacked and completely wiped out the big freshmen, especially the opponent's magical warships. They must not be allowed to flee in hordes!" Li Yan issued a military order to Yang Xingmi.

The cruiser formation had already entered the front of the flying fish ship at this time. The original chaotic battlefield immediately became a downside battle after they joined. The cruiser formations were like wild boars rushing into the vegetable field, trampling on the vegetables under their feet, and the flying fish ships from all over the place came in line with the opponents after the cruiser came over.

At this point, the eclipse fleet has no formation at all, the main force is completely defeated, but the number of eclipse battleships is dominant after all, not to mention the cruiser formations, there are also many eclipse warships, and they are running in a rush and have not been attacked. Vibrant coverage, farther away from the wings, the common warships eat but the queue is complete.

They had to run, it was still very easy, Lingnan Fleet could not chase for a while.

In this case, it is natural to give priority to the annihilation of the opponent's magical warships. As long as these are resolved, there will be nothing to hinder the Lingnan fleet in the future.

When the sea is gone, there are no hostile magical warships, ordinary warships that eat big food, no matter where they go, Lingnan Marine Division can clear at any time.

Yang Xingmi led the order. At this point in the battle, the overall situation was set. As a hero, he couldn't hold back and went to the battlefield in person to capture Monjitaz, the enemy general.

With the formation of eighteen cruisers, with more flying fish ships rushing forward, countless monks faced the opponents they could not solve on the eater warship in front of them, and bowed to the ground in despair before the death was about to come. Pray for strength from their true God, hoping for salvation.

Unfortunately, their efforts are destined to be futile. What they welcome is only the crossbow of the cruiser and the death of the ship.

At this moment, Li Min raised his hand on the Changan ship and looked up at the clear blue sky, revealing a happy smile from his heart.

The sea was defeated, and the next time was when the Lingnan Fleet supported the land battlefield.

Two spooky Chang'an ships, but have not yet entered the war, will show their fangs at that time, and will definitely eat an unexpected surprise in the army.

In fact, the current national strength of Da Shi is not necessarily worse than that of Datang. It is a pity that both the true **** and Mullen have focused their strength on the number of monks-their number of monks, the number of guards plus two deputy emirs, is more than double that of Tang.

From the perspective of cultivating civilization, this is not wrong, or even a decisive advantage.

Without Li Zhi, they should be able to unify this world and let the culture of cultivation in this world develop more purely.

However, when Li Zhi was strong in the Datang Army, he did not have to think in accordance with the spirit of cultivating civilization. He even deliberately used the military experience before the crossing to make the Datang Army achieve all-round power.

At this moment, Li Yun was just rejoicing for the smooth progress of the battle.

He didn't know how the Datang army he built and the "reform" of the road to the development of the cultivation of true civilization would have an impact on the plan of the true gods, and what it would bring to that civilization outside the boundary Kind of shock.

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