The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 209: Lucky star

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The lingering lights did not illuminate the large group of shadows behind the door court. The cool breeze at night blew the treetops to make a slight noise. Zhang Changan came to the door as usual and opened the door calmly.

When the light passed through the door slit, he was ready to hit it all. Based on the cultivation of the real world of his Yangshen, the strength of the first young monk of Datang, even if he came from a crescent priest, he also had the opportunity to deal with it.

Every time the door was opened, Zhang Changan had a hard-working psychological expectation, and even prepared dozens of hundreds of monks who suddenly burst out of the hospital to prepare for his blood donation.

Although Baghdad City is not comparable to Chang'an City, it is also a big city. The monks of the Western Regions are here, just as fish and shrimp are thrown into the sea. No matter how much care is set up, Rao is not half in front of the big waves Security at all.

Appearing outside the door was Sai Dianchi's handsome face with a deep outline and a beard with a well-fixed beard. Although his face was eager, it was not full-bodied, and his eyes were calm. There should be no bad things happening. He was followed by only one entourage, and there was nothing unusual, which further confirmed this.

Zhang Changan quickly swept around the outside, the house was cold, the street was quiet, and the trajectory of the wind passing was normal. He breathed a sigh of relief and let in the match code.

This is the base of the Western Region Commercial Bank, not far from Saidian Chi's house. Although it is late at the moment, Baghdad has no precautions against Saidianchi.

"At dusk, we were instructed to go to the Great Temple to hear the order. Now the Great Temple and the Palace of Wisdom have issued emergency orders to convene all the elite monks of the country and rush to the eastern Mulu city today!"

After entering the house, Saidian was too late to settle down, and he quickly told Zhang Chang'an the reason for the rush, "This time is a national call! It's rare to encounter it for decades, and the situation on the battlefield is not optimistic. I listen Said that the caliphate had ordered the inner library to be opened, to take out all the magical treasures in it, and to equip them to the monks who rushed to the east! "

Zhang Changan poured a glass of wine for Saidian Chi, and sat down to himself, indicating that Saidian Chi didn't need to worry, and explained all the details clearly. At this point, he seldom drank tea. Compared with that, more big cannibals preferred to drink. In order to be more like a big cannibal, his lifestyle was changing.

According to Sai Dianchi, Zhang Changan has a general understanding of the current situation.

Mullen lost the war in the Seven Rivers and lost control of the ocean. The only thing he can do now is to defend the Mulu city defense line. Of course, Zhang Changan knew that the upcoming battle of Mulu City was definitely not a border war.

It is related to the survival of the eclipse.

Whether it is the Great Tang or the Great Eclipse, the core combat power of the country is the army, and the key force of the army is the monk. The essence of the former is the Langfang Army, Tiger Guard, Yulin Army and Lingnan Sea Division. The core of the latter is the Guards, and the pro-arms of two deputy emirs, including the Navy.

Once this part of the force is wiped out by the other side, the food lands will be vast again, it is just an unguarded courtyard.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Monjitaz and Xi Luchi's pro-military forces have been destroyed, and there are more than 200,000 guards remaining in the monk ’s army. Resist the army of Tang, and the country will die.

Mullen certainly won't let this happen, and he should deal with it.

"The caliphate's order made it clear that the country is now in a critical state, and all monk forces must be used by the country to join this national war." Sai Dianchi said, "but the Baghdad's fifty thousand guards. , Did not receive Dongjin's order,

Should still be stationed in the capital. "

Zhang Changan nodded and thought for himself.

Obviously, due to the situation, Mullen has changed the current war from an army war to a civil war.

The integration of the Great Food and Religion, the power of the Crescent religion is extremely powerful, and the mobilization power of the sect is outstanding. The monks of the country are controlled by the sect.

On the ability of war mobilization, the current eclipse is very powerful, which is the benefit of the crescentism's strong spiritual control over believers. Zhang Changan knows very well that now is the time for the eclipse to show the advantages of its own country, the combination of government and church.

This is undoubtedly very bad news for Wang Shi.

"Do you know the specific implementation plan for the call order?" Zhang Changan asked Sai Dianchi. He was anxious, but not panicked. As long as the plan for refreshing the monthly education is available, there is still a lot of room for action for the influence of the Western Region's business offices in various ministries.

On the eve of the war, the five hundred Great Monks of the Tang Dynasty first entered the Black Khanate. After performing the task of killing monks from the Supervision Institute, they did not follow the army.

Sai Dian shook his head, "The elders didn't say anything about the comprehensive implementation plan today. However, with my current status in the Great Temple, I will definitely know many things later. As long as I pay attention to it, I can still find a lot of clues."

The crescent church call for monks from all over the country to rush to the front line of Mulu City, which is related to the movement of millions of people in the vast area, and there will undoubtedly be an action plan.

How many monks and materials are mobilized in each place, how long do they gather, and when do they set off, where do the small teams converge, the schedule of the big teams, and the cities that the teams enter when they arrive in the east There will be corresponding arrangements for any kind of tasks to be stationed.

Without a plan, the entire operation would be a piece of sand, messy and impossible.

Zhang Changan knew very well that he must control this action plan in advance. To provide a strong basis for the Western Region businesses in various places, especially the east, and Wang Shi's next targeted actions, thereby undermining the other party's plan.

If you can't stop all this, when Mullen will quickly deploy the personnel and materials, the Mulu City defense line will be a copper wall and an iron wall. And once Mullen begins to rely on a large area of ​​food to set up defenses in the upper layers in depth, multiple lines of defense will be formed to build a solid defense system.

Once that happens, how powerful Wang Shi is, don't even think about destroying the food within three or two years. This is the advantage of a large country with a large population and a large population. Even if it is defeated successively, the army has suffered heavy losses, and there is still room for saving the war.

In this war, Wang Shi had no time to use for three or two years.

Zhang Changan hoped to rely on Saidianchi to figure out the arrangement of the crescent religion.

But he also knew very well that Saidianchi alone would not work.

He told the Code Equator: "Although you are now a senior member of the Great Temple, you are not yet the most core personnel. You will know some plans, which is not surprising, because you will also have errands, but you must master the whole movement It's too difficult. If you deliberately make inquiries and conduct multiple investigations, it will inevitably make people feel strange and suspicion. "

The high-level board of directors of the Great Temple is also the high-level of the Crescent Church. It consists of thirteen principal high priests and controls the entire Crescent Church for the true god. Today's Saidian Chi is one of the 13 principal high priests.

But its core group is the five elders. They are extremely powerful, mysterious, and easily show up. It is also difficult for them to reach them in depth.

"So what should I do next?" Sai Dianchi quickly asked


He felt that Zhang Changan must have a solution. The young Tang Junyan in front of him is the smartest person he has ever seen. It seems that no matter what the problem is, he has a solution.

Zhang Changan took out a stack of papers from the storage bag, flipped two copies on the table, and took one of them to the equator of the Saidian: "According to the information we have previously explored, among the five elders in the Great Temple, this' Elder Mohad is one of the few people who has more outing activities, and we are easier to contact.

"In these days, according to the information you provided, I followed the vine and ordered someone to probe his details, but I got some useful things. In short, this person has the possibility for me."

After he arrived in Baghdad, the Western Business Office here was under his command. In addition to guiding the actions of Sai Dianchi these days, naturally he was not idle and did a lot of targeted things.

The key point is to identify the "available people" among Baghdad's noble figures and conduct detailed investigations based on the information of Western Region Commercial Bank over the years and the understanding of Saidian Chi.

Sai Dianchi heard Zhang Changan's words and seemed a little surprised: "The figure of Elder Mohad is already the highest existence of the Great Temple. He is extremely honorable and demanding. How can it be used by us? What is the reason for his betrayal?

"Although the five elders are not monolithic, they are different from each other according to their origins and temperament. Mohd is not very gregarious and has been restrained, but he is far from having deep grievances and has to turn his face with other people or do To the detriment of the Great Temple! "

Zhang Changan handed the document to Sai Dianchi, signalling the other party to quickly read it.

He hurriedly said, "We don't need him to betray the Great Temple. To get the news, we don't necessarily need the other party to hold on to the intention of betrayal. This man does have a respectable position, and he has no flaws in his personal use of wealth. It is impossible to buy him. "

Saidian Chi more and more confused, looked up at Zhang Changan puzzled.

"Mahrad has a very strong personal strength, but his origin is ordinary. Although he is not a poor family, he is only a third-class nobleman. He is now the five elders and his personal power has reached its peak. However, we need to revitalize the family in this expensive place. Baghdad is not that easy.

"In recent years, he has really raised the status of his family by relying on his personal influence. .

"So, he needs an arm. And you, Sai Dianchi, is his blessing."

After listening to Zhang Chang'an, the game code came to an end.

He has a distinguished status and belongs to the top class of nobles in Da Shi. Although he is only one of the 13 principal high priests in the Great Temple, he has a status gap with Mohd, but if he is willing to intersect with each other, the other party must be Unexpectedly.

Zhang Chang'an looked at Sai Dianchi and said calmly: "All you have to do is make Mohad. Once you become a Mo Ni, he wants to use your influence to fully integrate into the top aristocratic group in Baghdad. In the case of raising the status of the family, you will definitely treat you sincerely.

"As long as you guide a little bit, it is easy for each other to be friends without saying anything. By then, what you want to know is not a secret. Even if it is a core matter of politics and religion, you are a nobleman. , He is not worried that you will leak the secret, so there should be no reservations. "

Saidian Chi heard the last, opened her mouth, but was speechless. The arrangement for Zhang Changan can only be admired.

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