The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 211: Friendly alliance

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The discussions in the hall were not short. The elders announced the overall plan for recruiting monks, and Sai Dianchi got some useful news. But they are all outline-type collar-type, not very useful, at least unable to let Zhang Changan use tracking.

Soon many documents were distributed, one for each of the 13 principal high priests. They will be responsible for commanding and dispatching monks in various areas. This is the task. Sai Dianchi did not immediately open the papers to see, as did the other principal high priests. Everyone was very alert to each other, for fear of being targeted by others.

Just now the elders have made it very clear that the elaborate works of the Western Region Commercial Bank are pervasive. Nowadays, although the monks in the hall do not say that everyone is at risk, they are very careful and cautious. The trust of their companions is being tested.

"In order to ensure that the recruitment plan is not carefully watched by the Tang Dynasty, the part of each of your tasks must not be disclosed to other principal high priests, and you must not probe each other, or you will be severely punished!"

The first elder at the long table glanced at the crowd, his face was killed, and he was full of irresistible momentum. "Familiarize yourself with the task today and prepare accordingly. You must go to your own area at the latest tomorrow. As soon as you have an errand, you must follow the regulations. It will be completed within the time limit, the postponer will not be spared! "

Sai Dianchi collected her task papers and looked around for a few moments. Finally, her eyes fell on Sudden Nadine, and when she saw the other person's somber face and red eyes, an idea suddenly came to her mind: should it be Gather the other person under your own arm?

The failure of the Ombudsman in Karahan caused Sudden Nadin to bear a great deal of blame. Especially on the eve of the outbreak of the war, his plan to trap the monks of the Tang Dynasty failed. No one was caught. His manpower was also attacked by each other in various cities, resulting in heavy losses to the Supervision Institute and himself.

At this time, the other party should be urgent and want to find out more eyeliner in Western Foods, wear guilt and make achievements, and wash away shame. It is undoubtedly very useful if you can grasp the actions of the other party.

Among the thirteen principal high priests of the Great Temple, the Supervisory House, which specializes in dealing with Western Regions Commercial Banks, has four seats, and the weight is not small. Sai Dianchi speculated through the words of the elders that during the implementation of the call-up action, the elders must have targeted arrangements in order to prevent the Tang Dynasty from sabotaging.

Just as Sai Dianchi planned this, he saw Nadine suddenly look at him, his eyes were deep, full of uncertain inquiry. This makes Sai Dian's heart nervous, does the other party have doubts about himself?

According to the friendship between the two in Karakhan, especially the last cooperation, the relationship between them is not ordinary, but it is strange that after Nadine returned to Baghdad, he did not come to find himself.

You should know that you are a top noble, and you have a different status after you return. Suddenly Nadine should go his own way in order to alleviate his guilt. But he didn't know he was back in Baghdad until he saw him.

With this in mind, there was a bad hunch in Saidian Red Heart. He quickly reviewed what he had done before, and he never thought that what was wrong with him would cause Sudden Nadin's suspicion.

"Maybe he just doubts everyone?" Sai Dianchi comforted himself. This is also the case. After suffering such a big loss in Karakhan, he lost an unknown reason, and suddenly Nadine should be alert to everyone.

Observing the unexpectedness of Nadine Suddenly, Sai Dianchi temporarily abandoned her intention to attract the opponent, and decided to observe it first, go back to discuss with Zhang Changan, and then decide the subsequent arrangements.

Out of the deliberative hall, Saidianchi went to his classroom and opened the task paper to quickly browse. He was responsible for the monks' summoning in the area of ​​Susa, not far from Baghdad, and in its southeast, it was an important city for food.

Sai Dianchi was disappointed that no monks were assigned to the Gyeonggi land in Baghdad. However, he was not unhappy. Of the thirteen principal high priests, it was not only him who belonged to the top nobles. Two of them were slightly higher than him.

The monks calling around Baghdad must have fallen into those two hands. As long as it is not too far away from Baghdad, Saidianchi is willing to accept, which is also a result consistent with Zhang Changan's expectations.

Just when Sai Dianchi had begun to think about how to act, he saw the content at the end of the instrument. This content made his heart move, and his eyes glowed with light.

This is a supervisor

The extra orders of the procuratorate allowed him to investigate the fine works of the Tang Dynasty at the same time when he called for the monks. The key point is to increase manpower to monitor and screen monks under their command to prevent infiltration by the Tang Dynasty, and a plan of "leading snakes out of holes" was attached.

"It seems that in order to cope with the eye line of the Tang Dynasty and ensure the successful completion of the recruitment task, the elders did spend a lot of effort." Sai Dianchi read the whole plan of "lead the snake out of the hole", but felt that there was a chill behind him.

In the eyes of the elders, the infiltration of Tang Dynasty's delicacies will definitely not be less than that of Karakhan. Therefore, during the implementation of the call-up plan, Tang Dynasty's as a support frontal battlefield, it will certainly carry out sabotage.

In this plan, the elders inferred that what the Tang Dynasty could do was nothing more than two things. One was the assassination of monks in the main shrines who presided over the recruitment activities in various places. Monk is assassinated.

These two points will undoubtedly make the recruitment operation face a great dilemma. If it is successful, it will definitely reinvigorate the strength of the Monk Monk. Earn time in frontal attack.

In the plan of "leading snakes out of caves", the crescentism will deliberately make the movements in some places larger in the process of recruiting monks and materials, and entice the monks in the Tang Dynasty to take action, turn passive into active, and kill them. To achieve the purpose of killing, arresting the fine works of the Tang Dynasty.

After interrogating the fine works of the Tang Dynasty, he was able to follow the vines and destroy the strongholds of the western business firms.

"This is not simply to ensure the smooth implementation of the call-up action. The elders will take this opportunity to seduce the Tang Dynasty's eyeliner and strike again. If the operation is carried out in this way, the Western Commercial Bank will inevitably be severely damaged. You lose your ability to operate on a large scale! "

Sai Dianchi knew very well that Zhang Chang'an's actions to undermine the call plan were as expected by the elders. After all, besides that, there is no better option for western business firms. Operation in the enemy country, assassination of high-level leaders of the crescent mission, and destruction of materials are the most effective ways of sabotage.

"Fortunately, I am the principal high priest. Now that I know this plan, otherwise the Western Region Commercial Bank will suffer this time!" Sai Dianchi calmed down and put away the paperwork. Now he can't leave the Great Temple, he must convene his own staff to arrange the internal affairs.

After a long day of busy work, Sai Dianchi arranged an errand to Susa City. In the early stage, he will not take care of himself, after all, it is all tactics for errands, and the people below will handle it. Until the scale of monks and materials comes up, he will lead someone to preside over the overall situation.

"High priest, Elder Mohad has gone out."

Sai Dianchi got the news and immediately got up and went out. He sent someone to look at Mohad's side so that when he was on a business trip, he would meet with the other party and leave together, so that he could get close to the road. This is not unusual and no one will think too much.

The two met each other in front of the gate, and they were familiar people. Without much intention, they talked to each other. Speaking of the warming up place, Sai Dianchi consulted some great temples and spiritual practice. It is not very important but not a trivial issue. Mohald gives his face a better understanding.

The topic could not be finished for a while, Saidian Chi took the initiative to invite each other, and went to a nearby restaurant for a meal, everything seemed logical, and Mohad did not refuse.

Of course, this degree of familiarity is sufficient in ordinary times, and it is also a common sense of interaction between people, but the situation is tense at the moment, and Sai Dianchi must quickly enter into a relationship with Mehdra, which is too inadequate .

There are only two ways to get in touch with people quickly. The effect of the latter is undoubtedly better than the former. But people do not always have difficulties, especially the superiors. At this time, it is necessary to create difficulties for the other party.

Sai Dian did not have to go to great lengths to create problems for Mohd. In the unfavorable national war, when Marlen called up a national monk and went to the battlefield, no one could survive alone. There are a lot of people like Mohd, but they are not the top powers, and they can't shade the superiors of all the people, so they will naturally be troubled.

The key is whether Sai Dianchi can solve this trouble for him.

When the two had a taste of the food in the restaurant, Mohd took the initiative to stir up the stubble. "This time, the call order was issued, and all monks who met the requirements must go to the east to participate in the war, especially the monks who practiced gas.

There is no reason to stay. Poor my only grandson, who is only fourteen years old, but is going to fight in battle. He is still so young, and it is really heartbreaking that his life and death on the battlefield are unknown. "

Sai Dianchi showed enthusiasm today, and naturally Mohad would not be unaware. Now that the other party intends to make a good deal with himself, Mohad is also happy to push the boat and use the power of Saidianchi to benefit his tribe, so he begins to explore.

Sai Dianchi sighed, and said with a serious face: "The situation in the country is like this, and the caliph is ordering us, and we are involuntary. But the elders are the nation, and they have made countless merits. Even the only grandson is on the battlefield. . "

To this day, through the information provided by Zhang Changan, Sai Dianchi has a deep understanding of Mohad, and naturally knows that there are more than one grandson of the other, but three. It's just that the other two talents are average and hope to go a long way on the path of cultivation. In the future, only his young grandson will inherit Mohad's mantle.

Speaking blindly with open eyes, and speaking sincerely, is a necessary ability of a high-ranking official. Saidian Chi knew that Mohad did not want to send his grandson to the battlefield, so he killed the word "only grandson".

"The high priest who went to Damascus this time has a good relationship with me. I will visit him later. The elders' family members don't have to worry about it." Sai Dianchi continued, with a sincere look for the king.

His words are true. As a top aristocracy, Saidian Chi has a wide range of friends. Although his status in the Great Temple is not as good as that of Mohad, his influence on the eclipse is not comparable to Mohad. For his existence, it's really simple to do some household registration, coordinate up and down, and deal with an errand.

Mahad ’s family had calculated that in Damascus before leaving the Great Temple, there were more than 200 monks in the other race who were eligible for the call. "As far as I know, the elders are thin and will call for monks to control Within a hundred people, the elders think that the tribe may bear? "

Mohd heard that he was overjoyed, and he just tentatively, Sai Dianchi was so helpful, it was beyond his expectation.

After waiting for his words to thank him, Sai Dianchi continued: "This time the monks went on the march, although they said that they had prepared their own tools, the country would still support the elite monks. Just as my cousin was able to speak on this matter, I see the elders ’tribe. Over the years, there have been many battlefield deaths. Such a meritorious house should be given preferential treatment this time out of battle, and more elixir."

Mohad's eyes brightened, a little more potion, and an extra life on the battlefield! The so-called House of Merit is naturally rhetoric. Within the big family of food, who has not had a few monks who died in battle? His family is not so prominent in this regard.

"The High Priest is so helpful, I wonder what I can do for you?" Mohad calmed down and looked at Sai Dianchi and asked seriously, he did not think that the other party would help him in this way, and would not ask.

Sai Dianchi certainly wouldn't say his true thoughts, but he helped the other party, but he didn't try to reciprocate. He couldn't explain why, and would lead Mohad to speculate that he had ulterior motives.

He had long been prepared: "The first stage of the call-up is the gathering of monks and materials by the principal high priests. This second stage is led by the elders to the battlefield. I hope that when the battlefield is on the battlefield, the elders can help me. One or two, let me have more opportunities for merit, and I can go forward and back. "

Upon hearing this, Mohd knew it.

The war in the east was tense. In addition to the elders in the Great Temple, the other four elders would go to the war. At that time, each elder could select a part of his guardian ministry among the monks recruited. These elders' songs will undoubtedly take a lot of advantage. Under normal circumstances, the danger will not go, and others will not be able to grab them in the place of success.

It would be nice if Saidianchi's people could follow Mohad.

This is not to say that without Mohad, the Saidianchi will go to a dangerous place, and will struggle, because his identity is there after all. But Dormhard's help is undoubtedly also useful.

"The high priest is Toshihiko Kuniyuki. If you and I can fight side by side, it's the best!" Mohad immediately agreed. Sai Dianchi followed him, and Mohad could also enjoy the convenience brought by the privileges of the other aristocracy, and he would also benefit himself, which was highly desirable.

The friendly alliance reached this, and the two laughed at each other with a drink. With common interests, they became grasshoppers on the same rope, and they felt that the relationship was very close.

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