The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 115: Decisiveness (1)

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Saturk followed Naddin's gaze and looked towards the door. "Rush in now and arrest? Is this too fast? Do you have sufficient evidence?"

"If I had enough evidence, I wouldn't stand here now." Nadine hurriedly.

"Do you mean that there is a Tang dynasty in Saidianchi's house? If we rush in, we will get everything and obtain sufficient evidence?" Satuk asked with a hint.

"It's possible." Suddenly Nadine looked iron.

"If we can do that, we'll do a great job!" Satuk was excited.

Suddenly Nadine didn't move.

Satuk asked, "Is there any other possibility?"

"Perhaps there is nothing in it." Suddenly Nadine surveyed her way.

Saturk's face changed. "Then we broke into it and offended Saidian Chi, and as his status, you and I will be in a difficult situation in the future!"

Suddenly Nadine didn't answer.

Satuk asked anxiously, "What now?"

Suddenly Nadine took a long breath and made up his mind: "Surveillance here, while monitoring every move of Saidian Chi, waiting for him to show his handle!"

Does Saturk say: "The Saidian Chi Xiu is not low, the power is not small, and there are many masters around him. If we are discovered by him earlier, I am afraid ..."

"Then don't let him find it!" Nadine snapped his teeth.

Satuk blinked. "It's hard."

"If it's not difficult, I can do it myself, and I won't need your help. You still have some people, especially the monk, to send a team of people to me, and I will arrange surveillance for him." Suddenly Nadine The look was decisive and his eyes firm.

He used to be the principal of the Supervision Institute in the Black Khanate. He is very proficient in these matters. As long as the manpower, especially the monk, is sufficient, he will preside over this matter. Every move, track down what he wants.

Satuk pondered for a long time.

The Black Khanate was occupied by the Tang Army, and the army of the Black Khanate was almost completely destroyed, but many monks, especially the great monks, followed him to withdraw in time. Now these people are the foundation of Satuk's life.

No one can guarantee that there will be any trouble by transferring some of the elite monks to Sudden Nadine. After all, it is unpredictable. If those monks turned to Sudden Nadine as a cannibal, it would not be impossible.

"Okay, I'll arrange it when I go back." Satuk finally made up his mind.

Suddenly Nadine knew the other party's concerns and relieved: "You can rest assured that if there is really a problem with Saidian, our credit will be greater than you think.

"Now is the critical period for the execution of the call. If Saidian Chi is a detailed work of the Tang Dynasty, he will definitely act. As long as we can defeat their plans, whether it is the Great Temple or the Caliph, we will never treat us badly.

"The more you do now, the bigger the rewards you will get. It will be up to you if Karahan will be revived in the future!"

Speaking of Satuk's heart, he focused his head.

The two had decided, but did not withdraw immediately, but watched here for a long time, until four hours later, did not find Saidian Chi went out, they left together.

What Sai Dianchi didn't know was that the task that Sudden Nadin received in the Great Temple was not to cooperate with the execution of the call, but to screen the Tang Dynasty's fine works internally, and it was a secret operation. Fine-working forces are not

In a small case, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the call order, the second arrangement except the "lead snake out of the hole" plan.

After Zhang Changan communicated with Sai Dianchi today, the latter left the yard.

Since it was a secret exchange, Sai Dianchi certainly did not appear on the street. After leaving the courtyard where Zhang Changan was located, he did not go to the gate, but disappeared behind a rockery. There is an underground passage inside the rockery, which connects the depths of Sai Dianchi's house.

This end of the aisle is not in the small courtyard where Zhang Changan is located, which is naturally normal. Zhang Changan didn't have 100% trust in Sai Dianchi, and he had to set aside some distance in case of an accident.

After ten days, Saidianchi left Baghdad and headed to Susa City to preside over the affairs. The monks and materials recruited there have reached a certain scale. They have been assembled in a number of established locations. According to the plan of "leading snakes out of caves", he will go to the several materials and monks gathering areas that are deliberately exposed, waiting for the Tang Dynasty to enter into details .

Of course, for Sai Dianchi, this part is just a one-sided play. It is doomed that there will be no opponents and no audience.

On the day after Sai Dianchi left, Zhang Changan also left Baghdad and also went to Susa.

In the following days, where Chang Dianchi goes, Zhang Changan will follow, and he will communicate with each other in a timely manner, and formulate an action plan.

At this time, neither Zhang Changan nor Sai Dianchi noticed that the latter was followed by a rude tail, staring at his every move.

When Zhang Chang'an walked into the city of Susa, there were monks from the Western Commercial Bank, staring at the team of the Great Temple; there were also eyeliners of Nadine and Satuk, who were monitoring the movement of Saidianchi; at the same time There is a powerful force led by Zhang Changan, ready to go to war for various operations in the dark.

However, until Sai Dianchi took a neat team and was ready to leave Su Sacheng and go to the east side of Dashi, no conflict broke out when he was about to set off on the same day.

Everything seemed calm.

The storm is approaching calm.


As the Tiger Guard, Yulin Army, and other ministries successively arrived at the northern foot of the Kopet Mountains and set up camps near Mulu City, Tang's second phase of the war against the eclipse finally came in the expectations and expectations of all parties.

"The entire Mulu city defense line is centered on Mulu City and the Mulgabu River, and is supported by mountains. The army of one million eclipse troops on a 200-mile-long boundary with nine forts and 28 cities. Controls all roads and lanes that are accessible. "

In the military account, Li Min held a sword and pointed at the huge map hanging behind him, explaining the military situation to the general in the account.

The map was drawn by the Western Region Commercial Bank for several years. It is absolutely detailed and accurate. This is the basic basis for the army's actions. Many cities that Ma Lun used monks to build up in a short period of time were also proved by the monks of the Western Region Commercial Bank.

"In the one-million army of Da Shi, with 160,000 guards as the core, and more than 700,000 standing troops as the main force. As for the volunteers of the local lords in the east, they have previously collapsed in the Seven Rivers. It ’s not strong, let alone mention it. "

In addition to the 700,000 standing troops that had previously conquered Karakhan, more than half a million were successfully withdrawn from the front line of Mulu City. There are still many standing troops stationed in different places in the country.

Some of these troops have rushed to the east of Da Shi and entered the Mulu City line of defense. The other part is not mobile force, Datang Army

To meet them, they need to call their station.

Li Yan looked around the generals and continued, "The war against the Mulu City line of defense is no small, no big, and the key to victory is still the monk army. However, there are too many standing troops in the eclipse. Relying on the terrain of the mountains and rivers, we cannot be underestimated. Our ordinary army has no slight advantage.

"So our strategy is to use the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army to confront the Food Guards. With the cooperation of the Lingnan Hai Division, we will attack the Mulu City, Huoxun City, and Hulu City.

"The Wolffang Army, as a surprise soldier, did not participate in the siege in the early stage. It focused on preventing the standing army in other places, killing the city, and creating trouble for other embargoes."

Leaving aside the Langfang Army, Tiger Guard Army, and Yu Lin Army, the Changan Prohibition Army in front of the Mulu City defense line now only has about 40% of the Standing Food Army. It has no strength to attack and can only contain each other.

The food reserve army is fully capable, and it will definitely defend the attack and kill the cities.

The Wolffang Army has a foot strength advantage. At this time, it must be divided into several sections to assume the duties of firefighters.

Fortunately, the monk army in the Wang division now has an absolute advantage in number and its combat power is better than the Guards, especially the Lingnan Hai Division echoes on the flank-this is the biggest reliance on victory.

The ordinary troops in the Chang'an embargo, as long as they are guaranteed not to be breached, and not to hinder the monk army-their task is more to occupy the city, clean up the enemy remnants after the war, and ensure local order.

Because of this, both Li Zhi and Malun knew that the Eclipse Army could not keep the Mulu City defense line at all.

The only difference lies in when Tang Jun broke through this line of defense, whether the monks and materials needed by the second line of food can be in place in time, and whether there is time to build a strategic depth.

"Huoxun City and Hulu City are the flank support of Mulu City, and they are even more forward. If you want to get under Mulu City, you must first unplug Huoxun City and Hulu City."

Li Zheng returned to the commander's post and began to announce his military order: "From tomorrow on, the Tiger Guard will attack the city of Huoxun, and the Yulin Army will attack the city of Hulu. Within ten days, these two cities must be unplugged! In all the main points, you cannot let the Standing Food Army of the Eatery approach the Tiger Guard and the Yulin Army after killing them! "

Generals such as Zhao Polu and Chen Qinglin took their fists to lead their lives.

"After the start of the war, Mullen is bound to play in person. If he wants the Mulu City defense line to stay longer, he must play his role as an unparalleled combat force. The coaches of all the military forces are now known as the realm of soldiers and the battle force of the famous soldiers. , There is nothing wrong with the fairyland, and Mullen cannot naturally break through. "

Li Xu said slowly, "But when the siege is under way, the forces of the various military forces will inevitably be scattered more or less, and the famous battlefields will not be able to protect all the songs. Trouble will still exist. By that time, once Mullen played, Qi Wang, Da Shao Shi Ming and others will lead the monks in a timely manner to contain each other and give each army a chance to form a battle. You do not need to be at risk. "

Zhao Polu, Chen Linqing and others will promise in unison, and will be determined.

Although Mullen can be restrained, he cannot be blocked. No matter where he appears, the army must stop siege and defend himself. In this way, the progress of the army's siege will undoubtedly be greatly delayed.

This point, whether it is King Qi or the generals of the army, naturally see through.

But they received the attack without any doubt.

This is of course not that everyone is blind and confident.

It was Li Yan who said three words to them.

Changan ship.

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